Wax Golem

Drambuei's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 2 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 18 Organized Play characters.

Organized Play Characters

Grand Lodge Mark Walker 795
(0 posts)
Dark Archive Khrluhabieb

male Gnome summoner lvl4 (0 posts)
Wax Golem
Liberty's Edge Loren Gray

male Halfelf Oracle lvl 12 (0 posts)
Liberty's Edge Drambuie Goldenslogger

Male Dwarf Fighter 3 (0 posts)
The Exchange Gram Gunther

M Dwarf Gunslinger (0 posts)
Dark Archive SPINE

female 1/2 Orc Ninja / Monk lvl 3/1 (0 posts)
Scarab Sages Sunstroke

Female efriti Sorcerer (0 posts)

The Exchange NIIN

female Halfling Rogue (0 posts)
Sovereign Court Griffith Utarifson

Male Dwarf Inqisitor (0 posts)

Lantern Lodge Long-Wok

Male Human Fighter 3 (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Long-Wok II

male Tiefling Fighter (two hander) LVL-7 (0 posts)
Mordant Spire Elf
Silver Crusade Iron Penata

male assimar Monk (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Empty1
(0 posts)
Sovereign Court Sir Jhingleshod

male Nagaji 1 Paladin (0 posts)
Silver Crusade Andreia

Female Human Cleric (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Mark Walker 690
(0 posts)

Mark Walker 283
(0 posts)
Stone Giant
Scarab Sages Dr. Beleth DEAD

Male Human Keleshite Cleric / Mage 1/1 (0 posts)