Grey Render

Drali's page

Organized Play Member. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Here's one for you.
Some of the item bulks make no sense.

50ft of rope is a bulk of L.
Manacles have a bulk of -.
A weeks worth of rations has a bulk of L.

It's been bothering me for days, and I figured out why today.

These items (and maybe more) have the exact same bulk as their super technologically advanced Starfinder counterparts.

Titanium Alloy Cable. L.
Restraint Binders (zipties). -
Field rations for a week (space food cubes). L

They're just copied from Starfinder.

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Are there rules for playing old characters?

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Thebazilly wrote:
FedoraFerret wrote:
A part of me expects something of a revelation in either Return of the Runelords or the AP after it. Some big or small event which makes this all much more reasonable. Maybe it'll be the discovery of a hidden subspecies of goblin that aren't ridiculous murderhobos, a la WoW. Maybe some intrepid anthropologist will discern that the goblin tendency towards violent pyromaniacal homocide is a learned behavior, because no one bothered trying to teach them better.
Maybe it's all those goblin babies who were dropped off in human orphanages by soft-hearted murderhobos. Their village has been slaughtered, so they have the standard adventurer backstory down already.

My group has done this more than once.

Killing baby goblins is squicky.
We dump them on the closest Chaotic Good cleric we can find and skedaddle.

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Charm is mostly useful in single target private situations where you don't have time.

Need to stroll into a lobby and convince a security guard to help you, but don't have ten minutes to convince him?


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Triune, The All-Code wrote:
I think we're focusing too much on the drift, and not enough on this box of kittens I'm handing out to the next person that uses their drift drive.

How big a box?

Can I fit it in my ysoki's cheek pouches?

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It's because the spells jump levels.

All the Variable-Level spells are within one level of each other.

Everything on the second list but Teleport and Resistant armor are not.

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I'm already writing a plot about Androids forced (like sweatshops) to use Backup Generators to charge batteries in the slums of Absalom Station.

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And also, if you've ever sold a used video game to Gamestop...
Well, 10% is about right. xD

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Speaker for the Dead wrote:
The Morphling wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
It is probably just a typo...

Context elsewhere in the book confirms it is not. Soldier even gets an ability which lets them negate the "charge penalties" along with some other bonuses.

In Starfinder, charging is inaccurate.

They could be talking about the "charge penalties" to AC while charging. I haven't read the book but I would think they would keep the rule consistent.

Nah, this was talked about long before the book came out. It's intended.