
DragonLordAcar's page

44 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


scotchrocket wrote:
I would take the feat for a gnome arcane trickster, great for harmless pranks!

<casts minimize fireball> I cast Mass Baldness and Sunburn

Theaitetos wrote:
DragonLordAcar wrote:
TLDR: I need stereotypical evil spells

Spells with the Evil descriptor are a good start. However, many stereotypical evil spells probably won't work for you, because they're usually aimed at fighting/thwarting good enemies yet you wrote:

DragonLordAcar wrote:
So I am playing an evil cleric in an evil vs. evil campaign

So that removes all the "anti-good" evil spells like Protection from Good or Unholy XYZ from the list, leaving you with few stereotypical evil spells.

Creating Undead in any way (e.g. Animate Dead) is a good start, Infernal Healing instead of Cure Light Wounds, maybe Screaming Flames as an "evil cleric's Fireball".

Not sure what you meant with "Half Fallen Angel", but if you play a fallen Aasimar in an evil-vs-evil campaign, make sure to take the Consecrate Spell metamagic (+2 slot level), which affects evil creatures like the Maximized metamagic. This works on damage, healing, buffing and all other spells, that can be maximized.
To wit, Consecreate Spell lists as "prerequisites: Aasimar, able to prepare or cast consecrate"; as an evil cleric you cannot cast Consecrate because it has the Good descriptor, but you can still prepare it, thereby fulfilling the prerequisites RAW.

My personal favorite for evil divine casters is the spell combo Hold Person + (lesser-metamagic-rod-quickened) Enemy's Heart, allowing you to paralyze a person, performing a coup de grace (i.e. critical hit + death save), cutting out a heart and buffing yourself in a single turn -- much better than this n00b cleric in Indiana Jones!...

He has the half celestial template but my DM wanted me to swap the Sp abilities for their "evil" versions. Most people see no reason to change the spells but my DM sees the celestial blood corrupted as the ancestor is a fallen angel (but not a devil because the other planes and speciation is complicated as hell (pun very much intended) so not really qualified as a half fiend). The character itself is loosely based on Kaalia of the Vase for you MTG players but less somining and more egyption Pharaoh worshiping Set/Seth.

Also, thank you for not only listing spells, but metamagic and rulings of spells for combos. That is probably the most helpful advice I have ever received from a forum.

So I am playing an evil cleric in an evil vs. evil campaign (working with evil entities is just a normal work day for John Doe). I was wondering what are the opposite of the main "good" spells (not necessarily good descriptor).

For example, Bless becomes Bane and Protection from Evil becomes Protection form Good. What are some others?

TLDR: I need stereotypical evil spells

Extra Note: Previously asked in "Changing Half Celestial into Half Fallen Angel (spells)" but I don't think people understood what I wanted. Evil in this sense is not so much supportive as the stereotypical LG cleric (unless you count buffing the shit out of my undead army because animate dead is literally pay to win which reminds me, I need to... ahem... "acquire" an onyx mine)

ShadowcatX wrote:
I wouldn't change anything, your ancestor may be fallen but your genes remain the same. The spells may not be quite as helpful but you may be surprised.

The ancestor itself is a fallen angel so some spells should change (at least the protection and summon spells)

So I have a character in an evil campaign I am in and was wondering what some of the good spell opposites were (for example, Bless becomes Bane, Protection from Evil becomes Protection from Good, Summon monster IX now summons fiendish creatures). What I want to know is what are some options for the rest of the spell list? Cure spells and resurrection have some argument to stay but just as much can be said to make them harm spells (not sure what to replace resurrection with if it becomes its opposite).

Yes, I know a half fiend template exists but it doesn't quite fit the image I was going for. Most of them are demons with a few devils (and daemons if you look at the monster stat block specifically such as the erodaemon https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/daemons/erodae mon/).

TxSam88 wrote:
sounds like you guys do things the hard way. switch to Point Buy for stats, that makes everyone more equal. Also, don't do XP, use Milestone levelling, and simply level your character less often than the party.

My group likes rolling for stats because shiny sparkly plastic things make pretty click clack sounds. We also use bonus XP as rewards for good RP or good ideas. Every group to their own. Now is there someone who knows how to make the XP system described in my initial post a reality?

SheepishEidolon wrote:

Templates in Pathfinder have clearly defined CR changes, usually increases. So if one of my players wanted to play a half-dragon (+2 CR), I'd tell them "ok, but then you are two levels behind". If they insisted on XP, I'd tell them "you need twice the XP for each level" - that's pretty much equivalent to "two levels behind". At least for level 5+, see table 3-1, page 30 in the Core Rulebook.

Now with multiple templates it gets more fuzzy. If the same player wanted two more templates, with +2 CR each, I could let them play six levels behind - the math is on my side, but it's plain mean. So, as a rule of thumb, I'd halve the two increases, resulting in 2+1+1=4 levels behind. In case they come up with their XP again, I'd say "you need quadruple the XP for each level".

So far your GM has been very forthcoming to you, with the agreement on the slow track (which is roughly "one level behind").

There are also rules stating that you gain an extra LV every 3 levels they obtain up to half the CR adjustment (http://legacy.aonprd.com/bestiary/monstersAsPCs.html) gained somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd, 5th and 6th, etc.

I also love my GM for allowing me to do this because it means I get to play characters that others probably would have never thought of (I still try to give good reason for the templates and don't do anything that would separate them from the world the GM created).

Everyone in my group is generally more powerful as we roll 4d6, reroll 1s, do this 7 times, then drop the lowest set leaving the average ability score at 14-15 (unsure of the exact math but at least 14 as an average). Ability score increases are also 1d4-1 but no more than a +1 to a single stat each time (if I roll a 3, -1 to become 2 so i have two +1s that I can add to two different ability scores).

I also do some behind the scenes math to lower my power or just give strait up mechanical and rollplay weaknesses for my GM to abuse (ex. oni+minotaur+dragon character with psychic powers will do the BBEG's bidding if his adoptive family is held captive or my half celestial+fetchling+fey creature takes 1 damage per round when touching iron/cold iron/steal and an additional d6 from weapons made from said materials). To be honest, i make monsters with human characters as I like playing the character that is kinder than their appearance foretells. The problem is that they often become too powerful even with our high ability scores so the more things I can do to lower their power without causing them to have extra low health (LA but no HD to compensate) or just become weak in the long run helps. That is why I am looking at this option as it allows me to have an easier time balancing my characters or other player's characters without homebrewing specific weaknesses every time.

TLDR: My group plays high ability score characters and I do homebrewing under GM consent to lower my characters closer to the party's power level. This LA payoff system from 3.5e combined with the slow xp track will help keep the power level between me and the party about the same.

-How I do multiple template ability score/natural armor increases: Add all ability score changes then divide by number of positive modifiers if the total number is greater than negative, otherwise divide total number of modifiers; round this to nearest whole number and add this to highest modifier from the template, this makes the final racial modifier, then add rolled number; then add classed monster ability score modifiers and class templates if applicable; if a base race was used (human/elf/strix), add their racial modifiers at the end.

-How I do multiple template speed increases: Add all speed changes and divide by the number of positive modifiers if the total number is greater than negative, otherwise divide total number of modifiers; round to nearest 5ft; if speed changes based in % do this now (ex. increase speed by 50%); add this total to base speed

It makes more sense to me to track the xp separately so that I can track my xp payoff. On top of this, I will be overpowered for my level despite technically only being a few CR above the rest of the party (unintentionally learned how to min max hard). One of the main reasons is that it gives me a sense of urgency to find other ways to match the party than strait combat as that will slowly lose out to their higher levels.

In my experience, 1 Lv doesn't mean much. 2 Lvs does a bit. 3 Lvs and now you feel the disparity. As I took more flavorful elements for feats I am no combat god but I can still match a Lv5 at Lv2 in terms of damage.

Sorry for the ramble but it would also be helpful to use this in the future if players in my game had lower levels than the rest to help get them caught up or my one player of min finally gets a chance to play literal demon.

So I recently found the rules for xp in 3.5e and even a calculator for it. However, I then realized that the xp to level up were vastly different between the systems and calculating xp for each CR of monster in an encounter is a pain. Is there a way to use the party xp and overall CR of the combat to use this ruling?

Contex: As I like to make weird characters with templates and then balance them out later, a rule me and my GM have come up with is to ut me on the slow xp track while other players are on the medium xp track. The problem arises when the levels become too far apart and the level adjustment due to my characters templates is more of an anchor than it is helpful. The level adjustment payoff using xp system that is is 3.5e is good at reducing this but not fully. All in all, I don't mind being a level or two lower than the party but I don't want to fall below so far as to be the dead weight of the party at higher levels.

Thanks. Now I can say that my wyvern demon fallen angel can bite, claw, claw, tail, sting (and poison as 1d4 Con damage every 1d4 rounds) in one round. Trust me, not the most broken CR8 I've made. #evil campaign

So for my particular circumstance, I have a creature with a tail attack but then it has a poison stinger on that tail. Do I get to attack twice as I have two natural attacks or do I have to choose?

Edit: missing capital letter

Derklord wrote:
DragonLordAcar wrote:
Anyhow, if there is no official ruling, what is the best way to handle this?

Well, the esiest way is to simply not use them - there are plenty of templates, do you really need to use some third party ones written for a different game? I don't really see handing out templates with +4 or even +6 level adjustment as story rewards as sensible. And said level advancement is a) done by a player, as those two are not published templates, and b) balanced for 3.5, which might not make that advancement correctly balanced for Pathfinder.

If you do want to use them, just replace the HD increasement with +1 HP per level. When using average HP (which is what's done for monsters), increasing HD one step, and granting +1 HP per level/HD, has the exact same result. PC's would actually loose out 1 HP due to the maxed first HD (when the changes are applied retroactively), but that's obviously negligible. Honestly, altering HD is a pretty stupid mechanic, unless there were things in 3.5 that interacted with HD size.

DragonLordAcar wrote:
I can't find the one I found on an official site but it says "increase hit dice by one size" and that is it.
With "official site", do you perchance mean d20pfsrd.com? If yes, that's in no way an official site. It is full of third party stuff, and is also known to often change, omit, or add text without indication. The only official site is aonprd.com.

Thanks for the advice and yes I was using d20pfsrd thinking it was an official site. As for the story reward templates, the largest I use without the player using up resources and going through a time-consuming ritual is a +2. I will also use Archives of Nethys way more. Thank you for pointing this out.

I guess this answers my questions and sorry this devolved into homebrew advice.

vhok wrote:
DragonLordAcar wrote:
Derklord wrote:
Can you link those templates? Because I don't recall ever seeing one, and often the wording contains clues.

So the templates that state this from what I can find in my bookmarks (there may be others I missed) are all 3pp but follow 3.5e guidelines for templates and are relatively balanced. Here are a few examples.


Most of the others limit the HD increase to d12s or say the creature gets a +2 bonus to hp if already at a d12 HD.

3pp rules can do whatever they want, and i'm pretty sure they have their own forums. we don't usually deal with them here this is for official PF1e rules

I can't find the one I found on an official site but it says "increase hit dice by one size" and that is it. Anyhow, if there is no official ruling, what is the best way to handle this?

Derklord wrote:
Can you link those templates? Because I don't recall ever seeing one, and often the wording contains clues.

So the templates that state this from what I can find in my bookmarks (there may be others I missed) are all 3pp but follow 3.5e guidelines for templates and are relatively balanced. Here are a few examples.


Most of the others limit the HD increase to d12s or say the creature gets a +2 bonus to hp if already at a d12 HD.

So what happens when a player when I give them a template that increases there HD above the d12. In my campaign, I hand them out as part of character arcs. One character discovered portions of memories from her past lives fighting Apophis in a never-ending cycle of reincarnation. This allowed her to tap into her lost magic and the energy strengthened her body. She will also later find that her father is the Zodiac Capricorn which I will probably award some sort of boost to her spells along the line of the sacred geometry feat as a free action X times per day (most people in the party are demigods of Greek/Egyptian/Sumerian pantheon in a world where most mythologies exist in some fashion).

I know this can unbalance the game which is why I am trying to find the official rules to try keeping to the system as much as possible.

MrCharisma wrote:

I assume the OP is talking a out converting 3.5 to PF. Wizards went from d4 to d6, etc etc.

And no nothing I know of has more than d12HD in PF, but as SorrySleeping pointed out you'd probably use the same progression as weapons. 1d12 would be the same as 2d6, and the next one up would be 2d8.

If you're the GM you don't really need to follow any of these rules though, you can just give your monster +50HP and be done with it. I guess if this kind of thing helps the go nuts.

The reason I am asking is that official rulebooks make balancing much easier. Still does not stop me from making a CR4 monster the equivalent of CR way too much (60+ if I remember correctly) because of loopholes. Making gods is fun but having a fair challenge is more so.

I was looking at templates from both pathfinder and 3.5e (almost the same system with easy conversion) and found some entries with "increase HD size by one category." This made me think, are there HD sizes above d12 and if so, what are they? Would these HD increases apply to class HD or only racial unless specified? Do any monsters exist in the phb. that have HD larger than d12 in any edition? If this is true, this can open up to interesting combinations and give bosses high health without overloading their Con or HD pool (I want a tough fight but not ridiculous saves and ability DCs).

Official sources are preferred and 3pp books are fine if Pazio/Wizards of the Coast approved.

For what it's worth, I don't think those that fly by magic (oni or by wizards) adhere to this rule at all. I mean, a wizard quite literally did it (watch HelloFutureMe for this reference to be funny).

Quixote wrote:
DragonLordAcar wrote:
I agree with you there, however, I like writing stories. The thing about a writer's personality (at least anyone with decent writing) is that things have to make sense or we lose sleep over it.

...sure, but in a collaborative storytelling environment, sometimes the best thing you can do is broaden or skew your perception of what it is to "make sense".

And even if it is just you, there's a point where you stand for what you believe and there's a point where you make concessions for what will work. Kill your darlings and all that.

DragonLordAcar wrote:
So yes, game balance is important, but immersion should be just as important.

That's a slippery path to walk down. "Immersion" is a term that all too often gets tossed about in order to justify a host of bad design choices, both mechanical and narrative.

DragonLordAcar wrote:
Even if this requires some more homebrew

As a GM that custom-built 95% of the monsters and 100% of the magic items in his last game, I understand.

And it's like I said before: a more frequently used breath weapon isn't really that powerful, necessarily. A lvl6 fighter with Str16, a +1 greatsword, Power Attack and Great Cleave is dishing out an average of 18 damage per hit. Even a 30ft cone of 4d6 fire will be a poorer choice in many, many situations.

I understand. For a bit of clarification, my definition of immersion is how real something feels or how well it makes sense given the setting. True I have to make some compromises like how armor and fall damage will never quite make sense as written even with variant rules, but it is good enough that you can visualize what happens.

I will also say again that I want the breath weapon on occasion for flavor and dealing with hoards of minions as I want some room for other feats than cleave and greater cleave. Don't get me wrong. They are very useful feats but my vision does not give me the room to take those as I am going for the big and monstrous character who others fear (lots of free intimidate thanks to cornugon smash) but is actually a nice guy who will literally give an arm and leg for his family. This is usually what happens to my characters. I have a crazy idea but the way I want it implemented is not exactly the most rules friendly.

I left it out earlier as it would be distractive but my character is a mutant minotaur (yes I took level adjustment and am fine with that) with a huge mix of interspecies crossbreeding combined with radiation giving him the mutant template and is feared as the monster he would have been had he been left on that roadside next to his dying tiefling mother. His new adoptive parents are an elf father, aasimar mother, and their biological daughter also an aasimar. To summerise, my GM loves me and my creativity but hates how I will often go too far and infringe on their creativity until I get talked back a bit. This should be a good explanation of why I tried to ask within rules so I do not change too much of my GM's world by accadent.

Just one other point. Many 1/day powers are like that because they are powerful or have great utility and are meant only to be used in the best moments. The problem is that it becomes an "only use in the direst times" and then never gets used. Even if it is one more time, the power will get used more and will once again become the cornerstone of the class or template again.

Quixote wrote:
DragonLordAcar wrote:
I wanted it for a bit of flavor and so I have an AOE attack so that I do not have to invest two feats into cleave and great cleave. I also think that realistically, if you are a half-dragon you should be able to have a breath weapon more than just 1/day. Once every few rounds just feels right to me.

Okay, I'm starting to get a better picture, here. This is less about system balance or a particular build, but more about the principles behind what does and doesn't make sense. I get that. We've all run into those situations where things just don't *feel* right, and it gets under our skin.

If you can find a way to balance the idea, mechanically, I'd say go for it. If not though, forget it. Scratching that "it doesn't make sense" itch is far less important than system harmony. Learning to live with that itch is a useful ability for any gamer.

But like I said earlier, I see no reason you can't ask the GM to rewrite the template so you can use your breath more often. On one hand, it could be extremely powerful. On the other, every gout of fire is a round you weren't rolling attack and damage with your main weapon.

I agree with you there, however, I like writing stories. The thing about a writer's personality (at least anyone with decent writing) is that things have to make sense or we lose sleep over it. So yes, game balance is important, but immersion should be just as important. Even if this requires some more homebrew (and I am trying to avoid that as not all GM's are fine with or are able t deal with that), I am more than fine with the number of damage dice being halved just so I can have things make just a bit more sense. At the very least, there should be a way to sack spell slots for more breath attacks without needing to take the dragon's breath spell. I mean, I can already do that attack innately.

VoodistMonk wrote:

Is this meant to be the go-to attack with your character?

Just constantly belching on the enemy, over and over again?

Why do you need such unfettered access to a breathe weapon?

Once per encounter is understandable, maybe even twice per encounter.

5/day should be plenty before it starts getting absurd.

It could be a cool thing to add flavor to your character, might even be useful every once in a while...

Or it can be an obnoxious abuse of power, which is precisely why it is so restricted.

I wanted it for a bit of flavor and so I have an AOE attack so that I do not have to invest two feats into cleave and great cleave. I also think that realistically, if you are a half-dragon you should be able to have a breath weapon more than just 1/day. Once every few rounds just feels right to me.

Bob Bob Bob wrote:
If 3.5 is on the table just use Dragonfire Adept.

Looks fun. I do not think I want to go full dragon unless we get to Lv30+ (which may happen in this campaign) but for when I do, this will be there for me.

avr wrote:

It does look like a monster feat. The type and subtype requirements would be hard for a PC to meet.

(Well, OK a wyvaran has the dragon type. I thought it required type and subtype at first glance. Still looks intended for a monster.)

I agree it is too powerful but nothing is stopping anyone from asking a GM to allow them to take the feat (assuming they qualify) but make it once every 1d4 or 1d6 rounds. This is much more balanced in my opinion.

Looking around for feats and found something I missed. Dreamscarred Press has a feat known as Ancestor's Breath>

Ancestor’s Breath (Heritage)
You can tap into your ancestor’s elemental energy to breath that same energy upon your enemies

Prerequisite: Aberration, dragon, magical beast, ooze, or undead type, and/or cold or fire subtype

Benefit: Choose acid, cold, fire, electricity, negative energy, or sonic, then 30-ft. cone or 60-ft. line. You gain a breath weapon usable once every 2 rounds that deals 1d6/level damage of the chosen type. A successful reflex save (DC 10+ 1/2 your Hit Die + your Constitution modifier) halves this damage

So many things for Spheres of Power. Looks fun.

avr wrote:

There's monks who can recover ki and so can use dragon's breath repeatedly.

But basically PF doesn't trust PCs with unlimited use abilities for the most part. There's 3rd party products (e.g. spheres of power) and D&D 3.x stuff which do, but you'd be better asking about those on forums dedicated to them.

That's a real shame as there could be some really cool builds if they did. The mutant template is the only one that I know that gives at will high-level spells (telekinesis) but it still requires a good amount of strategy to pull it off and has a set weight limit.

VoodistMonk wrote:

Wouldn't it be every HD you have after acquiring the template?

Since most people acquire the template at character creation, then the majority of your overall HD will contribute to the breathe weapon, right?

Unless you somehow become a half-dragon later than the beginning... which seems unlikely, at best.

The interpretation I keep hearing labels HD into two categories. Racial (typically a part of a monster race or other bestiary entry) and class (whenever you take a level in any class outside of racial classes)

Valandil Ancalime wrote:

The Dragon Shaman class from 3.5 gets a breath weapon every 1d4 rounds.

Thanks. This actually fits what I was trying to do quite well though I am curious what else out there dose also gives a rechargeable breath weapon because f*** the half-dragon template for not giving a reliable breath weapon and some GMs will not be as lenient as mine.

VoodistMonk wrote:

Half-Dragon, the +2CR Template?

If you are using the template, what racial HD requirements are you talking about?

The breathe weapon is usable 1/day, you can use the spell Recharge Innate Magic to restore it... if you have access to said spell.

I get that it's an acquired template, but it's something that I would assume is acquired at character creation... so your racial HD should be the majority of your character HD.

I did not even know about that spell. While that is nice to know for other builds, it would not work on breath weapons as they are a Su ability and not an SP ability. Also, "the breath weapon deals 1d6 hit points of damage per racial HD possessed by the half-dragon" so technically according to the rules, a non-monstrous PC would have a breath weapon but it would deal no damage. That is why my group ignores this and says all HD.

I have built a half-dragon but I don't know how to make his breath weapon rechargeable like other monsters (I've seen 1/day, 2/day/ 3/day and once every 1d4 rounds). What I want is a way to get my PC to have the breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds but I can't find any way to do this. Anything is useable including 3.5e material due to it being easily convertible.

My GM and I are ignoring the racial HD requirement because that is a stupid rule. Seriously, who wants to play a half-dragon but miss out on the most iconic dragon power.

I like the rule of cool over many rules but I also acknowledge that just because you got a 47 on that athletics role dose not mean that you can throw a football-sized rock into a drake's mouth from 80+ft away (actually had an argument over that). If anyone is willing to go out of their way to grab that thing for a very specific build or backstory reason, I would allow it. If it becomes a problem later, pull a wizard BBEG out of your ass as have him cast a wish to permanently weaken the PC. Also, allow the PC to replace the lost feats with something else.

Now if we are talking crazy, I built a custom mutant minotaur/tiefling/aasimar/dragon/oni/+a few templates so yeah, I dig crazy because it's fun and almost no one has done what I have done. In this instance, that is a minotaur abomination able to cast telekinesis at will and then hit you with the blessing of the sun after shredding you with his two-handed ax and kobold tail weapon that deals additional ice damage because the template says I can.

P.S. Not even close to the most OP in my party. That title belongs to either our super tanky master summoner or abyssal bloodrager necropolitan swarmshifter.

So I was going through the archetypes again as found "weapon sworn" which is basically a fighter and cleric combines so long as you only use your god's favored weapon. Just turn that weapon into a holy symbol and you are good to go. A little frustrating that I missed it the first time around.

Thanks. I may just have to make a class for this character to pull this off being the kind of character the NPC is. It is a little disappointing that the rules do not have a class that allows you to become mortal Thor wielding divine spells.

Thank you but what I want a cleric who could dish out damage but could not heal. It was a very specific character concept and I am trying to stay away from making GM calls to say abilities do A and not B. It just becomes a mess if I do and could be potentially unfair to my players. The most I could do is take classes other than cleric and just say these powers are the divine magic of a cleric but is a different spell-casting class all together (preferably one that casts divine spells).

So I was making a campaign around a story concept i have had for a while and the main NPC would be an equivalent of a a tempest cleric from 5e. My group however plays more pathfinder than anything and I need help converting her over. How do I do this within the normal rules?

Avoron wrote:

Ah. I see. No, you just dump them out... really, really, loudly.

As for beans, that was just for their small size, the convenience of finding statistics, their availability as a trade good, and their incredibly cheap price - the entire bagful only cost 30 gp.

You can not quicken a maximized spell or have multiple of the same metamagic feat on the spell. Also How? I fail to see how beans pertain to this spell. Sorry Avoron, but i call BS.

4: wall of sound
5: piercing wall of sound
6: empowered wall of sound
7: empowered wall of sound
8: maximized wall of sound
9: quickened wall of sound

"You may have been wondering why I've been carrying around a bag of holding full of pinto beans. Speaking of which, please take 15,551,739 points of sonic damage."

Found my answer in a 3.5 book. Savage species.

There was. The page must have switched. This was the original post.

I am one of those players that hate playing with standard cookie cutter PCs, NPCs, and monsters. I like mixing and matching into weird combinations. One of my favorites is my Onitaur made by mixing the onispawn tiefling with racial abilities from the minotaur race. He uses 29RP but I added a template on top of him that not only gives him the same vision abilities (darkvision and low light vision), but also elemental resistances. what makes it worse is that the class I chose gives him more of these same resistances and in one case the same immunity as the template. This effectively makes me weaker than the level would suggest. How would I ask my GM to balance my character. Would I ask for her to let me drop one level adjustment or do i ask for an increase in another area? (I will say no to stacking the abilities as that would make my character too powerful. I don't need electricity resistance 45 at lv16 because that is effective immunity and not how the class was meant to play.)

After some rework, I got him down to only 15RP which is the same as an aasimar. This would be a playable version. It is amaising what you can take out without affecting the main points of a race.

I am one of those players that hate playing with standard cookie cutter PCs, NPCs, and monsters. I like mixing and matching into weird combinations. One of my favorites is my Onitaur made by mixing the onispawn tiefling with racial abilities from the minotaur race. He uses 29RP but I added a template on top of him that not only gives him the same vision abilities (darkvision and low light vision), but also elemental resistances. what makes it worse is that the class I chose gives him more of these same resistances and in one case the same immunity as the template. This effectively makes me weaker than the level would suggest. How would I ask my GM to balance my character. Would I ask for her to let me drop one level adjustment or do i ask for an increase in another area? (I will say no to stacking the abilities as that would make my character too powerful. I don't need electricity resistance 45 at lv16 because that is effective immunity and not how the class was meant to play.)

Jadeite wrote:
One-Handed: A one-handed weapon can be used in either the primary hand or the off hand. Add the wielder's Strength bonus to damage rolls for melee attacks with a one-handed weapon if it's used in the primary hand, or 1/2 his Strength bonus if it's used in the off hand. If a one-handed weapon is wielded with two hands during melee combat, add 1-1/2 times the character's Strength bonus to damage rolls.

You can wield nearly all one-handed weapons with two hands without penalty. If it's not possible, it's noted in the weapon's description like it was done with the rapier:

Rapier: You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a rapier sized for you, even though it isn't a light weapon. You can't wield a rapier in two hands in order to apply 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus to damage.

A long-sword in real life is both a one handed and two handed weapon. using this, i would like Paizo to reintroduce the hand and a half weapons. it makes some weapons more versatile and realistic. On a similar topic, a great-sword in real life is 99% as tall as you pommel to tip.

I agree to the comments on adding the ability to take 'finesse' with mithril weapons, it bothers me that it dose not reduce the damage of blunt weapons that rely on weight to deal damage. This is a major oversight in my opinion.