Dr. Doom, MD.'s page
28 posts. Alias of Moorluck.
Aberzombie wrote: Justin Franklin wrote: Someone took my broken rusted out grill. Not sure why. I'm beginning to think it's some mysterious organization planning to build high tech weapons out of our discarded junk. WHo told you that!?
I mean... that's ridiculous.
Icyshadow wrote: Amazing. I've had this stomach virus for four days now. Am I going to die from emptying out my own organs? Yes, yes you are. Now that will be $3000.
Drejk wrote: What is current forum limit on thread length anyway? Current calculations have been inconclusive.
This is a ridiculous contest. A mighty foe he may be, but he is still just a man... where I have held absolute power in my hands, I AM DR.DOOM!!!
Crimson Jester wrote: lmao.. Ploop see it hit the floor. Wee, I just lost another 10 lbs. We need a replacment ass in here STAT!!
Quick somebody go get Sebastian!
Moff Rimmer wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: Well, if you've got it, flaunt it. We're still trying to identify what you've "got"...
;-) I think we may have discovered a new one here.
taig wrote: I have PTBWD. (post-traumatic blue waffle disorder)
Also known as Jarred Syndrome.
lynora wrote: Ah, calories. I made the mistake of trying to eat lunch while doing my practice quiz for gross anatomy...yeah, gross was definitely the word... hmmmm....I wonder if this is gonna turn out to be a good diet program. ;) Screw Weight Watchers, try our new Autopsy Watchers! Guaranteed to help you lose those pounds.... and your lunch!

Jyu1ch1 wrote: flash_cxxi wrote: Jyu1ch1 wrote: flash_cxxi wrote: Jyu1ch1 wrote: You never know. I last posted in 2008 before I came on again recently. WoW addiction? That would be my guess for an extended absence. :) Ah, I know warcrack all to well. I played DDO and enjoyed it since it was good for the amount of time I had to dedicate to it. I never would have gotten anywhere with WoW since I was only playing 5 hours or so of DDO a week. Then I found this bunch and don't have time for anything else. :D Leafy's got me to start DDO, but its hard to go from wow to other mmos. I'm thinking about quitting Wow tho, so I have more free time to get back into my art work. Do you suffer from World of Warcraft Obsessive Disorder? Millions of people around the world suffer from this horrible affliction, but you don't have to go it alone. Here at the center for WoWOO Addiction, we can introduce you to the cure. After years of research we have developed the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The PFRPG is modern medicines answer to WoWOO. Please if you or someone you know suffers from WoWOO, call us today.... because if your going to sit around pretending to be a hot half naked elf chick, shouldn't you at least have some friends with you?
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: {Tips hat}
Mr. President. Is it time for this morning's mucus report?
I take it to mean you still feel rough? Take a couple of Dryads and call me in the morning.
Studpuffin wrote: <---- Lack of Caffeine Zombie Have a Dew and call me in the morning.
Dada dada dum.... dadadadada dadada dum!
Twin Agate Dragons wrote: Dr. Doom, MD. wrote: Twin Agate Dragons wrote: Moorluck wrote: I get that. Maybe I should go to Med school, start prescribing PF to my patients... kick backs would be welcome. ;) What happens whn the doctor is out of his mind? I resemble that. Of course you do. But I love you for it. You are afterall, my favorite villain. Of course I am, after all, I KICK ASS!
Poor Richards rigged my transdimensional cell phone when he couldn't beat my Pong score.
Sue never told him who Franklin and Val's daddy really is though. Who got the last laugh there? ;)
Colonel Johnson wrote: Not that inoccent. wrote: Emperor7 wrote: Naughty nurse takes over? I was a nurse once. A 'Head' nurse. I was a Chief Surgeon once. No that was a polymorph spell, and it was STURGEON. CHEF'S STURGEON, we were gonna serve you for dinner remember.
Twin Agate Dragons wrote: Moorluck wrote: I get that. Maybe I should go to Med school, start prescribing PF to my patients... kick backs would be welcome. ;) What happens whn the doctor is out of his mind? I resemble that.
Davi The Eccentric wrote: Hmm. I do believe we're nearing the breaking point for this thread. The point where the thread's going wonky and my dots disappear. exelleeeeeeeeeeeeeeent.
I once slammed my junk in a door, it hurt like hell.
Thotkhirithon wrote: Stares menacingly into the doomed thread. Did someone call for me!?
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote: Dr. Doom, MD. wrote: Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote: Dr. Doom, MD. wrote: Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote: ~Seeing that hope lies ahead Lea picks up speed despite the burning in her legs and lungs.~
Doom you monster, you'll never get these back!
~As a bolt of energy passes just inches from her face she dives into a free clinic, the one place no self respecting doctor would ever go.~ Huh? What? What kind of monster do you think I am!? I just want the remaining $386.73 you owe me. Oh. Is that all? Well hell, do you take Visa? Sure.
~Takes card and runs it through the armors built in card scanner.~
There we go, thank you for choosing to do bussiness with DoomMed{tm}. Ok then.. say... that armor is kinda sexy, are you free tonight? O_o
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote: Dr. Doom, MD. wrote: Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote: ~Seeing that hope lies ahead Lea picks up speed despite the burning in her legs and lungs.~
Doom you monster, you'll never get these back!
~As a bolt of energy passes just inches from her face she dives into a free clinic, the one place no self respecting doctor would ever go.~ Huh? What? What kind of monster do you think I am!? I just want the remaining $386.73 you owe me. Oh. Is that all? Well hell, do you take Visa? Sure.
~Takes card and runs it through the armors built in card scanner.~
There we go, thank you for choosing to do bussiness with DoomMed{tm}.
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote: ~Seeing that hope lies ahead Lea picks up speed despite the burning in her legs and lungs.~
Doom you monster, you'll never get these back!
~As a bolt of energy passes just inches from her face she dives into a free clinic, the one place no self respecting doctor would ever go.~
Huh? What? What kind of monster do you think I am!? I just want the remaining $386.73 you owe me.
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote: Dr. Doom, MD. wrote: Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote: Must.. get away... from... evil doctor! Run if you must Lea. But you even your lithe, supple, athletic... body.... uhm... is it getting hot in here....uhm.... I mean... er... I'll get you my pretty!! Dude! Get a grip you tin plated freak!
~Ducks under a low hanging beam.~ ~Slams into, then through the beam.~
Tin Plated? No theif, not tin... Ubermaniumtine! The most indistructable metal known to man! With my upgraded armor I cannot be stoped! You will rue...roo.... reu.... you will regret not paying me the ballance owed on your chest!
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote: Must.. get away... from... evil doctor! Run if you must Lea. But you even your lithe, supple, athletic... body.... uhm... is it getting hot in here....uhm.... I mean... er... I'll get you my pretty!!
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote: Dr. Doom, MD. wrote: Soon my dear, soon. Dr.Doom, MD!!! How did you find me? I thought I had escaped your nefarious clutches after I didn't pay for my new boobs!
~Runs from the battle armor clad doctor.~ I'm afraid it won't be that simple this time theif!
Dark Solnes wrote: Dr. Doom, MD. wrote: Mac Boyce wrote: Hmmmmmm.... UmmmmmHmmmmm Mmmmmmmmmm Mmmm....Hmmmmmmm.
Mac Boyce wrote: Hmmmmmm.... UmmmmmHmmmmm
flash_cxxi wrote: ugh... Off to the Doctors. Read later... :/ Yes.... sorry to have kept you waiting Flash. I have the results from your test back, and I'm afraid your Perversity is terminal. I can however prescribe breast to ease your pain.