
DoctorBomb's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Scarab Sages

Half-warves are Muls in the Dark Sun setting. Pronounced "mule", completely hairless. Awesome gladiators.

Scarab Sages

Count me in. Gaming is scarce where I am now (only just picking up the Hardcover of Pathfinder tomorrow) but headed back to the US next year. Definitely see putting $100+ on Pathfinder Modern products.

Scarab Sages

Neithan wrote:
Well, to be fair, it's a single mistake made by a single writer. That doesn't say much about the whole.

True - I am sure that could be errata'd away. The feel of FR though - the "TONS OF EPIC DUDES ARE HERE" backstory, the many-times-over nearly destroyed and rebuilt thing; just doesn't do it for me. DL got to be the same way when they did the Fifth-Age thing and then brought everything back when Saga rules failed "it was all just a bad dream / Takhisis stole the world" - great novels, but made the game world too ... un-mysterious?

That's what gets me off gaming in those worlds - EVERYTHING is explored, mapped, there was an ancient civilization there that nearly destroyed the world, and now it's full of ruins, and the deities tend to walk the streets in plainclothes, or at least interact more often that I would think is healthy. The recent upheaval in FR to support 4E emphasizes that feel.

Back on topic - and in the same line of thought - that's what I love about Pathfinder so far - now just LEAVE SOME SPOTS ON THE MAP BLANK (like Sarusan) for us homebrewmen to mess about with and still have our parties wandering Golarion without resorting to plane-hopping to get to UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY. Make a place for Psionics in Pathfinder, add support, maybe explore one region on another continent and perhaps the Red Planet Akiton (could it be post-Coruscation Athas in disguise?). That's one thing I think Eberron did rather well - each area has it's own flavor and class/adventure style emphasis, while leaving large areas of history and geography blank for the remaking. My players loved that, and it let me build hooks, artifacts, plot devices, and our favorite prestige classes into the place without wholesale re-writing of books.

Scarab Sages

HA HA - Happy Father's Day all!

Great pix! I am the proud daddy to a 5 year old and a 1 1/2 year old, and both of my girls are visiting relatives for the summer, so I get to have the QUIETEST father's day EVER. I will get a call from them tonight - can't wait until they get home! My five year old is already addicted to Bella Sara, so I am sure it won't be long before she wants to be a palladin or cavalier!

Scarab Sages


I just read that PunPun thread. Yet another reason why FR gets thumbs down from me. I do steal all their spells and magic items, along with some PRC's for my worlds, however. Sarrukh, on the other hand.. Meh.

Scarab Sages

This thread has been a great read. I have DM'd for over 15 years, and had experience with the psionics from 2e and 3/3.5. I must say I agree with the following general statements:

1) XPH was good. Best balance overall, but the psi-races were kind of silly. If you want to make that an option (bonus pp's) then have the character drop one of their other racial bonuses (like +2 vs giants).

2) MOST of the problems people have had with psionics do seem to come from rules misinterpretation and UBERMUNCHKIN characters. Those problems don't go away when that player decides to be, for example, a drow ranger with a panther sidekick (anyone else have one of those in the party?); but they are kind of expected; we KNOW those characters are min-maxers and we build adventures accordingly. Lack of experience with psionics will leave you with a lack of variety in handling min-maxing psionic characters - get familiar with their weaknesses, get familiar with the rules, and make sure they DON'T get to be the shining force in the darkness every single encounter. Having a rules lawyer in the party is good for this one - I let him read all the books and tell me when the other players were trying to bend a rule; he played a straight druid and I only had to worry about whether his spells were legit (I fix'd Miasma in our games before they nerfed it in the re-print - auto-kill from a druid just wasn't fun). The rope trick 15 minute adventuring day was something I had to deal with back in 2e, early on - I nerfed the spell so that anyone with detect magic could find and use the hole. A couple kobolds with a ladder and move less NPC later they decided to use that spell in the WOODS, and not in the DUNGEON.

3) DO reprint an updated Pathfinder Psionics Book! Take the example from Eberron and integrate it into the landscape the way they did - put it mostly on another continent and DM's that don't want to use psionics can just keep steering their parties away from there. I second the feelings on the incarnum - I put it in my campaign (stole the world from Magic - put it in Jamuraa) and it was cool without being overpowering (actually was pretty weak, maybe add it with another one of the forgotten concepts, or pull it into the psionic fold as the revised psychometabolist, binding his powers to chakras so he wouldn't have to maintain concentration or worry about focus).

Now if I can just find some players that aren't deploying to Afghanistan, I will start up some of this Pathfinder stuff. Downloaded the Beta PDF last-month, looks great, not too many changes from Alpha and I love the simplified grapple rules - almost exactly what I had been using. I may just order a subscription!

Scarab Sages

Dorje Sylas wrote:
Really? I wasn't aware that psionicist (or Psion) would both heal and blast in the same character. Come to think of it I've never really seen a Psion that acted as the party medic. I've also never seen a Psion fill the Rogues roll.

While I agree that leaving psionics out of the core books is a good idea, I HAVE seen a psionic character or three act as back-up healer, back-up blaster, AND the party's front man (CHA was 17, where the rogue's was only 13 and the rest of the party - well, lets say they were tanks for a reason...). They have, with the XPH, quite a nice range of abilities and aren't overpowered even through the mid-levels.

Dorje Sylas wrote:

Russell Jones, that Runescribe sounds like a good fit. Even without the Sin magic aspect of the Pathfinder setting it would still have a place in other fantasy settings. Rune magic is not new to fantasy but is hardly used in D&D. It could fill a nice middle ground between Arcane and Divine magic. ...

Thematically that class could cover the two areas that are needed and offer a minor rogue trapfinding element. Runescribe can find and disable magical (not mechanical) traps?

HEAR HEAR!! Runecaster is the BOMB idea. And even non-magical traps make for an easy rune:

Rune of Failure
Effect: One mechanical device (for example a lock, trap mechanism, winch, etc) fails to function.
I haven't seen the rune rules (no party to play pathfinder with right now :( but you could tie success to a spellcraft DC vs the Item DC.

As an aside, anyone besides me ever look at all the 3.5 "core" classes and think 3.5 + COMPLETE + PHBII = Final Fantasy Tactics?