Cleric of Pharasma

Doc76's page

Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 21 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Have the rules for characters been listed/posted yet for the special at gencon? Interested to see them to try and determine which character would be best.

Just curious ;)

Anyone have any info regarding PACG at Origins2016?
At the event site with ticket in hand now 50 minutes after alleged start time and no one here has any idea. Very sad .

Any chance at playing adventure 3 path at paizocon?

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At what point will the class deck character sheets be available for download for alchemist and oracle?

I have bought two paladin class decks. One from my subscription and one from the local shop ( in order to support them as we play there bimonthly). The subscription deck was just fine but the one I bought from the store was missing a number of cards. All the level b and level 1 armors were not in the deck. To whom should I direct this issue for its resolution?

Thanks :)

Am I just missing this on the website but I cannot seem to find the Paladin character sheets for download. If any of you have played with me you have seen my notebook of my characters and would really like to print out the sheets for the paladins.

Any help would be appreciated ;)

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This will be my first Paizocon, and just read about the event lottery. Not sure how this works. I am attending with the goal of playing non stop PACG all weekend. I did this at Gencon and had an absolutely outstanding time. One of the best cons of recent memory for me( I have been attending Gencon since 1992). Any further explanations of how the lottery works would be greatly appreciated. I have already bought my airfare and made a hotel reservation so kind of committed but just curious as to what expectations I should be bringing with me.


Is there anyone interested in PACG in the greater St. Louis metropolitan area?
I love the game and am seeking any groups or stores that are currently playing or looking to play.

Since Paizocon falls so close in relation to Origins will there be an official PACG representaion at Origins game fair?
Just curious :)

I still am unable to register one of my characters from GenCon. There is not ability to register Jirelle on the website. Before you ask yes I did complete the adventure path which opens up that character for OP with the Rogue deck ( actually completed the path with 2 different characters at GENCON that's how much I enjoyed the game).

Just curious

Looking to find any organized play stores or groups in the greater St.Louis metropolitan area including the metro east. Don't mind driving a little distance. Lucky enough to have my class decks already. Hope that there are some peeps out there that want to play this outstandingly fun game :).

are there any weapons that ultimately carry this trait? Doesnt seem as if the "+" weapons have this trait so the physical combat class characters are at an extreme disadvantage when encountering these monsters. Or am i missing something?