Shoanti Fighter

Divad Frier's page

77 posts. Alias of Aberzombie.


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I remember when I was 24 and running for my life through East Berlin, fleeing the Commies. They were after me because I'd managed to slip some acid to Gorbachev and he had this really bad trip.

I remember this one time when I was 12...I was at this party with George Lucas. He wanted me to help him with this problem with a script. I had to turn him down, though, because I had already promised Donald Trump I'd help him develop a new stage show for his casino.

Ooh! Ooh! Do me! Do me!

Wait....too late.

I sense something. A presence I've not felt since........

Would you like to meet this hot lesbian friend of mine?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

In Louisiana we had secret underground swamp grottos loaded with high tech luxuries and powered by voodoo. They were awesome.

The Mosquitos were hell, though. They use to carry off the aligators for later feeding.

Man, that's some f***ed up s**!, that is.

Frequent Fryer wrote:
Deep Fryer wrote:
It's classified.
Damn skippy, Captain.

Ack! I am seeing the light if day once more!

What do you mean "been"?


Crimson Jester wrote:
I am in such shock. No one has of yet to compare 4E to Halloween 3 Season of the Witch?!?!?

Blasphemy! Everyone knows that Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers is the best of the series!

That's right, Frank. It is rather strange.

Happy Birthday to me!

BlueBird of Happiness wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
So we gonna add 39 pages today? Hmm? Are we? Are we gonna get off our lazy asses and actually get this done? :P


We'll get there, even if I have to post until my fingers bleed.

Conspiracy Buff wrote:
Attack Goblin #23 wrote:
Roxie Lovemuffin wrote:
Join us!
One of us!

One of us!

Huzzah! Heathansson has won!

David Fryer wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

I know, right?

Much crying and gnashing of teeth........seeya!
Wanna go dingo hunting?

Naaah.....I....don't see the point. Something about rolling around in the mud with......

My daughter's mad cos she doesn't get to go with mommy, so I gotta go get her happy again.
I'm in the same boat. I turned on Wonder Pets and then jumped on-line to hide until the tantrum ends.

Fear the tantrum, for it can break the will of even the strongest man...

Aberzombies wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
This is my soap opera.
You're plan is full of fail! I am wise to your ways Fryer-man!
I learned from the master.

Yes! Yes you did! Too bad it wasn't me.

Gagvoyle wrote:
flash_xxxx wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Wow, is it just me or are the pod people getting annoying?
Okay. Who are the pod people?
And me.
And me.

And me.

Aberzombies wrote:
delabarre wrote:
1987 called, they want their argument back.
Wow, that comment was so 2008.

See, I was gonna go for it being s 2005 argument.

Moorluck wrote:
Six words for you, Bacon Chili Cheeseburger with French Fries.


flash_xxxx wrote:
flash_mcdxcii wrote:
flash_xxxx wrote:
Making David work for it post.
Have you lost weight?
Why, yes! As a matter of fact, I have. I used the new Why waste time eating when you can be increasing your post count diet.

What a coincidence! So have I.


Aberzombies wrote:
Just increasing my post count.

Hey! Wow! You too! And I thought I was the only one who thought this was a contest.

David Fryer wrote:
The last time I saw my brother he threatened to shoot me.

What a coincidence....

David Fryer wrote:
That's because your a zombie in disguise anyway.

How can you say that about me? I thought we were brothers?

Aberzombies wrote:
Just increasing my post count.

Hey! That's my line!


Aberzombies wrote:
Brains are a veggie, right?

Not mine. Mine are made of tofu.

I'm reading "How to Increase Your Post Count".

just smurfing my post count post.

just increasing my post count post.

just increasing my post count post.

just increasing my post count post.

And popcorn - that's a vegetable, isn't it?

And Carrots.

I like cheese.

just increasing my post count post.

Does this butt make my supermodel look big?

Pod post

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Divad Frier wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Yeah, where's that sexy new alternative reality Fryer. She was kinda hot.
I'm not a she!

Sweeps aside with limb.

No not you, the dryad!

But, I am sexy, and an alternate reality version of David!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Yeah, where's that sexy new alternative reality Fryer. She was kinda hot.

I'm not a she!

lynora wrote:
Divad Frier wrote:
lynora wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Has anyone actually ever eaten a fruit cake? Or, at least witnessed one being eaten?

I have. I actually like fruit cake. Really. I honestly do like it.

(Nobody ever believes me about that for some reason.)
I don't believe you! Everyone knows that there's only one fruit cake per country, and it keeps getting passed around from family to family.
But that can't be true! I ate one just last year. I swear, I did. And it was delicious. :)


lynora wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Has anyone actually ever eaten a fruit cake? Or, at least witnessed one being eaten?

I have. I actually like fruit cake. Really. I honestly do like it.

(Nobody ever believes me about that for some reason.)

I don't believe you! Everyone knows that there's only one fruit cake per country, and it keeps getting passed around from family to family.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I guess by now everyone has seen I'm famous?

Who are you?

Solnes' First Alias wrote:
Divad Frier wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Divad Frier wrote:
Me too!
No you aren't.
Don't reject me David! I'm part of you.....!
Now you understand how I feel.

Rejection hurts....

David Fryer wrote:
Divad Frier wrote:
Me too!
No you aren't.

Don't reject me David! I'm part of you.....!

Me too!


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