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Organized Play Member. 85 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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Sovereign Court

Show's over folks. Nuthin' to see here...

Sovereign Court

Interestingly enough, Rocket Propelled Games intends to make a "fully illustrated campaign sourcebook that will be based off of and therefore utilize every miniature from this ks, even the more modern ones." (quoted from their kickstarter profile)(DnD and PF compatible). Should be worth watching.

RPG Profile

Sovereign Court

If they keep adding such tempting options my 'convention piggy jar' will soon be empty.

Sovereign Court wrote: is not in any way remotely "official."

The PRD is the only "official" source (well besides the books of course.)

While we post "official" content, we also post "unofficial" content that has been converted from the 3.x edition of "that other game system" so for PFS play I'm almost certain none of that is legal.

Ah, that makes sense. I had wondered why only Infernal Healing and the Greater version were the only spells from the Gods & Magic book to make it onto various spell lists.

Although I will say that I had hoped otherwise.

Sovereign Court


While browsing spell lists for the witch and summoner on I came upon some interesting entries in which a few spells (such as Infernal Healing) from Peripheral Books were on the lists.

My dilemma, such as it is, is that those spells in their original form were not on these lists (since the classes did not exist yet), nor were they mentioned in the APG.

Normally this would not be an issue, but every couple of months I happen to play in PFS games and I would like to know if one of the devs/errata/faqs/pfs guide had some sort of note stating whether spells from peripheral books (past, present, and future) are on the spell lists of the 'newer' classes (summoner, witch, magus, etc.) or if D20PFSRD is the 'official' reference.

Sovereign Court

Kierato wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Kierato wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Kierato wrote:

I vote we set up a "standard"

Role player: Somebody who is interested in the game beyond hack n' slash, has nothing to do with character strengths or weaknesses.

Optimizer: Someone who develops average strength characters, as opposed to someone who creates significantly weaker characters (full plate wizard with 12 int, 10 str, dex and con fighters, etc) or significantly stronger than necessary characters.

Min Maxer: Someone who develops characters at a greater than necessary power level within the rules.

Munchkin: Someone who will twist or bends the rules to make the strongest possible character.

Anything else? Can we agree on the definitions?

RPing and optimizing can fit one player so I don't agree. The min max one is not accurate either to me. The munchkin one seems to fit though.
What do you mean? my definition of Role player could be combined with any of them, anyone interested in roleplaying, as opposed to one who just plays to kill stuff, is a role player.

I misunderstood you.

I would change the min max one to someone who dumps unneeded stats to the extreme a GM will allow in order to boost the primary stat(s).

That is kinda what I meant, guess I need to phrase it differently. maybe separate it into :

Min-maxer: someone who dumps unneeded stats to the extreme a GM will allow in order to boost the primary stat(s)

Power gamer: someone who optimizes to a much greater extent than necessary to fulfill their role.

How about a category for the "roleplayer" that purposely makes a crippled character (figuratively or literally) because of the 'roleplaying opportunities'? The player that will intentionally take all of the rp-only options for a character, who will shun weapons/armor/items for flavor, and will scoff at such things as tactics. Then they will denounce you as a rollplayer/munchkin/minmaxer/powergamer because you choose to create a character that is effective? I call this the RP Snob


Sorry, I just get tired of the elitist attitude of some people (not you, or any of the others quoted) because I choose to build a character and then develop a roleplaying experience around it, rather than choosing to drag down a party by playing something like a Bard with 20 wisdom and 10 (or less) for all other stats because it is a "roleplaying challenge".

Sovereign Court

mdt wrote:
The FLGS I was at in St. Louis stayed afloat partially due to these auctions. THere's had grown to taking 3 days, and generated easily $5,000 to $10,000 per auction. That's just from bids. Not to mention the fact people usually buy more than their store credit covers.

Which FLGS in STL? I live in MO and would be interested in such opportunities.

Sovereign Court

Ryzoken wrote:
Diction wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Diction wrote:

"You want to play a monk in any European-based fantasy setting, we'll give you an Oracle and outfit you with a brown robe, a holy book, and have you take one of the Vows from the Book of Exalted Deeds." --- quoting my DM

I tend to agree with him on this subject, even with the varied cultures of Golarion. Your kungfu master has no place in our game.

But I digress, my popcorn is ready and I would much rather watch this pointless thread drag on. Seriously, do people think their e-peen will increase in size if the make a purposely volatile thread that generates over 75 posts?

Your world has no martial artist or is it that only western things exist meaning eastern martial artist are not availible?
Eastern martial artists are unavailable (the monk class is banned).
So no Tian Xia in your Golarion?


Sovereign Court

wraithstrike wrote:
Diction wrote:

"You want to play a monk in any European-based fantasy setting, we'll give you an Oracle and outfit you with a brown robe, a holy book, and have you take one of the Vows from the Book of Exalted Deeds." --- quoting my DM

I tend to agree with him on this subject, even with the varied cultures of Golarion. Your kungfu master has no place in our game.

But I digress, my popcorn is ready and I would much rather watch this pointless thread drag on. Seriously, do people think their e-peen will increase in size if the make a purposely volatile thread that generates over 75 posts?

Your world has no martial artist or is it that only western things exist meaning eastern martial artist are not availible?

Eastern martial artists are unavailable (the monk class is banned).

Sovereign Court

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Hey, my purposely volatile thread was WELL over 75 posts before getting locked!

Viagra is more effective. ;)

Sovereign Court

"You want to play a monk in any European-based fantasy setting, we'll give you an Oracle and outfit you with a brown robe, a holy book, and have you take one of the Vows from the Book of Exalted Deeds." --- quoting my DM

I tend to agree with him on this subject, even with the varied cultures of Golarion. Your kungfu master has no place in our game.

But I digress, my popcorn is ready and I would much rather watch this pointless thread drag on. Seriously, do people think their e-peen will increase in size if the make a purposely volatile thread that generates over 75 posts?

Sovereign Court

Improved Natural Armor

Sovereign Court

The Bard - buffing the hit/damage of the damage dealers
The Cleric - keeping your damage dealers alive

... wait for it ... ... ...

The Summoner - when built to be a duo wherein the summoner is right in the thick of battle with their Eidolon using Teamwork Feats to their fullest potential (Precise Strike and Outflank). The damage potential of the duo can make short work a difficult fight with tactical options (Summoner abilities/spells, reach weapons, reach evolution, etc) that allow them to control placement on the battlefield and threatened areas.

Sovereign Court

Abraham spalding wrote:
Andy Griffith.

Jack Carter. (Eureka)

Sovereign Court

Andrew Christian wrote:
Gallard Stormeye wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:

No, but a small bear turns into a medium bear at 4th level, and so at 5th level a small paladin (gnome or halfling) could take a Bear.


Medium Paladin: Camel, Tiger, Rhinoceros, Elephant
Small Paladin: Boar, Leopard, Pony, Auroch, Hyena, Bear


Haven't looked much at the druid stuff in the APG yet, and not sure if they indicate in an animals write-up in the Beastiaries if they would be good for an animal companion or not.

But Tiger, Rhinoceros, Elephant, Auroch and Hyena I have not seen as animal companion choices. Tiger might be considered a Medium Cat choice, but they wouldn't increase to large until level 7 like the Lion.

Sorry about that inconsistency, I tend to think of Tiger as an option for both sizes, given the tendency of my mounts dying at inopportune times. Thus I have had gnomes riding Medium Tigers, and Humans at level 7 replacing a recently deceased horse with a Large Tiger.

As for Rhino, Elephant, Aurock, and Hyena ... They are listed as animal companion choices in the Bestiary, thus they are options for Paladin mounts.

Sovereign Court

DrDew wrote:
Riding Dog > Pony

Heavy Pony > Riding Dog

Sovereign Court

LazarX wrote:
Gallard Stormeye wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:

I will admit that the image of an old knight wearing the arms of the Hospitalers, riding his celestially-inspired crocodile into battle, is one of the most amusing images I've had all week.

I don't understand why paladins get open access to animal companions but rangers, cavaliers, and oracles don't. It's not like paladins needed the help.
It's not open as some folks might think. The mount must essentially be a quadraped, must be large, and obviously must have enough ground clearance to keep your feet off the ground. (sorry croc lovers!) That pretty much limits you to horse, riding dog, or wolf. Chocobos not allowed.

Some options that you forgot...

Medium Paladin: Camel, Bear, Tiger, Rhinoceros, Elephant
Small Paladin: Boar, Leopard, Pony, Auroch, Hyena

Not to mention a host of quadruped dinosaurs and a few options from Bestiary 2.

Sovereign Court

Sangalor wrote:

Looking at the prices, I conclude that a combat trained horse or pony costs 50% (rounded up) more than an ordinary one. Therefore I would set the price for heavy combat-trained pony to 45x1.5=45+25(rounded up from 22.5)=70 gp.

I cannot speak for PFS games, but I think you should be able to argue for it this way.

I agree with the 1.5 rate for combat training. That is not my issue. The 'root' of my query is that there is no stated price for a Heavy Pony, combat trained or not.

Extrapolating from the numbers available, this is what I have come up with:

Horse, Light (combat trained) 110gp (non combat 75),
Horse, Heavy (combat trained) 300gp (non combat 200),

300/110, gives 2.72, the rate for a combat trained heavy equine
200/75, gives 2.66, the rate for a non combat heavy equine

However, as the rate of combat training for a Light horse is lower than 1.5 (110/75=1.467) it is throwing off that number. For simplicity, I am setting the 'unofficial rate' as 2.66

After all that jazz, we arrive at a Heavy Pony base cost of 80 (30*2.66), combat trained of 120 (30*1.5*2.66 or 45*2.66).

Sovereign Court

Problem: My gnome paladin (Phelterup the Brave) desires a mount suitable to his needs until such time as he reaches level 5 and acquires his Boar mount. At current the ability of both the regular Pony and Pony (combat trained) are insufficient for the purposes of carrying a gnome that is armored up and a compliment of barding. As such I humbly request assistance in determining a price for a Heavy Pony to aid this character.

Given: Mention of Heavy Horse in Bestiary and use of advanced simple template.
Given: Mention of Heavy Pony in Bestiary and use of advanced simple template.
Given: Prices for 4 variations of Horse in the Core Rulebook.
Given: Prices for 2 variations of Pony in the Core Rulebook.

Query: What would the price for a Heavy Pony be?

Side Note: I would prefer an answer beyond 'DM decision' as this character may entertain me enough to consider pursuing him in PFS.

Side Question: are their any weight difference for Saddles based on Mount size like there is for barding?

Sovereign Court

[Ignoring the various random derailments]

My current witch is a level 2-ish PFS Witch. Do to a severe lack of ... damage capability, the role assumed by my angry ulfen witch is that of brooding debuffer & slumber monkey. The most fun he had was when the enemy group of druids thought a triple Entangle area would mean a bit of difference to his plan of action.

On reflection of the vast number of PFS mods that feature encounters immune to mind-effects (swarms, undead, elementals, etc), I have been thinking of dropping the character and putting him into a home game where he has a better chance of not being neutered by a scenario.

Sovereign Court

Oh my that is quite splendid artwork. Given the high volume of conventions in October, I am not surprised at the Golarion shattering numbers (what, did you expect earth shattering?).

But the question remains, where did they find the concept art for the scrapped project 'Superman Lives'?

Sovereign Court

While tending to your scroll library, don't neglect your potions/oils/wands either. I mention the potions/oils because of the random situations where scroll based completion isn't possible. Example: anointing yourself with an oil of daylight after a troublesome drow has cast darkness in your general area.

I'm also a believer that every spellcaster worth their mana should own 2 spring-loaded wrist sheaths, a handy haversack, and an adventurer's sash.

Sovereign Court


After playing a level 2 witch and being the only player in a party that included a lvl 1 fighter (I'll give her a free pass), a lvl 4 monk with abysmal AC, a lvl 4 fighter, and lvl ? gravity bow archer, I can fully understand the frustrations you listed, especially with regards to the spoiler regarding a person's ability to heal themselves. I burnt through 27 charges on my precious PA-acquired CLW wand in one session due to no one having ANY form of healing on their person.

Please take it as a complement when I say that I am going to print out the issues you have raised so that certain events never repeat themselves during a PFS session that I am participating in.

In hindsight, I do believe playing a witch in PFS to be a trial in frustration, do the the number of undead, elementals, and other miscellaneous monsters that have an immunity to mind-affects.

Sovereign Court

Atrius wrote:
I actually always viewed it as my character infiltrating the Pathfinders Society for my faction. Sure you need to do the Pathfinder mission to stay in the society, but you really are more loyal to your faction.

I tend to view the factions of my characters as a form of Labor Union. It's there to protect my interests and reward my diligence so long as I meet their goals. This allows me to be as close or as distant from my faction as I need, while still being able to perform essential job functions for my 'employer' (The Society).

I know this may seem a bit odd, but ever since reading Seeker of Secrets, I have actually been less comfortable viewing myself as a member of the society. Specifically the monastic application/training/initiate process which makes me feel constrained when trying to background my affiliation with religion A / faction B, or possess any chaotic alignment C.

I understand that PFS did not desire the Society to become a mob of loose-knit adventurers out for themselves and damning all others, but the fluff made it seem like you couldn't become a member unless you were willing to drink the special kool-aid and put on a snuggie.

Preemptive Note: I am aware of the sidebar on SoS page 7, but I would rather steer myself away from snowflake syndrome.

Sovereign Court

The Admiral Jose Monkamuck wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

Maybe the computer programmer gets a bonus to Perception or even Spellcraft - his understanding of the rules of computers translates to a logical and methodical way of understanding the new world, including deciphering the rules under which magic operates.

The Wiz Biz, good series.


Sovereign Court

What the holy he-... this thread is supposed to be dead! Who has been animating corpses best left in the ground?

Sovereign Court

Relkor wrote:
Abraham spalding wrote:
I've always seen Aasimar (and teifling) as ressive trait that when it expresses itself in any humanoid race "overrides" the "normal" traits for that race.

+1 again.

I would have the player (or parent) roll a percentage die, with a 10% chance of Aasimar and 90% chance of Half-elf.
Alternatively, if you are attempting to make a mixed breed race, in the interest of not introducing power creep, I suggest the little tyke possess the following traits: +2 CHA & WIS (aas), Darkvision 60 feet (aas), All the Half-Elf traits (except for +2 to any one ability score), and Languages of Common/Celestial/Elven.

I would vote against allowing the character access to any other Aasimar traits, as what little I have mentioned makes the mix-breed a very appealing race choice that is not too overpowered.

Sovereign Court

My current PFS witch is a Cheliax aligned male Ulfen that worships Aroden. I am waiting until Paizo releases more fluff for the Ulfen (or Shoanti) before I determine the nature of his Elements patron.

Male Viking witches ... because Baba Yaga needs some competition.

Sovereign Court

2 ideas:

1) Brilliant Arcana: The magus may sacrifice a spell as a swift action to grant all their attacks the ability to bypass armor for 1 round.

2) Reserved Might: A magus may add an enhancement bonus to their attacks equal to the highest level of spell they can cast. This bonus cannot exceed +5. (ie, get a bonus because you haven't burned all your spells, and a better one for not burning off your high levels). This is what I would prefer instead of Arcane Weapon.

Personally, rather than see Arcana that require the magus to sacrifice their spells, I would prefer arcana that reward them for NOT casting, similar to the Reserve Feats from 3.5 .

Sovereign Court

Phasics wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
i agree they should add throwing and returning, maybe also some of the ranged weapon additions like seeking for the magus who uses a bow rather than a sword
Magus' cannot use a bow. Need to keep one hand free.
crossbow one handed ?


*Ahem* Sling (I wish this weapon would get some feat/rules love to remove the AoO-provoking move action loading), Halfling Sling Staff, Blowgun, Shuriken, Chakram, Hunga Munga, Boomerang, Crystal Chakram, Flask Thrower, Sling Glove (<3), Throwing Shield, Blunderbuss, Pistol, and Revolver. -- one-handed ranged weapons not consumed after a single use

I agree, some ranged qualities would be nice.

Sovereign Court

My preference for an improved level 20 capstone would be an improvement to Spellstrike, Spell Combat, or both.

To whit, something along the lines of this:

True Spellstrike: When using spellstrike a magus may cast the spell to be delivered through his weapon as a swift action. A magus' spellstrike attacks are treated as though possessing the brilliant energy weapon enhancement.


True Spell Combat: A magus may now cast 2 spells with a casting time of one standard action as part of a full-round attack action.

Sovereign Court

Lachlan_Macquarie wrote:

Hehe, he's a regular... Gnome Chomsky.

*more on-topic: Esperanto, halfling, golbintongue, dwarfish, elvish, Aboleth,Celestial, Draconic, Aklo, Auran, Undercommon, Inferal, Abyssal, Truespeech, Boggard, Terran, Aquan...

Truespeech isn't a language, it's a supernatural ability that allows someone to converse with any creature that has a language.

Random Sidenote: I've always houseruled that anyone with 20 ranks in Linguistics gains Truespeech for free.

Sovereign Court

I miss a few prestige classes from the assorted splatbooks (Hexblade, Seeker of the Song, Lyric Thaumaturge, Survivor, Master of Many Forms).
I miss some of the odd metamagic feats from the splatbooks (the Reserve Feats were so much fun).
I used to miss the 3.5 Bard until the APG came out.
I still miss the 3.5 rules for bardic performance (rounds per day = bleh).
I miss the Precise Swing feat so very very much.

I also miss the weapon size rules from 3.0, when halflings and gnomes were not as heavily penalized for being small (-2 STR is bad enough). My gnome barbarian was so sad when her greatsword 'shrank', similar to the first OOTS strip. It would be nice if there were eventually some halfling/gnome weapons that dealt more damage for the small folk than for the biguns but that is a gripe for another day.

Sovereign Court

Rod of Wondering-why-she-is-even-here
01 Make the BF 'man up' and handle it. If he can't talk to her about an issue detracting from his social life, then the relationship was never worth the effort to begin with (especially if she IS that issue).
02 Drop the subtlety, ask her why she is determined to end the game.
03 Do not cater to her attempts at derailing/attention-whoring the game, leave her character in town baking while the rest of you save the world.
04 Introduce a 'ringer', a person she doesn't know that will only be there for a couple games. Have that person make the most annoying character ever. The player should attention-whore, whine about "Why are we baking cakes when we could be doing interpretive dance?", make random farting noises during conversations, slap characters with fish, replace her character's cakes with glamored cow patties, etc. Hopefully this would cause her to have a long hard look in the mirror.
05 Her character has an allergic reaction to one of her cakes, causing her to become permanently mute. Out of game, give her a ball gag so she can develop her 'roleplaying' abilities.
06 Big Stick, preferably a paddle as the wide area evenly distributes the beating, making for a more enjoyable spanking for all the people involved.

In all seriousness, just do options 01-04.

Personally, I would do 06 over and over and over again.

Sovereign Court

catmandrake, Tanis, this may help the both of you:

Pathfinder PRD referencing cover rules, with pictures

Sovereign Court

Justin Franklin wrote:
Miss Kitty wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
I keep having insatiable urges to murder my PCs in horrible awful evil ways. Do you think I should give into the urges?
No, you should switch to playing Call of Cthulhu.
or Paranoia.

or make them create characters for Traveler.

Sovereign Court

BigNorseWolf wrote:
There's no such feat, and i think that's deliberate. An archer firing into melee is likely to take a -4 from cover (even with the ubiquitous point blank and precise shot) in addition to the -4 for firing into melee. Reach weapon users don't suffer that.

Sorry, I need to clear up some inaccurate statements in your post.

1) It is not a -4 to your attack due to cover, it is a +4 to the enemy's AC due to soft cover.
2) Precise shot removes the -4 penalty for firing into melee.
3) Improved Precise Shot ignores the AC bonus granted by anything less than total cover, and the miss chance granted by anything less than total concealment.

Thus the 'deliberate' nature does not make sense, as a ranged combatant can take feats to overcome this hindrance to combat, but a reach weapon user cannot take a similar feat even though they are subject to the same rules regarding cover.

Sovereign Court

Will Arcane Archers ever be available to the non pointy-eared races?

The waiting for such an errata seems worse than waiting for a charm spell to wear off.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Time to organize this question in a nerdy fashion. :\

Given: Reach weapons use the rules for ranged combat when determining cover.
Given: Due to the above, an ally 'Y' in front of your character 'X' provides a soft cover bonus of +4 AC to the enemy 'Z'.

- X - (wielding a polearm)
- Y -
- Z -

Now, within these parameters, are there any PFS legal feats, class features and/or magic items in Pathfinder that allow a wielder of a reach weapon to negate/bypass/ignore soft cover similar to what Improved Precise Shot does for a ranged weapon?

Of note, the only such feat I have heard of is Precise Swing (p.58 of the Eberron Campaign Setting) which is not available for PFS play. This wouldn't normally be an issue for me but I tend to play 3/4 BAB classes with reach weapons as a fair share of my PFS games have devolved into narrow corridors where only 1-2 melee characters can engage the enemy in front. To me this means that soft cover reduces the ability of any but a full BAB progression class from using a reach weapon effectively.

Sovereign Court

Brian Bachman wrote:
<Well thought out passage on summoners & eidolons>

That's generally the way my various DMs have treated the relationship. Much to the enjoyment of my groups as a whole.

Sovereign Court

To be fair, my summoner's eidolon doesn't exactly return his affections, it's more of a one-way street where it finds his mannerisms odd. To put it more simply, my eidolon is closer to your first example rather than the second.

Although I am more than a little amused at the idea of my fuchsia skinned biped eidolon chasing rats in a barn, perhaps inadvertently knocking over an inconveniently placed lantern with her playful antics and causing a fire, forcing the summoner and eidolon to flee an angry mob. I would truly have the time of my life roleplaying the both of us in such a circumstance.

Sovereign Court


I roleplay my Summoner & Eidolon in a manner that nods at the tale of Pygmalion and Galatea. My summoner (Twil of Taldor) is a devout worshiper of Shelyn that sought guidance in finding his one true love. Through much study and effort, he attempted communication with his goddess to make his appeal, eventually turning to the study of conjuration in an attempt to try and summon the Goddess herself into his presence (very very low wisdom coupled with and 'average' intelligence made this appear like a winning idea) instead he summoned Lyst, an 'odd' woman that rarely spoke aloud, preferring to converse with her summoner through the Link that binds them to one another.

At first confused by her sudden appearance, the devout summoner believed that this was his reward from Shelyn, and that he has been unofficially inducted into the ranks of her clergy for his years of faithful service. After the initial awkwardness of teaching her about clothing (think of her actions as similar to Nell (from the movie of the same name) or Data (from Star Trek:TNG during his time among the colonies after he was first activated). Teaching her about the customs of a civilized society has truly become a trial of love.

Now he travels throughout the pathfinder society with his new belle, learning more about her as the two grow closer together through an arcane means he does not understand and spreading the word of Shelyn via interpretive dance.

Sovereign Court

Chris Mortika wrote:

You've stated "Any DM that attempts to remove control of a part of a character ... will find himself absent one player."

But he isn't removing control, because you never had control in the first place. That's what the "NP" in NPC stands for.

1) Find me a quote in the rules or from the Paizo staff that states my Eidolon is an NPC and I will mail you a picture of me burning my APG.

2) Under the Leadership Feat, both Cohorts and followers ARE acknowledged as being NPCs, the Eidolon is not stated anywhere as being an NPC, neither are summoned monsters, familiars, animal companions, or the paladin's mount.

Chris Mortika wrote:
Let's say you decided that your character was the rightful prince of a near-by kingdom, forced into exile by a wicked vizier. When it came time for the confrontation, would you say: "That vizier is an important part of my character and the relationship they share will be dictated by me, as it is my contribution to the campaign / storyline."

Again, that is an NPC, I don't recall NPCs being listed as a defining feature of my class that I am allowed to craft and have gain of level of synchronization with in the same way as a druid/ranger/paladin/wizard/sorcerer/summoner.

Chris Mortika wrote:
If so, and if you threatened to take your ball and go home if I didn't let you have your way, I'd see you to the door.

I'd have already walked out on you.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Chris Mortika wrote:
Diction, I believe we're agreed. Over time, a dwarf monk ends up becoming an outsider, but he doesn't start out that way.

Actually I disagree with you. Any DM that attempts to remove control of a part of a character that I have spent time and effort crafting and building a background for will find himself/herself absent one player.

My Eidolon may be my bound slave, a supernatural pet, an otherworldly influence seeking to tempt me into holy/nefarious actions, my ideal mate drawn from beyond the aether, etc. Regardless, the being is an important part of my character and the relationship they share will be dictated by me, as it is my contribution to the campaign/storyline.

It is the responsibility of the player to provide a personality for this intelligent being that contributes to the dynamic of the party.

Sovereign Court

Chris Mortika wrote:
The Eidolon is an NPC, a sliver of a vast outsider. It is not, for example, part of the Summoner PC's soul or persona, under his absolute control.
APG pg.54 wrote:

While many who dabble in the arcane become adept at beckoning monsters from the farthest reaches of the planes, none are more skilled at it than the summoner. This practitioner of the arcane arts forms a close bond with one particular outsider, known as an eidolon, who gains power as the summoner becomes more proficient at his summoning. Over time, the two become linked, eventually sharing a shard of the same soul. But this power comes with a price: the summoner's spells and abilities are limited due to his time spent enhancing the power and exploring the nature of his eidolon.

Sovereign Court

Haskul wrote:

Just a cursory look at what you have for evolutions- Your using Bipedal and have 8 natural attacks from 4x claws- max is 7 though at level 20. And I may be blind but I'm not seeing where your getting the 5d6 elemental damage on each attack.

But otherwise... it looks like you're walking around with the prodigal son of a Marilith and a Girallon.

He's getting that 5D6 from an illegally enchanted Amulet of Mighty Fists.

Note to Original Poster: The Amulet must have a +1 bonus before you can stack anything on it, just like weapons and armor. Thus your amulet should be a +1 enhancement with 4D6 elemental damage.

Sovereign Court

I was trying to update my Summoner (boo, hiss) for PFS, and came upon a situation I would like clarified, as my search-fu has failed me.

There are quite a few new spells featured in the APG that are specific to the new classes (such as Lesser Invigorate Eidolon for the summoner or Borrow Fortune for the oracle, etc.).

My question is this, for the purposes of scroll and/or wand creation, what are the applicable costs for each new class? Ex. If I were to try and purchase a Scroll of Evolution Surge (3rd level spell) would it cost 375gp (cleric/druid/wizard), 450gp (sorcerer), 525gp (bard), or 375gp (paladin/ranger).

As I am tooling this character for PFS, I would appreciate comments beyond "As a DM I would say..."

-Twil of Taldor

Sovereign Court

4 pages and I am the first to mention this? ....

Fix. The. Bard.

As it stands the class is nothing better than a glorified NPC. The prestige classes put out by PF (Pathfinder Chronicler and the switch of Dragon Disciple to sorcerer/spellcasting focus to be specific) seem to hint that this is the preferred status. NO. There are too many things just plain wrong with the Bard that I almost prefer you removing it from the core classes rather than offering this 'specially abled' class as a legitimate option.

If you seriously wish to give this class a chance at being more than a tone-deaf backup singer, please read posts made by my betters (Abraham Spalding and Mattastrophic) as they have proven much more elegant than I with regards to this issue.

Sovereign Court

Silver Eye wrote:

this progression would be fine except the fact that at the first levels wiz and clerigs have a so small repertore of spells that each of them should be able to at least disebla a oponent.

Ex.: Fighting two Orcs:
a - A figther needs 3-4 attacks to beats them
b - A barbarian needs 2-3 attacks
c - A mage needs 1-2 spells

however a fisrt level mage has only 3 or 4 1st level spells...

Which is why they also have weapon proficiencies...

Sovereign Court

Grendel T. Troll wrote:

The Blackguard....

Not necessarily for PC's, but it's definitely a good grief-giver to PC's.....

Last I heard the Pathfinder team was trying to figure out a way to introduce it as a base class.

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