DiceBagChick's page

22 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Drew from the deck of many things, player drew the card with a wish. He cashed in his wish request tonight with the following wish, how can I mess with it?

I wish to have a spell-like ability to cast the spell "permanency" at
will, and without any cost, and without any unintended consequences,
and without the chance of failure, And have no limit to the number of
times I can cast it, and have no limit on how often i can cast it.and
without level requirement.

I am a newbie DM that just started a Pathfinder group. Most of us are newbies to Pathfinder except one guy.
Now, I've not heard/seen of Summoners until last night with an eilodon. Is the Eilodon a separate space or do they share the space? He's claiming they share the space as if they are 1 person with the shimmering aura of the eilodon around him.

He also is taking his evolution for flight, which, if i'm reading the rules correctly is not available to his eidolon until 5th level..