Sajan Gadadvara

Deyvantius's page

Organized Play Member. 514 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

So I started a new campaign as a Paladin of Apsu without much thought into my character. Now we have advanced to Level 2 and I have determined that a "Warrior-Poet" of Apsu is my calling.

My thoughts are Paladin-2/Bard-7/DD-4

or Paladin-2 Straight Bard.

Which do you guys think is the better combination.

The party is a Swashbuckler, Investigator, Arcanist, Barbarian, and Cleric so every role is filled. The adventure has been in Osirion so far

I have given consideration to straight Paladin but the 2 skill points per level are killing me.

Does anyone see issues with a Paladin of Damerrich turning into a Gray Warden?

There is nothing inherently evil about a Gray Warden and Damerrich is the God of Executions

So I'm noticing this text about Gray Paladins

-Her aura of courage does not make her immune to fear, her aura of resolve does not make her immune to charms, and her aura of righteousness does not make her immune to compulsions.-

So even though I don't get "immunity" to fear, charms, compulsions, etc from my auras do I still get the same +4 on the saves as my allies?

So I'm thinking of creating a new character for a campaign. I want him to be a follower of Abadar who specializes in hunting down and destroying evil to make way for the spread of civilization.

I'm having trouble deciding on whether or not that fits a Paladin or Inquisitor more thematically.

Paladin I see a Holy Guide, Sacred Servant, and Oath of Vengeance build who has survival skills, travel domain, and can smite.

The inquisitor would be a standard inquisitor.

The difference I'm weighin is that an Inquisitor would be more like a FBI agent focusing on domestic "terror" while the Paladin is the Special Forces operative going abroad ...or maybe I have it backward.

Does anyone see a clear distinction between the two or could they both fit rather well?

Got a 5 man group looking for GM or 5th player (preferably GM) post here or DM me. Group is scattered from Willowbrook to Baytown.

Pathfinder only.

So I'm creating a new character. The group consists of an unchained monk (DEX based), alchemist, and warpriest.

Logically that leads to needing a trapfinder but that's where I'm stuck. I've got it narrowed down to a few options, but for the life of me can't choice between the 3.

Archaeologist Bard
Trapper/Cleric (you can never go wrong with a cleric)

What do people think is the best choice considering the current group makeup?

No summoners, no class with without trapfinding (won't work in this campaign) although all I need is 1 level. We will be starting at level 5.
Please provide brief reasonsing for selection as well.

My current front runner is a STR based trapper-freebooter 1/archaeologist bard-4 using a reach weapon. Gives me a minor buff with freebooter's bane and trapfinding goodies.

SO I recently died in my current campaign and I've decided (though open for alternate classes) to run with a Paladin (Divine Hunter -2)/Bard (Archaeologist -3).

The current group is a Warpriest, Unchained Monk, and Alchemist. Leaving me to fill the skillful trap-finder role while also offering some Melee help.

I'm focusing on STR as opposed to DEX so I'm my current idea is to go

DEX 14
STR 18
CON 12
INT 13
CHA 14


ADDITIONAL TRAITS (Vagabond Child, Fate's Favored, MAgical Knaoc, and need a 3rd)
PRECISE SHOT - Divine Hunter

At 6 I'll get Power attack from Archaeologist 4, and I'm looking for anything that I might have missed.

Can I get some optimize help?!??!

- No 3.5 material.
- I do get to craft wondrous items at half off if I can make them by taking 10 on a spellcrafting check so I can load up on low level magic items.

I'm interested in variant builds, but trapfinding is a prerequisite and don't bother with the "summon a monster you don't need trap-finding line". A lack of trapfinding is TPK city in my corner of the gaming universe

Do I still suffer a -4 penalty for firing into melee if I'm flanking an enemy with someone else and using Point Blank Master. Assuming I don't have Precise Shot of course

If I'm the last person to play a PC and we have a ranger, bard, sorcerer, and totunga (new razor coast class). How much am I sticking the group? I understand healing in combat is over rated, but what about removing blindness and other negative effects?

We have 5 very experienced players, age 25+ who need a dedicated GM for our game which runs every other Sunday.

We are not interested in any more PCs (unless it's required by the new GM, at that point it MAY be up for discussion). The gaming location is downtown Houston.

Please let me know if you are interested.


So we are starting Rise of the Runelords next week (our first Pathfinder Module but we are alle xpereicned gamers).

WE have a half-orc sorcerer, halfling druid, and the GM is playing an undecided class.

My first thought (as always) is battle cleric but is there a better class to play in this module? I don't know if the GM will be a trapfinder.

I've narrowed it down to Battle Cleric, Inquisitor, or Trapper Ranger

Ok so we have a druid and a sorcerer in the party.

Druid will summon and Sorcerer will be protean bloodline.

What's the best 3rd member. Inquisitor vs Bard and I the ability to disable magic traps is given to me freely along with 1 free skill point per level (that must be disable device).

I'm leaning Bard to assist the summons but Inquisitors are nice

A Sun Blade has the following description.

This sword is the size of a bastard sword. However, a sun blade is wielded as if it were a short sword with respect to weight and ease of use. In other words, the weapon appears to all viewers to be a bastard sword, and deals bastard sword damage, but the wielder feels and reacts as if the weapon were a short sword.

Now it goes on to list weapon focus and specialization as specific feats that are compatible with the weapon but could weapon finesses and pirahna strike also be used with a sun blade?

I was thinking of playing a Half-Drow (using half-elf racial swaps) Paladin(2)/Bard(Dawnflower Dervish-3)/Dragon Discple(8)/EK(x) for my next character but then starting thinking the guy may be too much like Drizz't.

Does this idea sound too close?

The original idea was to use the Elven Curve Blade but the easy grab of a free Dervish Dance and double Inspire Courage (although only a +2) seemed too easy to pass up.

So a Evangelist gets Bardic Performance and the book "Gods and Magic" states that Clerics of Iomedae can cast Good Hope as a third level spells. Does this mean my Evangelist Cleric can replace a Bard? I understand I lose out on all the other Bard goodies, but this still sounds like a great character to roleplay.

I'm trying to make a Fighter/Monk/Rogue Duelist and a Duelist and the Dervish Dance feat require a free hand.

Can I wield a one handed weapon and use an unarmed strike to maintain my Duelist and Dervish Dance bonuses? So I would be using TWF to fight with a Scimitar and Fist (or kicking, knee strikes, etc.)

Also, please spare me the "XXX is not optimized" comments. I'm not trying to win PF... but then again I am trying to make a cool character so any help is appreciated.

The write up for the trapper ranger states that "...and cannot use spell trigger and spell completion magic items."

Does this mean that if I take the "Dangerously Curious" trait, I can't use wands/scrolls even though I have the skill?

I'm making a half-elf multiclass bard and I'm wondering what's the better second class. My max Bard lvls will be 8 so I will start either ranger or fighter to 2, then 8 bard, then back to the martial class.

Fighter = feats; ranger = skills.

any suggestions?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Was the whip dagger an awesome weapon in 3.5? I remember the cheese associated with the spiked chain, but why did the pathfinder whip-dagger equivalent (scorpion whip) get nerfed so bad. It went from 1d6/19-20 to 1d4/20.

That's a hell of a drop.

What class and at what lvl could a character get a pegasus as an animal companion or divine bond etc.?

If at all...

If a separatist's deity's favored weapon is a simple weapon, does he still lose proficiency.

For example, if I am a separatist of Abadar, do I lose proficiency in the crossbow, even though I would get proficiency regardless because it's a simple weapon?

9 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required. 2 people marked this as a favorite.

For example, as a half-orc can I take the Eclectic feat?

I want to play a skilled fighter and want to know what is a fair trade for skill points. Would giving up armor training and bravery be worth 6 skill points per level?

Can anyone explain why a Barbarian would get acrobatics but not a Ranger?

I really like the concept of the Urban Ranger (as I think Rogues being the only people to detect and disable traps is pretty lame) but Ranger's don't get acrobatics and their is no trait to make it a class skill. Was this some type of balance issue?

This might sound like cheese, but if a Cleric or Inquisitor gains access to rage through the Destruction domain power, can he then get more rounds through Extra Rage?

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

The way things are written it appears as if Uncanny dodge does not keep a defender from losing his DEX bonus against invisible attackers. Is this correct?

So I"m playing the cleric in my current group and I've just died for the 2nd time. Once at LVL 6 (resulting in a character change to another cleric), and recently again at LVL 11. I'm really sick and tired of playing the cleric. My question is how bad will I be screwing the party if I create a character of a different class?

The group is as listed, not including my cleric.

2 Rogue/9 Ranger
11 Bard
6-Sorecer/5-Dragon Disciple (or whatever the break down)
9 Druid - Follower of Bard
7 Fighter - NPC from GM

Neither the bard nor the rogue/ranger cast use magic device.

I know the playtest is over so this thread may fall on deaf ears or be locked, but could someone please explain to me why some classes have bonus feats limited to "teamwork feats"?

I mean seriously, what about a Cavalier and a Inquisitor makes you assume they are better when working in groups. So you are telling me we have to plan not only our own feats, but hopefully one of our role-playing buddies will take the same exact feats just to get some use out of one of our class abilities.

I don't understand why they couldn't just get bonus martial feats. It almost seems as if they wanted to force someone to take these new teamwork feats because otherwise almost no one would bother.

What's your take?

Other than the precise strike and the additional flanking bonus, the teamwork feats leave a lot to be desired.

EDIT: Please don't bother with the classic line "If you don't like it play your own game."; "Why don't you try designing the game?" If you have nothing to contribute just leave it alone. I love this game, just seemed like the teamwork thing was a bit of a stretch.

So I'm building my concept of a physically imposing Druid (Druid-6 with High Str, Divine Bond: Fire),slowly descending into savagery (motive for future Barbarian levels) due to the loss of his forest homeland and I came across an "Intimidate" conundrum.

Doesn't it seem plausible that when I turn into a black panther that I should be able to intimdate my foes? I mean I can intimidate as a human why on earth would a monster be cowered by my human but not fear a fricking black panther (translated from Dire Tiger lol).

Let me know what you guys think.

So my group was just subjected to a TPK at the hands of a dracolisk and so we are starting a new campaign at Level 6.

Would I be wrong to ask my DM since I am playing a Druid that I be allowed to craft my own magic items before play begins.

This would essentially allow me to have a +2 set of armor and weapon rather than a +1

Recently my group was having the discussion of what requires the biggest "stretch of imagination" to allow when playing Pathinder/3.5
Allowing for such things as spells, prayers, monk powers, etc We came to the conclusion that the spiked chain was the biggest stretch. No one could logically see how someone could effectively wield a spiked chain in combat and yet it was one of the most powerful wapons in 3.5 before it's nerfing.

What do you all see as "the biggest cheese"?


No disrespect to the spiked chain wielders of the world

I got a dilemma Pathfinder fam. In my current group my charcater just died and i'm creating a new character. Im looking to use between two concepts, both are half-elf and that's not up for discussion. Original rolls are 17,16,15,13,13,11 (we use/used 4D6 top two rolls must equal 32 or above, one chance to re-roll any score less than 10)

1) Fighter-2/Rogue-2 Think Dante from Devil May Cry


2) Trapfinding Bard - 4 (DM allowed me to sacrifice a trait to be able to find magical traps)

The other three characters are Monk-1/cleric-4 (human); Wizard (elf)-4; Paladin (human)-3.

Please feel free to posts your thoughts on which I should be and how best to build. Pathfinder Core Rule book only!!!

I am currently in a group consisting of a GM and 4 PCs. All of the roles are currently covered except for the trap finder, which falls to me. We have a Elven Mage, Human Monk/Cleric, and a Human Paladin. Rather than playing the quintessential rogue, I would like to play a Trap-finding Half-Elf Bard but with a few caveats.

I plan on sacrificing my two traits and the Multitalented racial ability for the ability to find magic traps, disable devices, and the elven weapon proficiencies.

Do you all consider this "square bidness" or do you think the GM is taking too much from me or maybe not enough?

Please help with your thoughts.

Recently my GM and I were discussing the validity of a Half-Elf raised amongst elves getting the same weapon proficiencies as an Elf. Does anyone see why this would not be the case?