Churgri of Vapula

Derpless's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 44 posts. 14 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.

Horizon Hunters

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It's not that this isn't nice, but we want news on the advanced players guide more :U

Horizon Hunters

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Such wonderful imagery. Like reading a chapter from a book. And with the picture, it was many times easier to see it all in my mind.

Grand Archive

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Rysky wrote:

“BASIC bonus races that everyone had access to”


“If you didn't GM a ton at Gencon or at any big con, you didn't really have anything special.”

So it’s wanting something special? That aside that was the point of them offering Con rewards like that, they were a thank you for volunteering your time to run during the Convention. Not a light task.

But they were just that, rewards, not basics required to function.

“It was really unfair to non con goers.”

Again, it was a reward and incentive for people putting aside their time to GM at cons, not a f#@$ you to everyone else.

you forgot the part about "maybe they'll still get boons in person" yknow like free raffle prizes and such. Be honest, the big reason to gm cons is for special boons you can't get anywhere else.

Also even online cons take time, of which not everyone (most people) can afford to make time for because of life.

Also in pf1 A TON of options are just entirely blocked from society. A metric ton. Literally like half of all content was blocked from society play (rough guess, additional resources was rrreeeaaalllyyyy long with "not legal not legal not legal" and I'm probably slightly wrong on this but not by much) and luckily that didn't carry over to 2e. In 1e like half of the current heritages and ancestry feats and most of the archetypes from current books would have entirely been blocked from society without a boon.

And again, there will probably be physical in person bonus rewards for gming besides just the points to make up the difference since apparently a handful of people that go to cons aren't happy with the loss of a random boon and arent happy with the option to get whatever boon they CHOSE (with a tiny bit more work, which is way better than a random boon you don't want and then have to put in extra work to trade regardless, so roughly same effort)

Grand Archive

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Xathos of Varisia wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:
Xathos of Varisia wrote:

Hold up. Why can a player only buy a Hobgoblin ancestry one time while there are no limits and no scaling for buying an Iruxi or a Leshy? That does not make any sense. I don't think Hobgoblins are any more powerful than any other ancestry.

80 AcP would require 20 tables played or 10 tables ran to earn enough points to play an Iruxi or Leshy. Why are they treated differently?

Because Hobgoblins are inherently evil? And leadership wants to limit the number of them in play?
We've moved past X race is inherently evil when it comes to player characters. Put a scaling factor in to limit them but a one time purchase is kind of harsh unless this is going to reset per quarter.

i want drow pcs in society then. Only if that happens can you truly say what you just said. There are still plenty of EVIL things that shouldnt be in society.

we are not past that point of "X race is inherently evil" yet. there is a lot of evil. thats why society exists

Grand Archive

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Xathos of Varisia wrote:

Hold up. Why can a player only buy a Hobgoblin ancestry one time while there are no limits and no scaling for buying an Iruxi or a Leshy? That does not make any sense. I don't think Hobgoblins are any more powerful than any other ancestry.

80 AcP would require 20 tables played or 10 tables ran to earn enough points to play an Iruxi or Leshy. Why are they treated differently?

i have 2 dozen people that also want to know this and are waiting on probably me to find out since im watching the blog more than them lol

Grand Archive

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goodness those are EXPENSIVE boons for society play. but at least this means by the time it comes out i can make my iruxi druid Salamancer!

Grand Archive

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Since it isn't called out as being not restricted or anything, does this mean we CAN be a half elf or half orc for any ancestry as it says in the half orc rules?

Grand Archive

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NielsenE wrote:
There's only the one replayable scenario(Absalom Initiation) and the one replayable quest(Sandstone Secret). The reporting system still lists most of the scenarios as replayable, but that's been confirmed as an error/mistake.

they released a 2nd replayable scenario actually, and it's also a 1-4

Grand Archive

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as for title of the topic. apparently no. hard cover is out and additional resources is not updated. odds are they wont update it when pdf comes out on wednesday either. we might be lucky and have new stuff be legal before next year as is how paizo works

Grand Archive

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Jeff Morse wrote:
they gave us a 640 page book with lots of stuff, have yall truly mastered it and ran out of choices? my first game was september 25th 2008. event number 14. guess what,we had a lot less to play with back than. PLEASE give them time to organize things.

maybe they should organize it before releasing it then. the majority of the book is useless for society cuz nobody cant even be level 5 yet. and yet theyre focusing on putting out more things society cant use instead of updating society? more scenarios would be more useful than more books, because as you said, its a large book with lots of options, and society doesnt have the amount of scenarios, or at least not enough replayables, to properly use all that info