
Deriku Stands on the Spiral's page

38 posts. Alias of Changeling Jack.


Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Sorry for going AWOL. Work has been nonsense lately, plus the 'splody-mobo. My brother has offered to let me yank organs from his old HP, so maybe I can hobble something together without frying it.

Until then, Deriku is perfectly happy to stand around holding a lantern as he has a -6 attack for a maximum of 1 point of nonlethal damage. Also, it gives him a good vantage point to say "Stands on the Spiral told Alanar so." when he gets eaten alive by monsters.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Stands on the Spiral Surveys the room around him with momentary reverence before leaving it to continue on.

"These are the burial weapons of the Honored Dead," he says, indicating the ornamental weapons the children have withdrawn from their places. "You must return them to the homes before we are leaving. Much bad magic can come of it, otherwise. Haunts. Ghosts," he wiggles his left fingers, making the talons tied there clack together, "Wraiths. Bad magic."

He makes his way in the light of the lanterns, musing quietly, "This ifrit, seems like, same ifrit Stands on the Spiral says 'Don't run ahead'. Could be different idiot."

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Sorry for holding everyone up. I meant to post over the weekend, but then I viciously mangled my PC in my DIY hubris.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

"Surround it!" Stands on the Spiral says, squeezing between Erik and the wall to avoid the horrid creature's mandibles. Standing in the alcove, he waits for a chance to strike, hefting his torch over one shoulder.

Even with assistance, however, he doubts his chances of hitting the tiny, scurrying monster.

Move 20 ft. E (5 ft. squeezing to avoid AoO)

Ready Action: Wait for flanking bonus against spider, then

Melee (torch, unlit): 1d20 - 2 - 4 + 2 ⇒ (11) - 2 - 4 + 2 = 7

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

It's hard to tell from the map, but could I take a move action to get behind Erik and wait for the others to come in for the flanking bonus? Then we can all just beat on Erik with sticks until the spider is dead.

And I have a 6 Strength, thankyouverymuch, which will one day be a beefcake 8. I' wouldn't have grown up to be a barbarian, I would have grown up to be a creepy death shaman.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

With the spiders being in other people's squares, is there a chance that I accidentally smash Erik's teeth in with my torch if I miss the spider next round?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Stands on the Spiral studies the skeletons with interest by the pale blue light of the lanterns. “Stands on the Spiral knows this man, he was—” he says, interrupted by the flare of torchlight and shielding his eyes for a moment.

As the alarm rings around him, Stands on the Spiral doesn't see the threat until they’re already upon him. Seeing no lit torches nearby with which to light his own, he steps into the doorway beside Erik and swings wide above the spider skull, using his unlit torch as a club.

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

5 ft. Step, SE

Melee (torch, unlit): 1d20 - 2 - 4 ⇒ (9) - 2 - 4 = 3

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

No one has drivers for it anywhere, including the Belkin site. All I can find is bogus program downloader links.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

I should be able to take my turn in a couple of hours, sorry. Still no internet on the home PC and the tablet's garbage for posting.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

I like that I go last because you're all going to die and I am going to run away, plugging my ears to your spidery screams.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Stands on the Spiral notices the sudden shift in the placement of the skulls lining the alcoves with distaste. "This is desecration," he indicates, "Likely done with purpose. Intelligence. Also much time needed to do so many. Unless done long and long ago, can expect other life down here."

"Or unlife," he adds.

"Either straight through webbed door, or left," Stands on the Spiral ponders, "Think she is halfway between both directions. Avoid webbing for now is probably most good option. Left, to South."

He turns south and begins walking. "Alanar, how long to put fire to the torches? If trouble, will need them lit fast."

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

While Alanar is busy crafting torches, Stands on the Spiral inspects the entrance with interest. I imagine, he thinks, That this is what the sacred burial grounds must be like back in Varisia. Perhaps not quite so well-crafted, but the Shoanti have long been burying their sacred dead as a matter of holy ritual, and this place seems as proper as such a place could be.

Accepting a torch from Alanar, he heads down the stairwell by the blue light of the blackflame lanterns. "Try not to disturb the bones of the dead," he instructs, his voice echoing back to the room above, "Unless they are moving."

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

"Mother of Souls guide us and forgive trespass on the dead as we seek the wounded," Stands on the Spiral says into the portal.

"As before, light up front, be careful for danger. Rescue pointless if all die in collapse. Alanar," he stops to make eye contact with the fiery boy, "Understand the urgency, but do not rush. Stands on the Spiral does not with to say the words over more of the dead than needed."

He motions to Taeo and Alyona, "As we were, yes?" and begins to enter the tomb.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

He picks idly at the scar on the side of his face as he reads the inscription.

"Ah," Stands on the Spiral says, "Less horrible. Sign of Aroden, god of the humans. Long dead. Maybe not so bad, yes? Don't know the poem.

"Looks like others have already broken open," he continues, "Could be less danger. Unless robbers now undead."

He seems more interested in the words than the iron bar that opens the door, and makes no move to retrieve it.

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Stands on the Spiral marvels at the complete lack of foresight being endorsed by the others. He holds up his hands in supplication and says, “It is this hurried thinking that kills. Please do not run ahead, regardless of seeing in the night. Could be more holes, loose floor or ceiling. Must all be wary, must watch as we go.”

“Also, leave lantern at hole for light. Easier to see what we look for. Let’s go,” he says, heading for the crypt door.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

As Stands on the Spiral leads the way to the crypt entrance, he calls reassuringly over his shoulder, “Alanar Fog-Blind, the door is only ten paces away. Don’t worry about being forgot, Stands on the Spiral will still see you from there.”

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

I wasn't sure how to format it, but I get it taking a ten. Is this acceptable as written? I can edit out the actions if necessary.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Stands on the Spiral peers in the direction Alyona indicates and allows his eyes to slowly adjust to the dark shapes of the boneyard before nodding, sagely.

“Alyonaelvanna sees true,” he places a hand on Alanar’s shoulder, “Do not let concern for others first endanger your self. Terrain is bad here, and Alanar will need his clothes.”

“One lantern need left here,” he points to the ground in front of the yawning chasm, “To see where we started. Other lantern, come to the door to see if opens, look for words. Will not want to enter if words say, ‘Here are the Bones of Undead Horselord God,’ no?” He laughs, meanly, at his own words before gesturing in the direction of the door.

“Shenhua, Alanar stay with Lantern until it is seen.” He nods at Alyona, and again in the direction of the door.

Take a 10 on perception = 15

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

I see. Should I remake the Perception check now that Alyona is pointing at the door?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Newbie question: How do you know the result of your roll before writing your post to respond to it properly?

EDIT: Newbie question 2: How do you do that thing with the cool fonts to represent other languages? I like my blend of actual native american words and phonemic gibberish, but cool fonts are cool.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Stands on the Spiral hisses as he skids to a sharp halt. He feels along the lip of the cave-in with the inside of his shoe and watches the earth clatter down below.

“Hole in ground, she has fallen in. Made by man, it seems. Caern for the dead maybe,” he says to those behind him, “Must find way down.”

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Displaying no anger or impatience, Stands on the Spiral responds, “Taeo Oneshape, Stands on the Spiral understands how to do one thing the best: stay alive. This land is unfamiliar to all. Terrain is dangerous. Alanar can not see the hand in front of the face. Running off all together just makes us lost as well. Without caution, maybe not one of us finishes the journey to Akrabahadran. Foolishness caused this, more foolishness can not help.”

He pauses and sighs. “Perhaps the net will not be enough. There are other ways to mark the trail, but it must be done. Stands on the Spiral cannot be the eyes of all. Does someone have the way to scrape deeply at the earth? Or the staff or spear to stab down into it?”

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

“Net is fine. Net can be cut, row by row, make guideline long enough for now. Tie to wagon,” he points back toward where those gathering had come from, “Carry other lanterns into darkness until just see the lantern on the wagon. More guideline, another lantern. Use line of light to sweep through boneyard.”

He looks at the children and taps Taeo on the shoulder, “Best eyes for night out front, others spread along guideline, hold on. Call down line if need to stop, or blocked, or if she is found. Not too loud. Don’t disturb the graves.”

Stands on the spiral sighs deeply and looks Taeo in the eyes, “If Taeo is lucky today, he will not have the wish fulfilled, the wish to know the death of a mortal.” Turning back to the others, he asks, “Who has knife to cut the net?”

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Upon hearing the whimper, he braces reflexively. Relaxing, Stands on the Spiral looks over his shoulder and calls back to the children near the wagon, “Ilesea is maybe hurt. The lanterns can be taken? Bring from wagon. Also cord, string, line for guiding.”.

He stands his ground, waiting for response from the others, but unwilling to leave hearing range of the whimpering.

“Little one,” he calls, “Stands on the Spiral hears you, can come towards him?”

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Surviving stuff is my bag. People travelling with me, however, haven't been as lucky. >:D

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Stands on the Spiral follows the tracks as far as they take him within the light of the blackflame lanterns before stopping. He runs a hand over the stubble covering his scalp while peering off into the graveyard. Spending a moment in consideration, he calls out, not too loudly, “Ilesea, it is safe to come out. The fey was not in danger, only foolish.”

He holds a hand in the air for silence and listens for a response, or movement.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

“Ithhikaawaniae,” Stands on the Spiral shakes his head at the antics of the feyling, “You attract the real monster.”

At the more pressing panic which arises shortly thereafter, he snaps his fingers twice, loudly. “Be quiet, all,” he commands in a conversational tone. He calmly moves from the wagon to stand beside the ifrit and holds him by the arm to still him.

“Stop moving. Tracks,” he explains, and begins to peer carefully around the ground where the halfling girl was last seen.


Survival to Fllow Tracks: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

"Idiot boy,"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Stands on the Spiral pulls his furs tighter around his shoulders as he steps out of the wagon and into the sand. He takes in surrounding not entirely unfamiliar to him. Barren rock towers layered in yellows, browns and reds bring back old memories of the Storval Plateau. The fog and the cold—and the ghastly sapphire radiance of the lanterns—do their best to paint even that breath of the familiar with unwelcoming tones.

He props himself against a wagon wheel and begins to stretch his weary muscles. When Taeo's shouts pierce the eerie barriers of fog surrounding them, he reflexively backs up against the wood paneling and listens.


Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

”Seen seven tens and six cousins die in battle, all the Skoan-Quah in Stands on the Spiral’s tribe. Seen more than ten tens of cousins and tshameks die in cold, in sickness and said the Last Words over them. Giants, goblins, dead in tens, tens, and tens. This is the emiinakhaaiviiv’muwhenaa, land of the dying, child,” he explains calmly, “All that live will die. Is certain. One Shape, Stands on Spiral, Princess and Hokutoishihara. Not final, after death is the Spiral, the River of Souls. Then reward, or punishment.”

“Or service,” he adds thoughtfully. “Little know fey. Your land without dying, seem poisonous to the soul. When even the weak live without dying, where strength come from? Stands on the Spiral has seen Death many times and many more. Will see death again, many times and more.”

He takes a moment to measure the reaction of the feyling before changing the subject back to names, “In the Quah, you do choose the adult name, but not the words. Choose it with actions, with big lessons. Not until adult you are given the adult name. If Quah shaman pick well, name is the strong weapon.”

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

“My cousins knew the swallowtail, Hokutoishihara, she is revered.”

Stands on the Spiral nods solemnly, if reservedly, at the harrow cards. To Hokutoishihara, he says “Will learn, please. Stands on the Spiral’s fkef’h, bones, came from the sacred dead, lost in the snow, will need new omens.”

Turning to the child feyling beside him, he regards Taeo studiously for a long moment. “To the Spiral we all go when Death buys us. It is Pharasma’s to guard, Her place. Stands on the Spiral was given by Reads Marrow, long trials, and ritual,” he covers his blemished eye with the talon-fingers of his left hand, “Near death again, again, see life again, again. Still breathe.”

He nods, then shakes his head. “Name means more. Taldane, Shoanti, still new. Netaawigaabawbiimiskobii`igan, this is Stands on the Spiral, some.” He raises his hands to the side as though to say, That is who I am.


Knows How to Stand on the Spiral

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Stands on the Spiral’s brow furrows at Hokutoishihara’s description. ”No,” he explains. ”When Stands on the Spiral throws the bones, meaning comes from here,” he draws the outline of an eye on the center of his forehead, ”And from Pharasma, Fate Knower. What purpose pictures if already have meaning? Where is prophecy if soul of the thing made stone, solid, with lines and color?”

He smirks in distaste of his Taldane words, freshly learned on his short journey. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before sighing, lifting his hands beseechingly to say ”Why so much... kaawilikiisaha’miitek, not just see with heart the omens Pharasma shows?”

He raises a hopeful eyebrow to Hokutoishihara, hoping to see understanding of his poorly translated thoughts.



Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Stands on the Spiral regards Taeo’s summoning with a moment of surprise followed by exasperation. Children. He turns in his seat, slightly away from the newest stranger, to wave a hand over the harrow cards still laid out before him.

”Hokutoishihara,” he says, ”What purpose pictures? Why not... fkef’h yik?” He sets his bad hand under his right arm, using the one unburned to tap the various bones strung around his neck as an example of what knuckle bones are.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

I figure I should explain my character name for sake of inclusion in other people's posts. As a "Shoanti", Deriku is his birth name, and it is unlikely he has told it to anyone. He introduces and refers to himself by his "adult name" of Stands on the Spiral.

While there could be a case made for the fact that he never properly received his adult name by Shoanti standards, it is unlikely any of you filthy outsiders would know that. And, since he believes he has in fact reached adulthood, he only uses Deriku if he likes somebody enough to trust them, which is unlikely at this point in time.

I probably should have mentioned this earlier but I'm real bad stupid.

EDIT: Also, there are around 10 of those knit squid/octopi on a bookshelf in my dining room right now (The knitter is the brother's girlfriend).

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

I forgot to add the translation of Stands on the Spiral's comment to himself, which anyone may have overheard. It was in Shoanti, if anyone speaks that:

"(I am a) stranger in a strange land,"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Tak tak tak.

Stands on the Spiral idly taps at the two long talons tied to his left hand. They sit beside the three working fingers as prosthetics, bound to the fur wrap hiding those which were long ago fused to his palm in a childhood game. They match, in width, scars that travel from crown on down back of him, under the collar of his travel-garb.

Tak tak tak.

He scans the contents of the wagon with nearly two brown eyes, the right seeming off balance with the placement of a fly-sized speck of dead white. The wagon contained the strangest assortment of tshamek children he has yet to encounter, and their alien and varied ways do them no favors. He snickers.

"Tshamek kit tshamektet," he mutters. Who is he to call them outsiders? The whole world is alien now, and he is but one alien in it. And he should be paying attention.

These harrow cards seem to have none of the finesse, the requisite intuition, that the bones do. He had seen the bones read daily in his youth, worked with Reads Marrow to pry their secrets loose and divine fate as the Mother of Souls would have it done. The harrow cards seem like a novice’s tool, having their meanings painted on them, as though their dealer couldn’t make sense of prophecy without tidy descriptions.

Yet it is prophecy, and it is sacred. He tunes out the shuffling of the children and absorbs Hokutoishihara’s words with the gravity befitting them. Dark portents, it seems, but portents in these times have been colored black for as long as he can remember, since he was a child, since he was a babe. Since the time before his life. They would be blacker still, no doubt, after his passing. He tries to glean similar meanings from the bones bound at his wrists and throat, but without casting they are nearly worthless at the art.

Tak tak tak.

The children chatter at each other as children do. Frivolous, childhood musings, as it should be. Stands on the Spiral holds his tongue, as he has been doing for most of this long journey south. He stays guarded, once again passing his eyes over the objects in the carriage which he could use to defend himself if their games turn on him. He closes his eyes and meditates on the sounds around him, waiting for the sound of the carriageman’s call, for the creak of the breaks, for the stop that will get him out of this frozen, wind-blasted wasteland.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1
Robert Brookes wrote:
Did you check out the archetypes I put up on the ruins wiki? I wasn't sure if either of them interested you. The links are in the first post in this thread.

I did, but none of them really mesh with my concept of straight-up memitim psychopomp for an eidolon. Vanilla for me.

I like the witch/summoner for flavor though, that is pretty neat.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Aw man, you didn't tell me THEY would be playing, I quit. Just funnin'. Long time no see, fellow nerds.

I appreciate being selected for this campaign, especially since I am one of the two non-good people and get to be a creepy weirdo, which is kind of my thing.

I don't think there's anything I need to buff, mechanically speaking, as I gave him a good polish late last week in anticipation of selection.

I, Stands on the Spiral, hereby submit myself to the College of Shadows under the sign of the Owl.