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You gain a +1 conditional bonus to spell rolls and spell DCs.
What that actually means?
If we calculate the DPR, we will conclude this:
if you have a 55% chance to hit (10+) and a 5% (20) chance to create for an expected average damage of 60% your average roll, the +1 increase your DPR to 60%, +10% = 70%, which is 70/60 = 1,16 times the "normal" amount, for a DPR increase of 16%. Doesn't sound bad on paper.
But in actual play? +1 means that it will transform a crit fail into a full 1 every 20 times, a fail in hit 1 every 20 times, and a hit into a create 1 more times every 20. So, this spell impact your actual roll 3 times every 20, so on average 1 every 6.6 times it is used. Meaning, a sorcerer with 18 CHA will, on average, gain an actual benefit from this class ability once every two adventuring days, if he get the opportunity to use it most of the 4 times on a spell that has all 4 degrees of success. The math gets worse if you use it for a spell with no critfail like most of to-hit spells.
PF2 is, at the moment, full of such low-impact ability that, while probably good when digging behind the math, are utterly unrewarding in actual play.
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I was compiling a list for personal use so I thought of sharing. This is the list of current Spells (no powers, no compositions) that you can cast with a single action
MAGIC MISSILE Lv 1 (you really shouldn't)
SHIELD Cantrip
I noticed how the campaign prologue doesn't bother giving a single reason on why the hell the players should bother accepting the mission. This bugs the hell out of me. We as a group handwaived it to get the dice rolling, but is really immersion braking.
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Invisibility, 1 minute. Wild Shape, 1 minute. Unseen servant, 1 minute. Is there any spell in this damn rulebook that has not been demoted to a glorified encounter power for a tactical wargame?
I want my damn narrative agency back in my spells, else i'll be playing warhammer.
With both +enhancment and various feats like power attack working on [W] base damage dices, i'm wondering how stacking is going to work. If they keep the current stacking rules of always working of the base value, I see stuff like power attack rapidly losing appeal as the magic power of weapons get higher.
How does the "burning" infusion actually works? Does it follows the "catching fire" rules? explicitly
1) Does it gives a Reflexes save to avoid it?
2) Is the save DC statically set at 15?
3) Can you burn him more than once per round via quicken/flurry/blade?
Bonus question, is there a way to reduce matakinesis cost besides gather/supercharge before 19?
So, let's say I have a +5 Defending weapon with Greater Magic Weapon cast on top of it for +5 bonus.
If I decide to allocate the weapon +5 bonus to my AC with the defending propriety, does my weapon still retains the +5 bonus granted by the spell?
In other words, is the bonus from the spell separated by the one of the weapon itself? And Does Defending only applyes to the weapon one?
Note: under this interpretation, a +1 Defending weapon with a +5 worth of Greater Magic Weapon would only be able to add 1 to you AC.
Second Note: I'm not interested in RAI since i'm never going to do it nor allow it in my home games, and I don't play PFS. Just interested in the RAW answer for accademic purposes. That does'n mean you are not free to discuss it in this thread if you really want to, but I would ask you to please try and look it from a more "legalistic" point of view.
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Anybody else find strange the fact that fighter/barbarian/ranger ecc. VMC doesn't give any kind of weapon proficiency?
I mean, it's kinda one of the basic aspect of multiclassing and seems to me a pretty glaring oversight. I understand why armor proficiency is not given away, since classes that lacks them generally do so for specific reasons, but martial weapon proficiency seems to me a pretty basic requirment for a "half fighter".
So, lately there is been a lot of new stuffs cropping up with the ACG and whatever, and i'm starting to lag behind. So i'm asking, has there been something new and juicy to make a gun wielding magus work?
So, i was pondering on next-level-cheese stuff and I got an idea.
When 2WF yu are not required to have both weapon in hand at the start of your turn.
So, for example, your are allowed to strike first with all your main hand attacks (single hand grip ofc, no 2H), then Quick draw an additional blade and perform all your off hand attacks as long as you have first declared your intention at the start of your turn by taking the appropriate penalty (-2 or -4).
What an i getting at is, can i declare 2WF, attack with my longsword in my right (main) hand, then switch it in my left (off) hand, and use it for the extra attacks granted by the 2WF rules?
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I was toying again with a sorcerer when a question struck my mind. It's about Draconic Bloodline Arcane. The text reads
Quote: Whenever you cast a spell with an energy descriptor that matches your draconic bloodline's energy type, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled The text doesn't require for the +1 damage to apply that the dices musts be of designated elemental type, but only for the spell descriptor to be the right one. So for example if i chose blue dragon and i cast Ice Storm i should get +1 damage on both the cold damage dices and on the bludgeoning damage dices. Is this really intended? or it is an oversight?
On the same line of thought, let's take a sorcerer arcane trickster. When sneak attacking with a spell with the right energy type, do i get to add my bloodline bonus also on the additional sneak attacks dices?
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Two simple question that comed up in my mind and i can't find any responses anywhere
1) Does Aura of Cowardice affects mindless creatures or creatures otherwise immune to mind affacting spells like undead or vermins?
2) Is Cruelty considered a fear effect whe used to convoy the shackened/frightned affliction?

i know there are already a lot of topic on this, but i want to put a specific question in a new light. So here I go.
I am a normal human, save for the fact that my hands are actually claws. Now, as being pointed out in other discussion, natural weapons are for all effect of purpose a special subcategory of "light melee weapon", that follow some special rules, the most critical being the inability of making iterative attacks.
Now, if i decide to fight with my two claws, i can only make 2 attacks, regardless of my BAB. 'till here all is pretty easy. Next step.
I have BAB of 20 so i want to take advantage of it. I get a longsword in my right hand and i make my 4 attacks. Plus one claw with my left hand. Cool.
Now, since my left hand if for all effects and purpouse a light melee weapon, can i decide to elect it as my offhand? This does not break any rules that i know of, but lets you do the same thing you was doing it before but with a big penalty.
If I take the TWF feats, i'm allowed to make extra attacs with my left claw. This extra attacs are extra attacks and not "iteratives attacks", so the claw is allowed to make them (like you can make extra attacks if you are hasted). Am i wrong? or not? if yes, why?

From the PDR
Quote: Quivering Palm (Su): Starting at 15th level, a monk can set up vibrations within the body of another creature that can thereafter be fatal if the monk so desires. He can use this quivering palm attack once per day, and he must announce his intent before making his attack roll. Creatures immune to critical hits cannot be affected. Otherwise, if the monk strikes successfully and the target takes damage from the blow, the quivering palm attack succeeds. Thereafter, the monk can try to slay the victim at any later time, as long as the attempt is made within a number of days equal to his monk level. To make such an attempt, the monk merely wills the target to die (a free action), and unless the target makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the monk's level + the monk's Wis modifier), it dies. If the saving throw is successful, the target is no longer in danger from that particular quivering palm attack, but it may still be affected by another one at a later time. A monk can have no more than 1 quivering palm in effect at one time. If a monk uses quivering palm while another is still in effect, the previous effect is negated. Am i wrong or nowhere it states any kind of restriction of the kind of blow you are supposed to deliver?
I'm trying to build a character that have the same feeling as the old 3.5 assassin. That nice combine of stealth rogue an that little splash of the megic that really counts for a rogue was one of the best feeling i had in a character in my long 3.5 gaming life. Sadly in pathfinder the assassins have lost everithing that made him cool (invis, DD, Glibness).
So, now i'm working on the arcane trickster. The first iteration was the obvius mage/rogue. The problem i have with that kind of approch is that you end up being a mage with sneack attack. I want the opposite. I want a rogue with some spell as aid. It must still fell like a rogue. So, last time i got the idea of going for either a rogue/magus build or a rogue/bard build. What's your thought on this? has anyone else tryed it? any suggestion?
I'm an Arcane Sorcerer of level 8 for example. I put on the robe. Now i'm level 12 for my Bloodline power. This means I gain the New Arcana power, selecting a bonus spell known. After a day of adventuring, i remove my robe. Now i lose the bonus spell. 'till now it's simple. When i put the robe again, I get again the benefit of the New Arcana bloodline power. Do i get to chose again any one spell that fulfill the requisite? Or must i chose the same one of before?
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Does the +5 increse on dice cap gets doubled? It's a set numerical bonus, and it comes from a feat so...? Because, you now, it doesn't seems intended to me.
monk (many style) 8 fight (brawler) 12
BAB 18
feat 10+1(H)+3(M)+7(F)=21
crane x3, dragon x2, tiger x2, 2wf x3, spec x4, power attack
1° monk 1 dodge crane style(H) crane wing(M)
2° monk 2 crane risposte(M)
3° figh 1 dragon style two weapon fight(F)
4° figh 2 weapon focus(F)
5° monk 3 dragon ferocity
6° monk 4
7° figh 3 power attack improved two weapon fight(F)
8° figh 4 weapon spec(F)
9° monk 5 tiger style
10° monk 6 tiger pounch(M)
11° monk 7 --
12° monk 8
13° figh 5 greater two weapn fight
14° figh 6 --
15° figh 7 --
16° figh 8 greater weapon focus(F)
17° figh 9 --
18° figh 10 --
19° figh 11 --
20° figh 12 greater weapon spec(F)
That's the skeleton of the build. The general idea is smashing people faces and being good at it. In general, he prefer being on the aggressive but he is a front liner so i'm looking for good all-around idea to increase damage/survaivability. Any opinion/advice on how to improve/smooth the progression? any idea on feat to fill the spaces?
Alright I have some ruling question to ask.
Question 1: I have a masterwork weapon. I cast on it Greater Magic Weapon (lets say CL 12). If I am a magus, can I use the Arcane poll to add special proprieties to the weapon without first add a +1?
Question 2: I have a +10 weapon composed of +1 enchantment and +9 special abilities (let's say speed vorpal keen). If I cast on that weapon Greater Magic Weapon at CL 20 it becomes a +5 speed vorpal keen weapon rigt?
Question 3: I have a +1 bane weapon n wich i cast Greater Magic Weapon CL 20. Againts it' bane enemies become a +7 blade?

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Ranged Spellstrike (Su): At 4th level, a myrmidarch can
use spellstrike to cast a single-target touch attack ranged
spell and deliver it through a ranged weapon attack. Even if
the spell can normally affect multiple targets, only a single
missile, ray, or effect accompanies the attack.
At 11th level, a myrmidarch using a multiple-target
spell with this ability may deliver one ray or line of effect
with each attack when using a full-attack action, up to
the maximum allowed by the spell (in the case of ray
effects). Any effects not used in the round the spell is cast
are lost. This ability replaces spell recall and improved
spell recall.
My question is, how he does use a bow? he still need the one hand free to cast per spellstrike. Or i am wrong?
Edit: I double-psted by mistake, ending up with 2 identical thread. I deleted the other post, but I can't seem to be able to delete the thread. So, if by chance a moderator passes by, please delete the other thread. And also please don't bash me too much ^^