Toff Ornelos

DedmeetDM's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 109 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


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Liberty's Edge

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello DedmeetDM,

Your order is one that was part of the issue we have mentioned here. Your order is on a pick list right now though, so it should be on its way any time now.

Thanks for the response!

Liberty's Edge


My Dead Suns AP volume in this order has been pending for weeks now. I'm just wondering if there was a problem and how I can get it fixed.

Thank you,


Liberty's Edge

The thing is that AE is a massive corporate entity, and a shady one at that. They will have shell companies for their shell companies, and will only work against the PCs in secret backhanded ways.

If I was going to flesh this out I would definitely work with the whole corporate espionage angle. The company won't go after the PCs publicly, might even put out messages of support. They will try to discredit the PCs through shell companies.

One thing you could have happen is another small mining corp, who is secretly a shell for AE, approach the PCs with information if the PCs work with them. Maybe even hire the PCs as consultants. Then later information is brought to light the that the corporation is doing some horribly immoral things, child labor, slave labor, etc. The corporation closes shop and leaves the PCs to deal with the fallout. The PCs could very quickly be on the wrong side of Absalom Station Security when holo vids pop up on Absalom Station News showing mines full of children or slaves with the PCs names plastered across the headline.

Perhaps the PCs are stranded in the Drift after a bit of AE sabotage to their drift engine.

You have to remember that AE got to where they are by being smart and rich. They aren't going to fight the PCs face to face, and its not like the PCs can just go kick down the door of AE's corporate offices and treat it like a dungeon.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm working on fleshing out some background stuff that could come in to play at some point.

A Eoxian gameshow called "The Running of the Ghouls". Contestants will run a course while a pack of ghouls chases them. Viewers will pay credits and vote on "hazards" to put in the contestants way.

The Absalom Station Fresh Water Festival. A once a year celebration of fresh water being pumped into the station, while the old recycled water gets vented into space.

A space goblin battleship under the command of the "Dread Admiral" Rackrack. Every time the battleship performs any action it has a chance to fail and a system shut down until the goblin crew can repair it.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cole Deschain wrote:
DedmeetDM wrote:
I was thinking about an AP where a faction of the Azlanti Star Empire decides that the time to conquer the Pact Worlds has come. However since they don't have the full might of the Empire at their backs they use some sort of pheromone beacons to direct the Swarm to attack planets first. Using them as either cannon fodder or diversion.
Starfinder: Brood War, huh?

Wow I didn't even realize that until

Back to square one....:)

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I was thinking about an AP where a faction of the Azlanti Star Empire decides that the time to conquer the Pact Worlds has come. However since they don't have the full might of the Empire at their backs they use some sort of pheromone beacons to direct the Swarm to attack planets first. Using them as either cannon fodder or diversion.

So the lower levels will be kind of a Starship Troopers feel and later more of a Star Wars feel.

Liberty's Edge

I've only got the PDF but holy crap the art in this book is amazing. The picture of the Ysoki in the Mechanic class section looks incredible.

Liberty's Edge

Such a great book! This was the first of the Tales books I read, and just got 45 bucks in other ones because of it.

That being said someone need to light a fire under Mr. Stackpole and get him to typity typing on a sequel. I need more of the Vishovs, Murdoons, and Silverlake. :)

Liberty's Edge

Maybe have Aldern hire new PCs to go and search for his missing obsession. Once they return he can develop a new obsession.

Since the timeline of RotR is fluid Aldern could still be in Sandpoint waiting for word about his obsession. Or while they are in Thistletop he could leave Sandpoint then. Either way it introduces Aldern.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Vic or Erik,

Could we get the team at Paizo to sign our copy if requested? My schedule doesn't allow me attend conventions, and would like a signed copy.


Liberty's Edge

The first episode of the new season is up on youtube!

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the reply everyone. I just wasn't sure if she was trying to fool them or what.

Thinking about it further, it does seem like she would be so grateful to be free from the ruins that she would uphold her promise to grant the wishes.

It does say in her description that she has almost lost hope of ever being freed.

Liberty's Edge

I've been reading through the adventure and I came across this, and was wondering if it was a misprint or what.

The Ruins:

The marid entry in the ruins says she will grant wishes as long as one of those is used for her release.

However in the bestiary the marid only receives one wish, once per year. I was just wondering if this was a misprint in the adventure or is she trying to fool the party?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Will this just be used for Paizo material, or can we do a original campaign?

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
The three images chosen for the front cover were semi-randomly selected, as far as I know. They're not hidden hints as to who is more important to the campaign than anyone else.

Now I'm suspicious!!

Liberty's Edge

Wolfthulhu wrote:
DedmeetDM wrote:
Considering the price tag, could these be signed by the team at Paizo?

I for one, would rather something this extravagant NOT be marred by signatures. I love my signed 1st printing corebook, but it's the sigs that make it special. I fear they would actually detract from the value of this book.

Although an inserted signature page would be cool.

That's a good point. Maybe they could take requests for it. As opposed to signing every one.

Liberty's Edge

Considering the price tag, could these be signed by the team at Paizo?

Liberty's Edge

Ok Paizo I'm going to need to you stop making cool things. I keep wanting to buy them and have you seen the shipping on organs you sell on eBay?!

And besides I think the homeless are starting to notice me harvesting them...dang it.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lisa Stevens wrote:

Sometimes it is good to own the company...


Lisa I am prepared to offer you a used cat, a remote to a long gone tv, and two games of munchkin for the truth about aroden.

This is a limited time offer so act now!

Liberty's Edge

Hello all,

Sorry if this has been answered before, I tried doing a search for it.

When awarding experience for an encounter; do you award xp for individual monsters, overall CR, or both.

Thanks in advance for the answers.

Liberty's Edge

Just checking on my order. It says it shipped on the 12th, but there is still no tracking information available.

I'm just wondering if it shipped or if there is something wrong with the order.

Liberty's Edge

Looking for a regular pathfinder group in the west suburbs (Wheaton).

I currently have two players now, and would like at least two more.

I will be DMing an AP, most likely RotRL or the new Skulls and Shackles.



Liberty's Edge



Carry on... :)

Liberty's Edge


1. How many interns have you life-drained to maintain the energy to keep up with this thread?

2. Need a new intern? :)

Liberty's Edge

I would like to make a couple points here that probably have already been made. Hey I'm a glutton for punishment.

I have been in several games where we made it to level 20. At level 20 the DM was either not creative enough, or didn't have enough material to test us with any meaningful encounters. The game got boring and stagnant, and we as players began to topple governments/nations for fun. So yes there is a point to having creature/monsters/BBEG with a CR in the 26 range. When compared to PCs in the high teens or level 20, you can pretty much throw the CRs out the window.

I know for a fact that one of my groups could have taken down a CR 26 creature without breaking a sweat. They were amazing with tactics, and built characters specifically to work together. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

My other point to make is that often times the reason a high level npc/PC doesn't just walk in to the throne room of said evil country and kill its leader is not because they can't. It's because they know better. They know that killing off the leader will destabilize the whole government, and possibly allow a worse leader to move into the throne.

The most important thing to understand is that Paizo may come out and say that Cheliax's leaders are CR 26, and that deposing them is a epic level campaign. But you know what...Paizo is not my GM! They created a wonderful setting and said "Here you go fans!" It's your setting now! I don't recall anyone from the Paizo staff ever saying, "You cannot change our setting for your home campaign! If you do Erik Mona will hit you with James Jacobs!"

Happy New Years everyone!!!!

Liberty's Edge

Jason! Its Roll from Keesler AFB. Check your email.

Liberty's Edge

I have to agree with everyone here. LoF has started with a very loud bang, and I hope it continues this way. I have to say I was really looking forward to this AP. I really wasn't interested in Second Darkness, not because of the quality. My group has just done the drow to death, and I really didn't want to do another drow campaign.

But everyone in my group is frothing over a arabian nightsish AP. Erik you are a artist of words, and I do hope you keep the adventure writers hat on for awhile.

Liberty's Edge

How about:

Awesomesauce the RPG

Seriously though I like Pathfinder just fine.

Or we could call it:

Man-made Underground Structures & Flying Intelligent Uber Reptiles

It's a bit long, but it could work.

Liberty's Edge

Happy Birthday Pathfinder. You guys rock!!!!

Liberty's Edge

Put me down for a order of that as well :). I am loving the supplements so far. Great stuff.

Liberty's Edge

Also keep in mind that in medieval times a hanging or beheading was not always a quick or painless death. More often than not the headsman or hangman would take a payment from the family of the accused to make the death quick (by sharpening his axe or placing the rope so that it would snap the neck as opposed to choking). If the accused had nothing to pay the executioner with, he may work with a dull axe or a rope placed to choke instead of snap necks. So losing your head might involve more than one chop.

Liberty's Edge

maliszew wrote:
I think what this means is that the new OGL will not allow publishers to produce "alternate PHBs" à la Arcana Evolved or (ironically) Iron Heroes. In short, you can't create stand-alone 4E-compatible games. I think that's the thrust of this. I rather expect much of the "fluff" of the 4E PHB won't make it into the new SRD.

Ah Ok thanks for clearing that up Maliszew. Lawyerspeak makes my head hurt :).

Liberty's Edge

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
I'm not sure where you're getting this from. Where are you seeing this?

Sorry I wasn't clear. I was talking about the statement in which they said that all 3rd party publishers must use the 4e PHB as the basis for their products. Wouldn't that mean that pantheons for campaign settings would have to be the PHB deities?

Liberty's Edge

maliszew wrote:
That seems very unlikely. Indeed, I'll be amazed if the 4E SRD includes much in the way proper names beyond what is already open content via the 3E SRD.

Well what I am saying is that it said publisher must use the 4e PHB as it's basis. So would that include pantheon as well? If so that sucks cause I am really diggin' Pathfinders deities.

Liberty's Edge

This statement also sounds like all 3rd party campaign settings will need to adhere to the same pantheon as well. Not sure if I am reading that correctly or not, but that is what it seems like it is saying.

Liberty's Edge

So far I am impressed with Pathfinder as a whole. The writing, maps, artwork, setting, atmosphere, it is all top notch. Probably the only thing I don't like about it is the Pathfinder Journal. These pages could better be used for something that benefits the adventure path, such as additional articles supporting the AP, or mini side treks.

I just think the PJ would be better suited as a online article that people could peruse whenever they wanted to read a good story, and it is a great story (I'm not bashing the quality of the PJ.)

Overall I am happy to be a subscriber, and will stay a subscriber as long as Paizo keeps beating the pants off of WoTC when it comes to quality products.

Keep up the good work guys, and we'll have a Happy new year.

Liberty's Edge

It was indeed a almost divine experience. I have shot many carbonated beverages out of my nasal cavity over the years, but root beer is a feeling all its own.

Oh and make sure you actually sing the song as it should be (to the tune of jingle bells) it definately adds to the humor.

Liberty's Edge

Unfortunately yes. It has a bit of a sting to it when its being expelled out of your nose at a high rate of speed.

Liberty's Edge

Ok so I just got my new Pathfinder and Gamemastery module, and what do I find inside the package...a christmas card from Paizo.

This thing is awesome. It has one of the best card covers ever, and the goblin song inside (sung to the tune of Jingle Bells) is incredible. I laughed so hard, that root beer came out of my nose.

Thanks for the card, and Happy Holidays to all of you Paizoites? Paizoeans? Paizo peoples.

Liberty's Edge

Coming in kind of late, but still in the time frame.

Happy Eric Mona DAY!!!!!!!

-Thanks for all you do Eric. You truly rock.

I shall slay 8 PCs in your honor.

Liberty's Edge

I would definately be on board for a Pathfinder DM screen. Perhaps a nice scene of PCs being slayed on the player side of it. You know, something for them to look forward to :).

Liberty's Edge

Ok thanks for the response James. I appreciate the feedback.

Liberty's Edge

Will we see these show up again in Pathfinder or Gamemastery? Well actually WoTC probably owns the rights to the name Maps of Mystery...but what about Mysterious Maps?

This would be a great addition to Pathfinder or Gamemastery, and I know alot of people miss it since Dungeon went bye bye.

Liberty's Edge

From the article:

"Ever faced one of those life-or-death saving throws? Hours, weeks, or even years of play can hang in the balance. It all comes down to that one roll. There’s drama in that moment, but it’s drama you didn’t create, and you don’t want."

I love that kind of drama. Those dramatic life or death scenes in the game are what me and my group talk about years down the road. What will we say now. "Hey remember that time the DM rolled a die, while I sat there and listened to him kill or spare my character. Yeah that was awesome!"

It seems like this will only increase the number of times the players can say the DM has it in for em. Regardless I like having the fate of my character hang on a die roll. But that's just me.


Liberty's Edge

You could also have them beat the "BBeG" only to realize that it was the mentor that was taken prison, which had been polymorphed/dominated. That would definately make them hate the actual BBeG. Whoever he might be!

Liberty's Edge

You could have a noble buy the wyrm from a black market smuggler as a new creature to hunt. The wyrm proves too much for the nobles hunting party, and is not running loose in the noble's province killing commoners. The noble hires the party as a way to get rid of the monster and make himself look the hero for getting rid of the creature. Maybe after the PCs have taken care of the wyrm the noble tries to "off" them so he can take full credit or remove witnesses.

Liberty's Edge

On a possibly related note. Isn't bellvue where a insane asylum is? Paizo, the insane asylum of Bellvue. Kinda has a nice flow to it..:)

Liberty's Edge

The module could have gnome gninjas using gnijitsu and wielding gnunchaku.

Liberty's Edge

Hey everyone. I'm looking for a program that I can use to put a 1" grid on a map, and then split that map into several pieces for printing. My local printers can only do up to a certain size print on heavy stock paper, so I would like to find something that I can use to split a large map into smaller pieces. Thanks for any info.


Liberty's Edge

I once had a player in game that I gave a bit too much power/status to. He ran rampant with it. In one town he had an inquisition, going from person to person detecting alignment. Anyone who was not of good alignment was deemed evil and killed.

I resolved this by having a lynch mob come after him. Seeing as how he was quite powerful at this point, the mob failed and all the members were either put to death or made slaves. This gave the player a false sense of security, which was what I was hoping for.

Shortly after this an assassin began following him, waiting for just the right time to attack. After it was all over and done with, the PC lay broken and bleeding, the assassin told him who hired him. The PCs underling, who was looking to advance in power/status. The underling eventually became a very powerful influence in the church and a recurring villian for the party.

The point of all this is that you should be very careful handing out power/status to disruptive characters. And be sure to remind them that "with great power comes great enemies."

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