Please note that it would be a temporal impossibility for the kickstarter supporters for Rappan Athuk to be the first to get Rappan Athuk; as it was in fact published before, twice. Granted it wasn't as large as this particular addition, and certainly not done in two different game systems. In fact, due to the extra time we took to check the Swords & Wizardry version, we were unable to get that out to GenCon. Frankly, we would have liked to have both versions available for purchase there, but it was just not doable with the time and resources we had at our disposal. I've been assured from Chuck that the S&W version is indeed at the printers now. The biggest delay has been the dice, which we are still waiting to recieve. I want to make it clear, however, that the purpose of this kickstarter was never for the pledge supporters to be the first to get this book. In fact I am 100% certain it was to "help to fuel the production of Rappan Athuk for both the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game system and the Swords & Wizardry rules." Because "we hope to be able to raise enough funds to distribute this book to brick and mortar game stores!" It is a shame that some misunderstood this statement. I personally have contributed to several kickstarters, some more than 9 months ago, and I have yet to receive the hard copies. In some cases the products promised have not even been completed yet. You see, that is the purpose of most kickstarters, to fund the production of the game. I am pretty proud of the fact that we are delivering on a promise sooner than most. Waiting on delivery of kickstarters is an exercise in patience, this I know.
Peanuts wrote:
We have a thread in the proper place for 0E compatible Swords and Wizardry. P.S. Thanks to Kthulhu for starting the thread.
For those who wish to record their PCs deaths, we at Frog God Games have set up an Obituary page on our website. Be warned, there are spoilers! Here's the Link
Only a few of the upper end backers should have recieved a survey as yet.
Also, this is a holiday for most folks in the US.
Tessius wrote: Grr meant to make a pledge last week but was busy with work. *Question* If we didn't participate in the kickstarter, is there still a way to get a hardcopy? I clicked on Rappan Athuk under products on the froggod page but it only leads to the kickstarter page. You will be able to purchase a hardcopy by the time these books have returned from the printer. So expect August. I cannot say for certain if preorders will be made available after the kickstarter deadline.
It was both the lairs and the list of monsters by terrain that once existed on our site. Hopefully Blonde and the Frog God can locate them. Failing that, I am sure that Chuck still has them. We'll get them back up. Meanwhile here's a handy map to our waiting room... Map
Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Our plan was to try to have it ready for GenCon. Chuck is working on it furiously. *cracks whip* :-) We will not be attending GenCon as a company. Greg was planning on going, but something else came up. Though I do believe Soulstealer - I mean Blonde Frog will attend. She won't be selling our books. If we get the book out in time, I think that Paizo will be selling it at their booth. Also there is another booth that sells old school game materials and has sold our books at GenCon in the past.
bigkilla wrote:
BK is correct. I believe that one won't be up till this fall. There will be some nice strech goals for this one, but it won't be nearly as pricey as Rappan Athuk.Sword and Wizardry players know that it takes far fewer words and pages for the rules. We should have some nice art for this one! I can't wait to see it. The more I play and run S&W the more I like it. For the nostalgic or those who want to try out the truely old school feel of DnD from the 70's, S&W brings back that game. There are others out there, but IMO this is by far the best written version. I am biased of course, now that I've met the writer in person. Matt Finch is a gentleman, possibly even beating Greg Vaughan. But don't tell Greg that. :-)
I am not Greg, but I can answer some of your questions.
As for the source of monsters that is as accurate as possible. There really is no room for error in citing sources. I am not personally familiar with the Creature Collection books, but I would tend to side with the experts in the titles of the books. But we made it so that you did not have to go back and purchase out-of-print books. Everything you need to run the monster in question is in the book.
Hobbun wrote:
Correct, and those already getting a set of dice (or more than one) will be getting one more set. As the bonus goal indicates, all at the $20 pledge level and above get this if we reach 1000 pledges.
Dragnmoon wrote:
Whoops, thanks Dragnmoon. The 3k pledge levels send you to a single convention, either NTRPG in Dallas or PaizoCon in Seattle (2013). You still get a healthy number of signed and numbered hardcovers, not leather-bound as I understand it. In fact it looks as if the 30 extreme limited edition leather-bound books are all taken!
The maps on the downloads link of the Slumbering Tsar products page have been there a while. We have player maps in the book that are duplicates of the DM maps with the numbers and such removed. They will also be found in the full pdf, once we can get that uploaded to the A+ Download site. Here is the direct link to the stand alone player map of The Desolation. I am not sure if Greg's old link lead directly to it when he first linked it, but Blonde Frog has been moving things around on our website.
Carbon D. Metric wrote:
The Bytes Interactive A+ Downloads person was still on vacation last I heard. The player maps, already in the hardcover book, will be included along with the remainder of The Slumbering Tsar Saga (with the exception of the bonus chapter). If you ordered from Paizo, I believe the pdf will be available from them some time afterwards, but they would know better than I.
Anguish wrote:
Here's an ideal location so that we spot it and don't clutter up Paizo's boards with them.
I'd like to take the time to thank all of those persons who have pledged into our Rappan Athuk Kickstarter. The Frog God and his minion Blonde Frog (aka Soulstealer Frog) are even now attempting to come up with yet another stretch goal. We have blown past all others screamingly fast. We love you guys!