
David Spencer 38's page

25 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Larry Latourneau wrote:
Now to lesser and greater dragonmarks. Some seem easier than others to improve on. The Lesser ones below are the ones provided in the EPG. The Greater ones are my initial ideas. Let me know what you think, and also any other ideas you may have on this.

Wouldn't the ones in the book be Least?

Larry Latourneau wrote:
I have the book...ask away!

What are the mentions of Least, Lesser, Greater and Siberys marks? What are the distinctions? Are they all mechanical like 3.5, all fluff, or some mixture of the two? Are they tied to what tier you're in, are they tied to feats? Or are they just story-based now?

I've actually quite enjoyed the D&Di take on the mags, myself.

My FLGS said they get it in end of this month. I await with MUCH anticipation.

I am way too excited for this.

Nicolas Logue wrote:
David Spencer 38 wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
David Spencer 38 wrote:

I'd love to hear from Nic hisself on this issue, but anyone on the forum is welcome to do this up themselves if'n they like.

What key do you picture the initial EBBFADEBEDEAD music to be in? I clicked my way onto this nifty tool, and found myself enamoured with "Organ 1" playing EBBFADEBEDEAD in A, Ab, D and Db. It says the solution can be played in any key...but I'm wondering what people think about the key the problem should be in?

I think it's cool if the key starts off low and jumps higher with each play a sense of urgency to the scene!

Cool toy at jamstudio! Thanks for the link!

Does it matter that the notes change as the key increases? In other words, should the notes always be EBBFADEBEDEAD, or is it ok if an increase in key changes the notes?
Oh yeah! Good point! I guess that would kind of kill the clue some.

Well, not really. I mean, I think a DC 20 would be good enough to figure out that it BEGAN on EBBFADEBEDEAD. Maybe they could make the check on their first turn in Round 2, after it changes, and if they fail (and you're a kind DM) you could let them make an additional check on their turn, per round, upping the DC by 2 each time. Just a thought.

Nicolas Logue wrote:
David Spencer 38 wrote:

I'd love to hear from Nic hisself on this issue, but anyone on the forum is welcome to do this up themselves if'n they like.

What key do you picture the initial EBBFADEBEDEAD music to be in? I clicked my way onto this nifty tool, and found myself enamoured with "Organ 1" playing EBBFADEBEDEAD in A, Ab, D and Db. It says the solution can be played in any key...but I'm wondering what people think about the key the problem should be in?

I think it's cool if the key starts off low and jumps higher with each play a sense of urgency to the scene!

Cool toy at jamstudio! Thanks for the link!

Does it matter that the notes change as the key increases? In other words, should the notes always be EBBFADEBEDEAD, or is it ok if an increase in key changes the notes?

I'd love to hear from Nic hisself on this issue, but anyone on the forum is welcome to do this up themselves if'n they like.

What key do you picture the initial EBBFADEBEDEAD music to be in? I clicked my way onto this nifty tool, and found myself enamoured with "Organ 1" playing EBBFADEBEDEAD in A, Ab, D and Db. It says the solution can be played in any key...but I'm wondering what people think about the key the problem should be in?

Buying this ASAP.

Now that the mags have concluded and Pathfinder is the focus, I was wondering when and if Dungeon #144 onwards were getting any nifty online supplements? I'm particularily interested in handouts for players for "Quoth the Raven", as I'll be running it soon-ish (gotta conclude another adventure first).

Now that the mags have concluded and Pathfinders is the focus, I was wondering when and if Dragon #350 onwards were getting any nifty web supplements? Anything, in particular, cut from the final issue that would make a neat web supplement?

Nicolas Logue wrote:
David Spencer 38 wrote:

I have questions for Nicolas Logue. It is spoilerific for those who haven't ran through Chimes at Midnight.

My party finished right up until the Baron shaking with rage and raising their pay on Saturday. Next session (either this weekend or next), they'll be concluding it. My question is, if Saint-Demain throws himself off the edge, and they can't save him, does Quoth still work? Because I don't mind fudging a roll or two for epic sequel goodness.

And if both work, without giving anything away, what would work EASIER between Chimes and Quoth?

Hey David!

I personally feel like the coolest thing to have happen is for Viktor to survive but be all sorts of f#%&ed up (either he survives the fall, but his body is broken, or he is horrifically scarred either on purpose or by accident by the PCs during the final battle). If he dies, no worries, he has contingency plans.

One thing you want to do is have him locked away in "Hell's Heart" a shadowy maximum security asylum for the criminally insane, built like a Gothic fortress...yes, a lot like Arkham. :-)

If he dies, a contract for a raise dead with House Jorasco does the trick, but of course he still stands trial for his crimes and ends up put away. Hope this helps my man!

That definately helps. A LOT! We're using Paizo's crit deck, so if they score a nasty crit on him, I'll make sure it leaves a mark. :D

Mike McArtor wrote:

Vic knows all the ins and outs of this, but yes, there will be more web enhancements coming down the pipe from our good friends over at Dungeon. In addition, unless the situation changes (in regards to our relationship with Wizards of the Coast) we can keep up web enhancements and PDFs indefinitely.

In short: Don't you fear none. :)

Dare I dream that this might mean you COULD (at your own pace, of course), go back issue by issue and start making handout-style pdfs for each issue?!

I have questions for Nicolas Logue. It is spoilerific for those who haven't ran through Chimes at Midnight.

My party finished right up until the Baron shaking with rage and raising their pay on Saturday. Next session (either this weekend or next), they'll be concluding it. My question is, if Saint-Demain throws himself off the edge, and they can't save him, does Quoth still work? Because I don't mind fudging a roll or two for epic sequel goodness.

And if both work, without giving anything away, what would work EASIER between Chimes and Quoth?

Woops, replied to the wrong post.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Jeff Tewkesbury wrote:

Haha April Fools we get get back to work!

Riley wrote:
The best thing in D&D is gone. Ouch. I don't know what else to say.
Dude, denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Wiz_Os are starting shizt?!

Yeah, it's going to suck for Greyhawk fans, as they will undoubtedly focus on FR and Eberron, if they even ever actually go online with it instead of just talking about it (a la e-Tools, Magic v3 and Star Wars Insider).

I'm 100% behind Paizo, in large part due to their excellent customer service from all levels of the company.

Erik Mona wrote:

Here are some points to condier about Pathfinder:

• Each volume is a perfect-bound book with a cardstock cover and a much thicker quality of paper. It will be _much_ more durable than a magazine.

• Unlike the magazines, Pathfinder's content will not be subsidized by ads, resulting in more content for you.

• Pathfinder will include content similar to that found in both Dragon and Dungeon. It's perhaps more accurate to say that it is a replacement for both magazines, rather than a replacement for just Dungeon.

Wow. You know...that sounds really good. Especially point two.

If the online mag has equal or greater page count of content, is cheaper by at least half and has the same or higher level of quality, I think WotC will do well.

Chances are, however, that at least one if not ALL of those things will not be true of WotC's offerings.

Sad day indeed. This was like a punch in the stomach.

Vic Wertz wrote:
David Spencer 38 wrote:
I just renewed my subscription of Dragon for a year. That's bad timing.
Not really... if you check out your transition options, you'll find that you can get more than your money's worth back....

Well, if I could see anything besides

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every time I refresh, I guess I could check that out.

Honestly, I'll probably just end up getting back issues from before I could afford to subscribe.

I just renewed my subscription of Dragon for a year. That's bad timing.

I have to say, it's kind of sad that WotC didn't let Paizo continue, as they've REALLY picked up the quality over the last year, and with the new Eberron content, I've been really excited every month to see what little gems of Eberron goodness are being offered. And now...that all ends in September.

It's been good, Dungeon and Dragon, I hope WotC realizes how retarded they are and gives Paizo another shot.

Owen Obsidia has not participated in any online campaigns.