
David Spencer 38's page

25 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

I'd love to hear from Nic hisself on this issue, but anyone on the forum is welcome to do this up themselves if'n they like.

What key do you picture the initial EBBFADEBEDEAD music to be in? I clicked my way onto this nifty tool, and found myself enamoured with "Organ 1" playing EBBFADEBEDEAD in A, Ab, D and Db. It says the solution can be played in any key...but I'm wondering what people think about the key the problem should be in?

Now that the mags have concluded and Pathfinder is the focus, I was wondering when and if Dungeon #144 onwards were getting any nifty online supplements? I'm particularily interested in handouts for players for "Quoth the Raven", as I'll be running it soon-ish (gotta conclude another adventure first).

Now that the mags have concluded and Pathfinders is the focus, I was wondering when and if Dragon #350 onwards were getting any nifty web supplements? Anything, in particular, cut from the final issue that would make a neat web supplement?

I have questions for Nicolas Logue. It is spoilerific for those who haven't ran through Chimes at Midnight.

My party finished right up until the Baron shaking with rage and raising their pay on Saturday. Next session (either this weekend or next), they'll be concluding it. My question is, if Saint-Demain throws himself off the edge, and they can't save him, does Quoth still work? Because I don't mind fudging a roll or two for epic sequel goodness.

And if both work, without giving anything away, what would work EASIER between Chimes and Quoth?

I just renewed my subscription of Dragon for a year. That's bad timing.

I have to say, it's kind of sad that WotC didn't let Paizo continue, as they've REALLY picked up the quality over the last year, and with the new Eberron content, I've been really excited every month to see what little gems of Eberron goodness are being offered. And now...that all ends in September.

It's been good, Dungeon and Dragon, I hope WotC realizes how retarded they are and gives Paizo another shot.