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![]() You see a man sitting alone in a corner. He has a drink in his hand and another on the table. Occasionally he would grab a coin out of the pocket of a passerby (unknown to the passerby), which he then uses to tip a waitress as she continues to bring him drinks. After surveying the room for several more minuets he gets up and approaches. Hello,
I'm terribly sorry my hands have minds of their own sometimes. You see, they are very useful for a man of my skills. They have a way of...obtaining what I want
Davian (Day-vee-an) Carter, Unchained rogue - Two weapon fighting while being semi capable with ranged weapons, background and appearance both below and on the character profile page. Thanks for considering me Background:
Davian Carter, Born in the slums of an outlying village to a family with very little. His father was a footman in the village militia and his mother spent her time tending the the soldier’s wounds. At the age of 3 his village was attacked by a band of orcs, his parents never came home. He was sent to an orphanage where there was very little supervision or funds. The food was scarce, the clothing was ragged and the children fought over what little was provided to them. He spent most of his time running around the village gathering food to eat, mostly unattended breads left in the window to cool, or a bit of cheese or fruit from a food cart when the vendor was distracted with a customer. By the time he was old enough to leave the orphanage his skills had developed. He could now easily open locked doors or chests. Sometimes there were traps which he taught himself to identify and after several mishaps and close calls involving things like fire, shooting darts, and poison clouds he was soon able to disarm them with just as much ease. As he grew older he started working with a group of other thieves, liberating coin and valuables from those who had plenty and those who just happened to be passing by. His gear and weapons were all bought with gold he “earned” through his life of stealing. He was able to train himself to use short swords and bows, practicing mostly on hay bales or the unlucky chickens that were to be his meal. He had no problem killing someone if needed, or at least that’s what he told himself. He had yet to come across a time where this would be tested. This day of course soon approached He and a few of his fellow gang members had broken into the butcher’s house looking for valuables. The butcher was fat, obviously wealthy and the perfect target as he was unmarried and out of the house for hours at a time working his shop in town. As he and his “friends” were searching the house, a patrol from the town guard happened to pass by. Seeing the window slightly open, something the butcher never did when he left, he entered the house looking to catch whoever was inside. His fellow gang members saw him first while Davian had his head buried in the bottom of a dresser drawer. They managed to run out the door, but Davian wasn’t so lucky. The guard quickly drew his weapon and called out. Startled, Davian quickly turned to face the guard. as he did the guard swung his sword but Davian was able to avoid the attack. Davian quickly drew his weapons and pointed them at the guard. The guard swing again catching him across his eye and leaving a wound that would mark him forever. After only slight hesitation the guard was taken care of, Davian fled. Sticking to the shadows in fear of being seen he traveled to other villages practicing his craft. After a year of traveling from village to village he found himself amongst a group of pirates. sailing from port to port taking what they could of merchant vessels along the way. While in town they would plunder the homes of the townspeople stealing gold valuables and what ever else they could easily carry and sell. After their adventure he would find himself at the local taverns spending his, and others, hard earned gold on drinks, food and women. He was a pirate now, something he was fine with from the day it started, and he had no problem doing whatever it took to get what he wanted to make himself happy. Appearance and Personality: Age: 19 Height:: 6ft 1in Weight: 190 lbs A tall, thin man wearing basic clothing with lots of pockets and a patched up dark cloak that covers most of his face. Noticeably though is a long thin scar across his left eye from an encounter with the town guard while he was practicing his “trade” at a younger age. His hair is thin, dark and clearly unwashed and tangled. He carries two short swords at his sides, which his hands are never far from, and a short bow and quiver across his back. He sits in the shadows constantly surveying over and over. He will steal coins even with a full purse, and he is always on the lookout for valuable items. When he speaks it’s in lower volumes and a gruff voice. You can tell he does more with his hands than he can with his words. He’ll do whatever it tkaes to get what he wants. ![]()
![]() Hello Sir, During our wait I have spoken with the others who are here to apply for this endeavor. Our skills and area of expertise has been discussed and it appears as though we have a distinct lack of ranged ability among us. I can help you out in that manner. I have a friend, someone who took their confirmation test with me for the Pathfinder Society. I have sent word to him that his skills would be ever useful for a trip such as this. He should be making his appearance later today but for now I shall pass my application position on to him. and bid you all farewell. Davian with a twist of his cloak attempts to make a dramatic exit back into the shadows thus officially withdrawing his application from this endeavor. Steath: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19 Davian slips back into the shadows and stealthily walks out the door. I will be putting together a Ranger to attempt to fulfill the ranged slot that has seemed to find itself empty lol. I'll post him later this afternoon. |