
Donithus's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (84 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.


I don't see anything really aside from finishing out the fluff. Maybe changing the Spells known particularly the CLW spell not sure just yet though

Hello all, I am the RL husband to Aliana.. I'm working on the character Alias now I'll post here when he's ready.

Thanks for having me it will be an interesting exercise to take over a character.

Dotting for interest. I have an unchained rogue I just need to tweak and write a background. I will try and prep him tomorrow and have bim posted.

sry got involved in some other stuff and will have to bow out. Thanks though maybe next time

I would be interested in a Monday game. I have a couple players waiting in the wings for such an occasion. An unchained rogue and an unchained barbarian. I can also throw together other characters pretty quick if I needed to play something else. But the rogue and the barbarian have me pretty excited, which ever one you would want.