A really good, comprehensive conversion document when the 2E is finally complete. My group will be sticking with 1E, but I want to keep getting the APs and modules; but I'll need to convert them back.
As far as PFS goes, we're not shuttering the doors or anything like that. We have a blog dropping soon where we'll be talking about what play in the first PFS campaign will look like (or at least what we think it will look like), and we're looking at providing organizers with the tools they need to continue supporting the current campaign into the future.
We won't be making more PF1 scenarios after the new edition drops; it's just not feasible as we already have an extremely aggressive publishing schedule where we're releasing 2 PFS and 2 SFS scenarios a month, as well as working on the Adventure Card Guild releases, sanctioning materials, supporting and attending conventions, creating charity boons, and working on various other supporting materials and events that all go into keeping an organized play campaign viable. But there's several hundred PFS scenarios and specials already in print, multiple sanctioned modules, and we should have most if not all of our adventure paths sanctioned for organized play use before all is said and done. We've also been talking to the community about what kind of replay environment can help keep the campaign viable without driving away essential members of the volunteer core who aren't interested in supporting a campaign with significant replay. It's a delicate balancing act to find the correct path forward for as many of our customers as possible, but the current PFS campaign isn't just getting dumped by the wayside.
I think Michael hits the nail on the head here. Our group has tried PF2, and it's not our cup of tea. I have, however, literally decades worth of gaming material with PF1, between scenarios and adventure paths, so it's not going to impact our gaming.
My only ask along these lines would be for a decent conversion document so that I can continue my subscriptions to the adventure paths but be able to convert them back to PF1.
I remember an old Forgotten Realms novel where one of the characters had been hit with some level draining stuff (this was back in the old days of actually losing *levels*), and it was described as her having been shocked into a loss of confidence. She was nervous, suffering from the jitters when she tried to do something, because her experience had so shaken her to her very core.
I'm enjoying it so far. They seemed to have toned back the puerile humour a notch or two in later episodes, and I can overlook the dick jokes that still occur from time to time (and episode #3 will probably go down as The Orville's "Code of Honor")
It's pretty telling that with all that, it still feels more like Star Trek than Star Trek: Discovery.
The Tatterman CR 5
XP 1,600
Unique nightmare doppelganger mesmerist (dreamstalker) 3 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 89, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 204, Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures 60, Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 38)
CE Medium monstrous humanoid (shapechanger)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +12
Aura fear (60 ft., DC 17), frightful presence (30 ft., DC 17)
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+1 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural; +2 deflection vs. good)
hp 59 (7 HD; 3d8+4d10+24); regeneration 5 (good spells and weapons, silver)
Sanity 52, threshhold 5, edge 26
Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +10; +5 vs. fatigue and exhaustion, +4 vs. illusion effects; +2 resistance vs. good
Defensive Abilities illusion resistance, protection from good; DR 5/good or silver; Immune charm, sleep
Weaknesses anchored to consciousness
Speed 30 ft., fly 10 ft. (perfect)
Melee +1 war razor +10/+5 (1d4+4/19-20) or
. . 2 claws +9 (1d8+3)
Special Attacks bold stare (nightmare), dreams of pain, hypnotic stare (-2), mesmerist tricks 6/day (slumber [DC 16]), night terrors (DC 17), nightmare transformation, painful stare (+1 or +1d6+1)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +23)
. . Constant—protection from good
. . At will—detect thoughts (DC 17)
. . 3/day—detect thoughts (DC 17), dream, nightmare (DC 20), suggestion (DC 18)
. . 1/day—shadow walk (DC 20)
Mesmerist (Dreamstalker) Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +8)
. . 1st (5/day)—cause fear (DC 16), hypnotism (DC 16), oneiric horror[OA] (DC 16), sleep (DC 16), sleep (DC 16), vanish[APG] (DC 16)
. . 0 (at will)—bleed (DC 15), detect magic, ghost sound (DC 15), lullaby (DC 15), mage hand, touch of fatigue (DC 15)
Str 16, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 21
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 25
Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Lucid Dreamer[OA]
Skills Bluff +17 (+21 while using change shape), Diplomacy +11, Disguise +18 (+38 while using change shape), Fly +12, Intimidate +18, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (planes) +7, Perception +12, Perform (sing) +14, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +16, Use Magic Device +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Bluff, +4 Bluff while using change shape, +4 Disguise, +20 Disguise while using change shape, +4 Intimidate, +4 Stealth
Languages Aklo, Common, Hallit
SQ change shape (alter self), consummate liar +1, feign death (DC 17), gatefinder (perception), gatekeeper (knowledge [planes]), hypnotism (diplomacy), mimicry, perfect copy, phrenology (knowledge [arcana]), prognostication (sense motive), read aura (perception), sleepless, touch of night, touch treatment 8/day (Minor)
Other Gear +1 war razor[ISWG], ring of protection +1
Special Abilities
Anchored to Consciousness (Su) The Tatterman is directly tied to Ulver Zandalus and his consciousness. For the most part, the Tatterman is locked away in the Dimension of Dreams, and can influence only Zandalus’s thoughts. The Tatterman can’t manifest on the Material Plane whi
Change Shape (alter self) (Su) You can change your form.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Consummate Liar +1 Counts as Combat Expertise for some feats.
Damage Reduction (5/good or silver) You have Damage Reduction against all except Good or Silver attacks.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Dreams of Pain Painful Stare deals nonlethal damage
Fear Aura (60 feet, DC 17) (Su) Creatures in range are shaken while within aura. (Will neg.)
Feign Death (DC 17) (Ex) Appears dead when unconscious, or as immediate action. Heal or Will save to recognize.
Fly (10 feet, Perfect) You can fly!
Frightful Presence (30 ft., 5d6 rounds, DC 17) Those in area of effect become frightened or shaken (Will neg.)
Gatefinder (Perception) DC 20 Perception to find soulgates whose alignment is compatable with your own.
Gatekeeper (Knowledge [Planes]) Once you are aware of a soulgate, DC 30 Knowledge (planes) check to open it.
Hypnotic Stare (-2, 30 feet) (Su) As swift action, target creature takes penalty on Will saves.
Hypnotism (Diplomacy, 1/day) Use power of suggestion to alter subject's mind or recover memories.
Illusion Resistance (Ex) Automatically disbelieves illusions, +4 to resist illusion effects.
Immunity to Charm You are immune to charm effects.
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Lucid Dreamer +2 to caster level chks to prevent spls or sla from going awry from wild magic.
Mesmerist Tricks (130 feet, 6/day) (Su) Implant hypnotic bond with allies. granting edge vs. foes.
Mimicry (Ex) Proficient in all weapons, armor, and shields. Can use any spell trigger or spell completion item as if the spells were on its spell list.
Night Terrors (DC 17) (Su) After entering dream, deals 1d4 Cha damage each our. Will each hour to neg.
Nightmare (Su) Target rolls twice on Will saves vs. fear, taking lower result.
Nightmare Transformation (Su) Any humanoid slain by the Tatterman’s nightmare spell-like ability returns to life 1 hour later as a vile creature. If the creature’s Charisma score is equal to or higher than its Constitution score, it transforms into a doppelganger. If its Char
Painful Stare (+1 or +1d6+1, 1/round) (Su) As a free action, hyp. stare target takes extra precision dam from a hit.
Perfect Copy (Su) When a doppelganger uses change shape, it can assume the appearance of specific individuals.
Phrenology (Knowledge [Arcana], 1/day) Examine a creature's skull to learn it's psychological attributes.
Prognostication (Sense Motive, 1/day) You are skilled in means of folk divination.
Read Aura (Perception, 1/day) Read the psychic impressions left on objects or in places.
Regeneration 5 (good spells and weapons, silver) Heal HP quickly and cannot die.
Sleepless +5 (Ex) +5 vs. fatigue and exhaustion, unless unable to provide an Emotion component
Touch of Night (Su) Touch treatment removes fatigue, mag. sleep, staggered and exhausted, but loses other options
Touch Treatment (Minor, 8/day) (Su) Remove certain conditions from creature touched.
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Just popping in here to offer my sympathies to my LGBTQI siblings. As the father of a transwoman (who is also an avid gamer), I'm terribly glad we live in Australia right now, because I fear for what is going to happen to everyone who is not a straight white Christian cis-man in America over the next few years.
Gunslinger is only "banned" because none of my campaigns have guns. We have run a Gunslinger character, however, who used a hand-crossbow in place of a gun, and it worked fine.
The only other class we don't use is Bard. Neither myself nor most of my players have ever been able to suspend our disbelief to envisage Sir Robin's Minstrels hopping along and playing during the middle of a fight - it just seems...off.
My tendency is to give Taldor a "post-Hellenic" flavour, and Cheliax a "post-Roman" flavour in my campaigns. But there's a fair amount of cross-over in there...
I use Hero Lab at the table, as well as a laptop. I keep all my books as PDFs - makes it a lot easier to lug around a laptop than 20+ books - and it lets me keep all my notes at my fingertips without having to shuffle through reams of paper.
One of the handiest things I do is go through an AP (for example) and mark any changes in the PDF. I have a Word document where I keep all the change details (altered treasures, encounters, etc). I can also have all the links I need to music MP3s so that I can just click on the appropriate bit on the page. For example, as the characters enter the Fire Swamp, I can click on the hyperlinked text "Rodents of Unusual Size" and immediately start the music I'd pre-planned for that encounter. I can also have generic ambient music / sound effects ready to go with a click.
I have all my maps and images in Dropbox, so when I want my players to have something, I just message them and they can access it on their tablets (handy for passing notes :) ). Also saves a lot on printing costs!
Hero Lab is one of the handiest, things, though. As others have noticed, it allows me to keep track of everything character-wise, especially during combat via the tactical console.
I agree with Thenobledrake re: making the Beast more sympathetic. My players *loved* TotB and still consider it one of the high points of the AP. The main reason for this was that I went all-out in playing the Beast as a sympathetic, child-like character who loved poetry, was scared of being locked up, and began to cry at the mention of the murdered children.
After a couple of meetings with him, he asked them if he could have a name, to which they christened him "Edward", and from then on, they fought tooth-and-nail to save him.
In the final confrontation, I had him actually be critically wounded, and they linked hands, forming a human (well, a half-orc-human-dhampir :) ) chain to conduct a lightning strike to try to revive him. They were very low on hit points, and I warned them of the danger, and they still did it.
That's how much my players loved Edward the Beast - they were *literally* willing to sacrifice their characters to save him.
But yeah, it all comes down to a sympathetic Beast. Win them over with that, and you'll have them eating out of your hand.
People upset about sci fi elements in pathfinder don't have to buy or even use the material. I do not get the hate. It's part of the campaign setting. Use what you want for your own games. *shrugs*
Couldn't agree more. I personally am not enamoured with the mix, but then there were plenty of people not so impressed with Carrion Crown, which I adore.*shrug*
I promise nobody from Paizo is going to come to your game table and make you play Iron Gods, or even make you keep Numeria as it is canonically described.
If you're like me and you don't like your sci-fi and fantasy hanging out together, then don't let them. Numeria can be something else...a blasted wasteland with an old crashed flying castle (you could throw in a Dragonlance crossover, for example) instead of a spaceship. Not that hard to change.
My initial reaction to RoW, I have to admit, was a bit *meh*. Without spoiling anything for anyone, I found the, err...*travel*...a bit contrived, and I decided to do my usual with an AP I'm not fond of: not run it, but plunder it for (Pathfinder's standard) the awesome maps, artwork, NPCs, beasties and alternate rules.
But, funnily enough, I went to see "X-Men: Days of Future Past" on the weekend, and there was a trailer for "Malificent", with Angelina Jolie in the title role. I was watching it, thinking "Hey, she'd make a great white witch!"
Then it hit me. I'd been looking at RoW all wrong! I was comparing it to "classic" fantasy RPG campaigns. But it's not that, and I don't think it was ever meant to be that.
It's a dark fairy-tale. It's less J. R. R. Tolkien and more Brothers Grimm. As soon as I realised that, I started re-reading it and going through it, and it suddenly fell into place, and I think it would be an AWESOME campaign!!
My suggestion, because I know there are a few people out there like me who weren't overly-impressed with RoW at the start: go back and read it, but think fairy-tales. Think witches eating children. Think "lost in the snowy woods". Put on Nox Arcana's "Grimm" while you're reading it.
When I was tailoring Wake of the Watcher, from the Carrion Crown AP, for my group I read something on here by someone that resonated, and I hung onto the idea.
I apologise to the person who came up with the original idea of ley-lines and how Tar-Baphon's imprisonment is linked to them because I can't remember who it was! But what I ended up going with, in terms of mythology, was tied in with the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones.
Essentially, the reason the gods don't directly interfere with Golarion isn't anything to do with an agreement...it's that the awesome power of a god wandering around outside his or her own plane will run a grave risk of disrupting the ley-lines criss-crossing Golarion...and these ley-lines are the thing which stops the return of the Outer Gods.
Nobody...nobody wants, say, Azathoth wandering around the world (except Rovagug, who couldn't care less, which is why all the others united to stop him).
Sooo...bringing this rambling thing back on topic, I think I will have Iomedae explain to the characters precisely why she can't just go get her herald. A god, manifesting in its true form on the Prime Material Plane - or any plane other than her own - is likely to have Yog-Sothoth breathing down its neck in short order...opening the portal to the Outer Gods will make the Worldwound look like a girl-scout convention.
That's why gods use heralds, and avatars, and intermediaries (and wish and miracle spells, for that matter). Her herald is gone. It takes time to manifest an avatar (and an avatar isn't actually all that much more powerful than the PCs anyway) and as far as intermediaries go...well...the PCs are it. Iomedae is essentially asking them to become representatives of her on Golarion.
I won't be having sonic attacks or petulant divine temper-tantrums. Just a worried, saddened goddess asking for help from these heroes who have proved their courage, skill and devotion to good time and time again. There are none more worthy, and she hates to ask them, but if Baphomet keeps her herald evil, well, it'll be like the whole Darth Vader thing, y'know? :)
Plus, as was mentioned upthread, the power she has invested in the creation of a herald is actually being utilised by Baphomet...he is draining a portion of her own power for his own benefit.
Tangent, one of the things I do is add all the buffs like Prayer and Bless, etc, (basically every buff the Cleric-equivalent has) to all the players. So it's just a matter of ticking the boxes on the electronic sheets, rather than having to manually add them each time.
Admittedly, it still takes more time than having the players add them, but it's handy for our group - my wife has dyscalculia and finds keeping track of numbers extremely difficult, so she appreciates it if I can just say: "Hon? Yeva's attacking with her longbow? Yep, roll d20 plus 12" rather than her trying to remember all the values.
Of course, that's just us - but you might find the "pre-prepared" buffs less time-consuming.
Published just in time for my first episode of Wake of the Watcher this weekend. I've already tossed aside the two Hounds of Tindalos and put in a Mythic Hound of Tindalos instead (the PCs all have one mythic tier at the moment).
Can't wait to throw that Bilocation at them. :)
Kudos to Legendary Games once more.
Now...if you can just get a subscription system similar to Paizo up and running, I'll be signing up! :)
Hmmm. Not my cup of tea. If I wanted fantasy-ish sci-fi I'd run a Star Wars game. That said, I'll still keep up my subscription, because I'll no doubt get some great ideas (maybe even FOR Star Wars :) ), awesome art and maps, as well as the fiction.
There's a modified Golarion map which shows the human ethnic pattern, but it's on my laptop (I'm not at home at the moment). I got it from the Internet, so you might be able to Google it, or send me a PM and I'll email it to you (assuming it's not too big! It's a pretty sizeable map!)
And now, you're just not listening. Several people who have run the entire AP have already explained that your assumption that all the major stuff apart from Broken Moon being urban is simply flat-out wrong.
You've admitted you're not familiar with some of the classes you're opposed to, and that's okay. You've made several fundamental errors in your interpretation/knowledge of the rules (incorporeal damage, crits/sneak attacks on undead), and that's okay, too. You neglected to mention that you're running this AP in your own game world after biting the heads off several people for making suggestions based on Ustalav and Golarion. And that's probably okay, too.
But when you're making all these errors and mistakes and forgetting to mention important variables, it strikes me as the absolute height of obnoxious arrogance to then turn around and ignore the very advice you're asking for while demanding that people who did not simply stroke your own ego "drop it" and get out of "your" thread.
Anyway, you can rip away at me and flag me to your heart's content, 'cos I'm done with "your" thread.
The only maps I didn't do that for were the overland maps, because river names and such still appeared on them. So I built a full Stolen Lands map in Campaign Cartographer, and then I export to MapTool as needed.
If that CC map happens to be available, I would build a temple in your name! :)
I've done a bit of stop-start with putting together a KM map in CC3, but I keep getting sidetracked, as it's a fairly big undertaking.
Has anybody expanded out the Ascanor Lodge part of the adventure beyond what the module says? It's even money that my group will end up stranded in Ascanor for the winter - I've been emphasising that this winter is far harsher than normal (a bit of foreshadowing, you know, the Whispering Way drawing the life from the land type of thing), and it's approaching fast.
I'm sort of envisioning a bit of layover in Ascanor...to quote President Bartlett from the West Wing episode "Holy Night":
"And now we're one-third of the way through an Agatha Chrstie story. 'Where nobody be goin' nowhere. The bridge be washed out.'" :)
Anyway...I'm thinking of adding in a bit of a tournament of sorts - one of my players, Izaark, is a cavalier and his backstory involves some "issues" with the Knights of Ozem (largely to do with them refusing to admit him because he's a half-orc...never mind that he's Lawful Good and about the bravest, most honourable soul you'd find, but y'know, those Knights of Ozem? They're like that...:).
So I thought, as part of Izaark's overall character arc, a tournament with some jousting would be fun. And of course, there being a Knight of Ozem present to make sure Izaark doesn't get too uppity couldn't hurt, and a bit of a fight between them would be fun.
Now, I was also thinking that Ascanor Lodge couldn't possibly survive on its own. It would *have* to have some kind of life support system. It's a pretty hoity-toity place, so I can't imagine them serving beef jerky and pickled turnips for meals through the winter, so there would have to be a source of fresh food about somewhere.
My solution is to put a small village nearby. Somewhere for the employees to live, somewhere from which to buy food and supplies. And, of course, somewhere to toss in a couple of mid-module adventures. Since I didn't get to use the mostest-excellentest Legendary Games plug-ins when I ran HoH, I thought I could level-up the "Murmuring Fountain" adventure and toss it in here.
I was going to use the village of "Denton's End", from Raging Swan. It's a creepy little village with some, umm, *odd* practices, that should be nice and off-putting.
Has anyone else done something similar to this? If so, what pitfalls did you run into, and how did the whole thing pan out?
Another thing I'd love to see, though realistically I know it wouldn't go ahead because it would only be bought by anally-retentive, map-obsessed people like me, would be a climate map of Golarion.
Remember, I'm the guy who uses weather generation software to work out the weather a year or two in advance in my campaigns. Funnily enough, my players actually *love* the fact that often I'll ditch a random monster encounter (or even a planned one, which doesn't affect the storyline) and replace it with a "Man vs. Nature" scenario.
My son (who is the only other GM in our group) has started doing something similar in his games, and *his* players love it, as well. Sometimes, it's much more fun for the characters to deal with a howling blizzard, or a sudden tropical cyclone, rather than yet another group of wolves or owlbears...:)
That said, I don't mean to turn every AP discussion thread into a marketing advertisement for Legendary Games. There are product forums for that. And you (or anyone else reading along here) should feel free to ignore anything we've done which doesn't fit how you plan on running your version of the campaign. Read the...
Oh, ho-ho! Neil, don't you DARE qualify the stuff you're doing at Legendary Games with anything approaching an apology, my friend! Seriously, if there was a subscription option at Legendary Games I'd be signing up yesterday!
The only complaint I have is purely selfish - I keep devouring the stuff you guys produce and then whine because I WANT MORE, DAMMIT!! :)
The things that really blow my skirt up, though, are the pregen characters - Gothic Heroes and Imperial Heroes are up there with bright copper kettles and brown-paper packages tied up with string - and the side adventures.
My players had already blown through Haunting of Harrowstone before I got ahold of Murmuring Fountain and Fiddler's Lament, but I'm currently modifying Murmuring Fountain to run during Broken Moon, I love it that much! :)
The Letter from Adivion Adrissant to the PCs, which they received upon returning from Schloss Caromarc to Lepidsdt...
"My dear friends,
First, allow me to apologise for not being here in person. I learned a few important things in the last few days, and I felt it important that I return to Caliphas to see if I could build on my discoveries.
That aside, I wanted to thank you for allowing me to help with Edward’s defence. Injustice too-often comes to Ustalav, and while we may have made little difference in the grand scheme of things, I believe proving Edward’s innocence was worthwhile.
Now, onto other matters of import.
I did two things while you were away: firstly, I spent some more time with my friend, Dr Crowl, at the University. Judge Daramid told me that Professor Lorrimor had concerns that a cult called “The Whispering Way” was somehow connected with the events that occurred in Ravengro over the last few months or more.
I was able to apply my scholarly skills to the University library, which afforded me something of a (no doubt shallow) insight into that organisation. It seems that it is a hybrid secret society and cult, whose foundation is uncertain, but seems to have been extant for at least several thousand years. Its members seem preoccupied with matters of death and decay, as well as being obsessively secretive – they rarely, if ever, commit any of their knowledge to written form, preferring to always pass it on via whispers.
Professor Lorrimor was convinced that they were up to something – and considering what I have learned in the last two days, I think he was correct in that inference.
I spoke to Vorkstag the night before his execution. He had calmed somewhat by then, and I was able to encourage him to answer a few questions about Auren Vrood. Vrood himself, it seems, is a powerful necromancer of some kind. You may have already discovered some link at Schloss Caromarc by now, but he referred to Vrood, a tattooed woman with whom he travelled and several of their bodyguards as bearing small totems which depicted a gagged skull…the symbol of “The Whispering Way”!
More importantly, however, he told me how he had come to meet Vrood. The introduction was arranged by a man from Caliphas – some sort of nobleman, it would seem, who was in Lepidstadt, and seemed to be giving instructions to Vrood, who was somewhat in awe of the fellow.
From what I have learned of Vrood, I would be wary of antagonising someone who could cow him, to be honest – but I suspect that is why I am a scholar, not an adventurer.
I digress – this fellow, who called himself “Vladimus the Eternal”, had arranged for Vrood to meet Vorkstag and Grine because he wanted them to vigilantly watch for an adventuring party coming to Lepidstadt, one with two women and an enormous, armour-clad warrior. One of the women would be a mysterious sort armed with an small, ornate-looking crossbow.
Please, my friends, be careful! However it has happened, it seems this Vladimus knows of you! It does occur to me that he may have been behind the attempt to discredit Yeva during the trial, although this is an intuition, one for which I have no hard evidence.
I do not know where this man has since gone, but I suspect Auren Vrood is the key. He is obviously in contact with Vladimus, and I think he might well hold the key to his master’s location, and perhaps even the details of his plot.
If you could somehow find Vrood, you could perhaps unravel the whole mystery.
Of course, the problem is that I have no idea where Vrood has gone. In the absence of any clues, I will return to Caliphas immediately, and attempt to glean what information I can from trusted sources within the capital. If Vladimus is a noble there, I will be able to learn something of him, and Caliphas may well have been Vrood’s next destination, though this is only a guess.
I will continue my investigations in Caliphas, though I must work quietly and slowly, lest our opponents be made suspicious. If I learn anything, I will send word to Dr Crowl in Lepidstadt, as I am unsure of where your next destination will be.
Until we meet again, my friends, take care and stay safe, and may Pharasma, Desna, Iomedae and Abadar shine their blessings upon you. I never had a chance to farewell Edward – please give him my warm regards. I will send word as soon as I learn something. If you need to get word to me, the best way is through Dr Crowl.
Sincerely yours,
Adivion Adrissant
Set by my hand and seal, this Moonday, the Fourth day of Neth, The Year of Aroden 4711."
The Dream Sequence...sent by Alpon to the Beast, but "overheard" by the characters thanks to Poppy.
A tall, slender man in his late twenties sat by a fireplace, his fingers steepled before him, a forgotten brandy snifter on a small table beside him.
The fire was burning low, more ember than flame, and produced little warmth. An occasional pop would send a cascade of sparks, swirling like tiny fireflies, up and into the flue, to be born away on the wind that could be heard outside.
A beautiful young woman entered the room and walked over to stand beside the man, putting her hand on his shoulder. He took it, and squeezed it, smiling slightly as he pressed it against his cheek.
“You always make me feel better, my dear Ceryse. Thank you.”
“Alpon, I wish I could have prevented this…all this.” Ceryse replied, gesturing emptily in the air. Alpon looked up at her, noticing for the first time the tiny lines around her mouth, the first hint of crows-feet by her eyes.
“I’m sorry, my love,” he said to her, “you deserved more than this…refuge. They’re going to come after us, I fear. The Palatinate Council may be content to let the nobility sit in their mansions until age withers them, but the people will not be so compassionate.”
“But we’ve done nothing to them!” Ceryse’s eyes flashed with anger. “You stepped down voluntarily! There was nobody hurt!”
“It is human nature, my dear. They will come – if not this year, then the next, or the next. I need to prepare…I need to make some additions and begin to plan.”
“Not that horrid laboratory again!”
“That ‘horrid laboratory’ will save our lives, Ceryse. I can create defences for Schloss Caromarc up there – I know I can. Creatures that will be completely loyal, completely reliable. Much better than hired guards.”
Ceryse looked at him, withdrawing her hand. A pained look passed across Alpon’s face.
“You mean start the experiments again?” she said. Her voice had lost its gentle edge. “You promised me they would be no more. No more animals hurt, you promised me, Alpon.”
He nodded wearily. “I know, Ceryse. We’ve had this discussion before, and I know where you stand. I still believe a small pain to alleviate a greater one is a good trade, but I respect your wishes.
“There is no need for anything to suffer, however.”
Ceryse wasn’t sure to be reassured by his words or disturbed by his smile.
“I have almost discovered the greatest of secrets…I think I am on the verge of being able to reanimate the tissues and organs of a creature that has passed beyond the mortal veil!”
“Bring back the dead?”
“Not quite…not yet, anyway. But if I can do this, Ceryse, I can create those servants I spoke of from deceased creatures, and nothing needs to suffer or be harmed!”
His smile was radiant…Ceryse’s less so…
Alpon paced nervously, his hands linked behind his back, fingers rubbing against one another. He kept glancing at the large oaken door at the end of the balcony whose length he was marking out with his strides.
His hair was a little greyer than before, and he sported a pair of impressive mutton-chop sideburns that were all the rage at the moment, but his expression was one of utmost worry, his eyes bloodshot, and his lips dry.
The door opened at the end of the balcony, just beside the stairs leading down to the main living area of the mansion.
A portly fellow in a fashionable suit stepped through and carefully closed the door behind him. He turned to face, Alpon, and took a white handkerchief from his pocket, mopping his receding hairline with it.
“Doctor…is she…?” Alpon felt an icy ball forming in his chest. He knew what was coming.
“I’m sorry, m’lord,” the doctor pursed his lips sympathetically, “there was nothing I could do. The bleeding was too much.”
“The priests, from Lepidstadt – I have the gold to pay the church.”
“Perhaps if they were here a day ago, sir – but it is too late. It is a full day’s journey there and back, and she will not last the hour.”
“The babe?”
“He never had a chance, m’lord. He was already in Pharasma’s arms before he left the womb.”
Alpon looked over the doctor’s shoulder, along the balcony. The room seemed to contract…the whole world seemed to close in around him and fade away into a fuzzy grey blanket that damped out sound and removed all touch and smell.
Everything – the whole world, the whole universe – focused on that door and what lay beyond.
The end of Alpon’s world, he knew…Ceryse, gone. His unnamed son, gone. His life, gone. There was nothing left.
“I do not care that this is your home, Caromarc!” shouted the tall, muscular man, leaning into Alpon’s face. “This is unacceptable for all concerned!”
Alpon refused to be intimidated. Although he was roughly the same height as Dr Henri Moritz, he gave up forty pounds to the bespectacled man who more resembled a wrestler stuffed into a suit than the Vice Chancellor of the Lepidstadt University. The fact that half a dozen of the paid guards of the university were just outside was not lost on Alpon, either; Moritz meant business.
“I repeat, good sir, that this is none of your business,” Alpon stood with his arms crossed in the threshold of his laboratory.
Behind him, a maze of pipes and tubes filled much of the room’s spaces. Great metal spikes rose into the high ceiling, buzzing with energy as sparks wound their way up and down.
Abuzz with the electricity in the air, Alpon’s grey hair stood out wildly, drifting like gossamer webs as he moved to prevent Moritz entering the room.
The man was too strong for Alpon, however, and shoved him aside, striding in to face the two large glass containers that dominated the centre of the room. The furthest one was full of largely clear, greenish-hued liquid, within which resided an enormous, man-shaped creature.
The closer one was more opaque, and the huge shape within only hinted at mannishness…too many limbs, and too-strange shapes dispelled the illusion that whatever was in there, huge as it was, was even remotely human.
“Look at this!” Moritz shouted hysterically. “These monsters are dangerous! They can’t be kept alive!”
“They are completely dormant,” Alpon hissed, his hands flicking inside his coat and deftly flipping the corks from two test tubes within. “They can harm no-one, and I am working on a device to control them when they are awakened.”
“Why?” Moritz rounded on Alpon, “why would you do this? Why would you create these...these…abominations?”
“They are part of my research,” he tipped the contents of one tube into the other and slipped the cork back on the mixture, “the closest one is an experiment…the further one is…he is...”
“He is my son!” Alpon hissed, withdrawing his hand and hurling the glass vial at Moritz. A flash of light and cloud of vapour erupted from where the vial shattered, and Moritz staggered back, his lips blue and frosty icicles in his moustache.
“What?” he mumbled, shaking his head to clear it.
“Now get out! I assure you, Doctor, I am perfectly capable of defending myself!”
With a snarl, Moritz grabbed a heavy metal spike from the nearby tool rack and lunged towards the closest tank, the one containing the misshapen and mostly hidden creature within.
“No!” Alpon shouted, “you cannot release that one! It is the test subject! It is too dangerous!”
With something between an enraged shout and a moan of sadness, Alpon slipped a small, liquid-soaked slip of blotting paper into one hand and rubbed it with the other. Liquid quickly formed around his hand, dripping onto the ground and sizzling where it landed.
He lunged forward, grabbing Moritz just as the guards, hearing the commotion, burst into the room.
Moritz screamed as the vitriolic liquid ate through his clothing and began to dissolve his flesh, eating through muscle and sinew before beginning its horrific work on bone and gristle.
“I’m so sorry!” Alpon breathed as Moritz died on the floor before him. A quick flick of his wrist and he retrieved a parchment scroll from his coat, but not before tossing another vial in the direction of the guards.
The nearest guard braced his courage and came through the smoke even while his compatriots ran.
Although not a wizard, Alpon was fully capable of reading and invoking the magic of the scroll, and he did so, feeling the sensation of prickly-heat in his hands as the scroll disintegrated like ash.
The guard looked at him and smiled, the magic of the scroll forcing him to recognise Alpon as a friend.
“Something killed Moritz,” Alpon said hurriedly to the guard, “but I’m not sure what it was – but don’t mention I was here, or I could get into a lot of trouble.”
“Of course, m’lord,” said the guard.
Alpon had returned to his normal size by now. The disfigured body of Henri Moritz lay on the tiles a short distance away, with Alpon refusing to look at it.
The enormous creature that lay on the slab before him was only barely human-ish. Nearly ten feet tall, and over half that wide at the shoulders, it was a stitched-together amalgam of a number of different parts – some human, some troll, some less obvious.
Alpon wasn’t certain he could bring it to life this hurriedly, but he had to get his son out before the guard arrived with people to collect Moritz’s body. If they destroy the rest of the lab, if they killed him – well, he could cope with that.
But he couldn’t cope with losing his creation, the second child fate had given him…not this time. He had hoped his work would lead him to the secret of bringing back the dead…perhaps one day, it would, and he could see his beloved Ceryse once again.
But for now, he had to get his son out of the castle.
He twirled the dials and adjusted the levers by the slab, listening to the build-up of power within the arcane machines he had constructed. Terrible energies were contained within, and they pulsed and echoed around the chamber like living things themselves.
Through the windows, Alpon could see the first tentative flickers of lighting as the apparatus on the roof began to churn the skies, preparing to wrench the power of the gods into the laboratory to be his to command.
First one, then two, then another and more. Flashes of lighting strobed through the windows, and the staccato crashing of thunder rattled the building.
Arcs of power shot through the cables, taking pulses of white light from the lightning rods to the enormous creature on the slab.
Limbs twitched with each burst of energy. Eyelids fluttered. Jaws clenched. Each pulse triggered another movement that quickly died away, but each time it took longer, each time the movement persisted just a little more.
Between pulses, now, Alpon saw more movement. Spontaneous movement. A finger. A muscle spasm in the chest. The eyes moving in concert.
As the energies grew to a climax, and the terrible crashing of the thunder threatened to tear the tower off the mountain-top, Apon staggered back in shock, feeling hot metal and pain as he became entangled in the cabling. The beast abruptly sat upright on the slab, pawing at the cables attached to it and howling with an unearthly scream that rent the night and dwarfed event he thunder.
Sitting on the tiles, Apon gazed upon his creation, his marvellous creature that looked about at its surroundings. He ignored the electrical burns down his arm and shoulder as he stumbled to his feet and moved a step closer.
“It’s alive.” He whispered. “It’s alive.”
The guard outside was unsure of what to do. He knew he couldn’t mention that his friend the Count was there – it would take too much explaining, and the Count could be blamed for something he had nothing to do with.
Lighting flashed and thunder roared for a time before quietening down, and the guard thought it odd that there was no rain.
Then he saw it, leaving the gatehouse. An enormous, bestial thing, its face contorted with rage, its vast limbs swinging as it ran from the castle.
He nodded to himself…Dr Moritz shouldn’t have been experimenting in the Count’s lab – he unleashed something that killed him.
He knew what to say…
The tall standing stones of the Spiral Cromlech cast haphazard shadows in the moonlight. Fog had rolled in from the swamp in the chill autumn morning, and Alpon had to keep wiping back his white hair to prevent water dripping into his eyes.
He was old, now. Too old for this sort of nonsense, he thought to himself. But he had little choice – the author of the message he’d received knew things, knew Alpon’s history, somehow.
He knew about his Son. And he threatened to expose him.
Alpon may not have been as spry as he’d been in his youth, but his coat was well-stocked with his reagents, and his practiced hand could be hurling explosive vials and arcane substances at his enemies within seconds.
This fool – no doubt some Lepidstadt thug with a few connections and a tidy sum of gold – was threatening to blackmail him, and Alpon wouldn’t be standing for it. He was getting close, now…closer than he’d ever been before, and he would not let anything constrain his work now.
The blackmailer would either back down, or die.
“Count Apon Caromarc, I presume?”
Apon squinted as the man stepped out of the shadows. He was tall, with long blonde hair that shone almost white in the moonlight. He was dressed in finely-tailored clothing of black silk, and a heavy dark cloak was draped over his shoulders. He leaned on a bronze-capped staff of polished oak, and watched Apon with an almost lazy expression.
“You, sir, I presume are my would-be blackmailer?”
“Blackmailer?” the man said, smiling, his white teeth shining. “I would not presume to blackmail you, sir. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vrood, Auren Vrood, and I represent certain…ah…interests that have need of your unique…ah…abilities.”
“Such as?”
“Well, not to put too fine a point on it, but we need your Beast.”
“Your Beast. We need it to break into a heavily secured place and retrieve something for us.”
“You’ll do no such thing with my Son!” Apon hissed, preparing to toss one of his explosive vials before running.
It was then he realised there were others…all around him.
This was no midnight meeting to blackmail him…he’d fallen right into a trap like a suckling babe. He was so angry with himself that he had to hold back from actually berating himself, reminding himself that more important things were at stake at the moment.
“Now, now,” Vrood said, as if chiding a wayward child, “there’s no need for that, Count Caromarc. We will have what we want…but it will be easier if you cooperate…and far less painful for you.”
With a flick of his finger, Vrood sent magic spiralling out to strike the old alchemist. He collapsed to his knees, the wind knocked out of him by the sudden spasm of agony that rippled through him. He tried to scream, but his jaws were locked together.
Blinding pain tore into his joints as his shoulders and hips bent impossibly, twisting and wrenching around backwards. Ligaments and tendons strained in protest, and he felt the nauseating snap! of tearing sinew within his joints. Further and further his limbs twisted, and all the time, he was unable to cry out, until his arms and legs faced in complete opposition to their normal positions.
Finally, he lay in a distorted heap on the ground for a few moments before, with another flick of his finger, Vrood reset Alpon’s joints back into their right orientation.
A whimper escaped the man as he lay there, unable to move.
“Yes, Count – your shoulders and hips have been severely dislocated. I’m sure an educated man such as yourself understands what this means. It will be some time before you can walk again – or, do anything, really.
“Do not fret, however. My friends will bear you to your castle, to Schloss Caromarc, and there we will discuss the best method for controlling your Beast”
Vrood turned to a slender, dark-haired woman who stood behind Alpon, smiling slightly as she watched the man’s agony. She leaned on a large scythe, which was viewed with nervous respect by the half dozen others who had joined them amid the standing stones.
“Organise these others to carry Caromarc to the castle,” he ordered, his silky voice suddenly business-like.
“What of the hearts we procured, my lord?”
“We have what…seven of them?” at her nod, he continued, “the potions will take time. We’ll brew them when we next stop for a time. Use your powers to preserve them until then.”
Alpon Caromarc could only look on in agonised, helpless horror as the cultists following Vrood roughly gripped his arms and legs and bore him away to the north-east.
Insanity is approaching…all I can do is send one single dream…the others have left, they have put me in this nightmare thing, this iron coffin from which I cannot escape. Waxwood is feeding me insects and rats, and giving me a little water…but I fear he is simply prolonging the inevitable.
Only my Son can save me now…I hope so much this dream reaches him…
Son! It is your father, Alpon…I am in the castle and I need your help!
I played around with the trigger to get them to go to Schloss Caromarc by making it more personal, and I also altered Alpon Caromarc somewhat.
Firstly, my players had befriended the Crooked Kin *extensively* - to the point where they spent their nights with the Kin, rather than in town.
Secondly, when the Beast (whom they named "Edward") was acquitted, they realised that he probably wouldn't be safe in Lepidstadt, so they asked the Crooked Kin if he could go with them. Being quite accepting of those that are...err...*different*...they were quite accepting of him, and the surviving two girls and the Wolf Boy loved him.
Then I ran into the same problem as the OP...how to get them to Schloss Caromarc? An idea came to me that I think was triggered by me starting to read the "Magician" trilogy again. There's a character, Ghamina, who can both see and project thoughts and feelings and images from and into peoples' minds.
Poppy, one of the microcephalic girls from the Crooked Kin, was about thirteen in our campaign (I can't remember if that was canonical, or I just grabbed three ages two years apart when I was statting up the CK). Anyway, I thought..."Hang on. Freak show, carnival, sideshows...lots of 'odd' stuff happening all the time. Poppy hits adolescence and starts to manifest a similar ability to Ghamina, from 'Magician'. Being pretty simple, she can't get complex *ideas* across, but she *can* read feelings and images, and project them."
So I had Alpon Caromarc have one last preparation that Waxwood could get for him: "Dream". He sent a dream message to Edward to help him...but due to his starvation and terror, the dream is fragmented, and contained a lot of extraneous "junk" from Caromarc's life.
Still, it was enough to send Edward rushing off to the castle to help his "father.
The PCs were at Judge Daramid's, figuring out what to do next when Kaleb shows up with Poppy. He explains what happened, and says that Poppy can show them Edward's dream. He had fallen asleep, and she had fallen asleep leaning on his shoulder, so she sensed his dream.
I did a fairly extensive written scene which showed the dream like a series of flashbacks of Caromarc's life: the coup that originally exiled him to his castle, his anger over that, his wife begging him to stop his experiments and his excitement over getting closer and closer to creating life...then his wife's death during childbirth, and how this shattered him, and drove his obsession with bringing back the dead, and led to his creation of first the Aberrant Promethean (the "prototype" that didn't work properly), and finally Edward.
I even got to throw in a little homage and have Caromarc standing in wonder, staring at Edward as he begins to stir on the slab, with Caromarc whispering: "It's alive! It's alive!" :)
Finally, the dream showed Caromarc meeting Vrood at the Cromlech outside Lepidstadt, and how he was overpowered by the Whispering Way cultists, and taken back to the castle.
It was a nifty way of delivering a fair bit of exposition, giving them the backstory, making the point that Alpon Caromarc was more of a tragic figure than a bad guy (which they had assumed up until this point), and giving them a look at Auren Vrood - who they think is the BBEG of the campaign. They think Adrissant is a friend and sponsor, and he is playing up to this by deflecting all *his* activities off onto a vampire noble called "Vladimus", who is actually the dhampir PC's "father".
So, because they genuinely adored Edward, and wanted to stop the Whispering Way, as soon as they got the dream sequence, there was no stopping them. They headed straight for Schloss Caromarc, and an absolutely, gob-smackingly AWESOME finale on the tower atop the laboratory. :)
When they returned, Adrissant had left a letter for them, explaining how he had to return to Caliphas to investigate rumours of a noble connection to the WW, but he feeds them bits of info and suggests that Auren Vrood is the key to figuring out where Vladimus is...this not only got the dhampir PC riled up (she *desperately* wants to kill Vladimus), but pointed them directly at Ascanor Lodge for the start of "Broken Moon" (which we're kicking off on May 5).
I'll post the dream sequence and the letter...that'll give you a better idea.
Ice Titan, you have just *completely* revamped my Carrion Crown campaign! :)
My group is just coming up to the trial in "Trial of the Beast", and I've already incorporated an arc centred around each character.
Izaark, the half-orc cavalier/oracle, has an arc that involves the hate Thaum Gauntwood has for him. Gauntwood was a close friend of Izaark's father, and thinks Izaark should have been drowned at birth...the idea that he's trying to become a Knight of Ozem is just too much for him to cope with! His arc involves him ultimately becoming a Knight of Ozem, but it will be linked in with a final confrontation with Gauntwood himself.
Yeva, the human ranger/rogue, grew up in Turtleback Ferry, and her father was killed at Fort Rannick during the "Hook Mountain Massacre" from Rise of the Runelords. Her mother was "leaned on" by the same criminal elements that had unsuccessfully tried to corrupt her father. With a young daughter, and no income, her mother ended up forced into prostitution, pimped by a local Sczarni "wise guy" (the Sczarni in my campaign are more-or-less the Mafia). Her arc will incorporate a new "witness for the prosecution" during the trial that will attempt to discredit Yeva's testimony (he will, of course, be her mother's pimp and the son of a Sczarni boss)
Skarlia, the dhampir inquisitor, was the child of a vampire hunter who was tortured and eventually impregnated by a vampire noble called Vladimus. Years later, when Skarlia was in her late teens, her mother was killed by Vladimus' old friend, a black dragon named Autha-Bahor. Skarlia barely escaped alive.
But the stuff you've given us? Wow, IT, just wow! :)
A whole raft of stuff has popped into my head, thanks to your inspiration. I'm having Adivion send his simulacram to Lepidstadt to actually investigate the PCs after their efforts at Ravegro (and the destruction of a vampire minion of Vladimus en-route to Lepidstadt, which actually led into the Crooked Kin encounter). He will be a useful "pointer" to direct them towards a couple of things they've missed, as well as helping out with alchemical analyses (they don't have much Craft (alchemy) or Knowledge (arcana) in the group). I'm going to play the iAdivion as genuinely helpful. He doesn't care if the Beast is acquitted, but he wants the group to clear out Schloss Caromarc so he can check out the Bondslave Thrall device that Auren Vrood has told him about. Plus, he's curious about the PCs.
(As backstory for Adivion, incidentally, he knows that the Adellas were descended from Tar-Baraphon, and he is convinced some are still alive - thinking they're probably in Taldor, actually - but he will learn during the adventure that Count Galdana is actually descended from them)
I'm running with the whole Kendra is the adopted daughter of Lorrimor, and I'm going to throw in that Skarlia's mother was also a descendant, making Skarlia and Kendra distant cousins of sorts. I've gone with Drilling4mana's take that Kendra is the bastard of Galdana.
I also like that Raven's Head is an intelligent item. I'm going with the idea that Raven's Head's "personality" was essentially ripped in half decades before in order to create Infensus Mucro, which explains why its memory is spotty. It needs to be reunited with the sword to regain its memories; which is your idea, of course, that Kendra et al are the last living descendants of Tar-Baraphon (no, it's not a misspelling - I just like the sound of the extra syllable. :) )
Soooo...they will discover, at the end of "Wake of the Watcher", that the Dark Rider wasn't going to be heading straight back to Caliphas. He needed to head back to the University of Lepidstadt, where Dr Crowl knew of a ritual to "reawaken" the dormant personality of Raven's Head (Crowl's not a bad guy - he's going to be coerced into helping the WW).
The "Chronicle of the Raven's Tongue" is going to be the information from Raven's Head that the Adella line survived - they actually had Raven's Head until Galdana's grandfather died when his ship was lost in a storm in Avalon Bay (it was later picked up by the skum, as detailed in "Wake of the Watcher")
At the moment, the PCs won't be able to do a lot with the information, except have a reason to head to Caliphas (which is precisely what I want, of course, to kick of "Ashes").
Following your lead, Ice Titan, at the end of "Ashes at Dawn", they will get the letter with the key. If they allied with Ramoska Arkeminos, it'll be from him on behalf of Hanoris Dellum, or if they don't, it'll be from Dellum himself, who will get a recommendation from the Order of the Palatinate Eye locals whom the PCs trust.
Either way, there will be an extension of Yeva's arc at the end of "Ashes" which will see an assassination attempt on her - the Sczarni "godfather" is finally sick of her after she has either killed or humiliated his son (the "witness for the prosecution" in "Trial") - and has come to kill her himself, along with some nasty helpers (maybe a Red Mantis, who knows?). Galdana will actually die in this scene, hopefully sacrificing himself to save either Yeva or Kendra (who will be present in Caliphas, as you described :) I'm thinking of putting in a romance arc between Kendra and Adivion; it's not real from HIS perspective, of course - he's hoping to get information out of Kendra, thinking she might know something Lorrimor knew, perhaps about the Adellas))
While the Whispering Way is still trying to figure out what they SHOULD have learned from Raven's Head (that Galdana is of the Adella line), the PCs will travel down to Taldor to go through "Iron Tomb". Eventually, when the sword combines with Raven's Head, they'll get all the information, as you beautifully described above - I SO hope the scene plays out like that...I'm hoping for a "WTF??" moment from the players. Kind of "No, Luke, *I* am your father!" reaction. :)
I'm thinking of actually showing the flashes of history eventually coalescing into a scene similar to Professor X's use of Cerebro in the X-Men movies...shadowy figures all over the world, homing in on a few colour figures that are actually Tar-Baraphon's descendants, from oldest to youngest.
Of course, Stavian III will be in there...maybe a peasant or two scattered across Avistan...and finally closing in on Kendra, unconscious in a carriage with Adivion, telling "someone" (dunno who, yet) that it will take time to properly prepare her for the ritual, and finally to Skarlia.
No doubt they'll be rushing back ASAP, at which time I'll kick off "Gallowspire". In that there'll be the final showdown between Skarlia and her "father", Vladimus, as well as Izaark's defeat of Gauntwood and the revelation that he (Gauntwood) is actually a bad guy, who ended up working with Vladimus in order to kill Izaark (I'm playing Gauntwood as obsessed with "purity" of the Knights, and he'd rather team up with a vampire than see a half-orc in the order of Ozem).
For this, I'm going to heavily modify an old 3rd Edition D&D short adventure called "Harvest of Evil", which deals with a vampire and its cronies taking over a small village after being driven out of their castle. I'm going to place this somewhere in the Hungry Mountains as they're chasing after Adivion.
Kendra will replace Galdana in "Gallowspire", and of course, Marrowgarth will be replaced by a now-ravener Autha-Bahor, the dragon that actually killed Skarlia's mother.
Thanks to all, especially Ice Titan, for all these awesome ideas! Like I said...we're only halfway through "Trial", but I'm SOOOO looking forward to the rest of the AP! :)
Some of the most disappointing for me have been Timothy Zahn's "Empire" trilogy (post "Return of the Jedi"), which I found pretty bland, and the whole ysalamiri thing to be very contrived
("Luke's too powerful...how can I challenge him? I know! I'll invent ferrets that emit and anti-magic, err, anti-Force field!"), not to mention the whole business with Mara Jade killing "Luuke" and thus getting around her compulsion.
(the stuff in the following spoiler may be found offensive by some viewers...)
The other series was the "Song of Ice and Fire". I read 4 and and a bit of the books, finally giving up some time during "A Dance with Dragons". I kept holding out, hoping it would improve, and now I kick myself at the time I wasted with the bloated mess that it was. Not only is Martin a vastly overrated writer, but I keep finding myself squirming at his graphic descriptions
of the sexual assault of children. I really should have listened to the warning bells right near the start when 13-year-old Daenarys was digitally raped by her 30+ year old new husband, and then started to enjoy it.
As Cordie said..."There's not enough yuck in the world."
Add to that the fact that all his female characters* are either whores, psychopaths or morons (or a combination of all three)
* Except Briana, but by the time she came into it, it was way too late.
Martin's stuff reads like a creepy old man's fantasies...
Well, in my campaign, that paladin just became a fighter without the feats, and any god-aligned clerics lost their spells. Torture is an evil act because *it's an evil act*, not because of the subject.
Well, Paizo has had my loyalty ever since 4E came out. I could never get into 4E, whereas PF took everything I liked about 3/3.5 D&D, fixed the bits I didn't like and put it all in the blender, coming up with something I really loved.
I can't see myself going back to WotC in future...
Well, I've been having a bit of a play in HeroLab this afternoon, messing about with some of the RHOD characters and trying to come up with something that seems to fit more in the Golarion mythos.
While I agree with James (hell, he wrote the thing! :) ), I've decided I'm sticking with Tiamat being a distant and non-evil entity. Dahak is involved, but I found him too chaotic and wanton to be behind a big bad evil invasion.
So my idea was that Azar Kul is a kind of "priest" of Hadregash, who is a barghest hero. Thing is, Hadregash is making a play for godhood, and the only way he can do that is to "buy" his way into it by "funneling" souls killed his name to Lamashtu, who will then elevate him to the position of a god. Azar, therefore, isn't a true cleric, but something similar. I first thought of making him a fighter/adept, but then I hit on something from the AGM book: the Oracle class. So I've converted Azar Kul into an oracle.
Meanwhile, he has enlisted Hravek Kharn, whom I have made into a cleric of Dahak (and CE, not LE), to lead the armies of the Red Hand to cause destruction and devastation in order to "feed" Hadregash. I'm going to convert the Ghostlord into a witch, rather than a druid (a witch-lich? :) ), and therefore I made Ulwai Stormcaller a witch as well. Saarvith and Koth are the same (ranger and sorcerer, respectively).
Oh, I've also increased everyone's level by +1 so that the CRs are the same as in the original module.
Here are Azarr Kul and Hravek Kharn to have a look at - let me know what you think (there are a few minor changes to weapons and such - Kul using a flail and Kharn using a whip, for example, to fit with their deities. Kharn's whip is called "Dahak's Tail", and is a +2 whip of wounding...seemed to fit the notion of wanton cruelty and destruction).
Male Hobgoblin Oracle 12
LE Medium Half-Dragon ((Humanoid))
Init +4; Senses Darkvision (60 feet), Low-Light Vision; Perception +7
AC 31, touch 12, flat-footed 31. . (+11 armor, +4 shield, +4 natural, +2 deflection)
hp 99 (12d8+36)
Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +20
DR Iron Skin; Immune fatigue, electricity, paralysis, sleep
Weakness Lame
Spd 20 ft., Flying (40 feet, Average)
Melee +2 Blue Dragonfang Flail +17/+12 (1d8+7) and
. . Bite (Half-Dragon Template) +9 (1d6+2) and
. . Claw x2 (Half-Dragon Template) +9 x2 (1d4+2) and
. . Gauntlet (from Armor) +14/+9 (1d3+5) and
. . Shield, Heavy Steel +14/+9 (1d4+5) and
. . Unarmed Strike +14/+9 (1d3+5)
Special Attacks Breath Weapon (DC 13)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 12, +14 melee touch, +9 ranged touch):
6 (3/day) Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass (DC 19), Planar Ally
5 (5/day) Inflict Light Wounds, Mass (DC 18), Inflict Light Wounds, Mass (DC 18), Righteous Might, Righteous Might
4 (6/day) Wall of Fire, Inflict Critical Wounds (DC 17), Cure Critical Wounds, Air Walk, Sending
3 (7/day) Magic Vestment, Contagion (DC 16), Inflict Serious Wounds (DC 16), Dispel Magic, Summon Monster III, Prayer
2 (7/day) Inflict Moderate Wounds (DC 15), Bull's Strength (DC 15), Bear's Endurance (DC 15), Hold Person (DC 15), Silence (DC 15), Cure Moderate Wounds (DC 15), Fog Cloud
1 (7/day) Inflict Light Wounds (DC 14), Enlarge Person (DC 14), Divine Favor, Cure Light Wounds (DC 14), Bane (DC 14), Command (DC 14), Sanctuary (DC 14)
0 (at will) Create Water, Purify Food and Drink (DC 13), Read Magic, Light, Detect Magic, Bleed (DC 13), Guidance, Mending, Stabilize
Str 20, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 20/24, Cha 16
Base Atk +9/+4; CMB +14; CMD 26
Feats Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Improved Critical: Flail, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus: Flail
Skills Acrobatics -6, Bluff +12, Climb -1, Craft: Sculpture +15, Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist -6, Fly -6, Intimidate +11, Knowledge: Arcana +7, Knowledge: Geography +4, Knowledge: Religion +16, Ride -6, Spellcraft +16, Stealth -2, Swim -1
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin
SQ Battlefield Clarity (2/day) (Ex), Slow and Steady (Ex), War Sight (Su)
Combat Gear +2 Blue Dragonfang Flail, +2 Black Dragoncraft Full Plate, +2 Red Dragoncraft heavy shield; Other Gear Cloak of Resistance, +3, Handy Haversack (empty), Headband of Inspired Wisdom, +4, Potion of Barkskin +4, Potion of Fly, Potion of Haste, Ring of Protection, +2, Scroll: Heal (CL 12), Word of Recall (CL 12), Restoration (CL 12)
Battlefield Clarity (2/day) (Ex) Reroll failed saves against many conditions with a bonus.
Breath Weapon (1/day) (DC 13) (Su) 1/day, Breath Weapon deals 0d6 Electricity damage, DC 13.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Flying (40 feet, Average) You can fly!
Immune to Fatigue You are immune to the fatigued condition.
Immunity to Electricity You are immune to electricity damage.
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Iron Skin (1/day) (Su) DR 10/Adamantine
Lame Speed is never reduced by Encumbrance.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Slow and Steady (Ex) At 10th level, your speed is never reduced by armor.
War Sight (Su) Take your choice of 3 initiative rolls. Always act in the surprise round.
Male Hobgoblin Cleric 11
CE Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid)
Init -1; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +3
AC 25, touch 10, flat-footed 25. . (+11 armor, +4 shield, -1 Dex, +1 deflection)
hp 80 (11d8+22)
Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +12
Defensive Abilities Copy Cat (Su), Master's Illusion
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Dahak's Tail +15/+10 (1d3+6) and
. . Gauntlet (from Armor) +12/+7 (1d3+4) and
. . Shield, Heavy Steel +8/+3 (1d4+4) and
. . Unarmed Strike +12/+7 (1d3+4)
Ranged Masterwork Crossbow, Light +6/+1 (1d8)
Special Attacks Destructive Smite +5
Spell-Like Abilities Copy Cat (Su), Master's Illusion
Cleric Spells Known (CL 11, 12 melee touch, 7 ranged touch):
6 (1/day) Mislead, Summon Monster VI
5 (2/day) Insect Plague, Command, Greater (DC 18), Shout (DC 19)
4 (3/day) Divine Power, Confusion (DC 17), Freedom of Movement, Summon Monster IV
3 (5/day) Rage, Contagion (DC 16), Cure Serious Wounds (DC 16), Dispel Magic, Searing Light, Wind Wall (DC 17)
2 (5/day) Bear's Endurance (DC 15), Death Knell (DC 15), Invisibility, Aid, Cure Moderate Wounds (DC 15), Summon Monster II
1 (5/day) Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Disguise Self, Obscuring Mist, Cure Light Wounds (DC 14), Entropic Shield (DC 14)
0 (at will) Purify Food and Drink (DC 13), Read Magic, Detect Magic, Stabilize
Str 16/18, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 11
Base Atk +8/+3; CMB +12; CMD 22
Feats Improved Channel, Improved Critical: Whip, Intimidating Prowess, Spell Focus: Evocation, Weapon Focus: Whip
Skills Acrobatics -7, Bluff +12, Climb -2, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist -7, Fly -7, Intimidate +15, Knowledge: Arcana +15, Ride -7, Spellcraft +15, Stealth -3, Swim -2
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin
SQ Aura (Ex), Aura of Destruction +5 (11 rounds/day) (Su), Channel Negative Energy 6d6 (3/day) (DC 17) (Su), Cleric Domain: Destruction, Cleric Domain: Trickery, Spontaneous Casting
Combat Gear Dahak's Tail, +2 Shield, Heavy Steel, Masterwork Crossbow, Light, +2 Red Dragoncraft full plate; Other Gear Belt of Giant Strength, +2, Cloak of Resistance, +2, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Potion of Fly, Potion of Haste, Ring of Protection, +1
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Aura of Destruction +5 (11 rounds/day) (Su) 30'r aura grants +1 to all damage rolls within and all critical threats are confirmed.
Channel Negative Energy 6d6 (3/day) (DC 17) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
Cleric Domain: Destruction Granted Powers: You revel in ruin and devastation, and can deliver particularly destructive attacks.
Cleric Domain: Trickery Granted Powers: You are a master of illusions and deceptions. Bluff, Disguise, and Stealth are class skills.
Copy Cat (Su) (6/day) (Sp) Create a single mirror image duplicate
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Destructive Smite +5 (6/day) (Su) You gain the destructive smite power: the supernatural ability to make a single melee attack with a morale bonus on damage rolls equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). You must declare the destructive smite before making the attack. You can use
Master's Illusion (11 rounds/day) (Sp) Use veil as a spell-like ability.
Spell Focus: Evocation Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.