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![]() Hi folks, With our #$^&*^#$^^#EV$%%WR treasurer implementing the Goods & Services Tax on *all* items purchased (instead of ones over $1000 value, as it has been up until now) from July 1, it will mean that Paizo will need to collect that 10% GST and pay it back to the Australian government. Amazon has just announced that Australian customers will be redirected to their .com.au site (which has nowhere near the range of their US and UK sites) - so I'm wondering if Paizo are doing anything similar? I have been getting Paizo products via subscription for years, now, and I don't want to stop. :( ![]()
![]() I'm thinking of taking a leaf out of 4E D&D and respeccing the bog-standard hobgoblin troops as "minions", meaning they have all the skills, attack bonuses, etc. that are listed in their stats, but only 1 hit point. The reasoning is that it's simply fun and cinematic for PCs to wade through the bad guys, dropping them with single sword strokes and arrows. Now, the issue is that of course, this means they'll be worth less in terms of XP and challenge. I was thinking of using maybe twice or even three times the number of Ironfang Recruits in any encounter which uses them...does that sound reasonable? (Incidentally, I don't use awarded XP - we just level up at the appropriate times) ![]()
![]() My daughter and I are looking at a hagbound witch character for her to play in Ironfang Invasion. Thematically, it fits nicely and we love the tragic theme "in the background", but I can't help feeling it's a very nerfed archetype. 1. Lose pretty much all hexes in exchange for increased strength, disguise at will, and the improved curse at 10th (?) level... 2. ...which wouldn't be so bad as a tradeoff (added strength with the claws, though she'd already have them from being a changeling) except that she will be an absolute glass cannon. Claws might be okay, but as a caster her AC and hit points will be too low to make a viable melee combatant. 3. Being a 2/3 caster, a witch's real "schtick" is her hexes, which are pretty much removed by the archetype. Is there something here I'm missing? It seems like they dropped the ball on this archetype: beautiful concept, but mechanically unsound. ![]()
![]() Reading through and prepping "Empty Graves"
Spoiler: The description for F4. "Bulk Storage" says that the area once contained dead bodies, but that they escaped topside when the ka pulse went out. My question is how? I can see only three exits: one is the secret door in F9, another is the loading dock at F6, neither of which is suitable for escaping zombies. The only other area is the main entrance through F3, which contains the pit trap that will trigger with >100lb weight. A single zombie would weigh more than that, and I can't imagine a "mini-horde" politely queueing up, one-at-a-time, anyway. How did they get out? With that in mind, how do the Silver Chain come and go through here? I'm thinking of adding a Bypass option to the trap, requiring a DC10 Acrobatics check to edge around the outside of the trap without triggering it. That would let the SC come and go, but not the zombies. I might just ditch the trap (no pun intended! :) ) entirely. We're not using XP, so it doesn't really matter in terms of levelling. Anyone have any other ideas? Thanks. ![]()
![]() Weren’t quite finished Carrion Crown, but a computer issue trashed a bunch of work I’d done on it, but I still had my MM stuff, so with limited gaming time in the near future, we decided to kick off MM. We have: Cathius (CN dhampir male bard (archaeologist)
and... Oggrekk the Anxious (CG male orc barbarian) - the adorably klutzy orc who hates what his people do, so has fled to Osirion, where anti-orc prejudice isn’t really a thing. :) ![]()
![]() No, I'm not trying to start another flame war about how dhampirs are affected by channeling, etc! We've got it for our table, and that's good enough for us (and I'm not even saying what method we use!) What I'm curious about - and hoping someone can help me with - is options to allow dhampirs to actually benefit from healing in the same way a Pallid Crystal does, but without having to be a worshipper of Urgathoa. Our Pharasmin Inquisitor dhampir can heal herself to a certain extent, but coming into more dangerous parts of "Carrion Crown", it would be nice if she could benefit in other ways. Does anyone have any ideas? Of course, I could create a non-Urgathoan version of the Pallid Crystal - maybe a "Tear of the Lady" that does the same thing, but for Pharasma worshippers - but I'm wondering if there's any canonical method of doing this, via feats or the like? ![]()
![]() I'm currently rejigging Carrion Crown in anticipation of running it again at some stage, and I was looking over some of the NPCs with the idea of rebuilding them. The first one I've rebuilt is Grine. Spoiler: I've never been 100% happy with Grine, from "Trial of the Beast", as written. I'm not a huge fan of prepared casters, and I wanted to have a stab at Grine as a spontaneous caster. The most obvious choice seemed to be the Inquisitor. When I was going through the archetypes, the "Reaper of Secrets" jumped out at me. Primarily because it's themed around Norgorber, but also because it seemed to fit Grine's secretive nature. Rather than stick with the multiclass, I ditched his Rogue levels and just made him a Level 3 Inquisitor. It meant some rejigging of his Feats, of course. To keep using his axes (which I liked), I swapped out Skill Focus (sleight of hand) for Martial Weapon Proficiency (throwing axe). I didn't see the need in keeping his handaxe - the x3 crit rating vs the throwing axe's x2 didn't seem worth the extra feat, so I just changed him to using four throwing axes. He'll use one in melee, plus have three spares for ranged attacks. He loses his Rogue skills, of course, but it didn't seem a huge loss, considering the extra spells and judgements from Inquisitor. He also gains the feat "Swap Places" from Inquisitor, and with "Mind Games Tactics" from the "Reaper of Secrets" archetype, he can use it to place himself among his enemies to flank and make unexpected strikes in melee. This should set him in good stead against squishy spellcasters that have a hulking fighter bodyguard. The only other changes were a few minor ones to skills. Class skills changed, obviously, but I mostly left the points in the "sneaky" skills so that Grine had some measure of creeping about as it seemed to fit both the archetype and the fact he's a Dark Creeper. So without further ado, here is my modified Grine (I'll post other NPCs as I go) Grine CR 5
![]() Just thought I'd throw an idea in here. My players love pictures. Landscapes, castles, dungeons, caves - and NPCs. Especially NPCs. I've built up quite a collection over the years, and I can usually pluck some interesting NPC portrait out at short notice for them (though there are occasional murmurs of "This looks just like Merriam the Monocled from that other campaign three years ago..." if I happen to grab a previously-used one! :) ) Anyway - I was looking around for some good hobgoblin pics to use for those hobbie NPCs not illustrated. I wanted some that were a bit different, and that made the hobbies look unique, rather than them all looking the same, and I discovered a terrific resource. Google "Shadow of Mordor orc uruk" and go to the images tab. You'll find hundreds of unique Orcs and Uruk-hai from the game "Shadow of Morder", which all fill in beautifully to make unique, interesting-looking hobgoblins. The images that are screencapped from the various Orcs' character "cards" even have fun names (like "Chaka the Chunky" for a particularly tubby Orc), and their unique armour, weapons, and accessories can even help with creating some fun backstories. That last bit especially applies if you're like me and take a leaf from the "Shadow of Mordor" game whereby an opponent who survives the PCs will pick up a few class levels and come back to haunt them later on. ![]()
![]() One of the things I've been doing in my CC campaign is portraying
Spoiler: Adivion Adrissant as a bit of a benefactor. He's even accompanied and helped the PCs from time to time. At least - and I freely admit I stole the idea from these boards - his simulacrum has. The only problem - and I've only just realised this - is that the Magus Adrissant can't use Simulacrum as it's a 7th level spell. Because it's therefore not on the Magus list, he can't even use a scroll. Does anyone have any idea how I might be able to get out of this? Short of converting Adrissant into a Wizard, which has occurred to me, but I love the idea of him being an actual fighting challenge in the finale.
![]() Is anyone else having trouble with the download page? Clicking on the "Windows" button takes me to the page which says (words to the effect of) "Your download is on its way", at which time I get a page not found error, in both IE 11 and Chrome, using Windows 8.1. It's a shame, because music and sounds are always a big part of our games, and I've always done it manually, using .mp3s attached to a Word document with the "key" parts of the game - but a dedicated app for doing this would be great! ![]()
![]() Silly title, granted :) I'm trying to figure out if Raise Dead would work on a person who has been cut in half. Raise Dead says that "While the spell closes mortal wounds and repairs lethal damage of most kinds, the body of the creature to be raised must be whole" So, my question is: if our guy is lopped in two, ala Darth Maul, can the PCs sort of push the two halves together and claim the body is "whole"? ![]()
![]() My initial reaction to RoW, I have to admit, was a bit *meh*. Without spoiling anything for anyone, I found the, err...*travel*...a bit contrived, and I decided to do my usual with an AP I'm not fond of: not run it, but plunder it for (Pathfinder's standard) the awesome maps, artwork, NPCs, beasties and alternate rules. But, funnily enough, I went to see "X-Men: Days of Future Past" on the weekend, and there was a trailer for "Malificent", with Angelina Jolie in the title role. I was watching it, thinking "Hey, she'd make a great white witch!" Then it hit me. I'd been looking at RoW all wrong! I was comparing it to "classic" fantasy RPG campaigns. But it's not that, and I don't think it was ever meant to be that. It's a dark fairy-tale. It's less J. R. R. Tolkien and more Brothers Grimm. As soon as I realised that, I started re-reading it and going through it, and it suddenly fell into place, and I think it would be an AWESOME campaign!! My suggestion, because I know there are a few people out there like me who weren't overly-impressed with RoW at the start: go back and read it, but think fairy-tales. Think witches eating children. Think "lost in the snowy woods". Put on Nox Arcana's "Grimm" while you're reading it. Have fun. :) ![]()
![]() Okay...silly question, but one for which I cannot find a definitive answer. I vaguely remember from the old D&D days that when it's killed on the Material Plane, a demon doesn't actually die, but is rather banished back to the Abyss, where it can reform after x years, usually as a lower form. Does this apply on Golarion? When you reduce a demon to negative hit points, does the thing's corpse just lie there? Or does it dissolve into black smoke and goo, with a whiff of brimstone, as it flees back to the dark pit from whence it came (sorry...got carried away there. :) ) ![]()
![]() Witness the horror of the infinite redirect bug! Tremble as the Big Purple Paizo Monster Guy comes at you with his purple claws! Feel the terror of not knowing if you can reach the thread you're looking for! Just thought I'd let you guys know that the bug seems to be back. I've been trying to reach the Kingmaker GM Reference pages all day, and keep getting the dreaded Big Purple Paizo Monster Guy and "You have made too many requests for the same page too quickly. Please wait a minute before trying again." ![]()
![]() Has anyone had any problems getting this to run after installation? I've unzipped it in a couple of different spots, and tried it with Firefox (with Java turned on) and IE (with active content turned on), and while the page loads, nothing happens when I click "Generate". I'm certain I'm doing something wrong, probably where I've unzipped it or somesuch, but I can't, for the life of me, figure out what's going wrong. Oh, also, when it's open in IE (7) I get errors for the graphics, and in Firefox I get the alternate text. Again...I'm wondering if location is important. Any help is greatly appreciated! :) Cheers, Phil |