
Dark Tempest's page

15 posts. Alias of Kryzbyn.


Male Elan hybrid 20 Nimble Blade (Soulknife) 5 Dark Tempest || 20 Psi warrior 5 Dark Tempest

That works.

Male Elan hybrid 20 Nimble Blade (Soulknife) 5 Dark Tempest || 20 Psi warrior 5 Dark Tempest

Works for me. Do I have a specific way to get in touch with you?

Male Elan hybrid 20 Nimble Blade (Soulknife) 5 Dark Tempest || 20 Psi warrior 5 Dark Tempest

This one...

Male Elan hybrid 20 Nimble Blade (Soulknife) 5 Dark Tempest || 20 Psi warrior 5 Dark Tempest

He nods.
"Leave it, then. I don't know who sent this, but he must not know his audience."

Male Elan hybrid 20 Nimble Blade (Soulknife) 5 Dark Tempest || 20 Psi warrior 5 Dark Tempest

"I take it by your expression you did not place this in here."
Hasan shakes his head in answer. "I wonder how many languages the sender knows...I've counted 7 so far....would you mind reading it, Hasan?"

Male Elan hybrid 20 Nimble Blade (Soulknife) 5 Dark Tempest || 20 Psi warrior 5 Dark Tempest

Also in his meditation chamber, Dark Tempest contemplates various actions and consequences he's faced, replaying them, learning...seeing them from different angles...


He opens a single eye, while he senses his surroundings. Knowing he is alone, he slowly gets up, placing his prized hilt on it's pedestal. He sees the envelope.
"Well, that's damn peculiar..." he mutters to himself.

"Hasan, come here please..."

Male Elan hybrid 20 Nimble Blade (Soulknife) 5 Dark Tempest || 20 Psi warrior 5 Dark Tempest

Explain why it's required, I guess?

Male Elan hybrid 20 Nimble Blade (Soulknife) 5 Dark Tempest || 20 Psi warrior 5 Dark Tempest


Male Elan hybrid 20 Nimble Blade (Soulknife) 5 Dark Tempest || 20 Psi warrior 5 Dark Tempest

Oddly enough, DT is the anti-mage melee guy.
I don't think the monkey made the cut...
I speak Common (Tian Xia), Common (Vudrani), Common (Trade), Common (Keleshite), Common (Hallit), Common (Osirion), Aklo, Draconic, Infernal, Protean, Sahirat Sign (maybe).
His monastery will be in the world's edge mountains, which is in Qadira...
I don't know that he's handled anything guys of your scope would be asked to help with, but you may have heard of him. He's probably the new kid on the block as far as being a world player.

Male Elan hybrid 20 Nimble Blade (Soulknife) 5 Dark Tempest || 20 Psi warrior 5 Dark Tempest


Added a snippet about organizations.

Profile, now with hand drawn pic!

Preliminary background posted.

EDIT: Fixed grammar and spelling...

Thanks. I always get messed up on what is considered a "SQ" or Special Defenses or Special Attacks. I know they are usually the class abilities, but hard to figure out what actually qualifies for the stat block. Or how to present the mythic stuff...I'll just add another spoiler box, I guess.

EDIT: I think I figured it out...
EDIT EDIT: Sapphire, I think we're only supposed to be Mythic Tier 1...

Initial offering; this is without equipment.