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Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() Dariel smiles at Linkon's story. "Well well well, what Dame Fortune gives, she takes it away the day after! You, sir, are in big trouble because you were not able to control yourself... I can understand. There is no way that this little brat can throw accusations of sorcery like that. I know how you make a little girl confess, you scare her!" Dariels seems really sensitive to Linkon's story, as it reminds him old scars. "A huge slap on her face, that's what she deserves. That or the belt! But I'll be damned if I let an almost innocent man like you be hanged today!" ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() Dariels looks at the young girl with a severe gaze until she disepears in the village. He then says to Grognak: "That's probably the best plan for now indeed. We should be sure to have the opportunity to talk to the guy. And by the way, we call them Sorcerers when they're mens." Of course Dariel doesn't know much about magic. He's just playing the one who knows, don't hesitate to have him corrected if what I say is nonsense! ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() Dariels listens quietly to the reaction of his comrades, smiling to himself. Obviously, it's better that they don't know what a brat I was! "Well, I believe that the judge can wait. His town, his judgment, his calls. I bet my sold that he dislikes us, we are just a liability to his autority. That girl however, she is not afraid of us, like she already saw something more frigthening than our merry band, and I am pretty sure that wasn't just a temporary paralysis. Let's go speak to her parents." ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() Dariel laughs at Grognak's observation. "I think it's going to be part of the job... Anyone else if feeling that cold? Quite strange in my opinion." he says while buttoning his coat. "Open you eyes and your hears. Maybe this young girl's family could be a start for our investigation?" ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17 Dariel don't say a word, but instead throws at the young girl an impressive look, full of suspicion and bad attention, while placing himself just behind Nevaal. Sharped-Eyes looks upon the young girl with his yellows eyes of hunter. Alright, let's Nevaal tries the gentle way for now, I'll play the violent one if needs be. He then whispers to Grognak "Watch out these villagers if it's okay with you Grognak. Don't take it personally but your apperance should intimidate them just enough for us to get some informations." ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() Leaving the Hall, Dariel says smiling "That judge is a demagogue, I'll bet my sword on that! Let's hope they recognize our autority. otherwise, well the lady at the front of the village will not be the only one hanged today!" "Beware Terwyn, because a Witch is clever. What is the best way to innocent yourself that calling the Wardens? Only ground work will provide us the answer to this mess..." he adds as Siri approaches. He scrutinizes the woman, suspicious. Come on young lady , try to convince us... ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() Dariel throws a sad look at the vegetables and the poor soul who cultivates them. "Ha... Dark Magic is really a plague..." Hearing the sound coming from the big house, Dariels smiles. "Well, it seems we are right on time guys! This is going to be intesresting." He whistles and Sharped-Eyes lands on his shoulder. ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() "My good friend Terwyn, never forget that these poor souls are a little bit rustic... And better be safe than dead." Turning his attention toward Nevaal, Dariels adds: "Beware the legends. Indeed they sometimes carry some truth, but in the Witches' case, it's false. There lure you with good looks and smiles. Corruption is rarely ugly. Otherwise pious souls and brave men would not fell for it." Perception Dariel: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 Perception Sharped-Eyes: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() Dariels quickly takes position right behind Nevaal. He seems eager to face these mysterious rumors of Witches. "Let's go! There is glory waiting for us on the road! Go ahead companion, scout the path for us!" he says as Sharped-Eyes flies away. Detect DD 10(Handle Animal): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() Looking deeply in Terwyn's eyes, Dariels says with a low voice "Yes... I already crossed path with Witches. I led a group of my people back in the days, and we burnt two of them, a mother and a daugther. They were murdering babies who had yet to be born with magical potions. Nothing too terrible, but still enough for my father to decide to act. That was an easy job." Dariel finishes his sentence, clearing his throat at the same time. "I fear that this time it'll be much more difficult, otherwise the locals could have handled the situation." You don't have to be a brillant investigator to be able to see that he's not telling the whole story. ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() If at first Dariel seems a little bit disturbed by the look of Grognak and Nevaal, their appreciations of his pet make him smiles. "Glad to have you on the team guys. I have no doubt that your muscles are quite capable of facing the dangers we will fight!" Turning his attention toward Fredriks, he says "Well, a bloodbath is always the best solution to be sure that a coven is exterminated. But our expertise will probably be a better, safer and cleaner way to hunt down the Witches! I deeply hate their kind, hiding their dark magic behind a maid's face..." he adds, spitting on the floor. Sharped-Eyes let go a strident noise at the sound of Witches. "Good boy, you'll get your due." ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() DM waz up? wrote:
Sorry I missed the first post, alright, thanks! ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() A tall man with dark hairs and a shark smile comes forward. He's wearing a shiny mail, a flamboyant hat and a well-done pair of hunting boots."Dariel Fremont, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance all of you!" he said as he salutes his brothers in arms with a firm grip. "I'm eager to serve under your orders, sir Fredrick. I hope your experience will keep us alive! For my part, I'm a decent Witch Hunter for sure, but not a good swimmer! Let's hope this coven is not made of Werefishes, or Terwyn you will have to teach me how to not drown! Oh, and let me introduce to you my companion..." It's really hard to know if this story of Werefishes is serious or not... At the same moment an eagle comes from the sky and lands on his shoulder. "Meet Sharped-Eyes, a pureblooded hunting eagle! He saved my life a few times already." ![]()
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
![]() For the King! D'Ariel is ready to serve once he got his equipment finished depending on what the Kingdom is going to fund! For my comrades at arms: I am a decent warrior and hunter weak-minded, arrogant, who likes dark humor with a deep hatred of Sorcery and monsters. However I'm looking forward to fight by yours sides against corruption and savagery! For the future all I can say is that I really like your base idea of making the world progress together! And that I'm ready to begin whenever you are! ![]()
![]() Terwyn Arragast wrote:
Advanced Race Guide: Dual Talent: Some humans are uniquely skilled atmaximizing their natural gifts. These humans pick two ability scores and gain a +2 racial bonus in each of those scores. This racial trait replaces the +2 bonus to any one ability score, the bonus feat, and the skilled traits. I took it after seeing my scores, because waz up said at the begining that we can't have lower than 6, and I had a 5 somewhere. If the minimum is 8, it's gonna be a better world! However I'll not take the points budget, rolling was a risk I took, I will have to live (or survive) with that hehe. ![]()
![]() DM waz up? wrote:
I don't need that to be a GoT imitation, I really like the base idea of a low fantasy setting becoming more and more with our succesiv incarnations. Maybe at the beginning of the Kingdom the Sorcerers are hunted, but in the end there will be a school for state's Wizards? Who knows? Maybe Alchemy is not magic, Bards are a myth and the Psychics are mutants? I mean the "feeling" is enough for me, but that's just my opinion. I really like the part where we create a world together with various characters. However if you want to go full GoT, no problem for me I'll jump in the wagon. |