Dariel Fremont
Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
LE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Perception +3
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+0 DEX, +4 Armor, +2 Shield)
HP 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will -1
Speed 30 ft.
Bow +1 1d8 (x3)
Longsword +3 1d8+2 (19-20x2)
Str 13, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 11
Feats Power Attack (1), Escape Route (Teamwork)
Traits: Reactionnary, Focused Mind
Skills: Armor Malus (-1) Intimidate +3, Perception +3, Survival +3, Handle Animal +3
Languages Common
Gear Cavalier's Kit (This includes animal feed (5 days), a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a bit and bridle, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, a riding saddle, rope, saddlebags, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin)
Chain Shirt, Shield, Longsword, Bow (20 Arrows), Dagger
Special Abilities
Bestial Challenge (Ex): Once per day, a cavalier can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift action, the cavalier chooses one target within sight to challenge. The cavalier’s melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to the cavalier’s level. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every three levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.
Challenging a foe requires much of the cavalier’s concentration. The cavalier takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge.
The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends. Each cavalier’s challenge also includes another effect which is listed in the section describing the cavalier’s order.
Whenever a huntmaster issues a challenge, both he and his hunting pack gain the bonuses and penalties associated with his challenge. This modifies the challenge ability.
Tactician (Ex): At 1st level, a cavalier receives a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, the cavalier can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the cavalier possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels thereafter. A huntmaster’s tactician ability affects only his hunting pack, not other allies. .
Order of the Dragon:
Cavaliers belonging to the order of the dragon dedicate themselves to a group of like-minded individuals, be it a mercenary company or a small band of adventurers. These cavaliers believe in loyalty and friendship, and are willing to lay down their lives to protect their allies.
Edicts: The cavalier must remain loyal to his allies and must always work to further the aims of the group. He must protect his allies from harm and defend their honor when called into doubt.
Challenge: Whenever an order of the dragon cavalier issues a challenge, his allies receive a +1 circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls against the target of his challenge whenever he is threatening the target. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.
Skills: An order of the dragon cavalier adds Perception (Wis) and Survival (Wis) to his list of class skills. In addition, whenever an order of the dragon cavalier uses Survival to provide food and water for his allies or to protect his allies from harsh weather, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).
Traits: Armor Master, Reactionary
Companion: Sharped-Eyes
N Small animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +12
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 10 (2d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2
Speed 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Melee 2 talons +4 (1d4), bite +4 (1d4)
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB –1; CMD 11
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +8, Perception +6
Tricks: Aid, Attack, Fetch, Detect