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![]() One of the changes made in certain editions of D&D was redefining spell durations, e.g. encounter or all day. With Pathfinder 3.0 adding an Exploration Mode where time is measured in Minutes -> Hours, how is this going to impact spell durations? Are all spells with less than an hour/level duration going to immediately stop working when an encounter ends? ![]()
![]() Paizo has already committed to using the Revised Action Economy rules introduced in Unchained. I don't usually use words like Hate, Loathe, or Despise, but I really cannot think of more appropriate terms to describe my feelings towards the Revised Action Economy rules. What does everyone else think about this change? ![]()
![]() Welcome to Into the Nightmare Rift. The initial post is up in the discussion thread. Please make introductions. We will have to decide who is currently carrying which shard. All of the shards offer worthwhile bonuses, and the remaining two shards will be discovered over the course of the game. There will be information available before traveling to the next shard, for those with the appropriate knowledge skills. I hope everyone enjoys this little adventure and if we run into difficult spots with the new classes it is to be expected. We will all be learning as we go. ![]()
![]() After nearly a year of adventuring together the party has amassed five fragments of an ancient Thassilonian artifact, the Sihedron. Each shard of the artifact leading in turn to the next shard. While each shard is cursed, placing the appropriate ioun stone in a shard deactivates the curse and allows the bearer to benefit from both the shard and the ioun stone. Recovering from the groups most recent acquisition, the Shard of Envy, the group has returned to Magnimar to resupply and research the next leg of its quest. Currently guests of Sheila Heidmarch, you find yourselves with substantial resources in the form of an extensive library and a host who is more than familiar with the surrounding lands. Currently in the group's possession are:
![]() I am setting up a higher level playtest for Occult Mysteries, trying to see how well the classes fare in a higher level published AP. The recruitment threat is here. Hopefully we can get some decent feedback on how the classes perform at higher level in published content. This thread will be where I, and any players who choose to do so, can praise or vent as appropriate. ![]()
![]() I am running AP 65 - Into the Nightmare Rift as a playtest for Occult Mysteries. This is a level 13 - 15 AP with an extended dungeon crawl as the primary focus. Guidelines
I'll start the game as soon as I have a good selection of characters. As a playtest, the game will focus on mechanics more than character development, backgrounds are optional. This does not mean no roleplay and just posting combat actions. It does mean I won't spend two weeks resolving a social conflict in character. ![]()
![]() As the thread says; what magic items do you want to see? Kinetic Bracers Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th
Kinetic Bracers grant the wearer's ranged attack spells and spell-like abilities an enhancement
Alternatively, Kinetic Bracers can grant ranged weapon special abilities. See Table: Ranged Weapon Special Abilities for a list of abilities.
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Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang, creator's caster level must be at least three times
![]() As it currently stands, the gnome racial trait adds to the fire based class abilities of every single class prior to Occult Mysteries. Classes using psychic spells will benefit from pyromaniac; type of spells affected by the ability is not defined. Pyrokinetecist will not benefit from pyromaniac as currently written. Can we get this class to support racial abilities that were written before anyone thought there would be classes devoted to SLA's. Pyromaniac wrote: Gnomes with this racial trait are treated as one level higher when casting spells with the fire descriptor, using granted powers of the Fire domain, using the bloodline powers of the fire elemental bloodline or the revelations of the oracle's flame mystery, and determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal fire damage (this ability does not give gnomes early access to level-based powers; it only affects the powers they could use without this ability). Gnomes with Charisma scores of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level; the DCs are Charisma-based. This racial trait replaces gnome magic and illusion resistance.
![]() Question: Does the magus count his class levels as swashbuckler class levels when using deeds? Magus gain access to swashbuckler deeds via two new arcana in the ACG. Neither arcana touches the subject of level used to calculate the effectiveness of deeds that use swashbuckler level. Flamboyant Arcana (Ex): wrote:
Arcane Deed (Ex): wrote:
The question is self explanatory. How are deeds, such as Precise Strike, calculated when taken by the magus as an Arcane Deed? ![]()
![]() Question: How does Precise Strike interact with Spell Combat? With the ACG, the magus class was given an an arcana that allows magi to pick up swashbuckler deeds. The first Deed that jumps out is one that requires the character to use a weapon in one hand while the other hand is empty (or holding a buckler, but we are discussing magi), the same restriction spell combat imposes. Precise Strike wrote: At 3rd level, while she has at least 1 panache point, a swashbuckler gains the ability to strike precisely with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon (though not natural weapon attacks), adding her swashbuckler level to the damage dealt. To use this deed, a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield other than a buckler. She can even use this ability with thrown light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, so long as the target is within 30 feet of her. Any creature that is immune to sneak attacks is immune to the additional damage granted by precise strike, and any item or ability that protects a creature from critical hits also protects a creature from the additional damage of a precise strike. This additional damage is precision damage, and isn't multiplied on a critical hit. As a swift action, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache point to double her precise strike's damage bonus on the next attack. This benefit must be used before the end of her turn, or it is lost. This deed's cost cannot be reduced by any ability or effect that reduces the amount of panache points a deed costs (such as the Signature Deed feat). Spell Combat wrote: At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. A magus can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks. Can a magus use both Precise Strike and Spell Combat in the same round? ![]()
![]() Question: How does Flurry from multiple classes interact? We now have three classes that grant Flurry:
Does attack progression add class levels together or does each progress separately? Would a Sacred Fist/Monk count all levels from both classes towards BAB (assuming the monk did not take an archetype without FoB)? Does Brawlers Flurry count as Flurry of Blows for the purpose of meeting prerequisites? ![]()
![]() Question: Does the Exploiter Wizard qualify for the Extra Arcanist Exploit Feat? Extra Arcanist Exploit wrote:
Exploiter Exploit wrote:
Traditionally, class features copied into another class have qualified for feats requiring the original class feature, even if the feature name is changed slightly. Example: Life Oracles Channel revelation is generally accepted to qualify for the Extra Channel feat, which has the cleric Channel Energy class feature as a prerequisite. The feature names are similar, not identical. This post was accepted as resolving the issue at the time, but has since been called out as not being an official FAQ. ![]()
![]() Question: Does the Warpriest (Sacred Fist) AC Bonus(SU) stack with the Monk AC Bonus(EX)? AC Bonus(SU) wrote:
AC Bonus (EX) wrote:
Traditionally, double dipping a stat is frowned upon, but the bonuses are untyped. One ability is EX, the other is SU. At higher level, the monk gains an untyped addition above and beyond his wisdom. As the Sacred Fist levels, he gains a Deflection Bonus to AC above and beyond his wisdom. (This part should stack regardless of any wisdom stacking ruling.) ![]()
![]() A question was raised: can a magus combine spell combat and Precise Strike? Precise Strike wrote: Precise Strike (Ex): At 3rd level, while she has at least 1 panache point, a swashbuckler gains the ability to strike precisely with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon (though not natural weapon attacks), adding her swashbuckler level to the damage dealt. To use this deed, a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield other than a buckler. She can even use this ability with thrown light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, so long as the target is within 30 feet of her. Any creature that is immune to sneak attacks is immune to the additional damage granted by precise strike, and any item or ability that protects a creature from critical hits also protects a creature from the additional damage of a precise strike. This additional damage is precision damage, and isn’t multiplied on a critical hit. Spell Combat wrote: Spell Combat (Ex): At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. A magus can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks.
![]() Armasse officially began at noon, with the blessing of the festival by Lord Hulrun himself, ruler of Kenabres. The crowd gathered in Clydwell Plazza quieted as the aged inquisitor took the stage, clad in shining, resplendent armor. He cleared his throat, but just as he was about to speak, a bright light shone from the west, as if the sun were rising from the wrong direction. Hulrun’s shadow fell huge and distorted across the cathedral’s façade. A moment later, the sound of a thunderous explosion ripped through the air and earth, along with a violent tremor. To the west, the fortress known as the Kite – the location of Kenabres’s wardstone – had vanished. In its place, a brilliant plume of red fire, lightning, and smoke erupted into the heavens. A moment later, a powerful roar accompanied a welcome sight rising from the crowd – Kenabres’ greatest guardian, the ancient silver dragon Terendelev, who until that moment had been attending the ceremony disguised as a human. Above, another form appeared, as nightmarish as the dragon was breathtaking. A humanoid shape three times the size of any man, with skin coated in fire and lightning, gripped a flaming sword and whip. The creature’s identity was immediately obvious: Khorramzadeh, the Storm King of the Worldwound, had come to Kenabres. As the ground continued to shake and disgorge demons into the streets, the dragon and the balor lord clashed above. The fight was over in a few harrowing moments, as the balor cut deep into Terendelev’s body, swooping down to strike the dragon and arrest her charge. A few more blows and the titanic duo spiraled downward toward the crowd. The sight of the dragon smashing into the façade of the Cathedral of St. Clydwell is one no witness would ever forget. At that moment, a titanic demon erupted at the far end of the plaza, reducing several buildings to ruins as it smashed into this world. The rift it created shot across the plaza, and this time there was no escape – it opened the floor beneath your feet, angling away into darkness. Even as you fell, the dragon noticed your plight. Though she saw death standing over her, she seized this final chance to save a few more souls. After she uttered a few arcane words and stretched out a bleeding talon, you felt her magic take hold of you, slowing your plummet into the darkness as if you were feathers falling into a pit. Yet the fall remained inexorable, and as you drifted downward into the depths, the last thing you saw was the Storm King standing before the ancient silver dragon, his sword lashing out and cleaving full through her neck. As her severed head fell, the rift above you slammed shut, and the light of the world above you was gone. ![]()
![]() The 16th of Arodus is a day of Festivity in Kenebres and this year promises to be no exception. Nearly two hours before the official start of Armasse and Clydewell plaza is already thronging. Jugglers and acrobats are competing for the crowds attention and the wagering is already fierce over impromptu contests. The gaiety of the crowd only increases as you watch a pair of identical gnomish wizards dueling with butterflies of fire and ice. A crowd of youngsters cheering them on towards every more outlandish displays, one gnome nearly setting his own hat afire as a swarm of butterflies swirls about him. Across Clydewell Plaza, the best seats for the oncoming ceremony are already beginning to fill. You don’t want to take too long if you want decent seats, or seats at all for that matter. Lord Hulrun himself, Lord of Kenebres, will be officiating the start of Armasse today. Later, after the ceremony, the jousting tournament begins. A sight not to be missed as some of the finest knights of the crusade compete for the honor of the first dance with Lord Hulrun’s daughter at this evenings Grand Ball. ![]()
![]() Welcome to Wrath of the Righteous It's been a long time sine I've run a campaign and I've decided to jump back into DM'ing with a mythic campaign that will allow me to enjoy my more sadistic urges. The opportunity to carefully marshal a group of adventurers from level one up through an assault on the abyss itself is simply too great a temptation. Recruitment:
I am looking for 6 level 1 characters. I am not setting hard limits on intended paths, but would appreciate knowing the characters intentions. Recruitment will run through Friday night, and I will post recruitment results over the weekend. My intention is to kick the campaign off next Monday.
Character Creation:
Lets keep things simple with a 20 point buy (no stats below 8, only a single stat below 10) using Paizo material only. I may choose to slip in the occasional spell or magic item from another source latter on. Two initial traits, one of which must be campaign specific. Average starting wealth. Expectations:
Inactivity kills pbp games. I would like players to post at least once a day during the week. Weekends happen. I will be checking a minimum of at least twice a day during the week and at least once on weekends. DM Style: I intend to ensure the campaign remains challenging. My understanding is players in WotR soon overpower the AP as written even with only 4 players. I will be adjusting encounter difficulties to ensure combats last more than 1-2 rounds. When it comes to RAW vs RAI, I tend to side with RAI. Common sense should prevail. If something is obviously broken or unintended I will fix it and move on. Lets keep things fun for everybody, DM and all players. I am using hard copy AP's so my ability to post maps cut directly from the the PDF's will be limited initially. Worst case scenario, I will draw up maps in Excel. ![]()
![]() The Archmage path ability Divine Knowledge has one of the flaws that most irk me about pathfinder. Lack of foresight. Quote:
Emphasis mine. This line should read "You must be a prepared arcane caster to select this ability." Why does this matter? While today this is an exhaustive list of prepared arcane casters, that will change. Specifically, I am willing to bet it changes almost exactly one year from now. Somebody building a character with one of the shiny new classes we have been promised will realize their prepared caster cannot take this ability, due to his class not existing at the time the ability was written. The Hierophant ability, Arcane Knowledge, has the same problem, and will lead to the same issues. ![]()
![]() I was browsing artwork looking for character ideas and found a picture that I though would be fun to build a mythic fighter around. One of the big challenges: she's most definitely not wearing armor. I also wanted to her to access magic as a fighter, dual pathing as guardian/archmage. Take a look and let me know what you think. She's Fighter 8/Monk 2/Mythic 5 ![]()
![]() Does Armored Might work with any of the following:
My monk is curious if he can use mythic abilities to boost his AC, or this this an "anybody except monks" ability. Quote:
![]() Can the Legendary Item path trait be applied to a Black Blade? Quote:
pg 169 wrote:
Thematically I see it as a perfect fit, but does RAW support it? ![]()
![]() Quote:
Does the ability allow you to throw all the charges in a single round or are you limited by normal iterative attacks? ![]()
![]() I want to make sure I am reading this rage power correctly Dragon Totem Resilience(SU) wrote: While raging, the barbarian gains resistance to the energy type that is associated with her dragon totem—acid (black, copper, green), cold (silver, white), electricity (blue, bronze), or fire (brass, gold, red). This resistance equals double her current DR/— from her barbarian damage reduction class feature; this DR increases by 2 for each dragon totem rage power she possesses, including this one. A barbarian must have the dragon totem rage power and be at least 8th level before selecting this rage power. My interpretation is, the rage power is increasing the barbarian's DR/- by 2 for each dragon totem rage power. According to this FAQ it should combine with the Invulnerable Rager's invulnerability Invulnerability(EX) wrote:
If I am reading this right, an Invulnerable Rager with Dragon Totem Resilience should have DR 8/- and Resistance: Fire 16 at 8th level. *No matter how you interpret the combination, Hero Labs is calculating incorrectly, I just want to make absolutely sure I have the numbers right before I file a bug report. Hero Labs is not counting the Invulnerable Rager's DR/- gained from Invulnerability. According to the FAQ, this is a bug. ![]()
![]() Can a magus use actions available when attacking as either a standard or full-attack action while using spell combat? The full round action Spell Combat did not exist when the CRB was written. As such it leaves a hole in the rules. PRD wrote: Fighting Defensively as a Standard Action: You can choose to fight defensively when attacking. If you do so, you take a –4 penalty on all attacks in a round to gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC until the start of your next turn PRD wrote: Fighting Defensively as a Full-Round Action: You can choose to fight defensively when taking a full-attack action. If you do so, you take a –4 penalty on all attacks in a round to gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC for until the start your next turn. Fighting defensively is called out as part of a full-round action, but then is specified as requiring a full-attack action within the body of the text Similar wording can be found with Combat Expertise Combat Expertise wrote: Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the dodge bonus increases by +1. You can only choose to use this feat when you declare that you are making an attack or a full-attack action with a melee weapon. The effects of this feat last until your next turn. Strict RAW, I am inclined to argue no. The magus is denied a wide range of standard combat options while using spell combat. I do not believe this is RAI, as the text for those rules predates Spell Combat. ![]()
![]() I was messing around looking at artwork for character ideas and found a picture of a zulu warrior I really liked. I've worked up an 8th level build for a PFS character, trying to remain true to the artwork, and was interested in feedback/comments. The intention is to take cornugon smash at 9th level, improved critical as the 10th level monk feat and spear dancer at 11th level. ![]()
![]() I've been looking for something in RAW that defines weapon damage progression past colossal. If anybody could comment or post a link I would appreciate it. . . Specific case I have been looking for: Level 20 Titan Mauler using a gargantuan fauchard. Cloud Giant Hide Armor: grants huge size. Weapon is now colossal +1 Impact: weapon now counts as colossal +2 Alternately, he could two-hand a colossal falcata and use the same progression to increase weapon damage to colossal +3. The best answer I've been able to find to date is with the Strong Jaw spell. The answer is specific to that spell and only addresses a single size increase beyond colossal. ![]()
![]() I would like to change to slow track advancement on a character when he reaches 7th level. The question I have concerns a chronical sheet I received months ago using this character's number when I played a level 7 pregen. Will this sheets existance prevent him from changing to slow track until 8th level or can the sheet be changed to reflect my desire to slow track at this point in time. Alternately, could the chronical sheet be moved to a low level PFS character and applied should that character ever reach level 7 (aka never, I've used the character as a dump for a few GM credits but never really intend to play him.) ![]()
![]() I am setting up a playtest and feedback on the scenario would be appreciated before I begin. The Players:
The Plot:
Local leaders are growing worried about the growing army and have requested the party’s intervention. A direct assault would be futile; however, there is another way. A gnome elder has provided information concerning a mineshaft he helped dig in his youth. This tunnel breached an abandoned complex within the volcano before the mining expedition was attacked by a giant ooze. He was one of the few survivors that escaped after collapsing the mineshaft. Tintiarnas is believed to reside within this underground complex, appearing to his followers only to deliver his sermons from a spire of rock jutting from the magma pool inside the caldera. At all other times, he conducts business from within his private quarters.
Tintiarnas has no interest in the nearby human city. He is the Fire Lord, a magma wyrm recently returned to his old lair. Long has Tintiarnas been obsessed with immortality and acquiring the divine spark. His gathering of worshippers, his true descendents, is in preparation of his ascension. The final piece of the necessary is being delivered even as the heroes make their way into the volcano. Tintiarnas has arranged to trade an artifact of some power to a minor deity of earth in exchange for a fragment of a fallen god’s soul. While Tintiarnas is not looking for a fight, he won’t turn one down. He is arrogant, obsessive, and highly protective of that which is his. He also does not believe in letting his guard down. Aside from the demonands he has arranged to patrol his complex, he maintains two greater prying eye spells at all times. The eyes are instructed to return if any alarm is raised, combat is perceived, or unauthorized beings observed. Some eyes are assigned stationary positions, others patrol the complex. The Scenario: Four encounters + possible extra.
•The Patrol (CR 16)
• Guardians at the Gate (CR 17)
• The Emissary (50% chance)(CR 17)
• The Lord of Fire (CR 18)
![]() I am setting up a playtest using a group of 4 level 10 tier 5 characters and would appreciate any feed on errors / ommissions in my builds before I start. The characters are as follows: Byron McBain A straight fighter with the Guardian path. Nothing special in his tatics: he uses the Guardian abilities for force oppents to deal with him (caged) while surviving anything that is thrown at him. Markus is a wizard who tends towards battlefield control. Mythic abiities allow him to choose from nearly unlimted options when dealing with specific encounters. Mythic abilities also make him considerably more resiliant than most foes will expect. I could probably do better on feat selection. I can ignore +2 level adjustments to spells from meta-magic. Shazzara is a magus using Mythic Weapon Finesse. Yes, her attack value with spell combat + power attack is the same as her unmodified attacks The to-hit bonuses from Mythic Arcane Strike and augmenting her weapon via her Arcane Pool match the penalties from power attack and spell combat. In combat, Shazzara will be using Haste + Spell Combat for 4 attacks a round. Mythic Mage armor will always be up. I really wanted to use armor master for a +2 mithral breastplate and a +8 AC bonus, but for the same price I was better off increaseing my Ring of Proctection and Amulet of Natural Armor to +2. I gained 25% forification, +1 Touch AC and +1 CMD for the same price. While I went with Mythic Weapon Finesse and the original wording, The build can be done with a scimitar instead of a katana. Just reallocate Eschew Components for Dervish Dance and change Mythic Weapon Finesse for Mythic Power Attack. (This actually increases damage, but what the heck, I wanted a Katana). Item to note: at tier 6 I would gain unlimited shocking grasp spells. Ulflafa Numbgelge is an oracle of battle that will either carve a swathe through multiple of opponents or deal massive damage to a single foe. Typically she will use Divine Power + Rightous Might in combat, healing the group afterwards as necessary. Mythic abilities give her the ability to choose spells as circumstances dictate and to refresh her entire spell pool as a full round action. AC will be somewhat better than listed due to buffs, but still in the low 20's. I could not justify taking a ring of protection when Shield of Faith offered better bonuses. I am unsure what to apply Enduring Blessing to. Most of the worthwhile Oracle buffs have a duration of 1 minute/level. Any suggestions would be appreciated. At tier 8, the problem reverses. A large number of very powerful buffs become available. I am also posting the characters below, but the formatting is much better in the linked google docs. ![]()
![]() I know mythic is supposed to be powerful. The above combination grants a divine caster a cumulative +1 to-hit, +1 damage, +1 to str checks and DR 2/- for each kill for an entire day. During senarios with an extended adventuring day (dungeons), this can translate to nearly unlimited strength for a divine caster. ![]()
![]() Quote:
Two Questions: 1. By RAW I don't see any penalty for off-hand weapons. 2. By RAW I don't see any bonus for two-handed weapons. Are my interpretations correct? ![]()
![]() This is a build I am considering for PFS. A gnome sylvan sorcerer with a Quetzalcoatlus mount as an animal companion. Very focused on a Fey theme. Boon Companion as my 3rd level feat. I want to be able to handle a fair number of the faction missions and eventually concentrate on summoning around 7+. As other options, I was considering a Giant Frog or a Slug mount. Any advice for keeping him viable until he starts getting 2nd and 3rd level spells? ![]()
![]() Seeker of Secrets gives rules for implanting ioun stones. How do these rules work in PFS where the character has unlimited time between adventures for fasting/recovery and multiple attempts? What would the cost be for having the stone implanted? If I have the skills to at least theoretically perform the procedure on myself is there an associated cost given unlimited time? Flawed stones generate no resonance while in wayfinders but I see no limitations placed on implanting flawed stones. ![]()
![]() I've been working on a concept for a PFS character. I will have the appearance of a Tiefling without actually having access to the race. While not optimized, I would still like to hold my own. Up to 10th level I am going with a balanced approach to progression. For 11 and 12 I am undecided. It will either be two levels of Magus or two levels of Synthesist. General Notes
Comments are appreciated. ![]()
![]() Void Magic wrote:
I believe this is mis-worded due to using a copy/paste from a sorcerer bloodline. With the exception of Keen Senses, a wizard already has access to all of the listed spells at the listed level. ![]()
![]() According to SRD Gamemastering SLA's can be counterspelled. According to SRD Magic SLA's cannot be counterspelled. Which is correct? ![]()
![]() I am planning out a build concept for PFS. Trying to keep everything legal, I would appreciate anyone who can find build errors or offer advice. Name: Namtillaku
AC 42 Touch 17 Flatfooted 37 (10 +4 Dex +18 Natural -1 Size +2 Def, +1 Ins, + 4 Shield, +4 Armor ) Hp 123 (63 base +60 con +12 fav) / 217 (123 unfused +49 eidolon +45 con) Fort +16 (4+5+4+3)Refl +16 (4+4+4+3) Will +17 (8+2+4+3) CMD 35 +4 vs trip Offense:
Base speed 40 Actual speed 40 Flight 60 BAB 9 CMB 21 Melee attacks . . Bite +20 (1d8 +11 +1d6/20/x2) - 10' reach . . Claws x4 +20 (1d8 +11 +1d6/20/x2) ---------Power Attack + Arcane Strike + Rage + Enlarge---------
Fused Statistics:
Str 32 (14 +5 +8 +1 +2)( Dex 19 (14 +5 -2 +2) Con 20 (13 +4 +1 +2) Int 13 Wis 16 (14 +2) Cha 14 Unfused Statistics:
Str 14 (10 +4) Dex 12 (10 +2) Con 20 (17 +1 +2) Int 13 Wis 16 (14 +2) Cha 14 Feats & Traits:
Feats . Extra Evolution(1) . Power Attack(3) . Arcane Strike(5) . Dimensional Agility(7) . Dimensional Assault(9) . Dimensional Dervish(11) Traits
Perception(12) +35 (15 +3 +8 +6 +2 +1) Spellcraft(12) +15 (12 +3 +1) knowledge, Arcane(4) +8 (4 +3 +1) Knowledge, Dungeoneering(4) +9 (4 +3 +1 +1) Knowledge, Planes(4) +8 (4 +3 +1) Gear:
Combat Gear . Cloak of Resistance +3, Handy Haversack, Belt of Giant Strength(+4), Ring of Protection +2, Amulet of Might Fists (Corrisive, Furious), Necklace of Adaptation, Rod, Extend, Lesser, Ring of Sustenance, Implanted Ion Stone: Pearly White Spindle, Cracked (Regen 1/hr), Implanted Ion Stone: Pink Rhomboid (+2 Con), Implanted Ion Stone: Pale Green Prism: Cracked (+1 Attack), Implanted Ion Stone: Dusty Rose Prism, Cracked (+1 Init.), Implanted Ion Stone: Dusty Rose Prism (+1 AC), Implanted Ion Stone: Deep Red Sphere (+2 Dex) Other Gear . spell component pouch Total Weight PP GP SP CP Other:
Racial Features . +1 evolution / 4 levels . skill focus (perception) (+6) . keen senses (+2 perception) . low light vision . immune to magical sleep Class Features
Eidolon Features
Evolutions (Quad): 20 (16 +3 +1)
Favoured Class Options
Cantrips Acid Splash (14) Detect Magic Light Mage Hand Mending Read Magic Level 1 5 + 1
Level 2 5 +1
Level 3 4
[b]Level 4[b] 3
Appearance: . Looks like this ![]()
![]() I'm reading through the threads on the PO forums and it seems, true to form, that everyone is making already comparing everything to WoW. You're looking at the wrong MMO folks. A much better platform for comparison would be DDO, a direct port from AD&D 3.5. If you've never played DDO, the game is free-to-play and, at least for the first six levels, there is no reason to purchase anything at all. ![]()
![]() A serious attempt at building a race I might actually play instead of one intended to exploit the rules. A sample character build using the race is included. Wolfen:
Type; Humanoid (human / wolf)
Size: Medium Speed: Normal(30') Ability Score: Human Heritage Languages: Standar Array (1) (Start with Celestrial / Common) available languages: aquan, auran, draconic, elven, ignan, sylvan, terran) Racial Abilities: Defensive Training, Greater (3) Bonus Feat (4) Stalker (1) Low-light vision (1) -----------------
Shielded inside their paradise for nearly a thousand years, The wolfen have finally convinced their proginator to
The wolfen favor the classes Bard, Cleric( Iomedae, Irori or Shelyn), Monk, Paladin, Ranger and Wizard. Sorcerers and Inquisitors are nearly unknown amongst their race. Wolfen are nearly always good aligned, and only rarely neutral. Evil is unheard of. Both the structured lifestyle of the law and the individuality of chaos are accepted within the Wolfen culteral norm. -----------------
Aniketos Alexanax: Female Wolfen Fighter 1 LG Medium Humanoid Height: 6'; Weight: 184 lbs.; Age: 19 Init +4; Senses Perception +4 Deity Irori -------------------- DEFENSE -------------------- AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dodge, +1 shield, +2 Dex, +5 armor) Hp 13 (10+2+1) Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 -------------------- OFFENSE -------------------- Spd 30 ft. . . Longsword +2 (1d8 +3/19-20/x2) . . Shortsword +2 (1d6 +3/19-20/x2) . . Greatsword +4 (2d6 +4 /19-20/x2) . . Chakram +3 (1d8 +3/20/x2) -------------------- STATISTICS -------------------- Str 16[5], Dex 15[7], Con 14[5], Int 13[3], Wis 10, Cha 10 Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16 Feats Two-weapon fighting, Double Slice, Two-weapon defense Traits Centered, Reactionary Skills Perception-1(+4), Stealth-1(+6), Survival-1(+4) Languages Celestrial, Common, Sylvan SQ Dodge +2, Low-light vision Equipment: Scale mail, Chakram(x6) --------------------
A pious follower of all three of the Wolfen dieties (Iomedae, Irori and Shelyn), she feels a special affinity for Irori and seeks self perfection in all that she does. ![]()
![]() I've finished putting together a first draft for my Pyromancer class. Balance is tricky: dpr is the primary advantage of the element of fire. It is also something that is heavily min/maxed for. Two of the balancing factors are reduced hit points and limited usage of the main dpr increasing abilities. Intensify fire is more limited in scope, it allows the pyromancer to make full use of the +2 caster levels granted by the class but is significantly less powerful than the intensify spell feat. The class can Nova, but afterwards will have only a nominal dpr increase with the element of fire. Against anything resistant or immune to fire (fairly common) this class will obviously be at something of a handicap. More so than the other elements, whose defensive abilities are relevant against all opponents. This is also the only element I am giving increases to casting stats. I view fire as being both seductive and possessive of a burning intellect (pun intended). I would appreciate any constructive feedback that may help me improve the prestige class. ![]()
![]() I've finished up my Aquamancer and would appreciate any constructive feedback that people cared to offer. well, finished except for catching typos. ![]()
![]() I've been putting together an Aeromancer prestige class. If anyone cares to offer constructive feedback regarding the class I would be very appreciative. ![]()
![]() Quote:
My question is this. Can someone with a 1 level monk splash in possession of the two-weapon fighting, improved two-weapon fighting, and greater two-weapon fighting feats use those feats with flurry of blows? ![]()
![]() I've been putting together a Geomancer prestige class. If anyone cares to offer constructive feedback regarding the class I would be very appreciative. I would like to fine tune the geomancer before I start working on the other three elements and having additional eyes look at the material is always helpful. |