
Shazzara's page

6 posts. Alias of Michael Sumrall.

About Shazzara

Female human Bladebound Kensai 12
NG Medium Humanoid
Init: +14; Senses: Perception +15


AC 31, Touch 25, Flat-footed 19 (+9 dex, +3 ins, +4 armor, +1 lck, +2 def, +2 nat)
Hp 99
Fort +14 Ref +17 Will +12


Spd 30 ft.
. . scimitar +22 (1d6+14/15-20/x2) - unmodified
. . . attk (+9 bab, +9 dex, +1 foc, +3 enh)
. . . dmg (+9 dex, +3 enh, +2 spec)
. . scimitar + 18 (1d6+30/15-20/x2) - power attack, arcane strike, arcane pool(+1 enh/speed), black blade strike
. . . attk (+9 bab, +9 dex, +1 foc, +4 enh, -3 pwr, -2 spell)
. . . dmg (+9 dex, +4 enh, +2 spec, +9 pwr, +3 arc, +3 bb)


Str 14(+2) Dex 28(+9) Con 14(+2) Int 17(+4) Wis 10(+0) Cha 5(-3)

Base Atk +9 CMB +11 CMD 35


. arcane strike (1)
. weapon finesse (h)
. weapon proficiency (scimitar) (k)
. weapon focus (scimitar)(k)
. dervish dance (3)
. power attack (5)
. intensify spell (5)
. weapon specialization (scimitar)(7)
. heighten spell (9)
. improved critical (scimitar) (11)
. preferred spell (shocking grasp) (11)

. spell blending (touch of fatigue/mage armor)
. accurate strike

. Reactionary
. Magical Lineage (shocking grasp)

Favored Class
. +12 hp


. acrobatics 12 (+21)
. climb 2 (+7)
. disable device 12 (+21)
. fly 2 (+11)
. knowledge; arcane 6 (+12)
. knowledge; planes 5 (+11)
. knowledge; dungeoneering 5 (+11)
. perception 12 (+13)
. perform; dance 2 (+11)
. spellcraft 12 (+18)
. swim 2 (+7)


. common

Class Abilities:

. arcane pool (7)
. cantrips
. spellstrike
. canny defense
. fighter training
. iaijatsu
. critical perfection
. superior refelexes


Combat Gear
. Black Bladed Scimitar: +3
. belt of incredible dexterity +4
. belt of vast intelligence +4
. +2 ring of protection
. +2 amulet of natural armor
. jingasa of the fortunate soldier
. ioun stone; pale blue rhomboid (+2 str)
. cloak of resistance +4
. rod of extend, minor
. pear of power I (10)

Other Gear
. Backpack , Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Pouch, Spell Component Pouch, belt, Spellbook, Pirate Outfit,

Spells Memorized:

Level 0 (4)
. touch of fatigue
. detect magic
. mage hand
. read magic

Level 1 (5/day)
. mage armor
. shield
. expeditios retreat
. true strike
. vanish

Level 2 (5/day)
. blur
. mirror image
. glitterdust
. frigid touch
. alter self

Level 3 (4/day)
. displacement
. monstrous physique I
. vampiric touch
. elemental aura

Level 4 (2/day)
. elemental body I
. greater invisibility