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![]() Herp dee derp. I must have accidentally deleted the paragraph where I mentioned paying the vendor for plums, and then I referred to one as a peach. Dare Mo finishes his plum, tossing the seed into the street, and casually strolls into the tavern after the Elven conspirators, wiping the remains of plum juice on his gold embroidered pants. ![]()
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![]() What's this?! These gaijin could be speaking of none other than his prey. She sought a plant and not retrieve it... or perhaps a symbol of one? No. A plant. She did not intrude in the sacred Imperial garden to steal a metaphor. Lo-An Tso paused in the street, stopping to inspect the fruit of a local merchant. He lifted a plum, taking in its scent as he collected his thoughts. You fool! Dare Mo admonished himself. It could be, likely is, the Queen they speak of in the tongue of the Elves. Remember your training! Make no assumptions! Dare Mo committed to memory the new facts that had been revealed. Frostbane, a leader of men, likely affiliated with with the Black Dragonflight. A boy, of humble birth, with a certain... talent, likely magical, who could lead these men to a bud they sought, and failed to retrieve, from the Emperor's private garden. These men were not idle travelers, and they were not speaking the Elven tongue because it was all they knew. They were speaking in secret, knowing that language was rare in the isolated Empire of Mists. The Clan must know of them and of their intentions. Lo-An Tso took a bite of a peach, savoring its sweet flavor as the juices burst beneath his teeth. While he did so, his eyes wandered, scanning the crowd for pursuers. Anyone following would be the enemy of Lo-An Tso, and no match for Dare Mo, but wariness had never harmed him in the past. Bluff, to hide that I'm watching the crowd 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20 Perception 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25 ![]()
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![]() DM: As always, Dare Mo will stroll casually down the sreet for a while before shifting his speed and gate and attempting to get lost in the crowd. He will then take a meandering course, changing routes frequently and traveling in unnecessary directions to shake any pursuers, whether he notices any or not. At which point he will return to the sanctum. Roll any stealth or perception checks as necessary, but unless you say otherwise I will assume the trip is uneventful. ![]()
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![]() K(local) 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 Lo-An Tso pushes the gold pieces toward the last man to speak, then leans back in his chair, stroking his goatee. "I will see you then." He stands, nodding to the others. "Gentlemen. Enjoy the silver. May fate continue to smile upon you." With that, Dare Mo leaves the others to their games and departs. ![]()
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![]() Lo-An Tso was a cutthroat and a thief of some ill repute in Lanzhu, known in the underworld for occasionally undertaking a bold scheme to make a quick profit, and for having the great luck to have those schemes bear fruit. Apart from gold, his vices included gambling, drink, and the occasional woman of the night. Today he sat in a dim hall, hazy with a fog of opium and tobacco imported from the West, overlooking a gaggle of petty rogues gambling at dice. Lo-An Tso did not exist. One of the players had passed out at the table. Whether from drink, opium, or subtle poisoning from an opponent did not matter. Dare Mo pushed him aside, collecting his chair and seating himself, and placed several silver pieces on the table. In his guise as Lo-An Tso, Dare Mo wore gaudy, ostentatious clothes. The tasteless attire of one who has acquired trifling wealth without earning it, and accentuated his features with a thin mustache, pointed beard, and thick eyebrows. After losing several rounds of dice, Dare Mo dropped a gold piece on the table, dropping another on top of it. "Enough of these games, gentlemen. I need information. A thief made off with priceless treasures from the imperial court last night. I need to know who could have achieved such a feat, for only this person can help me in a task I am set upon. The reward for one who can assist me will be... considerable." Bluff 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31 ![]()
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![]() Once again in the safety of the sanctum, Dare Mo enters the apothecary's hall, where shinobi skilled in herbalism and magic create curatives and the deadliest of poisons. Strange, twisted roots and herbs smelling both fair and foul hang dried from the ceiling, and the shelves are lined with boxes, jars and other containers filled with stranger ingredients. One of the herbalists looks up from grinding... something... in a mortar and pestle. She is older than Dare Mo, with an acid burn across part of her face, "May I help you, brother?" The title was honorary, they were all brothers and sisters in the clan, though they shared no blood relation, "Yes, sister. I was... weakened... by a strange creature. A face of the Five Headed Death, a demon in the service of the Plum Blossom syndicate. I require restorative magics." The apothecary examines him thoroughly before retreating to a vault at the far end of the room and returning with two small vials, each filled with a milky liquid, "Drink one of these. If you're still feeling the effects afterward, drink the other." Thanking her, Dare Mo bows and returns to his small cell where he drinks one of the potions in a single gulp. He follows with the other. Lesser Restoration - first heals 1d4 ⇒ 3 CON damage.
His strength restored, he conceals the strange objects from Lu and lays down on the hard mat that serves as his bed within the ancient temple of shadows for a couple hours of rest. ![]()
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![]() Without question or protest, Dare Mo trades the package for the objects Lu offers. He bows and departs. This work done, he would return to the sanctum to deposit his disguises and see to some much needed healing and a couple hours' rest. The apprentice would not return with his possessions until after nightfall, but he would not need them. Tonight, he would be invisible. Taking the gem from Azami would be all too easy. This Kylara... he recalled no elf among the guests save the vile queen, certainly none who could have taken the statue. So she was the mysterious figure in the garden. An interesting figure. Impulsive, brash, overconfident to reveal herself as she did. She didn't steal for profit, she stole for thrills. Neither motive swayed Dare Mo, but that didn't matter. He could understand them well enough to turn them against his enemy. She would jump at the chance to play his game, but she would not have that chance. Kylara was not the opponent. She was the game. ![]()
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![]() Sense motive 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33 Dare Mo scribbles a note on the paper, rolls it up and stuffs it into a pocket in his robe. Then he collects the box, now wrapped in canvas, thanking Bao for his time. To the manservant, he merely nods. An interesting encounter. Dare Mo was unsure of the meaning of the strange behavior of both Xun Rui Bao and his servant, and wouldn't waste any time dwelling on it now. He would carry out his orders. Returning to the alley, he removes his false facial hair and changes from the Hoshi robes into the clean commoner's clothes in his sack. After carefully untying the string holding the canvas together, he places the jawbone necklace inside, on top of the box, and ties the package once again, securing the note to the outside. The Note:
Xun Rui Bao Cartage Company, Warehouse Lanzhu He finds the back door to the warehouse and sets the box down against the wall, where it would not immediately observed by whomever opens the door, and knocks. ![]()
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![]() A Hoshi code phrase? Curious. Perhaps the Plum Blossom syndicate has infiltrated the Hoshi more deeply than was suspected. Dare Mo cocks an eyebrow in mild surprise. "Even blood runs off a well-built roof." Bluff 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22 Sense Motive DC 22: While he is actually somewhat surprised, his display of surprise is embellished. ![]()
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![]() "Thank you," the Hoshi functionary says. It is the tone of habitual politeness, rather than respect. "May I trouble you for a sheet of canvas and some string to cover this? Also a small sheet of paper and a pen. I was told not to attract any attention, and it is much more distinctive box than I was expecting. I'm not sure what all the secrecy is about, but my lord was very clear." He throws a couple of silvers from his purse onto the counter to pay for the requested supplies. Bluff 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33 ![]()
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![]() Seeing Xun Rui Bai enter the shop, Dare Mo slinks into a nook, concealed in an area still hidden from the rising sun, and changes into the fine, silk robes from his pack. He combs out his false mustache and beard, making them presentable, and displays the Hoshi mon. After concealing his pack in the alley, he steps out onto the street, taking a roundabout way back to the front entrance. Entering through the front and surveying the shop, he snorts, a clear indication that this place, this merchant, are beneath a member of a fine and storied clan such as his, and approaches the man. "Are you the proprietor? I was told to pick up a package here for the Hoshi clan, and that you would have it ready first thing in the morning." DM: Stealth to hide the pack: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30 Bluff: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31 Also, I'll need another disguise check.
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![]() Dare Mo selects the cheap robes of a commoner from a wardrobe in the armory, along with a thick, leather cowl and hood suitable for a storm. He passes into an adjacent room and opens two barrels, one filled with earth, the other water. He mixes a solution of mud in a pan on the table and uses it to dirty the robes and the cowl before changing into them. He applies make up to add lines and creases to his face, and an raggedy false beard and mustache. Into a leather sack he places a set of folded, silk robes, suitable to in quality for a minor functionary of a respected clan, in appropriate colors for the Hoshi, and the Hoshi mon he wore earlier as Daisuke, as well as a set of lock picks, then conceals them with another set of cheap clothes on top. For the final element of his disguise, he finds a hollowed gourd filled with sake. His throat warms as he sips a large gulp from the bottle, then he spills some on his mustache, beard, and shirt, dumping most of the rest into a drain. Winding his way out of the hidden sanctum, he stumbles into the streets, face covered by the cowl, sack held loosely over his shoulder, meandering toward the Xun Rui Bao cartage company. Finding it, he slinks in an alley, eyes half closed, and watches the activity around the building. Bluff 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (9) + 18 = 27 DM: I'll need a disguise check. +21 ![]()
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![]() Odin's beard! I just typed out a huuuuuge detailed post and the forum ate it. Here goes nothing. "Thank you, grand master," Dare Mo replies with a deferential bow before rising and returning to the hall where the apprentice has resumed his work polishing the wooden beams. As Dare Mo passes through, he snaps for the apprentice's attention. "Kohai! I have orders for you. Follow me." "Yes sempai!" the apprentice bows and follows. Dare Mo heads down a hall toward the armory. "You will travel north, first through the sewer tunnels, and then into a series of caves leading toward the mountains. After approximately eight hours of travel, you will find a large chamber suitable for a traveling group to rest in relative comfort and security. From there, look to the east. You will find a narrow passage. Move twenty paces down the passage. On your right you will find a large, loose stone. Remove it and retrieve the parcel contained within. It will be neither heavy nor dangerous. Return as soon as you have found it, and leave it here for me." "The way should be relatively safe, but should you encounter anyone in the tunnels, you are to remain hidden and observe their numbers, physical descriptions, direction of travel, and any other objective intelligence you can acquire." "Do not stall to gather intelligence, and do not engage anyone in combat if it can be avoided. Report anyone you see on the way or any unusual events to me or to soke only, no one else. Do you understand your orders?" When he is confident the apprentice understands, Dare Mo continues. "On my authority, assign your duties to a lesser apprentice, select any weapons and equipment you require from the armory, and leave as soon as your are able." ![]()
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![]() "Thank you, grand master," Dare Mo bows again in deference and rises, leaving the room and returning the hall where the apprentice has resumed his work polishing the beams. "Kohai," he calls, causing the apprentice to snap to attention, kneel before Dare Mo and bow, "I require your service." "Yes, sempai?" he asks. Dare Mo gestures for him to rise and follow as he heads for the armory. "You must retrieve a parcel for me, however this task may not prove as simple as it sounds..." He relays the path through the tunnels leading to the dig site, and describes the position where the package was hidden as he places his leather armor on a rack and looks over several weapons on racks on the wall. "The path should be relatively safe, but should you encounter anyone in the tunnels, regardless of how innocuous they may seem, you are to remain hidden, and report their numbers, physical descriptions, direction of travel, and any other objective intelligence you gather to me or to soke. No one else. Your priority is to retrieve the parcel and return unnoticed. Do not stall to gather additional intelligence, and do not engage anyone in combat if it can be avoided. Are you orders understood?" After the apprentice nods in affirmation, Dare Mo returns to the weapons, "On my authority, assign your duties to a lesser apprentice, select any weapons and equipment you will require from the armory, and leave as soon as you are prepared. You are dismissed." ![]()
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![]() "It will be done," Dare Mo says with a kneeling bow. "With your permission, I would like to assign a shadow the task of retrieving I package I placed in the caves leading to the dig site. I had previously prepared it to lead the others there, based on my original orders. Its contents will prove helpful in the tasks ahead." ![]()
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![]() Dare Mo collects the scroll case, and pauses, "Before I go, I must relay the content of a private conversation." "The aspect of the Five Headed Death disguised as a Hoshi cleric, thinking me a Hoshi retainer, ordered me to collect a package from the Xun Rui Bao cartage company first thing in the morning and deposit it hidden outside the Hoshi estates." He waits momentarily to hear if his orders are changed by the disclosure of the demon's message to him. ![]()
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![]() Click. Dare Mo ignored the false lock, hidden just well enough that a skilled search would reveal it first, to the detriment of the trespasser, and slid the wall open just wide enough to slip through. An invading force would have to slip through many such passages, turned sideways, dark and claustrophobic, forced to enter slowly and single file, before reaching the sanctum. And such a force would face many dangers in passing. Some visible, some hidden. This place was a maze within a maze, the whole place a trap, with dangers, hidden and deadly, around every turn. It was home. At the age of five he was made to memorize the layout. Every hidden passage. Every trigger for every trap. Now he entered a spacious room, the walls adorned with tapestries and supported by thick, polished beams. An apprentice was seeing to them now. Upon seeing Dare Mo enter, he stopped his dusting and polishing and bowed low, "Shinobi, you've returned! You were not expected." "I must make a report," Dare Mo replied, "Please let Soke know that I have arrived. When you return, I have a task for you which you may enjoy more than janitorial work. I will be in the main hall." He dropped his possessions and weapons in a cubby hole, removed his shoes, and slid a paper door open to reveal a large room. He bowed to the kamidana against the far wall, and took a kneeling position in the center of the room, folding his in his hands in his lap and closing his eyes in meditation. He would wait here as long as Soke thought it fitting for him to do so, never succumbing to sleep -- a fatal error that would prove him unworthy of a place in the shadows. ![]()
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![]() As Daisuke, Dare Mo promises to meet Azami and Kyras at the temple. Stepping into the street, he ducks through the crowd, taking several quick turns, occasionally finding a nook to hide momentarily to confuse any pursuers. Rolls:
I'm assuming taking half a dozen attempts to misdirect any pursuers using subterfuge and stealth. Bluff 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (11) + 17 = 28
After assuring himself that he had evaded any potential pursuit and making his way to another neighborhood, he moves into an alley, climbing the side of a tea shop and slipping through a small window which had been shuttered, but unlocked. Inside was a small nook, just wide enough to stand inside. To his left was a wall of drawers and shelves, and to his right was a small table with a half-burned candle on top and mirror on the wall behind. He removed and inspected his kimono, pleased to see the adviser's magic had removed the makeup from the inside, then put it back on. From a drawer he removed a thin, nondescript suit of leather armor and strapped it on, then he removed a traveling pack from under the table, collected his swords, and sneaked back out the window. This time, he made straight for the temple. Pack contents: Black tarp, blanket, 50' silk rope, 2 days dry rations, 2 pouches of caltops, leather harness with 4 sheathed daggers, fire starting tools, lock picks, 2 pieces of chalk, pouch of small stones ![]()
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![]() +1 WIS HP: 1d8 ⇒ 7 BAB: +1 Reflex save: +1 More...:
CMB: +1 (BAB) CMD: +1 (BAB) Will save: +1 (WIS) SA: Improved Uncanny Dodge, Combat Trick (Improved Feint) Skills:
13 (8 class + 3 INT + 1 human + 1 favored class) Acrobatics +1 Bluff +1 Climb +1 Diplomacy +1 Disable Device +1 Disguise +1 Escape Artist +1 Intimidate +1 Knowledge (Local) +1 Perception +2 (+1 rank, +1 WIS) Profession Courtier +1 WIS Profession Sailor +1 WIS Profession Soldier +1 WIS Stealth +1 Sense Motive +2 (+1 rank, +1 WIS) Sleight of Hand +1 @Tokine & Kyras
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![]() Quickly, and with the professionalism of a practiced servant, Dare Mo weaves through the crowd gathered around to gawk at the gaudy display and makes for the service corridor. However, instead of returning to the kitchens, he makes sure no one is watching before before quietly returning to the chamber where he left his supplies. Locking the door behind him, he quickly undresses from his servant's disguise before removing her from the closet. He checks her pulse to make sure she's still breathing, then carefully dresses her and fixes her hair before dragging her to a corner of the room, leaving her slumped in a sitting position. After retrieving Daisuke's accoutrements from the other closet, he wipes his makeup off using the inside of his kimono, then dresses himself, prominently displaying the Hoshi mon once again. The jawbone necklace he places around his own neck and carefully conceals under his kimono. He listens at the door long enough to make sure no one is coming down the hallway, then unlocks it. The servant will wake up within a few minutes, and she key to the success of this ruse. He steels himself against pain using ancient breathing techniques, then delivers a full-force punch to his own throat. Damage (nonlethal) 1d3 + 4d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + (1, 5, 5, 5) + 1 = 19 Reeling from the impact and short of breath, he crawls to a corner near where he placed the servant girl, then presses the arteries in his neck, stopping blood flow and rendering himself unconscious. ![]()
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![]() "Yes, of course, right away," Dare Mo squeaks with a meek bow as he collects the refreshments. He heads straight for the main room, handing out the drinks before approaching the Fury. "My lady," he says deferentially, eyes low, showing both fear and poorly concealed awe, "You asked for fruit? I have brought you apricots." DM only: You want to roll a bluff check? +17 Dare Mo is neither awed by nor afraid of the creature. ![]()
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![]() ...here: Stripping off his blue kimono, Dare Mo breathes easily, unburdened by the weight of wearing a fictional identity. Pointless affectations like honor are shed more easily than even a kimono. He quickly tosses Daisuke's clothes and his swords in a closet. No sense in hiding them more carefully. If his work is not complete when they discover the girl, they are lost. Carefully, Dare Mo removes the servant's outer clothes as well as the ribbons and pins from her hair, and places her unconscious body in another closet before dressing himself in her attire and quickly arranging his hair in a similar style. Using face powder and rouge from small jars hidden within Daisuke's kimono, he completes the disguise. Disguise 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24