Daniel Mayrand's page

13 posts. Alias of Archiviste.



harmor wrote:

1) As Copy and pasted text

2) As an image from a screenshot directly from the PDF

IANAL nor a member of Paizo staff, but if it is done to facilitate a game you're running, I don't see what the problem would be.

I have routinely copy/pasted and emailed Factions handouts to one of our players who is blind, so he can read it with his computer's screen reading software (i.e JAWS).

And I've started to print screenshots of the Factions handouts on 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" (half-size) sheets of paper instead of giving away those annoying inch/inch-and-a-half wide slivers of papers to my players.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Chinasaur wrote:
The GM's don’t like it and the player hate it.
I think the bolded is the issue. Have you had the experience of having them run by a DM who likes them?

Yes. And I still hate them, and I still refuse to do them as a player - I'll say "start without me, I'm doing Gather Info/search the place taking 20/whatever."

Chase scenes are a valueless waste of time, especially hurtful if the time allocated to run the scenario is tight.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Do I buy each scenario out of my own pockets ? Yep.
Do I take the time to prep for my games ahead of time ? Yep.
Do I try to make the game fun to everyone at the table, including myself ? Yep.
Do I want to be quizzed or evaluated on all that stuff I do for free ?

The day I'm evaluated on a hobby that I'm not paid to do is the day I'll look for a new hobby.

That is all I have to say.

EDIT: ... not quite: The fact that people are actually asking me to DM games for them is all the "evaluation" I need.


As the title said, any of you going to Cangames 2010 (May 21st thru 23rd, Ottawa, Ontario) ?

Despite being sick as a dog (or maybe because I was over-medicated...), I had a blast last year, and I was planning to ask for the days off at work to attend again this year.

Except... I did get the mailed-in event schedule last week, and when I checked there was no mention of Pathfinder. I double-checked on their (usually) up to date website (www.cangames.ca), nope, nothing, nada, zilch.

The deadline for game submission (at least to be listed in the convention booklet) being April 20th, I could always submit a game or two - but since I'm the designated DM for our local gaming group, I prefer to play when I attend out-of-town conventions...

Your comments ?


For several of the reasons listed above, no replays, please.


1) for those of you who dread the Excel format, there is a nifty (but unfortunately Windows-only) utility that will let you sift thru the event schedule file more easily:


(I did not use the BBcode for URL on purpose, for those of you who prefer to look before you leap - or download...)

2) My search-fu is weak, but I recall reading that there would be a "3.5 to Pathfinder RPG Conversion Seminar" sometime on Thursday morning - but did not see it in the event schedule.

I did a note to myself to reserve the Thursday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm block for it, but it would be nice to have confirmation.


Just a quick, informal, unofficial and unscientific poll:

Q) What is the highest level PFS character in your area ?

For exemple...

A) I play in the Montreal, Quebec, Canada area, and (unless there's a home game I don't know about) the highest level PFS characters around these parts are level 3.


bden wrote:
J'ai ouvert ce poste pour parler de PATHFINDER et voir le feedback francophone

Ce qui va rendre ca plutôt "intime", mais bon...

bden wrote:

a date je joue environ au deux semaines et je trouve les aventures très cool.

faut dire que j'ai un bon DM

Ca aide, en effet... On a un groupe de DM pas mal non plus: Pathfinder Quebec. Ok, je conviens qu'il s'agit d'un groupe surtout anglophone, mais je voulais le "plugger" tout de même... <g>

Es-tu de la région de Montréal ?

bden wrote:
AVEZ vous AIMER l'aventure a Sand point?

Pas trop sur de savoir à quoi tu fais référence.

bden wrote:
quel personnage jouez-vous ?

Human Ranger, 2ieme niveau - ou DM, c'est selon.


Crow81 wrote:
Crow81 wrote:
I third the request early registration for Origins ends January 11th it would be nice to confirm that PFS will be well represented at the Con
Except Josh hinted on the Atomic Array pod cast that another con in June might take it's place. One closer to home (hint)

Would it be possible to get any type of confirmation ASAP ? We are a small group who has to decide if we go to Origins or GenCon this year, and half of us could benefit from Origin's "Expose-A-Friend" two badges for 50 bucks deal.

Thanks in advance.


Gary Teter wrote:
We'll be rolling out a new version of the code soon (next week, I hope) with improvements based on your feedback.

Hope I'm not too late to chime in...

1) "Player Name" would be more useful that "Character Name"

2) Why is there a box for "Character Died" ? Are we taking a tally of which scenario is the most lethal ? <g>

3) The list of factions could be done in a drop-down list; that would make the form slightly more compact.

4) On that subject, I tried the form with both IE 6 and Firefox 2, and a few elements (ex. "Session #", "GM Name") could be moved around to improve the layout of the form (sorry, form layout is a pet peeve of mine...).

All in all, a solid "A-". I'm sure the next version is going to get a "A+" <g>


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
If you are running PFS at your FLGS, playing it at your FLGS, or just know that your local FLGS is running it, please tell me!

We are running PFS at:

Gamers' World
4986 Queen Mary, Montreal, QC, Canada, H3W 1X2
Email: info@gamersworld.ca
Contact: Dan or Mike


Matthew Morris wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:

There seems to be a theme of GMs putting that combat in deep water when the scenario says the water under the boat is "a few feet deep."

Did you also put the encounter in deep water? :-)

And it is strongly inferred that it's more than 3 feet deep where the encouter happens. "Even if convinced the PCs aren’t the ones who killed Myraxus, in their eagerness to get their hands on Du Moire first, the sahuagin simply leave the PCs to drown."

That's also the way I read that encounter. You don't "leave someone to drown" in 3 feet of water, unless it's a halfing or a gnome...

Also, about the "Chum spillers" trap: Part of the description reads "the target must make a Reflex save or slip and fall into the waters below", but the DC is not mentionned anywhere.

Lastly (for now), what is the grapple check for the Sea Cat Cub ? Neither its BAB nor its STR are listed, so I can't calculate it myself, only come to an "educated guess" by looking at the Sea Cat entry in the MM.


Ahem, sorry for the eyeballs-grabbing title... 8)

Just to let you know that there is a new Yahoo! discussion and information group for players of the Pathfinder Society campaign in Quebec:


Anyone from the region, or planning to visit, are welcome to join us!