Any Pathfinders going to Cangames 2010 ?

Local Play


As the title said, any of you going to Cangames 2010 (May 21st thru 23rd, Ottawa, Ontario) ?

Despite being sick as a dog (or maybe because I was over-medicated...), I had a blast last year, and I was planning to ask for the days off at work to attend again this year.

Except... I did get the mailed-in event schedule last week, and when I checked there was no mention of Pathfinder. I double-checked on their (usually) up to date website (, nope, nothing, nada, zilch.

The deadline for game submission (at least to be listed in the convention booklet) being April 20th, I could always submit a game or two - but since I'm the designated DM for our local gaming group, I prefer to play when I attend out-of-town conventions...

Your comments ?

I'd love to see some Pathfinder Society games there--I know we had several last year. I'll poke the Shackletons and see if they're headed there this year.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I'd love to see some Pathfinder Society games there--I know we had several last year. I'll poke the Shackletons and see if they're headed there this year.

If you send Sean you would make my wife's year - Gamers 2 turned her onto gaming (which she now loves) and she gets a real kick from seeing PFRPG stuff written by the super creepy inquisitor from the movie...

We generally don't send employees to small shows, though we do make exceptions when those offer to pay to bring the employee there. Our convention focus is on Gen Con and Paizo Con every year, though I'll likely be at Dragon*Con this year.

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

By the looks of it there should be some Pathfinder slots running at Cangames again this year. We are awaiting confirmation from the con at this point but do plan to be there as they were very receptive last year and I imagine they will find us some tables. They seldom have much listed in the advance flyer but we will post details when we know what times etc. they can give us.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Hey all. The Scenarios running at Cangames this weekend are: 33-"Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible", Fri 7-11 pm; #35-"Voice in the Void", Sat 9am-1pm; #43-"The Pallid Plague", Sun 9am-1pm; and #47-"The Darkest Vengeance", Sun 2pm-6pm.

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