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![]() I'll just say, the reason people are down on Monks, is that compared to other classes that are in similar roles in the party, they under perform. And lets be more clear, they have low AC (without party buffs), low HP, their itemization in the game is a joke, require more stat investment and tended to do far less damage. Considering the archetypes and feats now available, I don't feel they are so bad off as say Monk was with only the core book available. As far as your monk goes, I am finding it hard to see what you are really going for. If you are having fun, who gives a crap what anyone on a forum thinks? If you are looking for ways at improving your damage, or defenses or skills or something, ask away! ![]()
![]() If you consider Rogues behind the curve when it comes to classes in Pathfinder, and you want to do something to help them out, giving them full base is the quickest and easiest way to do it. Doing some calculations (using the math from the various DPR threads), even a rogue with full base is still behind a fighter on turns when it can sneak attack, however they are much closer, ~10 DPR less. So overall, unless you want to sit down and write a bunch of Rogue Talents that are very good, giving them full base is the best way to shore up their overall attack weaknesses. If you consider their defenses are still going to be very weak, you have a kind of 'glass jawed' damage dealer, which works for me considering their skill points. ![]()
![]() It looks good to me. Is your game allowing Ultimate Magic? There is an archetype in there for Inquis that lets you trade out the teamwork feats for some decent abilities (Preacher). Since the teamwork feats don't really help a ranged Inquis all that much, these are a nice trade. Also, are you entirely sold on using a crossbow? Composite Longbows are so much better its rather shocking (mainly requiring less feats and providing more damage since you can apply Str). ![]()
![]() A simple one is a Half-orc Sorcerer using the favored class bonus in the APG for +1 damage on fire spells per 2 levels, with Dragon bloodline for +1 damage on fire spells per level. Using Elemental Spell feat to make other spells fire for massive damage. The nice thing is, if you just do not apply Elemental Spell, the spell does damage as normal, so you are never stuck with only fire spells. Its pretty amazing damage for anyone. Fire Magic Missiles with the bonus is gross, as is Chain Lightning later on. ![]()
![]() Sure, the benefit would be higher AC, lower damage. Which is not bad, just a different option. If you go that way, there are ton of shield feats that are good/fun. Maybe focus more on Str, Con, Dex than Int and Cha (I'd still have decent Wis for the spells) You may want to get heavy armor training and max out the AC. Really once you get up to Bane levels, with the spells going you will pump out a lot of damage still. One thing to keep in mind, if you want to be able to cast spells with a shield on, it has to be a buckler or Light shield. The good options are pretty endless with the class. Also, Half-orc get Great Axe & Falchion prof for free, something to keep in mind. ![]()
![]() ChuckSC6568 wrote: GM has given us 25 points to build with and we're starting at second level. Any suggestions on how to proceed with placing abilities, feats and such? I played the same race/class for awhile. I went ranged for my attacks, so I spent my feats on the usual ranged business, Rapid Fire, Point Blank, Precise shot, fairly standard. With high dex, wis for spells and so on. Decent Charisma is nice with half-orc to really pump Intimidate If you go melee, you certainly want to go with a twohander, pick up Power Attack, Furious Focus, Weapon Focus. High Str and Con, go with heavier armors etc. The usual stuff. The teamwork feats you get for free are all mainly melee focused; Precision Strike, Outflank. For spells, Divine Favor, Magic Weapon are nice, and all I ever really cast at lower levels. Higher levels, my character was a spy, so I went with invisibility and see invis, knock and similar spy tools I had 1 rank of every knowledge skill that provides info on monsters; Know; Dungeoneering, Nature, Religion, Arcana, Planes. Using the Wis bonus to identify enemies to then use Bane on. The nice things is, the Inquisitor is specialized in killing EVERYTHING, including undead. You have a lot of versatility, so just decide on what kind of character you want to be and how you want to fight and focus on those early and let your spells & skills be your versatility. ![]()
![]() Abba wrote:
1;Yea 2; Why wouldn't it also hit the allies AC? 3; Yea And yes, it is incredibly strong, to the point where my DM and I limit it to just one friendly. Though our party is over sized which makes it even stronger. What really surprised me was when they changed Smite to its current form, they didn't touch this ability at all. ![]()
![]() ciretose wrote:
The problem I have with this answer to Rogue's mechanical usefulness is you can attach that Role to many other classes and have the same great and interesting roleplaying character, but also be mechanically more sound than the Rogue. ![]()
![]() Ashiel wrote:
Can you go into more detail on what made your past rogues good? What talents/feats, non-combat and combat capabilities and so on. ![]()
![]() SpaceChomp wrote: I'm just curious. Seriously, does anyone have a way to make rogues useful? So basically the answers so far are; Hope no other players notice they can take UMD, no one plays an Alchemist or Ranger in your party, and your DM uses more magical traps than monsters in a campaign, or the rest of the party to be Monks. Then a Rogue is useful! ![]()
![]() Blave wrote:
Well, for a melee Inquis, using a one-handed weapon is going to hurt. If you aren't entirely opposed to using a two-hander, (Such as the Falchion on a half-orc as they get proficiency for free), getting Powerattack and Furious Focus(in the APG) and Weapon Focus, and the usual feats you describes is quite good. One slightly subtle bonus with this, is most of the Teamwork feats (that you get for free in Inquis) are melee based, and work great with it. One thing to keep in mind if you go with a shield or dual wield, you need to stay with a light shield in order to still cast spells. I'm not sure if you can cast with a weapon still in a hand. Something to keep in mind. I'm playing a level 6 Inquis right now, I went ranged with mine, it works fine, but the Teamwork feats make me think that one would be better off going melee. |