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Just need some clarification... Say a PC has the Dying condition, and is healed by a Cure Wounds for some HP back (not all). I know that he/she loses the Dying condition, but does the healing remove the Wounded condition as well? Or is that only removed thru Treat Wounds or full HP restoration (and 10 minutes rest)?
So I had a character get hit by a Critical Attack roll from the Focus spell "Call of the Grave". He is 3rd level, and the attack roll total was a 32. So, my question is this: Am I correct that the DC for the Fort Save is 32? Or would it be the casters Spell DC? The DC from the attack roll seems a bit out of reach for a 3rd level character. I mean, if he rolls a natural 20, that does equal a success. But that could take a good while. I do try not to hand-wave too much either. And to follow up: What other ways are there to get rid of the Sickened condition? A casting of Dispel Magic? That would be versus the DC of the caster, which is a bit more doable. Any help is appreciated!
Checking to see if 4-5 players woould be interested in a short adventure set in Kobold Press' Midgard CS. If it goes well, I'd like to keep moving forward as a campaign. I would prefer that players have some basic knowledge of the setting, but it isn't mandatory. Access to the Midgard Heroes and Southland Heroes will also be quite helpful. As for posting, at least every other day to keep things moving, and I am OK with occassionally NPCing a character if needed. Characters will start at 2nd level, but you have time to make them. Thanks for checking it out.
Looking to start up a biweekly Pathfinder game, 4-5 players, every other Saturday, location TBD. Starting at 1st level, Paizo sources acceptable. Since I also may place game in Kobold Press's Midgard CS, Kobold sources most likely will be allowed upon review. Please see this link or post here if interested. If you have any questions, respond here or PM me. Thank you for checking it out!
Hey there. I have been working somewhat feverishly for a bit on my own conversion of PC races of the Midgard Campaign Setting to Savage Worlds. I wanted to start posting what I've come up with and see if I can get some feedback about what I've done. I do have these up in other forums, and I've gotten some good info (even heard from the man himself, Wolfgang Baur!). So without further rambling by me, here are a few of the conversions. Please note, I am going for flavor here as well as simplicity, but you will note that some of the races have a lot of parts. They should all balance out to +2 ability, to stay on a (somewhat) level playing field. Anyway, first up: Dragonkin!! DRAGONKIN
We are looking for some replacements for characters we lost while I was on hiatus. Anyway, we are looking for a front line fighter-type, and a healer/religious-type to fill out the group. We currently have a Paladin of Khors, a sorceress, and a shadow sworn. If you look at the original Recruitment thread, you can post submissions there rather than here. I will still check this thread to make sure I didn't miss anyone. Pretty much (since its their world) anything published by Kobold Press, either from sourcebooks or KQ. As for Paizo, I'd like to keep it somewhat simple, so here is my list (if you have any questions or would like to use something else from them, just let me know and I'll look into it. If it seems appropriate for your character, I'll most likely allow it): Core book, APG, UM, UC, and UE. I'd like to avoid using the ARG for now, as the Kobold Press stuff has some new choices. If you are desperate to play a race from the ARG, let me know. Now, here is how to build your PCs: 1) 15-Point Buy, 2nd Level.
For background, you will be arriving in the village of Levoca for some reason (its on the eastern edge of the Margreve forest), most likely heading to the city of Zobeck.
After a great deal of soul searching, and realizing that I have a boatload of stuff I may never get to use, I will be cancelling both subscriptions I have. I've been with Paizo since the Dragon mag days (bye-bye Charter Subscriber status!), and have enjoyed everything I've received so far (my players too!). RPG time is just becoming more and more limited these days, and my interests have moved into the miniature wargaming realm. Thanks again for great products from such a great company.
The muddy byway you are on winds its way through the forest and, eventually, reaches a damp clearing where the sun struggles to reach the ground through a canopy of forlorn trees. The setting sun allows you to pick out about 30 moldering, thatched cottages that lurk in this clearing. Local children chase pigs and sheep in play, but they all rush toward you as they see you reach the edge of the clearing. They take your hands and lead you into the dark village, and you notice the edge of the clearing is watched by hundreds of unsettling scarecrows made from bones and branches wound together. Whatever your reasons for being here, you are grateful to be near some form of shelter, as the quickly setting sun shows you just how dark it can get in the Margreve forest. The forest has a reputation for being the cause of many a disappearance, and you don't want to be caught under its boughs without some shelter. The day seemed to go all to fast, oweing partly to the faint singing that seems to linger at the back of your mind. As annoying as the singing is, the foggy feeling you've had seems to dissipate as the children approach you. The four others near you seem just as confused.
Since my face-to-face group is on something of a hiatus till next year, I'm checking to see if there is any interest in a PbP set in Midgard. I've been absorbing the setting book and I like what I see. We'd start with the Old Margreve adventures. I'm looking for 4 or 5 players for a relaxed that I mean ability to post 4+ times a week. Yes that means a slower pace, but no one needs to post daily. Right now this is just an interest check, not character submissions. Most likely I'll stick to PFRPG Core, APG, UM, UC, maybe some races from ARG. From the Kobold Press side, the CS book, Player's Guides (those currently out), and expanded spell-less ranger. More may be possible. Thanks for listening.
Boy, have I been out of the loop... Warhammer 40k gets a movie...Pathfinder Chronicles to follow? (wink, wink)
Just looking for a few ideas about a dwarf fighter, wielding a dwarven waraxe. Based on 20 point buy, here are the stats I've initially chosen. STR 17 (13 pts)
Any problems with this array? I'm envisioning a dwarf who isn't afraid to walk right up to something big and try to smack the <stuff> out of it. Any suggestions or advice will be greatly appreciated.
2nd Waescdaeg of Snaermonan, 499 IR. Town of Aslov, the Freelands. The Freelands. A misnomer if there ever was one, as they are anything but free. One must pay for everything, and sometimes dearly. And this being the middle of winter in the Hearthlands, one thing in particular is expensive - very expensive... Food. With coin running out, the four of you have taken to looking for work to keep food in your bellies. Two days ago, you noticed a flyer in the market square of Aslov, seeking men of courage craving adventure. The flyer said to meet at the Four Sheaves tavern at noon this day, just outside the gates of town, and to tell the keeper you are to meet "Rodgar". Once at the tavern, you are ushered to a table in the corner of the tavern, near the fireplace. Some simple fare is laid out in front of you, with the barmaid telling you its been paid for already. After about a half an hour, the tavern door opens and in steps a well-dressed man. The man takes off his cloak and shakes off the snow. He approaches your table without looking around, bows politely, and takes a seat. “My name is Rodgar ap-Annwn,” he says after ordering another round of drinks, “a farmer from the village of Dalsetter. Thank you all for coming. “I'll get right down to business. In return for 50 gold scields apiece, I wish you to take a cart to the village of Dunross and collect a shipment of flour. The flour then needs to be taken to the baker in Dalsetter. "It shouldn’t take you more than a few days each way. I would go myself, but I’m forced to stay in Aslov due to other business. Take what I owe you for your services out of the money the baker pays you and drop the rest off at my house. The baker knows where I live. I’ll collect it later. “I know it’s poor weather for traveling, but word has reached me the baker has run out of flour. A poor harvest and cold winter meant we were rather short of flour before the snows began. These are emergency supplies, vital if Dalsetter is going to survive the winter.” He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a scroll, which he places in front of you. “This is a map of the area, just in case.” He then pulls out an envelope from his jacket. “This is a letter authorizing you to collect the flour for me. Just hand it over to the granary supervisor in Dunross. "Dunross has a very large mill, which serves the surrounding farming villages. The grain from these villages is transported to Dunross and stored in its granaries before being ground into flour. The villages can have access to a mill without having to build their own. "I can't tell you how vital this delivery is. That is why I am offering so much, to ensure that it can get done. Will you take the job?" he asks.
Alrighty, here we go. These are the players I have interested in going forward as of Friday, Aug. 13: (sorry if I missed anyone). Winterwalker
We'll be using the standard character build rules from SWEX, with the setting specific bits (races, edges, etc.) from the Hellfrost PG as additional rules. I will be happy to guide anyone through their character build, as you'll have all weekend to work on them (I'm working three overnights in a row this weekend). So take your time to make the character you want to play. I'd prefer to use just the SWEX (or Test Drive v6) and Hellfrost PG, just to keep things even for everyone. If some of you want to have characters that already know each other, have at it. I want to make it fun for all of us. Note: Each character will also get one free advance (ie. - 5 xp to gain a new edge, increase or buy a new skill, etc.). I might have missed an important detail, so please post any questions or concerns here. Thanks again for joining up, and I look forward to seeing what you guys put together.
I'm interested in running a few Hellfrost Adventures on these boards to learn the Ins-and-Outs of the Savage Worlds rules, and wanted to see how many folks would be up for that. If all goes well, I could very well start up a full campaign using Savage Worlds, but moving to Golarion to run some adventure paths. Right now, I'm just getting a head count to see if at least four people are interested and can commit to a few months for some adventures. Current Head Count:
Let's see a show of hands for anyone interested in playing in a Savage Worlds conversion of a Pathfinder AP Play-by-Post, right here on these lovely messageboards. I'm currently working on a rough Player's Guide, but all that I'd require from anyone to play at a minimum is the free Test Drive v6 from Pinnacle Games website, as the PG I'm making should have enough info to run a character. Anyhoo, just post here if interested, and which AP you'd prefer. I'll post running tallies of the favorites every few days for a bit. Thanks for listening!!
Looking for some players of SW in eastern Loudoun/western Fairfax counties. I'm hoping to start with a D&D-esque fantasy conversion of one of the Pathfinder AP's. I also have the Solomon Kane setting book. I'd ideally like to meet every 2-3 weeks, either Friday evening or Saturday afternoon/evenings. Post your interest here.
I'm checking interest in a game I'd like to run, most likely at my place in Potomac Falls (Sterling), every other Friday evening. Can't do weekends, as I work those days. I'd be willing to run either PFRPG Beta or Savage Worlds, using Paizo's Pathfinder Adventure Paths. Majority choice wins. If you are interested, you can post here or email me at torillan at a-o-l dot com . Thanks for checking it out.
...from RPG publishing, at least (WFRP, W40kRP). This is a bit of a bummer: 28/January/2008 - Black Industries Announcement
Kevin Rountree General Manager of BL Publishing said ‘As a result of the continued and impressive success of our core novels business, which we have built around 40K and Warhammer, we have decided to focus all of our efforts on growing this part of our business. Black Industries has seen fantastic success, most recently with Talisman and Dark Heresy. This change does not take away from that achievement rather it allows BL Publishing to focus on producing the best novels we can. This is a purely commercial decision and will enable us to carry on the huge growth that we have recently been experiencing with our novels’ For the time being Black Industries will continue to post articles in support of the products on their official website, which is a fantastic resource for scenarios and gaming tools for GM’s and players alike. For more info go here: [url] em=350 [/url]
This Tuesday, Jan. 29th, El Cid comes to DVD for the first time. This was the first medeival epic I saw when I was 10 (1978, if you must know) on TV. I loved every minute of it. I can highly recommend this movie, even if it does have that whole 1950's acting style to it. Anybody else see this (or care, for that matter!)?? I for one can't wait!!
I'm considering using the Unearthed Arcana rules for the 3 generic classes over using True20 for my Pathfinder game. Does anyone have experience using these rules? They just seem like a good fit without having players learning a whole new system. Beyond the obvious flexibility of class roles, is there anything else about them I should be aware of? Thanks in advance
Vic Wertz posted this below in the Gamemastery section of the boards. It appears that RotRL #2 will be shipped in early October, NOT September. Anybody else catch this? Vic Wertz wrote: