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![]() 22nd Rova 4707 AR You are in Sandpoint, a small coastal town on the lost coast fifty miles North of Magnimar. It is still an infant town of less than fifty years, but booming with a little over twelve hundred inhabitants mostly human with a dotting of other races. Fishing, lumbering, glass-working, shipwrighting, and farming are the major industries and exports of the town. The land around the town is truly scenic and uninhabited, little is on the lonely road but shrines to Desna that offer shelter for any unfortunates that get caught in a rainstorm, and the rare inn every twenty four miles or so. On all the entrances to the town is a mirror hung on a post with a sign that reads, “Welcome to Sandpoint! Please stop to see yourself as we see you!” You are fortunate to be in town for the Swallowtail Festival, which is in honor of the Autumnal Equinox; this year is special due to the consecrating of the newly built church to Desna. The festivities start as planned and without any incidents. The square before the church quickly becomes crowded as locals and travelers arrive, and several merchant tents featuring food, clothes, local crafts, and souvenirs are there to meet them. Everyone is packed in tight to be able to hear the opening speeches that will kick off the festivities. Mayor Deverin takes the stage first and her friendly attitude and excitement prove contagious as she welcomes visitors to town and jokes about how even Larz Rovanky, the local tanner (and notorious workaholic) managed to tear himself away from the tannery to attend, much to everyone’s amusement (except Larz’s). Sheriff Belor Hemlock brings the crowd down a bit with his dour mood, his reminder to be safe around the evening’s bonfire, and his request for a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives in the fire that claimed the town’s previous church several years ago The next speaker is scheduled to be local nobleman Lonjiku Kaijitsu, but a sudden illness has prevented him from attending the ceremony (this isn’t something that surprises the locals, given Lonjiku’s well-known dislike of frivolity and festivals). Sandpoint’s own showman Cyrdak Drokkus is more than up to the challenge of bringing the crowd’s mood back up with his rousing anecdotes. He delivers a not-completely-irreverent recap of the long process the town went through to finance and construct the new cathedral. He throws in a bit of selfpromotion at the end, as is his wont, inviting everyone to stop by the Sandpoint Theater the following evening to check out his new production of “The Harpy’s Curse,” revealing that the lead role of Avisera the harpy queen will be played by none other than the famous Magnimarian diva Allishanda! Finally, Father Zantus steps up to give a short speech thanking everyone for coming before declaring the Swallowtail Festival underway which is greeted with cheers and applause. Numerous games and contests take place during the day, including sack races, games of hide-and-seek, weight-lifting challenges, balance beam contests, tug-of-war events, and the like. Everyone is invited to participate and win the grand prize of bragging rights for the day, a fine prize in Sandpoint indeed! Would anyone like to participate in the games? ![]()
![]() Need one more to start a new ROTRL game. This thread will be open for applications until February 1st noon-ish EST. The group needs a skill monkey, mage, or combo of the two. So particular bias will be given in favor for something that can fill the role. Currently the group consists of.
Anyone interested know I will be looking more into background story than stat blocks. I want to know why you are good at something and bad at other things. The character creation is 25 point-buy, 2 traits, no other restrictions as long as it is a pathfinder legal character. Expect to post AT LEAST once daily. Google Drive for maps and handouts. OK here is the big thing, I am not a rules lawyer and wish to keep heated debates far from this game. I try to keep it loose and fun and expect my players to follow suit, we are here to have fun! So if you are a rules stickler please do not submit a character for both of our sanities. I hope the brevity of this post is not off putting, it is a recruitment for one character. Please ask away with questions, I will try to answer them all. ![]()
![]() A week ago, you were seated in the main hall of the Grand Lodge of Absalom, waiting for the arrival of Absalom’s newest venturecaptain, a tall, dark-haired and olive-skinned Varisian woman named Eliza Petulengro. Renowned for her composure under pressure and the author of more than two dozen Pathfinder Chronicles entries, she appeared in the hall suddenly, a stack of chronicles in her arms, and looked you over before speaking.
Irori, is the god of knowledge. Knowledge Local Bodriggan Wuthers DC 15:
Bodriggan Wuthers was an orphan of unknown
ancestry, found 20 years ago on the doorstep of the Pathfinder Lodge of Taldor’s capital, Oppara. He was raised in an orphanage, but the Taldan Pathfinders made it a point to look in on him from time to time, encouraging the boy’s curiosity and pushing him toward the life of the vagabond scholar. They got what they desired. When Wuthers turned 16, he left the orphanage behind and traveled to Absalom to join the Pathfinder Society. After a few years of training and following Venture-Captain Eliza Petulengro, Wuthers settled easily into his routine, traveling Avistan and Garund seeking greater glory for himself and the Society through treasure hunting. He quickly made a name for himself, battling through a host of demon-possessed apes in the Screaming Jungle at age 18 to recover the Garls Harp, an Azlanti musical instrument thought lost to time and memory. His tale of that find saw his first of many reports appear in the Pathfinder Chronicles and his fame as a Pathfinder was sewn into the fabric of the Society. I need to know how everyone plans to dress, and what you are bringing to the opera. You have a feeling great-swords, animals, and other things of that nature will not be allowed into the premise. House of the Immortal Sun Once a temple to Aroden, the House of the Immortal Son has, since his death, been Taldor’s most opulent
The interior of the House of the Immortal Son is full
There will be a map up eventually, here is some description of what can be easily noticed without investigation. The numbers will coincide with the rooms on the map. 1a. Opera House: Filled with classic church pews now
1b. Stage: This wooden stage is painted black and
3. Violet Entrance: A gaudy, marbled hallway with
4. Bar: Known to regulars as the Immortal Drunk,
5. Blue Entrance: A gaudy, marbled hallway with finely
6. Banquet Hall: This vast, empty room is primarily
7. Green Entrance: This rather plain, marbled hallway
10. White Entrance: Also known as the Actor’s Door, this
![]() A week ago, you were seated in the main hall of the Grand Lodge of Absalom, waiting for the arrival of Absalom’s newest venturecaptain, a tall, dark-haired and olive-skinned Varisian woman named Eliza Petulengro. Renowned for her composure under pressure and the author of more than two dozen Pathfinder Chronicles entries, she appeared in the hall suddenly, a stack of chronicles in her arms, and looked you over before speaking.
I have a few tidbits of information to pass to you before you go: the House of the Immortal Son is nearly impossible to access. It took Wuthers months and countless bribes to get where he did. For you, I have a much simpler idea. Go to an opera, wait for an opportunity, and then exploit it to find Wuthers and his dig site. Be sure to wear something festive—the Taldan nobility are arrogant on their best days and if you arrive at the opera dressed like that, she waves her hands at you, they’ll surely lose your tickets or regret to inform you that the opera house is oversold. Go and report back to me directly upon your return to Absalom.” Irori, is the god of knowledge. Knowledge Local Bodriggan Wuthers DC 15:
Bodriggan Wuthers was an orphan of unknown
ancestry, found 20 years ago on the doorstep of the Pathfinder Lodge of Taldor’s capital, Oppara. He was raised in an orphanage, but the Taldan Pathfinders made it a point to look in on him from time to time, encouraging the boy’s curiosity and pushing him toward the life of the vagabond scholar. They got what they desired. When Wuthers turned 16, he left the orphanage behind and traveled to Absalom to join the Pathfinder Society. After a few years of training and following Venture-Captain Eliza Petulengro, Wuthers settled easily into his routine, traveling Avistan and Garund seeking greater glory for himself and the Society through treasure hunting. He quickly made a name for himself, battling through a host of demon-possessed apes in the Screaming Jungle at age 18 to recover the Garls Harp, an Azlanti musical instrument thought lost to time and memory. His tale of that find saw his first of many reports appear in the Pathfinder Chronicles and his fame as a Pathfinder was sewn into the fabric of the Society. I need to know how everyone plans to dress, and what you are bringing to the opera. You have a feeling great-swords, animals, and other things of that nature will not be allowed into the premise. House of the Immortal Sun Once a temple to Aroden, the House of the Immortal Son has, since his death, been Taldor’s most opulent and expensive opera house. It is a large, windowless, cylindrical building made of polished marble and granite and surrounded by thick, finely carved pillars. Built in the earliest traditional styles of Aroden temples, the opera house lacks windows (visitors are meant to look up, not out) and its roof is a complicated piece of stone statuary that replicates the holy symbol of Aroden, a steady winged eye gazing forever toward the heavens. The interior of the House of the Immortal Son is full of expensive carpets, excessive gilding, and ridiculously large candelabras and chandeliers. Mirrors and expensive bright wallpaper cover the walls and have a breathtaking white and red veined marble boarder trim. Painstakingly cleaned and polished delicate woodwork and tapestries decorate and finish the room with an air of class and wealth. The noble men in attendance brandish expensive powdered wigs and faces, silken outfits that host shiny silver or gold buttons, lace hanker-chiefs stylishly hanging from the owners sleeves, jeweled ringed fingers, and many daintily carrying snuff pouches in white gloved hands. The women in attendance are dressed almost identically, their outfits exchanged for dresses and no snuff pouches. These locations correspond with the roll20 map, and are viewable from your positions. 1a. Opera House: Filled with classic church pews now covered in the finest silks and cushions, the main room of the opera house is what you’d expect from a templeturned-theater. An odd mixture of religious symbols (all of the deceased god Aroden) and modern theater tropes cover the walls, ceilings, and finely-carved pillars. 1b. Stage: This wooden stage is painted black and currently decorated to look like a jungle underworld, with fake plants, vines, and a backdrop of jungle scenery. An orchestra pit separates the stage from the main opera house and a thick, red velvet curtain conceals the main
3. Violet Entrance: A gaudy, marbled hallway with finely carved pillars, the white floor here is split by a deep violet carpet. This entrance is reserved for the king and anyone he considers to be part of the royal court. 4. Bar: Known to regulars as the Immortal Drunk, this bar serves theatergoers before the opera, during intermission, and hosts after-parties for wealthy merchants or socialites who are not part of the nobility. The red carpet indicates that this room is also an entrance
5. Blue Entrance: A gaudy, marbled hallway with finely carved pillars, the white floor here is split by a dark blue carpet. This entrance is reserved for the nobility who are not considered part of the royal court. 6. Banquet Hall: This vast, empty room is primarily used to entertain the king and his court. It is currently set to entertain the few royal court followers in attendance for Among the Living. The red carpet indicates that this room is also an entrance for wealthy non-nobles. 7. Green Entrance: This rather plain, marbled hallway is filled with simple granite pillars. The floor is split by a bright green carpet, indicating that this entrance is reserved for commoners when they are allowed to attend. 10. White Entrance: Also known as the Actor’s Door, this plain marbled hallway is filled with simple granite pillars. The floor is split by a dirty white carpet, stained by a century’s worth of artistic foot traffic. The actors of the Immortal Son believe the carpet to be good luck, and replacing it or cleaning it would spell misfortune for the theater. ![]()
![]() Recruitment for Among the Living #07. Selections will be made to balance the party class wise, and priority given to past players. Expectations:
Most likely will be a tier 1-2 game, but that depends on the response. Barring any misfortunate setbacks Monday is the target day for the game start. Please ask any questions. -Keith ![]()
![]() Could someone review this animal companion for PFS please? I am confused with a few things, this is for a gunslinger 4/cavalier1 with the boon companion feat, making Paps a level 5 mount. Yes horse is not the most min-maxed animal but it is for the flavor of the character.
BASE: STR 18, DEX 13, CON 17, INT 2, WIS 12, CHA 6 BAB +3 5 HD (d8) FORT 4, REF 4, WILL 1, Natural AC +6 =(Natural Armor +4 Base)+(Natural AC +2 Cavalier) Str/Dex +1 BONUS Bonus tricks 2 ABILITY SCORE INCREASE +1 ![]()
![]() Here is where we post the character actions, dialog and setting. Write "dot" here. It is a way to find this post later much easier, because it will put a small dot next to this game when you search through the PBP forum list of active games. Note any post will create a dot on the forum, it is just some etiquette to do so I believe. it will also place your characters in the characters, and players tabs above. ![]()
![]() Discuss out of game stuff, rules questions, funny banter, pretty much anything here. since some of you are new with PBP play around with how to format your posts. There is a button that appears when you go to write a post below the posting field, labeled How to Format Your Text Play around with it, do some trial and error posts before we start, ask questions. So just a quick tutorial for posting in the gameplay tab. In character speech is BOLD
you should learn spoiler buttons:
They are great for DM only info, or to cut and paste an ability or spell in to conserve space Feel free to post with any other format codes listed there, big, small, list ![]()
![]() Pathfinder Society Scenario #4–19: The Night March of Kalkamedes A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5. A veteran Pathfinder exploring the Fenwall Mountains of Varisia has begun sleepwalking, traveling through the dead of night in the same direction each time. The following mornings, however, he awakens injured and lost in the wilderness, never reaching the mysterious destination that drew him from his bed in the night. Something is calling Kalkamedes, something powerful, but unless he can make it safely to the source of his somnambulism, that power will remain a mystery. It falls to a team of Pathfinders to escort the sleepwalker to his destination and uncover the true nature of the strange phenomenon overtaking Kalkamedes's dreams. Looking to run this scenario soon. Plan to use the paizo site for the posting and roll20 for maps/handouts/ect. Just finished a game using this method and it was very impressive. I hope to get a group that posts at least twice daily. Full disclosure this will be my first PBP DMing. I have run plenty of games over the years and am looking forward to trying my hand at PBP. So the one thing I am asking for in players is just a little slack why I figure out the basics. Everything is loaded up on roll20 and ready to go, just need adventurers! ![]()
![]() Hey everyone this is a recruitment for The Night March of Kalkamedes scenario #4-19 So I just came into some free time and would like to try my hand at running my first PBP game (busted my knee at work and cannot walk on it for a few days). Full disclosure I am still figuring out some details for PBP, there may be a speed bump or two. What I am looking for is a group of players that can post often. I am fine with running either the 1-2 or 4-5 tier and it just depends on the demand of people interested. Ideally the scenario could finish in a few days. ![]()
![]() Hello forums! Two questions really. 1)Creating a basic skeleton via the animate dead spell. Is it possible to increase HD by adding the needed material component for the desired increase? i.e. the body of a first level commoner is "obtained" by a seventh level cleric. This cleric wants to invest some resources into this blank canvas and make a masterpiece, he wants to create a six hit dice skeleton. Could he use 150 gp worth of onyx in creation to obtain this (enough onyx for a 6 hd skeleton)? Or would this cleric need to "obtain" a body of sixth level or higher? Is there a limit to how this can be used if it can be done, could that seventh level cleric create a skeleton of 14 HD because it is double his level and within what he can control? 2)In Libris Mortis there are templates such as nimble skeletons, fast zombies, unkillable zombies. How do you apply a template to the undead to create one? Can it be done using the Animate Dead spell? Or is this just a house rule. If so how have people ruled on it in the past. Thanks in advance ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, I have been playing PFS for a while now and D&D for over a decade, also a seasoned DM. Due to work I have started to dabble in the PBP world and have been enjoying it very much, I am currently in my first PBP game. I am sure that there is a post about this elsewhere but my search has revealed nothing. Also I have started to DM in PFS and find that I enjoy the amount of detail that can be included in PBP and would like to try my hand at it eventually. So here is my list of questions
![]() The goal is to make a Beast Rider Cavalier dual classed with the Musket Master Gunslinger. The big question is there a way around regaining the Expert Trainer ability (for the Horse Master feat) or getting a feat like the Horse Master feat so my mount will not suffer from the dual classing. Honestly looking for any PFS legal ideas to keep the mount at full strength while dual classing. The ultimate goal is to have a big bad mount to keep between me and the BBG while I light it up with a musket. Considering the Luring Cavalier archetype too for the range type build. Right now liking the idea of a grizzly bear in full plate, any other mount options I should consider? ![]()
![]() I do not have any experience with bards, and am looking for advice on this build. I received the dhampir boon a while back and decided to roll it out as my next character. In preparation I also purchased the "Blood of the Night" book to be able to use the Moroi-Born (Svetocher). Mostly because they remind me of the true Eastern Europe Dracula feel which will be fun to play in the Scarni faction. The build is a battle field type controller using a whip for disarms and trips, grease spells, bardic music, and general shenanigans. Plan to use bardic music, arcane strike and blade thirst to stack bonuses for combat maneuvers. So I guess the questions are: is this an effective build for battlefield control? What are possible flaws that can appear in the future? Am I overlooking anything? Str 16 (+2 race)
The last 2 skill ranks will be altered between knowledge skills as he levels. Feat-
![]() The group I play in has a few newbies and they do show much potential but are struggling more with playing as a team not the mechanics of their characters. We have lots of discussions inbetween games via email and they are a good fun group. I guess the problem is they do not understand the concept of teamwork and that sometimes you sit back and not have to do something every round, we have all seen it. My dm is getting upset (he has every right as this has become so chaotic) and has stated he may be forced to split the group and blanitly he is not having any fun. He is a good guy and I do not believe he wants the split. So I need help, spent sometime googling, and looking through this site looking for links to articles about constructive teamwork, how best to run a character, things of that nature. I do not like to be the preachy type and feel if I can provide a link to a well written article that can address the problem at the table constructively it would be best. I have not been able to find anything noteable, most articles are dealing with problem players. Any help is very appreciated, good gaming to all.
![]() Question on magic armor. Do the abilities that cost gold and not +1 enchantment still count as an enchantment? I understand that armor bonuses max out at +10 with a max of protection bonuses as a +5. Would a +2 shadow, slick, glammered suit of armor count as a +2 suit of armor with costly add ons or a reduced price +5? Also could you have a +5 ghost touch, spell resistance (13), slick suit of armor? Would it count as a +10 or an illegal +11? I searched online and found no good referance. ![]()
![]() I am attempting this as my new character. Any advice on what to focus on and avoid? Looking for any problems to anticipate before they arrive. If it was yours what would you change? Also there was a string of feats in 3.5 that allowed parts of a multiclass character to stack, did pathfinder convert them at all? Here is a quick outline, be critical I do not make too many martial characters. Paladin 1/Oracle 3 (metal) Human 24 Point Buy Character
-power attack
![]() Can psionics be substituted when taking a prestige class that gives a spells per day increase? Example: will this work for an arcane trickster? psion (with the power that mimics Mage hand) that can manifest 2nd level powers + level 3 rogue with 2d6 sneak attack + the additional alignment and skill requirements Before the obvious is stated I know it says arcane in the name :-). But this is what I wish to achieve. Thanks in advance ![]()
![]() I have been looking for awhile on the message boards for rules for demon and or devil possession. I have an npc that needs an exorcism, he was used as a red herring in the story line. My good little pcs most undoubtedly will fix him, I hope to go all Linda Blare next session. Also any suggestions and or advice always welcome. This is a low magic world, not every town has a cleric or temple. Most clerics can only cast low level spells. The pc cleric is level 7. ![]()
![]() I am currently dming the 3.5 Tomb of Horror adventure with pathfinder rules. It is going great so far, the party is totally confused, as they should be. Here is the background for the question- in the second mist arch if any player pasts through it their gear is transported elsewhere and the now nude player is teleported to the entrance of the dungeon. They sent an arcane eye through the mist arch. This teleported it to the crypt. Then a summoned rat, which did not go to the crypt. The pc followed the arcane eye loosing her gear and finding herself at the entrance as stated with the rat. The arcane eye notices the gear fall into the pile of loot on the ground. The party has found nothing but dead ends in the dungeon and after we broke for the day they started exchanging ideas on what to do. Here it is the question- they are assuming that the portal teleports living material to the front door and non-living material to the crypt, which is dead on correct. They want to put someone in a bag of holding and toss the person through the mist arch. Which is genius. But would it work? -also since it will only be one person getting through they will probably die from the Demi lich construct. ![]()
![]() One of the guys I dm asked a great question, I believe he plans to use this tactic in game soon and want to see what others think. His idea- cast invisibility on an iron gate, and when a creature runs into it on a charge what would be the damage? My answer- creature makes a dc 40 spot check to notice, if the creature fails the iron gate is assumed to have braced and does double damage (1d8 as heavy mace). This also opened up a whole new pile of uses with this question.
I assume if the item is within the weight allowed by the caster level it is fair game. Looking for some people to weigh in on this before it becomes used. Feel free to add other great uses of the invisibility spell. Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() Last session I had an npc caster counter a pc's fireball with disple magic.
-the problem/question up for debate- The npc could not get line of sight on the pc so I gave him a negative on the identification of the spell. He passed the check with more than enough to spare, dispelling the attempt (-10). Meshed with a (+5) because the npc has followed several other battles between the pcs and his thieves guild. The final result was a (-5). Note the only area the npc can see is the place the fireball will be landing. Is this still terms to counter the fireball or must you achieve line of sight. This extends to countering spells from casters that are invisible too. Are there set modifiers? I could not get a concrete answer from the core. Your thoughts Thanks ![]()
![]() I know there must be lists of these out there, been looking without any luck. I would like to gather a list of everyone's favorite unique ways with using gear "differently". One of my favorite characters a few years ago in 3.5 had skill ranks in "profession MacGuyver" and to this day was one of the most fun characters ever played. Just a rouge with lots of skill points everywhere doing weird things. In addition to making the game master tweak he was equally good as the mage or fighter because of always thinking outside the box. The following is what I am talking about. -flour for finding invisible creatures/tracking footprints
![]() I know there must be lists of these out there, been looking without any luck. I would like to gather a list of everyone's favorite unique ways with using gear "differently". One of my favorite characters a few years ago in 3.5 had skill ranks in "profession MacGuyver" and to this day was one of the most fun characters ever played. Just a rouge with lots of skill points everywhere doing weird things. In addition to making the game master tweak he was equally good as the mage or fighter because of always thinking outside the box. The following is what I am talking about. -flour for finding invisible creatures/tracking footprints
![]() I am hosting a weekly Sunday pathfinder game, noon -6pm. We had our first session yesterday and it went excellent. As of right now the group is 3 gamers, I am looking for up to 3 more, dedicated serious gamers to join.
Thanks and good gaming,
![]() I am starting a new campaign and looking for 2-3 more players. It will be noon till 6 every Sunday, located in west Roxbury (Boston). It will be a home brewed world, biggest plot hook is the neighboring continent has had all sentient beings vanish. No one knows why, the continent is like one large ghost town. The content you would be from has "annexed" this continent and is clearing out all the undesirables that have moved in. It is not meant to be a hack and slash adventure, and nothing prohibits anyone from going to the main continent. I am resurrecting a few of my 3.5 adventures that were lots of fun to get things going. Unfortunately my first adventure is a "dungeon dive" just to get the party established. After that I hope that the pcs will be able to find diplomatic means to clear some of the more advanced inhabitants of the continent. Advancement will be medium, I have no plans on an end cap; I hope everyone will make it to 20th. For checks like intimidate or diplomacy, I will encourage role play for the big plot issues. For things like gather information, better deals at an inn, and things of that nature I like to keep the mundane things moving with dice rolls. Please if you have any further question don't be afraid to ask. My goal is to get a group of committed, dedicated, excited players together weekly. Thanks,
![]() I am an experienced gamer, playing for 10+ years (AD&D and 3.5). I gave up on 4e and love pathfinder. I am new to Boston and looking for a non-pathfinder society group. I hope to find a weekly campaign in the Boston area. I am 29 and mature in a very inmature way. I can do a Sunday, Monday, or Friday game. If anyone has any ideas on a good site or place to look please forward. Thanks