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Griffo checking in.
A studious looking halfling with curly brown hair and sideburns looks up at you from beneath the long green pointed hood of his cloak whose yellow tassel drags on the ground. Bespectacled green eyes glimmer with the excitement of adventure.
Thanks for having me aboard :)

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Victasys Songdeath wrote:Keith, o' illustrious GM (note brown nosing), will you be using Roll20 for all maps and long discourse?Yes! I enjoy the ease of use of the site. Do you have any expierence with it?
Very limited yet my St Louis (four hour drive) gaming group is looking into using it. My job requires travel most weeks and Roll20 appears to have advantages. I look forward to being exposed to it during this adventure.
Mainly I ask as one of my other groups uses a "secret group" on Face Book to post maps, info, etc... Didn't know if you had tried that or just prefer Roll20.

keith goudreau |

What I need from everyone signing on here is to go to Roll20 and sign in. Then change your Avatar name to your character name, this will avoid some of the previous minor problems encountered.
I have selected some minis for everyone, but please feel free to search for better ones if you wish in the art library there.
After those things are taken care of I can give control of the character to the correct owners and you guys can edit them and customize them (if you want to).

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"Good day my fellow Pathfinders. I look forward to our next adventure together. I have a spare wand of mage armor if anyone would care to use it."
I am familiar with Roll20, but did not see a link posted.

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Hey Nokazi, the link is at the top of the page just above the Campaign Info tab. :)
I don't actually have eyes of an eagle. I just play one in Pathfinder. Thank you Griffo!

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My only concern right now is that the Wizard is the party healer... I've got a wand on Infernal Healing which is ok but if someone needs a quick boost in combat we might be out of luck.
what does everyone else think?
I have 2 PP left how about I spend them on a wand of CLW and Victasys can use it?

keith goudreau |

ok, map is back up and fixed!
Please see if you can move around your character mini, they are in the green hallway of area 7.
Nokazi and Sajna those are the best minis that could be found please feel free to find better ones, very easy to switch them.
This is do able with 4 players, normal with 5, cake walk with 6. It would be easy to get other players if requested.

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ok, map is back up and fixed!
Please see if you can move around your character mini, they are in the green hallway of area 7.
Nokazi and Sajna those are the best minis that could be found please feel free to find better ones, very easy to switch them.
This is do able with 4 players, normal with 5, cake walk with 6. It would be easy to get other players if requested.
I still see nothing but black. I do see a character sheet for me though in the handouts section. This is the link I selected:
Roll20 Map
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Zoom out to like 10% the map has a fog of war and you are in the center-ish.
Ah ha! Thanks for the tip. I should have known better. I cannot move any of the the tokens. I'm assuming mine is the one in the monk hat.

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Ok I see the map. I am able to control the token in the white cloak. Is that the correct one for Griffo?

keith goudreau |

So there is lots of misdirection with this scenario, trying to get you to leave your weapons and armor home, letting you make checks, giving you time to mingle. All of it was to get you to get your guard down for a big crashing zombie attack. There is a bit of railroading because the scenario does not want you to kill all the zombies as that would make the challenge too hard for the story. Just wanted to mention it in case anyone felt that a check or sense motive seems overlooked, it is all misdirection.
@Vict, can you use two hands with that weapon? Fuctionality just seems to contradict it. What size is it considered?
@Griffo, LOL the play has been about a half hour long so far.

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I am sorry guys. I didn't mention this before because I hoped it wouldn't be this bad. But I feel I must inform you all that my posting is going to slow down drastically until some time around Christmas. My work is balls to the walls busy for the next 16+ days and I am practically living there. Being off as early as I am right now is a miracle, one that I intend to fill with sleep after I catch up online. Please, DMPC me if I slow things down. I apologize for any inconvenience.

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Just checking the boards again and re read my last gameplay post... Saucing magic missile... Damn you auto correct! Lol

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How much damage does a self saucing pudding deal?
The +1 is the initial impact, the 1d4 is from the hot sauce explosion!

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I will not be posting at all tomorrow. When I get off work tomorrow morning around 4am (after getting there at 5pm this evening), I have to immediately go home and get 3-4 hours of sleep so that I can drive back to the Dispatch Center 120 miles away to continue my employment testing for 3-4 hours, then drive back to be back at work around 6:30pm tomorrow evening, to work another 10-12 hour shift. I will be able to post once on Sunday, but I have church, my wife's birthday, and work that day so it will be a brief one. Then on Monday, busy season is over, and I will be back to regular posting, probably more than once per day.