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1,479 posts. Alias of Trailjava.


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Hey team. So I had a complicated problem show up. As stated before this was going to be slow. So check back in a week. To see if things have started.

Check in the discussion and we start figuring out the this Party’s back story.

So we have
1. Omiros
2. Monk/Barbarian
3.Max Tris
4. Jadis Keres
5. Tinker.

Welcome into the game

Backstory will be apart of chapter 1.
So far I have for consideration
1. Monk/Barbarian
2. Max Tris
3. Jadis Keres
4. Tinker

So far I have for consideration
1. Monk/Barbarian
2. Max Tris
3. Jadis Keres

Awakened Animal is ok.

Friday is the cutoff.

So far I have
1. Monk/Barbarian
2. Max Tris

Let me put this back out there.
1. Duel Class
2. Free Arcatypes
3. Ancestry Paragon.

There is no real hard deadline as stated up from, this very laid back pbp game. I also want to stress that I have some challenges from RL, that may stop from posting everyday. I am also extending this type of grace to everyone. I am looking for 5 players, however i will work with who shows up.

@Lia yes I know there little more power however, because of the idea the AP. I think it’s appropriate.

I will be using the Q&A portion from the Player Guide, for those who are selected.

I figured legacy is good as remastered. Also up to uncommon. If it’s rare run it by me that’s all.

Ancestry paragon is on the table as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will get the info about the link.Also if your starting from scratch, I recommend that the Players guide be used or al least read. I will be offering some ideas for a common Nemesis for the group.

At the Higher Levels
You can have either the lump sum 3200 gp or
Permanent Level items
1. One at 10th
2. Two at 9th
3. 1 at 8th
4. Two at 7th
And 500 gp.

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Greetings Pathfinders,
I am recruiting for the Adventure Path Curtain Call. Now before you start posting. I need to be transparent. I do not have. Great track record of PBP games. I have some handicaps that get in my way as well spouse with special needs. So if willing to take a slow paced game approach. Then I am your guy.
The Application Process
Because this is 11 to 20 level AP. You can either use an existing character or draw up a new 11th level character. Characters need to be either Core or Legacy, only official books are used. Now I will offer free archetypes and duel classing.
use this chart for 11th level starting equipment etc .

Let me know what character’s story is.
I am looking for 5 players.

Are the Playtest scenarios for society a part of the Starfinder Society Society’ subscription?

Good stuff

It's all good bro!

The guard looks at the halfling and says My aide here . He points to a ragged looking human standing in the corner. He will take to our armory and see what you can get. As far getting to the Temple. You will need to out the tunnel and go east. The woods around river should provide you cover. I have been told that the Foes are stacked like this. He then bends down and draws a temple in the soot on the floor. He draws the river and the woods as well. He then says The force outside the temple is split into three groups. One (A) is battering at the front doors, another (B) is circling the temple in a screeching mob, and the third (C) is heaping burning straw against a rear door. You will need to figure out what to do this report is 12 minutes old. Please let me know when are ready
Vax & Ammon you guys have come across 15gp a piece.

Governor Nighthill then approaches, he looks weathered and tired. You can tell this gentleman has made hard calls this day. He clears his voice and then says
“I’d give anything to know what we’re up against, and why. For that, we need prisoners. A commander, even a low- ranking one, is best. I would hope you can provide us with that. [/b]
ready for you guys

The Guard comes to the group and says. i have just been told Dozens of townsfolk have barricaded themselves inside the temple to Chauntea, but raiders have it surrounded. The attackers tried setting fire to the stout structure but had little success. Now they’ve deployed an improvised battering ram. It’s only a matter of time, possibly minutes,before the temple’s main doors crumple under the assault, leaving the villagers inside helpless.
As each of you know from seeing the town.
The temple is a large building, made of fieldstone with a peaked slate roof, and square in shape. It is taller than most other buildings in town. Inside, the altar occupies the middle of the temple, with other worship areas arranged around it.
what do you guys want to do?

Yes Krash

No problem I will post later to give you room to rp.

Ren your in go ahead and post.

One of the upper ranking officers comes over to the halfling Thank you for any help. As reports come in from the town I will let you know what is needed. The group still has a moment before anything else happens.

I will make a post at least once a day or I will let 48 hours pass then move us forward from now on. I was in AFG when I started this game. At first I could post often but then life got complicated. I am extremly understanding if something pops up. I take a break on the weekends I also may post early one day and late on the next. Overall I am not too demanding and try to make this fun.

Cade looks over and says It is not my fault...you tiny.. Then he gets up to run to follow the others out. As Cade is running a nearby Stormtrooper manges to get a stun blast off on the old man. As Cade falls to the ground he yell Follow Zeb
The Door in the Spaceport slams shut. A weird looking Droid whistle and beeps. The droid and the girl make their way to a shuttle. The Larsan stops and lays down some cover fire. Thi is able to get the ship locked down but the Imperials between the ship and him. The Larsan says Get on our ship and we can help you or stay here.
What does the group want to do ? and yes the credits are coming in from the Black Sun because Cade works for them.

I like it when my Players try to help me keep things going on the games I DM on PbP.

Hey I made a post so just report in and we will get going.

The lone cleric and warlock wait to see what the Govenor will ask of them. Most of the group they had started out with have left after the last dangerous encounter with the Raiders. Vax takes the time to pray and Ammon is quite. The room is heavy as the cries of the wounded and dying are all around you. A young Soldier says I believe there are some more heroes here to help
Take the time to introduce yourself and RP. I will post more when the group is all here.

Guys sorry I was off the grid. Here is the link to game http://paizo.com/campaigns/ALHordeOfTheDragonQueen/gameplay&page=last
Also Natcha you have to take the starting gear. That was in the AL guide I will allow you to get stuff in a while. @daway and Rorek your in. I will post more tonight.

Vax I am back .

As the explosion goes off the blast pushes everyone to the ground. The Larsan looks over from around the corner. Sabine, that was a good blast, you got the Imps good. We need to help our guests here. Cade picks himself up and says What did you get us into? Sabine the young woman in the helmet the replies We are trying fight the Empire!
Cade says We are here for the Devorian. Not some grudge against the Empire.
A pause hangs in the air

No problem

As Thek goes over to the Larson. Taska walks up to the young helmeted woman.
Grab your friends and follow me the group follows and so does the Larsan. I would find a place to duck in a minute. The tall alien says. The mando helmeted girl then sprints ahead. There is a passage just ahead with a wall that will shield you.
everyone give me Dex Check or the appropriate skill DC 21

Let me check a few things.

Helrun go ahead.

I have Taska, Thi, and Helrun for players. I am thinking about opening it up I have not made up my mind yet.

Rorek no problem with a 3rd level. As far everyone else one you are ready let me know .

We are good.

Here I am .

Just let me know and we will roll with it.

The conversations between the heroes goes on as the ship lands. As the ship flies over Central city there are two star destroyers floating over the city. The ship lands in the space port and as the crew gets ready to leave.
Reeb looks over at the group. I hate to do this he says with a pause. Reeb stares at his feet. Cade walks over and places his hand on the young man shoulder.
I am leaving the group, I appreciate your help in freeing me from the Hutts. reeb continues. He looks to the group as he waits for them to say something.

Reeb is leaving sand I wanted to give him an exit. Please RP and give me perception check. DC 20

DC20 :

You notice a helmeted young woman. In the corner she is motioning to you.

less then 20:

The space port is filled with all sorts of humans and aliens. A tall lasan walking to exit on the left. There is something about him that draws you.

You can never go wrong with a dwarf!


Name: Cullen Zahn
Race: Bothan
Obligation: Favor
Background: Family favor gone wrong.
Career: Colonist (Politco)

Xp Spent: 100/100
Characteristics: Presence 40xp, Brawn 20xp,Charm 5xp, Deception 5xp, Leadership 10xp, ranged light 10xp, kill with kindness 5xp, toughened 5xp
Wound Threshold 14
Strain Threshold 13
Defense Melee 0, Ranged 0
Soak Value


Brawn 2,Agility 2, Intellect 2, Cunning 3, Willpower 2, Presence 3
Charm 2
Deception 2
Leadership 2
Street Smarts 1
Ranged light 1
Kill with Kindness

Combat Gear heavy clothing; Other Gear Backpack, Comlink, binders, restraining bolt
Money 0; Other Wealth None
Encumbrance 6/11
Begin with 1rank in Street Smarts

Made the update

Greetngs Potential Adventurers,
I am seeking heroes to stop the plots of the Dragon Cult. Will you help the Realms friend?
Draw up a 1st Level PC using the Adventure League rules. Those can be found Here or you can have a 2nd level PC if you have the sheet for it. The adventure began a while back and at this point I have two PC ready. I am looking for two to three more. The game will run by AL standards and I wi send you a sheet when finished. Application process will end on the 8/15/15.

So far we two PCs sweet!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Name: Cullen Zahn
Race: Bothan
Obligation: Favor
Background: Family favor gone wrong.
Career: Colonist (Politco)

Xp Spent: 100/100
Characteristics: Presence 40xp, Brawn 20xp,Charm 5xp, Deception 5xp, Leadership 10xp, ranged light 10xp, kill with kindness 5xp, toughened 5xp
Wound Threshold 14
Strain Threshold 13
Defense Melee 0, Ranged 0
Soak Value


Brawn 2,Agility 2, Intellect 2, Cunning 3, Willpower 2, Presence 4
Charm 2
Deception 2
Leadership 2
Street Smarts 1
Ranged light 1
Kill with Kindness

Combat Gear heavy clothing; Other Gear Backpack, Comlink, binders, restraining bolt
Money 0; Other Wealth None
Encumbrance 6/11
Begin with 1rank in Street Smarts

Fixed :Cullen uses words more.

Nope and I have not seen an email either. I think this thing is dead.

So what skills do you all recommend ?