
DM Ashman's page

1,479 posts. Alias of Trailjava.

Organized Play Characters

Grand Lodge Ib Brewleaf

Male Halfling Hp:11/11 AC:,19 Touch:14 , Flat Footed:16 Fort:3 Ref:5 Will: 0 Init:5 Per: 2 BAB: 1 CMD:16 CMB:3 Fighter (FC) / 1 (50 posts)

Silver Crusade Hekra Hawstorm

Male Tiefling Magus/1 AC:15,Touch: 12, Flat Footed:13 HP:9 Fort: 3 Ref: 2 Will: 3 Init + 6 BAB: 0 CMD: 12 CMB:1 (20 posts)
Lord Vardak
Scarab Sages Kyroden Hawkstorm

Male Half Elf {HP 18/18| AC12 | T12 | FF10 | Fort 5| Ref 4| Will 4 | CMD 12 | Init 3 | Per 7 Bonded Witch (Favored Class) 1 / Alchemist 2 (324 posts)
Silver Crusade Thanagar Hol

Male Half Orc | HP 10/10| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 3| Ref 1| Will 4 | CMD 13 | Init 5| Per 2 Inquisitor (FC)/1 (116 posts)

Vigilant Seal Nox Brewleafs
(0 posts)
Horizon Hunters Valros Brewleaf
(2 posts)

Horizon Hunters Vamdaal

Male Kobold (Spell Scale) Magus/1 (0 posts)

Envoy's Alliance Fynori Aldori

Perception: + 6 HP: 18 AC: 18, Fort + 6, Ref + 8, Will + 4 (0 posts)


Alandolf Razortree

Male Shifter Druid/1 (1 post)

Anathraxas Rockspeller

11/11 HP| AC 12 | Int +2 | Mov 25| Saves Int +5 Wis +2 (2 posts)
Cullen Zahn

Soak 2 (5 posts)
Darafane Leafheart

HP 39/39 AC 16 Int + 2 (14 posts)

Darfane Leafheart
(3 posts)
DM Ashman
(1,479 posts)
Red Dragon
Gix Redfey

Male Dragonborn/Warlock 1 Warlock/1| HP 9/9 | AC 12| Spd 30 | Init+1|STR +3| DEX + 1| CON +1| INT 0| WIS-1*| CHA +3*| Spells2/1 (22 posts)
Rich Diver
GM Ash
(274 posts)
Harash the gifted

Male Medusa Rogue / 2 HP 54/54 AC: 15 Touch:12 FF:13| BAB +6/+6Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6 (6 posts)
Market Patron
Silver Crusade Hekra Hawkstorm

Male Tiefling Magus/2 AC:16,Touch: 12, Flat Footed:13 HP:14 Fort: 4 Ref: 2 Will: 3 Init + 9 BAB: 0 CMD: 12 CMB:1 (210 posts)

Narration Voice
(10 posts)
Nox Brewleaf

HP 13/13| AC 13 Training 1-Healing Minor/2 Spells (14 posts)
Silver Crusade Silverpaw Hawkstorm

Male Catfolk Sorcerer/1 Destined (37 posts)
Rival Explorer
Thanagar Hal

Male Half Orc | HP 18/18| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 4| Ref 2| Will 5 | CMD 15 | Init 7| Per 5 Inquisitor (FC)/3 (4 posts)

Thantor Spelloak

Human Druid/1 (29 posts)
Spell Sovereign
Ziago Redfey

Male Elf HP 21/21| AC 11 |Int 1|Perc 2| Fort 2| Ref 2|Will 4 Wizard/5 (Universlist) (5 posts)

Ziago the Fey

HP:31/31 | AC 13 | Int +2 | Warlock/4 (20 posts)