
DDemon12's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Scarab Sages

Looking to fill a player spot for a weekly Saturday Morning group. Currently running the Second Darkness Adventure path, and meet at 9:30am, and play until around 2:30pm with a small break for lunch. Group of 4 seasoned players, two of which rotate DM, and a new player. Looking to add at least one more player.

Also willing to start another group up if there is enough interest.

Scarab Sages

So, We're looking for a long-term campaign, once a week (give-or-take). We've all been playing for a very long time and have always had to re-start characters around level 10 due to various reasons.

We've just got into the swing of things and got out party set how we wanted and hit level 3; but then, our DM had a very serious life situation come up and had to drop out. Our current meetups are Saturdays at 9:30 and we start at 10. We can also meet on Sunday mornings instead though.

Our party consists of: Barbarian-Magus-Wizard-Bard-Oracle (side note, we are an LE party, with party loyalty)

If we could not start our characters over it would be a blessing, and are game for any adventure. We had started the Second Darkness adventure path if it makes a difference.