
Cthulhu, Jr.'s page

17 posts (374 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 aliases.

Here be the discussion thread.

Welcome, Group #2, glad to have you. Enjoy your intro and be sure to post in Gameplay with your alias and your builup and arrival to the Odeon of Reflection in junction with the following Introduction. I will be posting the following guidelines and accoutrements in the Campaign Info section:

Posting Guidelines, Etiquette, Expectations, and Anatomy of Combat

As each of you enters the alleyway the coordinates led you to, you realize that you've never been here before and that the cartographers of town maps that had so adequately aided you in the past were completely unaware of this dank and isolated locale.

The cobblestone path beneath your feet reeks of urine and excrement while small clouds of flies buzz lazily around heaps of putrefying refuse. Not a soul in sight you step warily into this festering armpit in the great metropolis of Absalom.

At the far end of the alley stands a steel bound wooden door built at the base of a small, worn set of stone stairs. A wooden sign hangs haphazardly from a crooked nail in the door, the sign seemingly made from a piece of driftwood and bearing the words 'Ode...n o... Re...ecti...n'

Here be the discussion thread for the Group #1 Campaign.

Welcome, Group #1, glad to have you. Enjoy your intro and be sure to post in Gameplay with your alias and your buildup and arrival to the Odeon of Reflection in junction with the following Introduction. I will be posting the following guidelines and accoutrements in the Campaign Info section:

Posting Guidelines, Etiquette, Expectations, and Anatomy of Combat

As each of you enters the alleyway the coordinates led you to, you realize that you've never been here before and that the cartographers of town maps that had so adequately aided you in the past were completely unaware of this dank and isolated locale.

The cobblestone path beneath your feet reeks of urine and excrement while small clouds of flies buzz lazily around heaps of putrefying refuse. Not a soul in sight you step warily into this festering armpit in the great metropolis of Absalom.

At the far end of the alley stands a steel bound wooden door built at the base of a small, worn set of stone stairs. A wooden sign hangs haphazardly from a crooked nail in the door, the sign seemingly made from a piece of driftwood and bearing the words 'Ode...n o... Re...lecti...n'

Generations have passed since the Last Azlanti failed to return. The world of Golarion has since been wracked by pangs of the End Times and the Rough Beast threatens the world once again.

The deities gather to discuss the fate of the Rough Beast's prison and from among them a lone robed figure emerges, its identity unknown to much of the congregation and somehow invisible to their minds.

"The Rough Beast is but the final nail in our coffin,"the being's gravelly voice strange to the all-powerful entities,"There was one who had the potential to undo the horror you have brought upon us."

"Who dares to speak to the gods with such insolence?!" roars Gorum, already supremely upset about having to attend such a gathering.

"Indeed, how a mortal infiltrated such an illustrious affair is quite perplexing," Asmodeus' tone laced with sarcasm and clearly directed at Iomedae.

"Enough bickering, fools!" commands Iomedae eliciting a grin from Asmodeus and a grumble from Gorum,"Solivagus, your methods are too extreme, we cannot know for sure if such an approach would succeed."

"I understand, milady," responds the robed figure,"the powerful cling to their power until ripped from their dead hands."

"Is that a threat, mortal?!" Iomedae's tone is sharper and a strange resonance ripples outwards from her words.

"Of course not, Mistress of War, merely an observation," replies Solivagus smoothly.

"Astute," comments Asmodeus as he sips on a goblet of wine,"Your friend understands us all very well for a mortal."

"He's not my..." Iomedae turns to address Asmodeus and in a flash of light the cloaked figure vanishes,"...friend."

Character Creation:

# of Players: 5-7 (Possibly more than one group if we get enough applicants. 2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 3 DPS. One DPS must be a Caster and one must be a Rogue-like character.)
Starting Level: 9th
Ability Score Generation: 30pt Point Buy (Legendary Fantasy), 1st level scores cannot exceed 18 or drop below 10. You guys are tough and unique individuals with few weaknesses.
Traits: Three with a Fourth if a Drawback is taken.
Races Allowed: Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Aasimar, Tiefling, Changeling/Witcher(Custom-built Race), Dhampir, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Undine, Sylph, Gillmen, Suli, Skinwalker
Allowed Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard, Alchemist, Cavalier, Inquisitor, Oracle, Summoner, Witch, Gunslinger, and Magus (All archetypes must be of the allowed classes but any feats can be taken from any Paizo material so long as they do not deal with banned material.)
Allowed Alignments: Lawful Good, Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Lawful Evil, and Neutral Evil (Under no circumstances will Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil characters be allowed. Also, any evil characters must behave, unless they're keen on the party killing them.)
Pantheon: Core Deities
Alternative Rules: Adventuring/Background Skills, Called Shots, Commonplace Guns, Martial Gestalt (All players may gestalt the allowed classes but must choose a martially oriented class as half their gestalt: Fighter, Barbarian, Paladin, Cavalier, or Magus. This is to give everyone an edge in combat and boost to overall survival of the group.)
Starting Gear:
-One Weapon with a +2 general bonus and a +2 worth of enchantments
-One Set of Armor with a +2 general bonus and a +2 worth of enchantments
-One Masterwork Weapon
-One Masterwork Shield
-One Battle Injector (As a swift action apply the nozzle of the injector to a meaty area of the body like a thigh or buttocks. Upon the application of sufficient force of nozzle to contact area the hypodermic needle fires into the subject injecting a cocktail of curative potions. This heals 50% of the subject's total hit points, heals one instance of poison, one instance of disease, and one instance of a single magical ailment. The Injector requires a 24hrs period in order to regenerate the lost liquid. A subject cannot benefit from Battle Injectors more than once a day.)
-One Wondrous Item per Body Slot and Two Rings, all must be crafted with a caster level no higher than 9th. The item's resultant caster level is not the intended limitation. The caster level of the item's creator is the limitation. (Crafters, I'd advise you to not focus too heavily on crafting.)
-One Handy Haversack
-One set of Masterwork Artisan's Tools for a single craft. (Crafters may have additional sets of mundane Artisan's Tools for each of their crafts.)
-Up to 100gp of the following basic Alchemical Items: Tinder Twigs, Smokesticks, Tanglefoot Bags, Thunderstones, Alchemist's Fire, or Sunrods
-Up to 100gp of mundane Adventuring Gear. (This includes your clothing.)
-Players with enchanted Ranged Weapons gain the option of a magical Quiver, Quarrel, or Bandolier that can be used as their shoulder slot item. This ammunition container can hold up to 100 pieces of ammunition in an extradimensional space. 10 pieces of ammo are always appropriately visible and upon command as a swift action you may switch out up to 5 visible ammunition with specified ammunition held within the container.
-Players with enchanted Ranged Weapons have up to 100 pieces of their ammunition and may have up to 50 pieces be exotic in 10 piece increments.
-Players with mundane Ranged weapons have up to 50 pieces of their ammunition and may have up to 25 pieces be exotic in 5 piece increments.
-Players with enchanted Melee Weapons gain an Admantine Weapon Chain that functions as a Weapon Cord but with 25hp and DR 10/-.

NEW RACE: Witcher:

When a Hag breeds with a human the result in almost invariably a Changeling, a female human-like creature that eventually evolves into a Hag.

Occasionally, approximately 1 out of every 1,000 births a Hag gives birth to twins. One is always female and the other a male. This aberration of hag/human blood has a bizarre effect on the mother as she wanders mindlessly into the wilderness and deposits the newborn male far from her and civilization. This clearly leads to the inevitable death of most Witchers before they can fully realize their potential.

Those that do survive become fierce slayers of all manner of horrors and monstrous creatures, many concealing their origins or never aware of them at all. The only being capable of identifying a Witcher is his twin sister who has a strange link with him. The presence of a Witcher with a Changeling is profound causing her hag abilities to be suppressed and the urges to fade.

Type: Humanoid(Witcher)
Size: Medium
Speed: 40ft
Senses: Lowlight Vision
Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, and -2 Charisma. Witchers are strong and fast but gruff and taciturn.
Languages: Witchers begin play speaking the primary language of their host society and Common. Witchers who have high Intelligence scores can choose from among the following bonus languages: Aklo, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, and Orc.
Weapon Familiarity-Bastard Swords and All Repeating Crossbows: Witchers are highly adept with repeating crossbows and favor their utility while the versatility of the bastard sword appeals to their sensibilities.
Greater Spell Resistance: Witchers gain spell resistance equal to 11 + their character level. Their strange origin belies a resistance to magic in all its forms.
Resistant: Witchers gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and poison. Some scholars argue that the natural compulsory effects of their birth lend Witchers greater resilience to mind-magic and their resultant wilderness sojourns increase their body's resistance to poisons.


-An additional +2 to any ability score, cannot affect the same score, Taking alternative racial features negates this benefit.
-BONUS FEAT: Skill Focus

-+2 Dexterity and -2 Constitution

-+2 Strength and -2 Charisma


-All Allowed Races gain the Humans' Skilled Racial Trait, Humans that opt for a replacement racial features do not keep Skilled.

Alright, so, I need everyone from TheIronGiant6's post to call a slot and build their alias via the above guidelines. Anyone aiming for a competing slot, don't be forlorn for I would like to run parallel groups and you'll be first pick for such an event.

Everyone else, feel free to request a slot and build an alias. I'll do my best to accommodate you in time.

Have chunk of the material and would like to play a Machinesmith.

Are there any NeoExodus GMs out there?