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Hey All,
Druids of course can hunt to eat.
How about just hunting animals for pelts for income? Can I use Call Animal to get a Deer to come to my goblin and his dino companion so they can eat it?
I see a lot of post calling them un-flavorful among other things.
Arcanist: Honestly this is always what I've imagined casters being like.
Bloodrager: Great fluff potential and awesome abilities. I love how it works. Brawler: Finally! A good unarmed class that doesn't require you to be lawful. TY PAIZO. Hunter: Reminds me more of the WoW hunter. Your animal companion now does some nifty things. Investigator: Thank you for this... I really didn't want to multi-class just so I could make poisons worthwhile with concentrate poison. Great fluff as well. Shaman: Exactly what a shaman should be like. I never liked the dr00d shaman archetypes. This is a definite better fit. Skald: My absolute favorite of the lot. I can now have my heavy metal bard who starts mosh pits! Going to have so much fun with this guy. Slayer: What every ranged rogue dreams of being. Swashbuckler: My least favorite of the lot but has potential for lots of flavor. Reminds me of Cary Elwes (the man in black) from the Princess Bride. Warpriest: Divine version of magus? Yes plz, I'll take that. Better buffs and all the goodies of a cleric. Now, I don't see why so many people are so negative about it all.
Feedback for the small things in the book that need to be fixed. Issue #1:
Issue #2:
Issue #3: Similar to #2 except regarding archetypes. I don't know of any off-hand but I am sure a few archetypes could qualify since these hybrid classes have some of the original class abilities (ie arcanist looks like it would have a few). If they aren't allowed, a simple wording on it would be appreciated so it could be official. It helps to stop the debate before it starts. I'll update as I find things, just wanted to get the thread started.
So lately I've been running an ogrekin fighter and have the Quick at Hand ogre feat from the ogre listing in the beastiary. ( http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/giants/ogre ) I've taken a liking to using a rope with 3 bear traps tied to the end. Each has its own length of 5ft rope tied to the main rope. However I am trying to figure out how to get this to actually work as a ranged weapon and the mechanics of it. On top of that I am trying to figure out any way to improve the bear traps and rope so it can somewhat scale so it doesn't start to suck in the next few levels. I don't really care for the damage, I just want it to snap at people it hits so I can drag them towards me/the party. Also to perhaps throw them at a square so it can snap on people walking over it. If you have any ideas on how I could get this to functionally work or a half decent house ruling on it, that would be great. Also anything about getting the rope or bear traps better. ![]()
After looking over this feat chain for a two-handed fighter I am working on..I have some issues believing its worthwhile for them.
Is it really worth it for 2 handed weapon fighters? I am doing a crit/sunder build on mine but...
So I was reading through the magic item creation rules. It seems the only requirement set in stone is needing the feat to make the item.
In either case we can use magic vestment for example, dc 5+caster level+5 for not meeting the caster level requirement.
Alchemist cover quite a variety roles depending how you build or specialize and as such I think they deserve a bit more content, even a full on book dedicated to them. They need more than one prestige class. That being said the master chymist could use some tweaking. Unless you are straight bestomorph alchemist and looking for longer durations or more uses of mutagens per day, the master chymist offers nothing else. You stand to lose to much from the lack of discoveries and class abilities. I understand it could be considered a "flavor" class but it kind of saddening its the only alchemist one available.
So with that yes, more prestige classes and master chymist tweaking. Next up is the actual use of craft alchemy.
They also need a lot of rule clarification with them as well..just saying. I have more things in mind but I am sure you get the idea. Alchemist have a large variety of roles and as such they need the content to back it up so we can utilize them properly. I don't want to be limited to melee or bomb chucka' ![]()
I blame druids for all the weird crap in the pathfinder world. Especially bored/rich high level druids... ie:
Lesson learned..druids that randomly awaken things are dicks. Also so are camels. ![]()
Is the master chymist the only alchemist prestige class that exist? Seems they are really lacking in this area.
As for any other type of alchemist it really doesn't seem worth it. ![]()
I am trying to find some rules on how far I can throw an object.
So I am playing a half-ogre fighter for a campaign and I want to make sure this feat build looks good. 1: Weapon Focus: Falchion, Power Attack
The problem I am currently facing is getting these feats in the right order to maximize my damage as I go along.
This is a topic of some concern for me and I came here to get your opinions on the matter. Perhaps even an official ruling. This is in regards to Inert Mutagens for Alchemist. " It takes 1 hour to brew a dose of mutagen, and once brewed, it remains potent until used. An alchemist can only maintain one dose of mutagen at a time—if he brews a second dose, any existing mutagen becomes inert. As with an extract or bomb, a mutagen that is not in an alchemist’s possession becomes inert until an alchemist picks it up again." Ok, with this RAW it would imply you can make a bunch of mutagens and pass them on to a party member to hold for you.
Now there is the matter of the Infuse Mutagen Discovery. Which reads: "This inflicts 2 points of Intelligence damage to the alchemist and costs 1,000 gp in rare reagents, but the mutagen created persists on its own and is not rendered inert if the alchemist creates another mutagen. This allows an alchemist to create different types of mutagens and keep them handy for emergencies. This does not allow an alchemist to gain the effects of multiple mutagens—only the most recently imbibed mutagen has any effect." The RAW on this lets you have more than one mutagen actively available to you and different types for that matter as an emergency. So overall reading it as RAW, you can either use another mutagen but have to get it from your teammate which could take a few actions (if this happens in combat) or for the low cost of 1000gp and some int you can have more than one mutagen and a different kind of mutagen for that matter for certain situations. As for RAI..yes it can also be seen as 1 mutagen period and it takes you an hour to make another. I've seen this debate go both ways.
In my opinion the RAW form is broken and the RAI form is underpowered with it being a 1 hour craft time and infuse mutagen is to expensive to consistently be useful.
Either way, RAW or RAI? Or if you know of a link to some official ruling that would be even better. ![]()
I am about to do a campaign in a few days playing as goblin alchemist with the bestmorph archetype. I am fairly concerned about my mutagen usage but I've noticed some odd wording and was wanting some clarification. "An alchemist can only maintain one dose of mutagen at a time—if he brews a second dose, any existing mutagen becomes inert. As with an extract or bomb, a mutagen that is not in an alchemist’s possession becomes inert until an alchemist picks it up again." So this being said, Can I have more than one feral mutagen brewed but have it inert until the other one is used up? Or seeing how it says in possession, could I potentially give it to a teammate and have him hold on to the extra until I use it? I did notice the infuse mutagen discovery but was wondering if that was meant to apply to other types of mutagens due to this wording in it.
Now for the second matter I was concerned about with a beastmorph alchemist.
Clarification here would be great! Just trying to get things straight before I run this character. ![]()
So I am new to these boards still and was trying to find where to post this. My guess is here? In any case, I play with my friends via use of messenger and ventrilo. However they are often busy so I am wondering, how would I go about trying to find people to play with online via messenger/voice chat? I don't see a specific forum for it here and tangledweb has few pathfinder games and wants the use of maptools. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! ![]()
I know I've been pestering yall with some rule clarifications lately but my friends and I just switched over to Pathfinder recently.
Mummification states "The alchemist’s type does not change, but he becomes immune to cold, nonlethal damage, paralysis, and sleep." Does a mummified alchemist sleep? I know by being immune to sleep he refers to the spell but I just want to be sure upon this. I ask this because normally it would state something along the lines of "Immune: magic sleep effects" not just "Sleep" Also as a side question, is there not a level adjustment anymore for certain races as pc's? I was looking over drow and some others and can't seem to find a level adjustment anywhere. ![]()
Was looking at this, http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison#TOC-How-does-poiso n-work
So I am working on a goblin alchemist for a friends campaign and noticed something.
Would a Extended Mage Armor potion stack with my alchemist Extend Potion discovery?