Corneleus Theophyllus Idaho's page

5 posts. Organized Play character for Corneleus Idaho.


Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 ***

CRobledo wrote:
Corneleus Theophyllus Idaho wrote:
There is something that I am confused about regarding running Thornkeep for Pathfinder Society. How much xp and prestige are rendered unto the PCs upon completion of each dungeon level? There arent anyy faction missions or anything.
They are treated like a module. 3xp and 4pp. No faction missions. No Dayjob roll.

Thanks, CRobledo. The only reason I asked is because most of the 3xp-4pp modules that I have been reading are mult-session modules. I was hoping that there would be a happy medium for this case since that means my players will be advancing quite quickly this sunday when I throw them into first three levels this week during a marathon session. The party should be prime to start up the Shattered Star the following week, having faced Nhur Athamon's collection of horrors.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 ***

There is something that I am confused about regarding running Thornkeep for Pathfinder Society. How much xp and prestige are rendered unto the PCs upon completion of each dungeon level? There arent anyy faction missions or anything.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 ***

And thank you for the advice, Rene. :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 ***

Yes, I did look into that. It happens to be the same weekend as Anime USA, unfortunately. Anyway, I'm trying to start something up that is ongoing. I'm already a part of a group on Oakland that meets weekly (Sunday). Monday is more convenient with my schedule so I wanted to trying and drum up some interest.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 ***

I was interested in starting up a home game in Pittsburgh, PA and was looking for potential players. Probably running Pathfinder Society, though I may consider World's Largest Dungeon or some other module, or even home brew adventures. Monday nights in the Pittsburgh/Oakland area.
