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Corneleus Idaho's page

Goblin Squad Member. ****** Venture-Lieutenant, Pennsylvania—Pittsburgh 105 posts (110 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 33 Organized Play characters.


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Lantern Lodge

This question has still yet to be answered.

In the Patron Element description "rather than selecting a standard patron and gaining patron spells, the witch selects a specific kineticist element"
then at the end of the description "This ability alters the witch’s familiar and replaces the witch’s 1st-level hex.
The witch's familiar is not replaced or altered in any way. Yet, according to the closing rule, the ability does not replace or alter patron spells, which is contrary to what is written in the description. So that would imply that the witch still gets her patron spells.

Lantern Lodge

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I wanted to bring this up again since in the last playtest I brought up the notion of making an Ooze summoner that received alchemy extracts instead of a spell discipline. Now that the inventor has the option of a new pet class with a completely tech based minion that he has partial control over. I propose a version of the inventor that focuses on animating chemical compounds that gets a small ooze as a companion. It would work much in the same way as the Construct companion having its own form of overdrive that causes the ooze to destabilize and explode, likely dealing acid damage instead of fire. It would gain its own unique breakthroughs such as splitting, id intellect, morphic transformation into animals or objects. At higher levels it could even get transparency, paralysis, and engulf. Imagine coming into town riding into the alchemy exhibition astride gelatinous cube? You'd be the belle of the ball.

Lantern Lodge

Books like this make the reputation system a little more manageable. Hopefully this will lead to follow up books. Perhaps an in-depth look into the Aspis Consortium?

Lantern Lodge

Kalaam wrote:

Just make SpellStrike a free metamagic that makes you replace the somatic component of an attack spell by a Strike, and use that single roll for the results. It's simpler to understand, more streamlined and it won't slow down the table as much.


Also please explain what you mean by "MAP".

Lantern Lodge

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I don't see the need to make roll two attack rolls. If the weapon attack hits, the spell should hit. The spell is in the weapon when it hits. How would the spell miss when its point of origin is inside the target?

Lantern Lodge

To be honest, I haven't been able to play an alchemist yet (T_T forever GM)so I don't have a full grasp on the mechanics. In first edition, preparing a spell and preparing a formula were 1-1 in power levels so you could easily trade them off for most archetypes. With 2e, anyone can do what the Alchemist does as long as the have the skill, the Alchemist just does it faster. And ever since the Core Rulebook there really hasn't been any great leaps forward with alchemy unless you count Hobgoblins.
It's true that the idea may be a bit much for a class that is just budding, so your criticism is warranted. Printing logistics aside, recapitulate aforementioned inquiries?

Lantern Lodge

Striking spell just doesn't have the feel of the 1e version. He is very It feels a little stoic, like the fighter. The old magus had a bit more flare. Here's an idea! The sliding magus has a few abilities that make it act like the swashbuckler (requiring 1 hand free) perhaps if it had some feats with the finishing or flourish traits that involved channeling spells. Might make it flavor a little more like its own class, rather than a fighter with wizard dedication?

Lantern Lodge

After reviewing the summoner a bit I had an idea. Actually, this was an idea I've had since 1e summoner, but I have a feeling it might work better with 2e.
Since the Summoner's spell list is dependent on which Eidelon they choose, I was thinking it would be neat to have a Summoner that was specialized in Alchemy that could summon oozes. The ooze eidelon produces a limited supply of goop every day that can be used to spontaneously mix regents into alchemical items. The Alchemist would still be able to prepare more ahead of time. Both classes would have access to the Summon Ooze I-IX formulas. Maybe they can get level 10 Summon ooze as a grand discovery (if the summoner can even get it at all since they don't have level 10 spells).

I also considered the Humuculus as another option for the Alchemy Summoner, but the play test seems to consider constructs more appropriate for arcane magic. They would have to add Summon Construct on their formula list.

Let me know what you think? Could this idea work? What changes would you make? Most importantly, would it be fun to play A Boy and His Blob?

Lantern Lodge

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I find myself extremely underwhelmed by the Magus's Striking Spell. It fails to be anywhere near as amazing as 1e Spell Strike and Spell Combat combined. Meanwhile, where Flurry of blows decreases two attacks to a single action and Double Slice negates the multi attack penalty fighting with two weapons, Striking spell doesn't feel any different than a normal wizard casting a spell and striking in the same round. Where 1e sacrificed a touch attack for the chance to get 15-20 crit range or x3 crit multiplier on a spell combined with the appropriate weapon damage in addition to strength, 2e requires you to attempt to attack twice. You need to have enough strength or dex to be able to hit the target and you need enough intelligence so you can also hit the target with the spell. Even if you do score a crit, there is a chance of not critting with the spell. Ultimately it makes spell casting less effective. I swear, if a player ever tries to cast magic missile into their sword they are dead to me.

Lantern Lodge

So if your Eidelon is immune to fire and rolls a nat 20 on his save vs a fireball, but you riding on his back rolls a nat 1, you are both taking double damage? Thanks, I hate it.

Also, I'm a bit confused why they would include "healing" in the description, too? You don't save for healing spells and resistance doesn't apply.

Lantern Lodge

Blave wrote:

Yes, you can choose Magic Missile to use with Striking Spell.

No, Magic Missile doesn't have a Critical Success line in its description. So you can't crit with it. Or maybe you can but it wouldn't change its damage.

You can use any number of actions to cast a spell with Spell Strike. You don't even need to be hasted for the 3-action version since you can use one round to charge the weapon and hit the enemy in the next round.

Wait, that sounds like a terrible tactic. If the opponent sees you charging the spell he can just move away and the spell will discharge at the end of your next turn. Benefit Shooting Star and Slide Caster, but the Sustaining Steel would likely be armored down and too slow to catch up.

The description of the ability is rather confusing. It lists Strike Spell as a Free action, but it is really 3 separate actions.

0- Metamagic Action
Varied action (usually 2 actions)- Casting A Spell Action
1- Attack action

Then the last two actions are rolled in reverse, because you have to hit with the weapon for the spell to go off.

In the end, casting a spell and hitting would be the same effort. The only difference is the attack penalty is removed.

Since the goal is to put it on par with Double Strike and Flurry of Blows, it would stand to say that making Spell Strike a 2 action attack would move things along in combat. In essence, it would function like ...
I lost my train of thought. My point is, it's a little complicated and it should be defined simply and decisively to avoid confusion or loopholes.

Lantern Lodge

Okay. I follow.

Lantern Lodge

I can totally see ways to get around it in the same way a Ysoki can smuggle larger objects in his cheek pouches.
But that still extends drawing your signature Magus weapon to 2 actions. Plus it's the aesthetic factor.

Picture the battle with Evil X #4. Roxie just drew her bladed scarf. Ramona reaches into her messenger bag and pulls out a giant hammer. It just wouldn't be as epic is she didn't pull out a huge hammer.
(Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware that her messenger bag is a bag of holding. How else is she going to fit Scott Pilgrim in there?)

It is really the principle of the matter. The Magus is only ever going to store 1 weapon in that space ever. I would even call it fair to restrict the spirit sheath to a single weapon chosen at the time the feat is taken, just so she can't use it to smuggle a Reduce Personed new, new boyfriend.

Lantern Lodge

For Striking Spell, it says "If your next action is to Cast a Spell that can target one creature or object, instead of casting as normal, you place its magic into one melee weapon you’re wielding or into your body to use with an unarmed attack."

Does that mean you choose to cast magic missile through your strike since it also targets 1 creature?

If so does that mean if the strike crits than the magic missile auto-crits since you don't roll attack or saving throw for that spell.

Also, do you just cast the 1 missile or can you charge it with both with the 2 action missile (or 3 if hasted)?

Lantern Lodge

There is a slight problem with the Spirit Sheath ability. It says the spirit sheath may only hold one weapon at a time and the weapon must be 1 Bulk or less.

What good is Hammer Space if she can't store her Maul in her purse? And don't try to say that wasn't what what you were going for because I KNOW you are lying!

Increase the storage to 2 Bulk or less. That's all we are asking.

Lantern Lodge

Of all classes, I would hope that Swashbuckler would be the one that can disarm a weapon, catch it out of the air with his off hand, and hold both swords crossed at his opponent's throat as a single action. If you must break it up into three actions, I would say "Disarm. Catch. Finisher." Maybe she would have an ability that gives her a critical success when she gets a success on a disarm check?

Overall Disarm was pretty underpowered in 2e, which I kind of liked. It fits with the action system. It is something that everyone can do if they are trained in the skill, but no one does it so well that they completely cripple a melee fighter in one action. These techniques could easily fit in the Fencer's style. It doesn't need its own option.

Lantern Lodge

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In PF1e, the Prehensile Hair hex accomplished this pretty effectively, at least for touch spells at 10 ft. For my witch, that was just far enough so the fighter could be between me and the target.

Living Hair is severely underpowered in that regard. I would have hoped they would at least used Spell Attack and DC for the hair in place of normal attack.

But my point is, Living Hair should have some upgrades at higher levels to allow it to creep further out to attack, grapple, and deliver touch spells.

Lantern Lodge

Are the playtest classes legal for Pathfinder Society Play?

Lantern Lodge

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This one sparked a rather heated OOC argument at our local gaming shop. You would think everyone would relate to crippling student dept. Enter devotee of Abadar (otherwise known as Business Major)

Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Pennsylvania—Pittsburgh

Christian Dragos wrote:
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:

I notice the first obstacle talks about orcs trying to slow down the party. But the reaver kills the last orc when the party arrives. Was the first entry left over from previous versions where some of the orc party survives?

Running this tonight and I'm wondering about this too. I'm assuming the set of orcs that just got wiped out by the creature are Urich's band.

I'll have the bad orcs appear on the scene the same time the PCs do. Both parties are caught unawares to see each other. Both groups see the beast roar and get ready to charge like a bull readying to charge a matador. I'll then have the creature give chase to both parties.

I was going to have the orcs appear on the scene and have the party role initiative (acting like this is going to be the combat.) Then when the orcs miraculously win initiative, they run right past the party at breakneck speed. Only the last orc is lagging behind. "The orcs pass you with a look of utter terror on their faces paying you absolutely no mind. There's something wrong... You hear a booming sound echoing through off the abandoned buildings... boom... boom... suddenly-" slam Red Reaver on the table. "IT'S THE RED REAVER!" pause for reaction from players. "The last orc scrambles to get away, but the red menace's claws are too fast. In one swift motion the orc is plucked off his feet and rent in twei like a party cracker on Christmas. Hurling the lower half into the lake, the massive ape sinks jaws into the still screaming orc. Blood dripping from its maw, it has now set its sights on you..." look at top of initiative order and look sternly at the next player in order. "You're up? Think about your next move very carefully. You can either stay and die OR you may only have to run faster than those orcs to survive this encounter. Your choice."

If someone insists "I'm gonna fight it!"
"Okay..roll me a knowledge check." Do not wait for answer after he rolls d20. "Oh, it's it a natural 20? Yeah, you fail. Oh, yeah, those pesky MYTHIC RANKS are always hard to-I mean, what was your attack roll (don't bother you missed) Now it's his turn again."

Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Pennsylvania—Pittsburgh

Mike Bramnik wrote:

Edit: I found two more minor things regarding Uirch (which might matter since he is part of the 4 player adjustment). His class level (and stat block) suggest that he should only be able to use Fervor for 3d6, but the text on page 14 says 4d6. Also, he has the feat Believer's Boon, but that boon/domain is not listed.

Edit, the last: I'm guessing the answer is no, but are there any 4-player adjustments for the optional encounters?

Thanks again!

1. 3d6 for a warpriest at level 10. He doesn't have any items that increase that nor any empowered channeling, so it must be a typo.

2. Fire or Glory Domain? It would be the same as his blessings. The way the character is built, I would say he has seen some time as a PC. His abilities aren't typical for an NPC. This is purely speculation.

3. I would assume this is a chance to be creative. Switch up the group size numbers to fit the play style. I'm going to assume there is at least one room where the orcs have designated a sleep area, so PCs will come in on them either sleeping or just waking up hearing the door creak. Starting from prone with weapons on the floor could suffice for a 4 player adjustment. Again, this is my opinion.

Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Pennsylvania—Pittsburgh

I wanted to point out that both sets of stats list the Red Reaver as having 10 ft space and 10 ft reach in spire of having the Giant Template (the rest of its stats seem to check out).

Also, I'm not sure why the orcs are taking such a steep penalty for using their nets in combat. They are all listen as having weapon focus regardless of tier.

Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Pennsylvania—Pittsburgh

Dark Deed wrote:


Aquatic Elf/Gilmen/Merfolk


I have an Aasimar boon. I need a ratfolk boon to unlock the mermaid boon.

Lantern Lodge

I agree. It needs some tweaking. It is also a feat that literally has no benefit by itself. With the half-elf and half-orc hertiage feats, you at least gain two benefits from your parent race. It would stand to reason that taking this feat would at least give you one non-biological heritage feat. (The Adopted Trait from 1e gave you a free trait from your adopted race.) A human raised by halflings could have some of their luck rubbed off on her. A dwarf raised by gnomes might have picked up an animal friend that has followed him into his adulthood. Picking these abilities up at 5th level seems empty and you have to spend an additional general feat to gain access to an ability that is mostly for flavor and story.

Bottom line, this feat should be a Heritage Feat that any race can take in addition to giving you access to the heritage feats, it should give you the language of your adopted race (the obvious one) and maybe also trained in one related skill, kind of like how Half-Elf and Half-Orc Heritage Feats are set up. Otherwise, I think they should just give you a free Heritage feat from your adopted race right off the bat. Otherwise, what is the point?

Lantern Lodge

Absolutely astounding adventure!

I love the Twenty-Four Masks. I hope they release campaign setting content based on the organization. I have two characters that would be perfect for this group of masked guardians. Maybe a prestige class or a vigilante or samurai archetype?

Lantern Lodge

Alternatively, take Dirty Fighting as in place of the prerequisite for Improved Grapple and your Eidelon will not have to waste the feat and your grapple becomes even more effective while it is flanking with you or an ally.

Edit: It did not escape me that this thread was created long before the Dirty Tactics supplement was released. Yet, the question is still relevant.

Lantern Lodge

zza ni wrote:
By saying she does not pick a patron and get patron spells it changes the familiar.

Here is where I have a problem with this answer: Dreamweaver, Seawitch, Mountain Witch, Winter Witch, and Dimensional Occultist all trade out spells given by their patron and there is no indication that this alters the Witch's familiar (even the Winter Witch who has a limited selection of familiars doesn't have the corresponding "This alter's the witch's familiar" text)

There may be others. As counterpoint, I did find that Alley Witch also follows the format of the Havocker (stating that altering the patron spells alters the familiar) but other than that, the trade-offs for witch archetypes seem inconsistent. When you look at the Oracle, the bonus spells that she receives from her mystery almost always alters her bonus spells-(looks again)- actually, that seems to be pretty inconsistent, too. hrmm...

Lantern Lodge

The issue is not power level. The slumber/controller witch will always be queen. The issue I am running into is stacking this archetype with the Wyrmwitch archetype. Mechanically, the build is nothing special. Aesthetically, you have a witch that acts like a dragon and even has a corresponding "breath weapon" to back that up.

The only thing that is keeping the two from stacking is one line of text that says the witch's familiar is changed for both archetypes.

Lantern Lodge

I really could use some help clarifying the wording of a particular supplement. The Magic Tactics Toolbox included a new archetype for the witch called the Havocker, which at face value seems to be the heel to the hex healer (pun intended) trading hexes for kinetic blasting power. Upon first glance it seemed pretty balanced. Take away hexes, get kinetic blast, and every few levels get a new form blast. Not as powerful as kineticist, but with the proper application of feats and spells, could be more diverse.
Going through the wording, however, it seems you not only lose your hexes, but your familiar is altered. Yet, it doesn't say how it is altered within the text.


Patron Element: A havocker’s patron grants her the ability to devastate her foes with a specific element. At 1st level, rather than selecting a standard patron and gaining patron spells, the witch selects a specific kineticist element, which represents the shadowy forces from which she gains her familiar and class powers. The havocker gains the elemental focus and kinetic blast class features with the associated element, using her witch level as her effective kineticist level. If the havocker takes levels in another class that grants an elemental focus, the elemental focuses must be the same type, even if that means that the elemental focus of one of the classes must change. Subject to GM discretion, the havocker can change her former elemental focus to make them conform.

This ability alters the witch’s familiar and replaces the witch’s 1st-level hex.

The format for archetypes always includes a very clear description of what is being replaced at the bottom of the class ability's description. The name of the class ability would seem to imply that the witch's patron was being replaced by the element, but the line (bold-ed) above in the text impies the familiar is trading out abilities in this archetype. So what is different about the Havocker's familiar? Is it like the Winter Witch who may only choose a familiar that is comfortable with her chosen element? Does the witch, in choosing an element as her patron, not get a familiar? If so, where does she keep the spells she knows and how does she learn new ones? Did the author mean to write "This ability replaces the witch's patron" or "This ability replaces the witch's familiar" and clerical errors occurred before print?

These are all theories, of course. I would really like to attempt this archetype, but before I put an emotional investment into this character I want to make sure I have covered all my bases so I can play without fear of rule-lawyering.
Infernal is a precise and deliberate language and hell hath no fury like a pathfinder scorn'd.

Lantern Lodge

I meant no disrespect. I was just being thorough. I understand things get backed up for big events.

Lantern Lodge

Okay, so post here for GenCon because it is confirmed done reporting, but don't post here because it is not done reporting. Nice and confusing. So, here is what I'm missing.

Event Name : GenCon 2017
Scenario Name : Silent Tide (0-01)
Date Played : 8/17/2017
Character # : 53891 (GM)
Session # (if available): unknown (Thursday Afternoon)

Event Name : GenCon 2017
Scenario Name : The Cost of Enlightenment (9-01)
Date Played : 8/17/2017
Character # : 53891 (GM)
Session # (if available): unknown (Thursday Evening)

Event Name : GenCon 2017
Scenario Name : Silent Tide (0-01)
Date Played : 8/18/2017
Character # : 53891 (GM)
Session # (if available): unknown (Friday Afternoon)

Event Name : GenCon 2017
Scenario Name : Assult on Absolom (9-00)
Date Played : 8/18/2017
Character # : 53891 (GM)
Session # (if available): unknown (Friday PM)

Event Name : GenCon 2017
Scenario Name : The Cost of Enlightenment (9-01)
Date Played : 8/19/2017
Character # : 53891 (GM)
Session # (if available): unknown (Saturday Afternoon)

Lantern Lodge

Please cancel Order 4416892, Arcane Library Flipmat. It will not arrive in time for me to use it. Thank you

Lantern Lodge

I would also like to cancel my subscription to Pathfinder Adventure Path. If I can I would like to just change it to Pathfinder Player Companion.

Lantern Lodge

Order #4265714 was a mistake. Please cancel this order.

Lantern Lodge

Okay, giving it the benefit of doubt, I gave the scenario a run through and it was not a disappointment. I took a few liberties in the execution, but the players seemed to like the end result.

The adventure gets off to a rocky start. I tried to give the players an actual interrogation with the border patrol rather than trying to bombard them with guilt of racial heritage (wtf is that?). Dunno how you are supposed to get players to Bluff. After that non-combat and clue hunt, the players were itching for combat and had yet to attract any attention. As such, they maintained the element of surprise against the midboss. He and his cronies were dispatched quickly. The one thing that kept their interest was the unique descriptions of the plane of air. Visual aids helped in the clue hunt. A few printouts of plane touched races that I found on a google search to give the pcs a face to talk to.
In the final battle, the party was severely lacking in range, and seemed to be reluctant to try to utilize the directional gravity. The boss has invisibility, so I changed the tactics a bit and had him sneak up on the fighter with a whirlwind and then drop him over the edge. Forced to fall into the deep end, the players saw how simple it was to swim and the fight evolved into three dimensional combat that lasted quite a while. Much longer than part two where the combat lasted about 2 rounds.

Lantern Lodge

Question regarding chronicle. Trying to keep it spoiler free, but I guess I'll just cover up just to be safe.

Kronikle ErrOR:
Regarding the chronicle I noticed something. Omitting spoilers, the line of the chronicle reads: "You may check the box that precedes this boon when purchasing the (spoiler thing) to reduce the item’s cost by to 16,000 gp (this does not stack with other discounts)."

Obviously, I see the "by to" was a typo. The item is either reduced BY 16,000 gp (making is 4,000 gp which is a steal) or TO 16,000 gp (making it 16,000 gp, which is still a pretty good discount). Just wanted to get confirmation on this.

Lantern Lodge

Corneleus Idaho wrote:

There is far to little Lem in this thread!

** spoiler omitted **...

I totally Forgot to site my sources.:

Antagonize- Ultimate Magic
Court Bard ArchetypeAdvanced Player's Guide
Taunt- Advanced Player's Guide
Grim Optimism- Pathfinder Player Companion: Quests & Campaigns
Craven- Advanced Race Guide
Human Shadow- Inner Sea Races

Also, I realize Evil Lem would be much better suited as a Lawful Evil character with the "Good Slip" trait instead of "Erratic Malfactor" based on the backstory. I would have fixed this a couple weeks ago, but it's been a busy month.

Lantern Lodge

Mangenorn wrote:
Well, turns out my build doesn't work for the lack of hit dice, a vampire needs 5.

Vampire Spawn can be just as evil and brooding.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Iconic Zaged wrote:
Lamontius wrote:
Iconic Zaged forgives you
Don't put words in my mouth.

God, I love this community!

Lantern Lodge

Yeah. Unless you mix in some npc class levels.

Lantern Lodge

There is far to little Lem in this thread!


XP 1,200
Halfling bard (court bard) 4
CE small humanoid (halfling)
Init +6; Senses Perception +5
----- Defense -----
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size)
hp 31 (4d8+8)
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +4, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, and sonic; -2 vs. fear
----- Offense -----
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 halfling slingstaff +4 (1d6)
Ranged +1 halfling slingstaff +8 (1d6/x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks bardic performance 14 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate, mockery -2, satire -1)
Bard Spells (CL 4th; concentration +8)
2nd (2/day) — invisibility, reckless infatuation (DC 16)
1st (4/day) — lesser confusion (DC 15), hideous laughter (DC 15), cause fear (DC15), ventriloquism
0 (at will) — dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound (DC 14), lullaby, mage hand, summon instrument
----- Tactics -----
Before Combat Lem tries to avoid combat whenever possible preferring to subtly manipulate his attackers. If battle is inevidable, Lem casts invisibility and hides behind the nearest human ally. Even if no humans are present in the party, Lem is never far from an Aristocrat or Warrior guard that he has swayed with reckless infatuation 2-4 days before hand.
During Combat Lem begins his bardic performance, using satire to debuff his enemies. He uses ventriloquism to antagonize his enemies, forcing them to attack empty squares, objects, or even other enemies. Afterwards he confounds his foes with hideous laughter and lesser confusion. He will Taunt creatures immune to his language dependant effects and cast cause fear before firing his slingstaff from the cover of his human shield.
Morale If reduced to 10 hp or fewer, or if there are no other human allies present, Lem will flee casting invisibility again and cause fear on himself to boost his speed in his escape.
----- Statistics -----
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +3; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Antagonize, Taunt
Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +4, Diplomacy +10, Knowledge (history, local, and nobility) +6, Perception +5, Perform (comedy and winds) +10, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +14
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ heraldic expertise +2*, versatile performance (comedy)
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds (20 charges), scroll of beguiling gift, Other Gear +1 parade armor,+1/+1 halfling slingstaff, 20 bullets, oil of taggit (DC 15; onset 1 minute, effect: unconscious 1d3 hours), bard's kit (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, common flute, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, iron pot, journal, mess kit, mirror, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and waterskin), 24 gp
----- Special Abilities -----
Antagonize Lemcan make Diplomacy and Bluff checks to make creatures respond to him with hostility. No matter which skill he uses, antagonizing a creature takes a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and has a DC equal to 10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier. Lem cannot make this check against a creature that does not understand him or has an Intelligence score of 3 or lower. Before he makes these checks, he may make a Sense Motive check (DC 20) as a swift action to gain an insight bonus on these Diplomacy or Intimidate checks equal to Lem’s Charisma bonus until the end of his next turn. The benefits he gains for this check depend on the skill he uses. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Diplomacy Lem flusters his enemy. For the next minute, the target takes a –2 penalty on all attacks rolls made against creatures other than Lem and has a 10% spell failure chance on all spells that do not target Lem or that have him within their area of effect.
Bluff The creature flies into a rage. On its next turn, the target must attempt to make a melee attack against Lem, make a ranged attack against Lem, target Lem with a spell, or include Lem in the area of a spell. The effect ends if the creature is prevented from attacking Lem or attempting to do so would harm it (for example, if you are on the other side of a chasm or a wall of fire). If it cannot attack Lem on its turn, Lem may make the check again as an immediate action to extend the effect for 1 round (but cannot extend it thereafter). The effect ends as soon as the creature attacks you.
Once Lem has targeted a creature with this ability, he cannot target it again for 1 day.
Bardic Performance Lem can start a performance as a standard action and maintain it each round as a free action. He can perform for a total of 20 rounds in a day, and can have only one performance in effect at a time. This ability is described on page 35 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.
Countersong Lem makes a Perform (winds) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet (including Lem) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack can use the result in place of his saving throw. If already under the effect of such an attack, he gains a new saving throw against it each round, but must use the Perform check result.
Distraction This works like countersong, but uses a Perform (comedy) check and works against illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attacks.
Fascinate Each creature within 90 feet that can see, hear, and pay attention to Lem attempts a Will save (DC 16). If it fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance as long as it lasts, taking a –4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, including Perception checks. A potential threat gives the creature a new saving throw, and an obvious threat automatically ends the fascination.
Satire (Su)Lem can use performance to undermine the confidence of enemies who hear it, causing them to take a –1 penalty on attack and damage rolls (minimum 1) and a –1 penalty on saves against fear and charm effects as long as Lem continues performing. Satire is a language-dependent, mind-affecting ability that uses audible components.
Mockery (Su) Lem can subtly ridicule and defame a specific individual. Lem selects one target who can hear his performance. That individual takes a –2 penalty on Charisma checks and Charisma-related skill checks as long as Lem continues performing. Mockery is a language-dependent, mind-affecting ability that relies on audible components.
Craven Lem gains a +1 bonus on initiative checks and a +1 bonus on attack rolls when flanking. He takes a –2 penalty on saves against fear effects and gains no benefit from morale bonuses on such saves. When affected by a fear effect, his base speed increases by 10 feet and he gains a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class.
Erratic Malefactor Lem's unpredictability and volatile temperament gives him an advantage over his foes. He gains a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks. In addition, he is willing to work with others, and has learned to use his allies’ strengths to reinforce his own skills and abilities. Once per day, as long as an ally is within 10 feet of Lem, he can reroll a single attack roll or skill check before success or failure is known. He must take the results of the second roll, even if it is worse.
Grim Optimism As a standard action, Lem can joke about a troublesome situation to lighten the load of dealing with it for himself and others. Lem and all allies within 30 feet who can hear him gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and pain effects for 1d4 rounds. A character cannot benefit from this effect more than once in 24 hours.
Human Shadow Lem can use Stealth to hide behind creatures at least one size category larger than themselves, without any other source of concealment or cover. As long as Lem is within 30 feet of a human, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Sleight of Hand checks and Stealth checks.
Taunt Lem can demoralize opponents using Bluff rather than Intimidate and takes no skill check penalty for being smaller than his target.
Versatile Performance Lem can use his bonus for Perform (comedy) in place of his normal bonus when making Bluff or Intimidate checks. If the target is from Cheliax, Lem receives a +2 circumstance bonus to the Intimidate check.
Halflings tend to take a positive approach to life. Even in the bleakest parts of the world, a slaveborn halfling may find solace in the fact that at least he had a roof over his head. There are some who would find their relentless optimism downright annoying. In the devil-riddled kingdom of Cheliax, one such sadistic noble looked upon the cheery disposition of a Halfling child named Lem and saw a challenge. He would break Lem's spirit.

And for no reason other than my own creative intrigue of this concept
For the greater part of his childhood, Lem was treated as a whipping boy to this spoiled scion. He was humiliated and beaten on a daily basis. The other slaves were informed to treat him as a house pet and ignore any attempt at communicating with the halfling. Spending most of his time on display in a birdcage, Lem's only source of enjoyment was mocking the other slaves and passers-by until they wandered away or shook his cage in frustration.
As he grew, Lem grew bolder. Lem began to openly antagonize his master, prompting many a lesson at the end of a whip. Many of the slaves were of his kin and took pity on him. One night, he was left an auspicious message in his food bowl. The slaves had learned that they were to be used in a sacrifice to a devil to seal a trade agreement and were planning to revolt. Lem knew this was his chance. He immediately informed his master of the plans of his kin. The other slaves were shocked at Lem's betrayal, but the master could not have been more pleased with himself. The blatant disregard for his own people proved that in spite of the callous insults he slung at his master, Lem was completely dependent on him. As a reward, Lem was spared the ritual sacrifice that his kin suffered. Thereafter, the time in the ownership of that master was brief before another dept forced him to be sold off.
Lem's unyielding mouth is his greatest asset and he has learned to hone it to keep in good standing with his human masters. He has steadily grown a reputation as the "Slip of Quips" for his insult comedy style, awarding him a positive reputation among the nobile circles of Cheliax. Though, Lem does well to keep his distance from other halflings. Rumor spreads fast among his kin and they are not quick forgive such cowardice.

Notes I made this under the assumption Halfling slingstaff counts as a double weapon. If not, Lem also has a ring of protection +1

Lantern Lodge

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Loving this! I'm quite excited to stretch my writing muscles for character backstory. Is there a word limit? I'll try to keep it brief.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That was well worth the wait. Very well done, Iammers. I will definitely be using these two when my players reach this encounter. (Just have to study up on the mesmerist.)

Lantern Lodge

The one thing I am hoping to accomplish with this battle is the big reveal. This is the big bad before the big bad. I want as much time for monologue-ing during the course of the combat as possible. Enough time to drop big reveals that have been building since the party left Taldor and I can't pass up the chance to role play the Mad Monk until the PCs wipe the floor with him.

Lantern Lodge

Misroi: Gave him a magic breastplate. Wanted to add some steampunk-esq tech to make him a little more Hellboy Rasputin inspired, but the mechanics would have to be invented for it to work the way I wanted, unless I pulled out some third party rules, which I believe was also against the rulesof the contest.


Funny you would say that. My group will be time hopping inthe hut when the AP is completed in order to tie in the Witchwar Legacy module.

Lantern Lodge

My favorite part about this contest is it doesn't have to end with redesigning Rasputin. My party is just starting The Frozen Stars. That leaves me a couple months to rewrite everything in the next book to Occult Adventures. What else would you change to fit the theme?

Lantern Lodge

Bryce Kineman wrote:

Yes I went crazy with the Implements. I regret nothing but the fact it probably distracted me from inputting the information correctly. If it costs me the contest then so be it, Its something I wanted done right(in my opinion) and by god I had fun doing it.

So what if it's wordy? Post it anyway. That's what Psychometry is for, reading into the history of artifacts that no bards wrote songs about. Everything leaves a psychic impression. You took the time to write it, you might as well show off your stuff.

Lantern Lodge

Brother Fen wrote:
I haven't player or GM'd Reign of Winter yet. Where is he getting...

Unholy Aura generated from the "World Engine" that he is at the center of.
Lantern Lodge

Rycaut wrote:

My other comment is I've seen a LOT of builds that suggest that Rasputin's tactics will involve 4-5+ spells that he will cast before engaging with the players (not cast in advance but tactics he would use in the first rounds of combat). At least at every high level table I've seen few to any BBEG's last that many rounds. I think I'd prefer builds that use a combination of long duration buffs he always has active and specific tactics in the early parts of the combat (or spells he casts before combat via having scryed on the party or otherwise having advance warning - say a means of linking with allies etc). Followed by how he manages the action economy - either swift action spells, allies or other methods (being Mythic for example). Even against Level 14-15 PCs I doubt that spells like invisibility will be significant problems for the PCs (anti-lfe shell on the other hand can be an issue as could be the Unholy Aura).

(though for Antilife shell if your PC's have many Native Outsiders the Antilife shell won't be much of a barrier - as far as i know it...

If you have read the Adventure Path...

Rasputin is guarded by 3 Nosferatu Anti Paladins, a Crucified Ghost, and every window in the building is a stain glass golem. He has plenty of time to see the PCs and start buffing as they enter the abbey. With the tight layout, I'm surprised he doesn't attack while the party is fighting the Nosferatu. He is literally in close range.
Lantern Lodge

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Okay, last revision. I promise.


Grigori Rasputin CR 17
XP 102,400
LE Medium Middle-Age Humanoid (Human) Occultist 18
Init +0; Senses true seeing, aura sight, low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft, Perception +25
Aura unholy aura (DC 22)
----- Defense -----
AC 32, touch 18, flat-footed 32 (10 base, +10 armor, +4 deflection, +4 insight, +4 natural armor)
hp 201 (18d8+108);
Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +17; +4 vs death effects, domination, min-affecting effects, and possession
Defensive Abilities stitched soul; danger sight Immune electricity SR 25 vs good spells
----- Offense -----
Speed 20 ft., fly 60ft. (perfect maneuverability)
Melee masterwork dagger +13/8/3 (1d4-1), touch attack +12
Ranged mwk Nagant M1895 +14/9/4 (1d8 / x4), ranged touch attack +13
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks energy ray (30 ft line, 9d6+5 element, DC 27), energy blast (20 ft radius, 11d6+5 element DC 27), mind fear, psychic curse, glorious presence, cloud mind, forced alliance,
Occultist Spells Known (CL 18th; concentration +30)
6th (4/day)—contingency, charm monster (mass) (DC 23), disintegrate (DC 23), forbiddance (DC 23), heal, scrying (greater) (DC 23), temporary resurrection
5th (5/day)— dispel magic (greater) (DC 22), suffocate, suggestion (mass) (DC 22), telekinesis, teleport, true seeing, wall of force
4th (7/day)— cure critical wounds, death ward, freedom of movement, ice storm (DC 21), mind probe (DC 21), mind wipe (DC 21), planar adaption
3rd (7/day)— arcane sight, bestow curse (DC 20), lightning bolt (DC 20), cure serious wounds, magic vestment, protection from energy, suggestion (DC 20)
2nd (7/day)—aversion (DC 20), apport object, bullet shield, chill metal (DC 20), locate object, spectral hand, sound burst (DC 20)
1st (7/day)—charm person (DC 19), cure light wounds, murderous command (DC 19), hex ward, negate aroma, sculpt corpse, shocking grasp
Cantrips (at will)—bleed (DC 18) , dancing lights, daze (DC 18), detect magic, purify food and drink, resistance, stabilize
----- Tactics -----
Before Combat Once every two weeks, Rasputin casts a contingency (temporary resurrection on himself. In the event that his body is dead for more than an hour, temporary resurrection is cast upon his body. Inside the Twice Tenth Presbytery Rasputin (Area H6) enjoys the benefits of the World Engine’s unholy aura and insight bonus to AC. A magic circle against law is drawn on the floor as an added precaution. Rasputin then activates Mind Over Gravity, and casts freedom of movement, death ward, and true seeing
During Combat When his enemies are advancing on him, Rasputin casts spectral hand and wall of force in order to cast touch spells from behind the safety of his barrier. Rasputin stalls for time by taunting the party. Rasputin attempts to hinder opponents with suggestion (mass) urging the party to give up this pointless search for his mother and return to Golarion and turn foes against each other with murderous command. While continuing to mock the party with details of his nefarious plans, he casts arcane sight to identify any powerful buffs ahead of time. Through his spectral hand, Raspuin casts dispel magic (greater) targeting creatures with buffs and magic items. He casts bestow curse againsts foes he finds most threatening followed by icestorm. If Rasputin's initial defenses are circumvented he activates his Globe of Negation. He then unleashes energy blast focus ability (favoring electricity, but switching up the element if the party appears resistant) while using his Danger Sense ability to avoid damage as much as possible. If forced to focus on the most dangerous party member, he casts targeting spells like suffocate or mind wipe for casters. If wounded, Rasputin casts quickened cure spells while continuing to target enemies with offensive spells.
Morale On the precipice of claiming his mother’s mythic power, Rasputin relies on his stitched soul to preserve his life, and fights to the death again and again until slain permanently. Once a week he casts Contingency: Temporary Resurrection which activates when Rasputin has remained dead for one hour, leaving him one day to obtain a proper resurrection from his followers before dying. Afterwards he goes into hiding to plot his revenge. Do I smell a Mythic Adventures sequel?
----- Statistics -----
Str 9, Dex 11, Con 19, Int 26, Wis 14, Cha 17
Base Atk +13; CMB +12; CMD 23
Feats Combat Casting, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Diehard, Extra Mental Focus [3], Great Fortitude, Implement Focus (Necromancy), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell
Skills Appraise +27, Bluff +21*, Diplomacy +24, Disable Device +22, Fly +22, Knowledge (arcana) 29, Knowledge (engineering) +29, Knowledge (history) +29, Knowledge (planes) +29, Knowledge (religion) +29, Linguistics +16, Perception +25, Sense Motive +23, Spellcraft +29, Survival +20*, and Use Magic Device +24.
Languages Russian, Church Slavic, Latin, English, German, French, Ioborian, Common, Infernal, Celestial, Draconic
SQ necromantic focus, stitched soul, sudden insight, third eye, legacy weapon, mind over gravity
Gear mwk dagger, mwk Nagant M1895 revolver with 21 metal cartridges, +4 breastplate, amulet of natural armor +4, belt of mental prowess +4 (Int, Wis), ring of protection +4, belt of physical perfection +2, hand mirror, prayer ropes, rosary, crucifix, bible, masterwork dagger
----- Special Abilities -----
Stitched Soul(Su) Rasputin’s Soul is stitched to his body with the threads of fate, and he clings tenaciously to life. He gains Diehard as a bonus feat. In addition, when first reduced to a number of negative hitpoints equal to or greater than his constitution score, Rasputin dies, but he springs back to life 1d4 rounds later as if the target of a resurrection spell. If killed a second time, the Mad Monk agains comes back to life 1d6 rounds later, as if the target of raise dead spell (upon returning, he loses 50% of his remaining unused spell slots as if they had been used to cast spells). Only after Rasputin is slain a third timedo his soul’s stitches finally unravel from his corpse, releasing his malignant spirit into the ether.
Implements (Su) Each of Rasputin’s implements has a special historical or personal significance.
Abjuration Implement- “Crucifix”: Focus- 5: This simple wooden cross was formerly the property of a paladin who carried it as his holy symbol during the crusades. After returning, the man founded a church in France before falling ill and bequeathing it to his successor. The crucifix was later gifted to the royale family. After some time collecting dust, Rasputin convinced the Tsar to give him the artifact.
Conjuration Implement- “Hand Mirror” Focus- 1: After his apparent final death, Rasputin arose from the grave to the witness of only the grave keeper who had been performing his nightly rounds. After quickly dispatching the oaf, Rasputin used the sculpt corpse spell to alter his appearance and left the decoy in his grave. It was this corpse that was later exhumed and set ablaze on a funeral pyre leaving none the wiser, save for Rasputin’s half-sister, Elvanna. The Queen of Irrisen thought her dear half-brother would be the perfect lure for her trap. This mirror was specially crafted with the Irriseni Mirror Sight Spell. Enhanced with the queen’s magic, it is capable of sending visual and auditory messages both ways to the sister mirror (possessed by Elvanna) and works regardless of distance or plane. The mirror can be used to contact Queen Elvanna by holding the mirror and invoking her name.
Divination Implement- “Bible” Focus- 7: Like many members of the faith, Rasputin turns to the holy scripture for guidance and comfort. The text is written in the Latin language. Rasputin reads to his children every night. See? He’s not a total ass hat.
Enchantment Implement- Rosary Focus-1: This rosary was recovered from a convent that burned to the ground in St Petersburg. Though there are none alive who witnessed the event and the cause of the fire was never truly determined, the history of this item can be determined through Prognostication. Succeeding at an Appraise check DC 25 or more paints the gruesome tale of a nun swayed by dark forces. A strong demonic influence was wrought upon this woman that slowly drove her insane. Her final act of desperation was to seal the evil within as she burned everyone alive including herself.
Evocation Implement- “Right Hand of the Mad Monk” Focus- 10: Rasputin experimented with new emerging technologies and was fascinated by the potential destructive properties of Tesla’s inventions. Rasputin theorized the possibility of miniaturizing the destructive forces of the World Engine for military use. Though the gauntlet appears daunting, the technology was never fully developed. It is just as effective as a focus for evocation.
Necromancy Implement- “Rasputin's Favorite Toy” Focus-5: One of Rasputin’s most noted artifacts was an item exhumed from his own flesh during a particularly intimate assembly which left the mad monk dead once again. The assailant absconded with the implement into the underground where it was kept as a center piece for her cult and revered as a fertility charm. The implement was recovered not long after the monk was resurrected. It took some time before the cult realized that had been worshipping a sea cucumber. Rasputin’s implement is charged with a necromantic focus, which is particularly potent being that it is a piece of his own flesh. He is very protective of his toy and keeps it on him at all times. He cries when they take it away.
Transmutation Implement- “Prayer Ropes” Focus- 3: This cord is a common accessory of the clergy that is worn over the shoulders. Several of these ropes were made in the same fashion for other monks in Rasputin’s order. Though they appear identical, close examination reveals the material of Rasputin’s is clearly superior.