Mike Silva wrote:
They merciless killed Orik, the one non evil person in Thistletop. It's true that you can never prepare for what you PCs might do.
Haladir wrote:
My party was pretty damn bloodthirsty. They'd encountered Orrik early, but failed to notice that he wasn't actually trying to kill them-- he was using disarm attacks in melee, and when the party retreated, he didn't impede them. I was playing him to have realized that he was in way over his head, and wanted out, but was smart enough to know that Nualia wouldn't let him simply quit. He was looking to the party as his way out.
Later, they encountered him asleep in his room. I figured that they would pounce on him, tie him up, and pump him for information-- and he'd be relieved, and genuinely grateful. But the barbarian slit the guy's throat while he slept! I've been referring to Orrik's death as a "murder" ever since.
Similar situation here, though he had even less of a chance. They encountered him in his room. He wasn't asleep, but the party Witch* quickly changed that. Next thing to happen was that the CG Sarenite Inquisitor slit his throat. :-\
He actually survived that though, but then the Desnan Cleric caved in his skull with a hammer.
* I'm starting to questiong the balance of that class, even if the character in question is rather optimized for Slumbering people (DC 19 at lvl. 1).