Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() " 'Merry women'? Really?" Cilda sighs. Do not smack his head around, he was only joking. Do not smack his head around, he was only joking. Do not smack his head around... "In any case, I'm ready to go check this stuff out," she says, readying her trusty lucrene hammer. ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Cilda is finishing the process of putting her armor on as she walks in towards the group. "I think you mean 'a lot of PUBLIC death and bloodshed', Uldu. The secret type is probably still happening a lot," she says as the last bits of her hide armor fit into place. "And I slept fine. Had a bite to eat from some food I carried with me. But I'm still not happy about how little we know about all of this." ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Cilda glances around. Despite her best efforts, she could not find anything new. She sighed and said down to Sinque, "I won't mind. We'll probably get more done tomorrow with some rest." She begins to climb down the building. Climbing check 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 "OH COME ON! Cilda shouts. She angrily throws the rope up at the roof again. 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 "Finally," she mutters, and slowly begins to climb the rope. Can I use the previous rolls for climbing/survival/perception, or do I have to reroll those? ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Tracks? Time for the wilderness girl to shine "If you guys found some tracks, I think I can give it a try. It'll be different from doing it through a forest, but shouldn't be too hard. Up on the roof, right?" Climb check 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 Oh, please let that be high enough. Please, PLEASE let it be high enough. If so... Cilda makes her way to the tracks and peers down to try and examine them. Let's do Perception and Survival up in here! Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Georgette Theadoux wrote:
Cilda takes the money. "Yeah, you are in no shape to be by yourself, Lydia. And since I don't even know this guy here, I'll just stay and make sure the job is finished, if that's alright." The first moment she gets when Wilnan isn't looking, she whispers to Georgette, "You realize you aren't getting that five gold back, right?" ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Connor McGinnis wrote:
"Listen, we have literally just come from seeing your brother's body lying dead in the street. Lydia here is still......squeamish from having seen it. Do you have any idea how long it took me to convince her that she should even come here? She wouldn't stop crying about how much she loved that guy. We just want to talk. That's all." Diplomacy check from a barbarian...I don't think I'm doing this right. 1d20 ⇒ 6 ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Cilda holds in whatever she might be thinking of Georgette's performance and keeps up an appearance of stoicness. "We were hoping that we could at least stay here for a while. She's been going on like this ever since she found out, and is worried that she might be next. Hence why she hired me." Hope that works as a good cover story. ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Georgette Theadoux wrote: Cilda I say we play nice and diplomatic and if that doesn't work then I'll use my friend Dagger here to loosen his tounge Georgette answers. "That's boring, isn't it?" Cilda replies. "But, if it works, I won't complain." Ok, just want to give everyone a heads-up. My internet/cable crashed at my house about 4 days ago and has yet to properly get fixed. So, I'm going to be...not as active here as I would like to be until my internet situation gets fixed. Sorry. ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Sinque wrote: Let it be known that as a bard I have Cure Light Wounds on my list of spells. I'm even willing to be the band-aid. *Rimshot* Ow. Ow, I think I need to roll a will save against that pun. OW. As Cilda and Georgette walk to Wilnan's, Cilda starts to feel more comfortable as they move away from the crowded city streets and into the open fields. Less of a chance for someone to try and jump them. "Alright then, Georgette. So, how do think we should approach this guy? You want to most of the talking, or should I try to ask the questions?" Perception check for any possible hostiles 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 Edit: OH, so NOW I get the natural 20's.....would have been more helpful with those arrow shots earlier! ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() I guess myself, Uldumastie, and Georgette will be on our way then. Unless Caeradan is coming too. Cilda impatiently motions for Georgette to hurry up. "Let's go, alright? Hopefully we might be able to finish this whole thing fast enough to get some sort of...compensation for our hard work." ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() "He's some noble, isn't he? That bodes badly by itself," Cilda says in response to Sinque. She checks that she has all her gear and prepares to head out. "Sinque, why don't you stay here and try to get the woman to talk. The rest of us can have a chat with this...Wilnan person." ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() The only reason I use the dice online rolling thing is to make sure that I'm being honest. I'd just be too tempted to say I got better rolls than I actually did otherwise. On the downside, it means that you can't actually get good rolls when you have crappy ones. Boo hiss. ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() "Damn it," Cilda says aloud. The hooded man has fled too far for her to catch up, but he's definately picked up some wounds that should make finding him easier. Cilda comes back to Uldumastie and the injured woman. "So, what's her story, Blondie?" she asks Uldumastie. ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Cilda soon reaches the corner that the fleeing man has turned. She's starting to get a bit tired from chasing him, but she's trying her best to ignore it. Instead, she draws her longbow and locks onto the fleeing man, hoping to hit him hard enough to take him down. Attack with Longbow 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 1 = 7
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Cilda looks from the body of the bleeding woman that Uldumastie is attempting to healing to the fleeing hooded man and quickly makes a decision. She rushes after Caeradan and the man, attempting to catch up with them. In movement terms, she's moving at a run pace ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Cilda remains quiet throughout. She doesn't feel entirely comfortable surrounded by so many people that she doesn't know. The crowded building starts to make her just the tiniest bit paranoid. She maintains a look of "casual lack-of-intrest" while still looking around to be sure. ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Fortunately for Cilda, the spear does not appear to have done a large amount of damage. She just seems to shrug it off in her enraged state. She's still bleeding, but what pain she feels just has her want to destroy this alchemist even more. Enraged attack with Power Attack 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 6 - 1 = 21 Damage with Power Attack 1d12 + 9 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 3 = 23 ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Cilda only hears Maus say "Take out the controller." The bomb hits Cilda and makes everything feel cold. Growing up in Numeria, she's not too upset at this. She completely ignores the second zombie and rushes at the alchemist, fully intending to bring him down. Attack while still enraged, no Power Attack this time 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 Damage 1d12 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Cilda doesn't hear Maus's words of caution. She's gone into that single minded focus of destroying everything that stands in her way. Which right now means these two zombies. She lets loose a powerful swing of her hammer on the one that came from the alcove. Attack with Power Attack, while enraged 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 6 - 1 = 25 Holy crap yes! Please another success, PLEASE confirm! 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 6 - 1 = 19 And if that's a hit, which I assume it is... 1d12 + 9 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 3 = 22 Multiplied by 2 for my weapon equals 44 total damage to the undead that appeared from the alcove. Holy crap. ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Cilda waits a moment before entering the hallway. "Fine. Maus, I apologize. Just don't let it happen again." In the hallway, Cilda can't help but stare at the door. She whistles and says [b]"Damn. What in the world is behind this thing?"[b] She puts her hand on it, knocking it a few times with her open palm. ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Must not kill Natty. Must not kill Natty. He makes a good distraction for people trying to kill us. Must not kill Natty. Cilda just keeps that thought rotating through her mind as she waits for everyone to make it to the other side. "First hands, then dog....things, now a snake. Anyone want to make bets what the next undead freak we'll find next will be?" she asks the group. She picks up the arrow she fired earlier and puts it back in its quiver. Cilda also notices Maus looking like he just came out of a daze and staring confusedly in front of him. "Were you not paying attention?" she says, responding to his question. "We got jumped by some kind of bone snake. Did you just stare off in the opposite direction the whole time or something?" ![]()
Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
![]() Cilda leaps across to face the skeletal beast. She lets out a primal scream and slams down on the creature. It may not have felt that arrow she loosed, but it should feel THIS. Attack with Power Attack 1d20 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (5) + 4 - 1 = 8 However, in her anger, she alerts the beast to quickly dodge, and Cilda unfortunately swings at empty air.