Caeradan |

"My apologies, the name is Caeradan, and this is Ozymandious, or just Ozzy." Caeradan looks up at the rooftops. "The magic I detected may have been some sort of glamor to disguise or hide the assailant while he got into position, or could perhaps have been something to enhance his ability to move around. Could he have gone up on another building, and leapt around to get here?
Are the buildings close enough together to allow for rooftop-jumping, or would he have to have gone up or through the building he was on?

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The buildings are close enough to jump from roof to roof, but not by any normal person.
The footprints are not around the base of the building the assailant made his attack from, which may lead you to believe that the assailant did jump from roof to roof.
There are no ladders nearby, which shows that the Rogue probably climbed up the face of a building

Uldumastie Blagrim |

Uldu ensures that the woman is resting peacefully then returns to the public room of the tavern. She begins to ask around to see if anyone knows anything more unusual about the Rangers, though she does not reveal why she is asking or that the woman had seemed to be accusing one.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

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The general attitude towards the Rangers is obviously very sour. Most people in the tavern gripe about how they don't feel safe anymore and others make more accusations, even without evidence. These bargoers admit, grumpily, that the "Rangers" have not been seen with their customary longbows in a while, instead using slings, dagger, and shortbows.
Is Caeradan attempting to scout from the rooftops, or go on the ground while Ozzy keeps to the air? If he's doing the first i'll need a climb check.

Caeradan |

Is Caeradan attempting to scout from the rooftops, or go on the ground while Ozzy keeps to the air? If he's doing the first i'll need a climb check.
He'll be staying on the ground unless Ozzy notices something that can't be communicated. At that point he'll look at the bard, who hopefully is more equipped for climbing than he is. ;)

Cilda |

Cilda I say we play nice and diplomatic and if that doesn't work then I'll use my friend Dagger here to loosen his tounge Georgette answers.
"That's boring, isn't it?" Cilda replies. "But, if it works, I won't complain."
Ok, just want to give everyone a heads-up. My internet/cable crashed at my house about 4 days ago and has yet to properly get fixed. So, I'm going to be...not as active here as I would like to be until my internet situation gets fixed. Sorry.

Sinque |

Sorry, I was on vacation in Louisianna. No internet down there. And yes, I am following Caeradan, no I don't have climbing gear. We're in a town, for crying out loud.
Sinque follows closely, lute in hand.
I'm gonna see if I can Perception my self a witness.
Perception to find a person nearby 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

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A drunken man in his late 30s sits around mumbling nothing of any importance. When you pass him he waves his hand in a shooing motion. "Be gone with you!", he slurs, dropping his alcoholic beverage in the process. The drunkard curses as it shatters, then continues mumbling.
This man is obviously not a very reliable witness, but might have had a good view of the route the attacker used to get to Arroway.

Uldumastie Blagrim |

Uldumastie sees to the woman's health, asking her to stay safe for the time being, then makes her way out of the tavern. While her speed is not as high as the others. (She has a 15' speed.) Uldu does walk about the central square in an attempt to gather other clues.
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
She also asks others about the Rangers and their normal ways of doing things, tracks, routes, and more.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

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Uldu sees no real evidence. The public has little knowledge of the mysterious Rangers and have no idea of any routes or tracks. When there is any trouble to be had, the Rangers just seem to appear.
Their normal way of doing things used to see that there was as little bloodshed as possible and any evidence of a struggle concealed from prying eyes. As of late these "Rangers" seemed to have become much more brutal, preferring open slaughter and leaving bodies out to show as warnings to the people.
The drunkard makes another shooing gesture at Sinque mumbling incoherantly again.
There appears to be nothing out of the usual at Arroway's house. It's a simple one-story building made with concrete, a wooden door with an open slot for letters, and a metal bell hooked next to the door.

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The door opens to reveal a grizzled man with a salt-and-pepper 5 o' clock shadow. His hair is messy and gray is starting to come in at the sides. He does wear the woodsy colors of a Ranger, and his clothes match the description.
An Aldori Dueling Sword hangs from the man's belt and you now get the impression that this IS Wilnan Arroway.

Cilda |

Cilda holds in whatever she might be thinking of Georgette's performance and keeps up an appearance of stoicness. "We were hoping that we could at least stay here for a while. She's been going on like this ever since she found out, and is worried that she might be next. Hence why she hired me."
Hope that works as a good cover story.

Caeradan |

"I need to run back to the tavern right fast. That man will talk if I give him some beer. You don't have any spells like that, would you?"
"No ... I do have a spell to make people more friendly and helpful, but I wonder if that might be better saved for a more dire circumstance. Your suggestion of a beer might work just as well, and conserve needed resources. I will wait here."

Sinque |

"And off I go!"
Sinque runs back to the tavern, strait in and right to the bartender.
"I need 2 mugs of beer. Here's 3 copper for the drinks, and a silver for the mugs."
After obtaining the drinks, he hurries back to Caeradan and the drunk.
"Did I miss anything? No? Good."
Sinque quickly gives one of his mugs to the drunk.
"Did a man come through this way in a hurry wearing a dark cloak?"

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The drunk grabs the mug and downs half in one big gulp. He wipes his lips with his sleeve and pauses to remember if he did see this man.
"If some... humans have green... skin, then yeah. Bit big for a... goblin, but wee for an orc. Didn't use the street though. Just... jumped on buildings."
He resumes drinking and wipes his mouth again before saying, "Went that way". The drunk points North, towards the city gate.

Sinque |

"And for your virtue and my thanks, another drink unto thee!" Sinque says and gives the man the other mug.
Sinque walks back to Caeradan, and says to him "We're looking for a Half-Orc, I think. The man said that he's "too big for a goblin, too small for an orc" and I personally know what that feels like. He also said he went to the north. I don't quite know if he left the city or not, but we should probably check it out."

Georgette Theadoux |

"And exactly who are you?", Wilnan asks Georgette. The look on his face shows he is torn between thinking this is a prank and actually believing his brother is dead.
With a giant sniff Georgette answers,"My name is Lydia and I was well acquainted with your brother, and now he's gone."She pauses for second to try and collect herself through the sobs."I was on my way to see him and when I reached the tavern there he was laying in a pool of blood." With this Georgette continues to cry uncontrollably.
Bluff check for being believable 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

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Yes, North is the direction Ozzy saw the tracks go to.
"Right, and i'm an Elf courtesan. I believe you where just crying, but not for that reason.", Wilnan retorts flatly.
The commotion seems to have died down, and the normal bar talk fills the air. What exactly is Uldu trying to sense motive for?

Sinque |

"Then North we shall go. We'll ask the guards if they've seen a half-orc recently that is not me. Shouldn't be too hard. I mean how many Half-Orcs, Orcs, or tall Goblins come through this part of town, anyway?"
By the way, Grammar cleric time. Where is location, were is past tense of are. :)

Cilda |

"Right, and i'm an Elf courtesan. I believe you where just crying, but not for that reason.", Wilnan retorts flatly.
"Listen, we have literally just come from seeing your brother's body lying dead in the street. Lydia here is still......squeamish from having seen it. Do you have any idea how long it took me to convince her that she should even come here? She wouldn't stop crying about how much she loved that guy. We just want to talk. That's all."
Diplomacy check from a barbarian...I don't think I'm doing this right. 1d20 ⇒ 6

Caeradan |

Once Sinque returns from speaking to the drunk, Caeradan returns his full attention to Ozymandious, and urges him to continue following the trial. He follows as best as the roads allow, counting on the bard to watch the ground level and keep him out of trouble while he concentrates on his familiar.
More perception for Ozzy, if needed:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

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"Fine", Arroway sighs, "I'll take a look. Always knew my idiot brother would get someone mad enough to kill him one day."
Wilnan ducks back into his house and returns with a longbow, arrow quarrel, and even a new knife on his belt.
The footprints continue through the gate and both guards lay dead against the huge wooden structure, pools of blood around them. One's own shortspear sticks out of his chest and the other has a stab wound in his back.

Georgette Theadoux |

Georgette sniffs and wipes her nose on a cloth that she pulls out of her sleeve. "OH thank you so much Wilnan. I'm so grateful you agreed to come with us. We must hurry though for I fear my life is in danger."
She turns to Cilda,"Thank-you again for accompanying me out her I am forever grateful."Georgette hands Cilda 5 GP for her trouble,"This is for your trouble."
I thought Ulda is with Sinque and Caeradan. Also it would look a tad odd for 5 people to show up at the dead guy's brother's place.

Uldumastie Blagrim |

Uldu can't keep up with anyone. I'm going to be looking for some enchanted weightless armor as soon as I have the money. That's why I'm so confused right now. The party is split up, obviously, and half you go this way, half you go that way. I'm stuck with the broom. lol. Seriously, though, just waiting to see what everyone finds out. Since she saved the woman from dying, it almost seems like she's done her part.