Campaign: Without Their Rangers (3rd Group) (Inactive)

Game Master Connor McGinnis

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Female Gnome Empyreal Knight (paladin) 1

Uldumastie reaches into her sachel for the potion of cure light wounds she had with her from the temple, and quickly administers it.

1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 healing.

Female Human (Taldoran) Rogue (Chameleon)/1

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10initative
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 fires her short bow to try and slow the cloaked figure with the short sword.

Male Half Orc Bard 1

Sinque's Init is 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13.

Sovereign Court

Male Human

Caeradan's arrow flies true and strikes the fleeing figure, now nearly to the intersection. The figure does not fall though, stumbling a bit, but continuing to run.
The dying woman heals up to two hp, enough to survive for now.
Georgette's arrow lands just short of the attacker.
I can use your guys initiative rolls for when he actually turns to fight you, but he's pretty far away by now. Caeradan is closest to catching the crook as it turns a corner (turning right), and going onto a new street.
What do all of you do?

ATTENTION: I'll be on vacation from today until Monday afternoon, so please refrain from posting until Monday morning. Please do remain active though, so we can continue with the campaign as soon as I get back.

Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype

Cilda soon reaches the corner that the fleeing man has turned. She's starting to get a bit tired from chasing him, but she's trying her best to ignore it. Instead, she draws her longbow and locks onto the fleeing man, hoping to hit him hard enough to take him down.

Attack with Longbow 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 1 = 7
Damage 1d8 ⇒ 4

Did either of the birds get close enough to attack him? Just in case: Fly check if it's needed to turn the corner:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 Attack roll (claws): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 Damage: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1

Caeradan calls out "Ozzy, attack!" He moves up to get a better line on the fleeing figure and takes another shot. This time not forgetting my +1 attack from having my bonus point in DEX today. Attack:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 Damage:1d8 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

Male Half Orc Bard 1

Sinques eagle charges the assailant.

Bite attack +2 because of charge 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 Bite damage 1d4 ⇒ 2

Female Human (Taldoran) Rogue (Chameleon)/1

Attacks again with short bow. Attack:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 Damage:1d6 ⇒ 4

Female Gnome Empyreal Knight (paladin) 1

Uldu pulls the woman up and asks her what happened and who attacked her. She remains by her side.

Sovereign Court

Male Human

The crowded streets slowing both the assailant and yourselves down, the birds are not encumbered in the least bit. They are able to fly over pedestrians, rounding the corner and reaching the enemy towards the end of the street he turned to go down.
Ozzy was unable to successfully attack the cloaked figure, but Sinque's eagle soars down and easily takes the assailant in the shoulder, nearly felling him.
Both Caeradan's and Georgette's shots are off their mark.
The stabbed woman is shaking and sobbing, unable to currently pronounce any words. It is now that Uldumastie sees the corpse of the woman's husband in an alley on the other side of the street.
What do you guys do now?

Female Human (Taldoran) Rogue (Chameleon)/1

I run in the direction of the two birds and draw my dagger as I run. If I am able to get with in 10 ft I will throw the dagger, if not I will continue to follow Ozy.

Attack1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12 Damage1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Male Half Orc Bard 1

"Uldamastie, How's she doin'?"

Sinque's attention is currently on the eagle, but is concerned with the bleeding woman.

Eagle moves to attack the person again, and strikes with the Bite: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 1d4 ⇒ 4

Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype

"Come on, damn it, just one shot," Cilda mutters to herself in time to notch one last arrow at the fleeing man.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 Damage 1d8 ⇒ 5

Sovereign Court

Male Human

In the crowded streets Georgette loses sight of the hoodlum and is unable to get close enough to throw a dagger anyways. The hoodlum dodges the Eagle's attack and Cilda's last shot misses.
Finally the two birds loose their own sight of him as he flees down yet another street.

Female Human (Taldoran) Rogue (Chameleon)/1

"DARN IT!! Georgette shouts as she looses the man. She heads back towards Uldumastie and the injured woman.

Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype

"Damn it," Cilda says aloud. The hooded man has fled too far for her to catch up, but he's definately picked up some wounds that should make finding him easier.

Cilda comes back to Uldumastie and the injured woman. "So, what's her story, Blondie?" she asks Uldumastie.

Male Half Orc Bard 1

Sinque glances at what Uldamastie is looking at and notices the woman's husband.

"Oh, dear. It would seem we have a casualty. Hammer-Girl, lets see if he's fine."

Sinque walks over to the body.

Perception to see if there is a weapon nearby or other evidence. 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Heal to see if the man is dead 1d20 ⇒ 20

Now I'm rolling high...

Sovereign Court

Male Human

The body of the man lay in a pool of blood. Upon turing the body you see a stab wound in the side and one in the chest.. And yes, there is no doubt in your mind, Sinque, that this man is dead.

Female Human (Taldoran) Rogue (Chameleon)/1

Georgette joins Sinque over at the dead man. "Wonder what the woman with Uldumastie's can tell us about what happen. Shame we couldn't catch the clocked figure."

knowledge(local) to see if I can identify the man. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Sovereign Court

Male Human

Georgette recognizes the man to be Graneiros Arroway, a pompous and ignorant Nobleman.
It is common knowledge throughout Selsey that Arroway had affairs with other women behind his wife's back.
You do not recognize the crying woman as his wife, so she could be one of Arroway's other woman.
You know that Graneiros had a brother, a Ranger living on the outskirts of town. It might not be a bad idea for you to tell Wilnan Arroway of his brother's death.

Female Human (Taldoran) Rogue (Chameleon)/1

"Looks like we need to pay a visit to Wilnan Arroway, this is his brother." Georgette says motioning to the dad man. "Also might not be a bad idea to question Wilnan to see what he was up to when all this happened. As for the girl with Uldamastie, I think she could use a seat and a stiff drink. The we need to ask her what she saw." she walk back towards the tavern to pick up her gear.

"Ozzy, home!"

Caeradan comes back to help with the injured woman. He looks around, checking to see if there are any other hostiles around, or if the activity has gotten the attention of the local guards (if there are any).

"Arroway ... that name sounds familiar ..."
Knowledge: Nobility for possible additional information about the Arroway family1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Male Half Orc Bard 1

Sinque remembers that he continuesly hears that Rangers are killing people. He thinks to himself I might ask if Wilnan Arroway is a Ranger, and if he has a wound on his shoulder. From my eagle and from... Ossy? The Elf's Owl. Sinque then tries to remember what the name of the Elf's owl is.

Glances around himself and realizes that his allies have gone inside the bar. He quickly follows them inside.

"If it is alright with everyone, I think it should be either Uldamastie or me to question her. I hate to say it, but I've dealt with shaken up people before."


Female Elf

Sinque is it? You can question the woman, I'd rather go see what information I can get from Wilnan. Besides someone has to tell him that his brother is dead. Georgette comments as she gathers her bag and walk back toward Sinque. "However with all this commotion I wonder if word has not yet reached Wilnan already."

Male Half Orc Bard 1

"Ohohohoh, Wait right there, little missy. I want to see Wilnan, too. Something doesn't bode well with me about him."

Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype

"He's some noble, isn't he? That bodes badly by itself," Cilda says in response to Sinque. She checks that she has all her gear and prepares to head out. "Sinque, why don't you stay here and try to get the woman to talk. The rest of us can have a chat with this...Wilnan person."

Male Half Orc Bard 1

"Alright, fine. Whatever you say. Just make sure to get his shirt off. We wounded the run-away. His back should be wounded. Siblings don't always get along, especially nobles. Take Blondie with you. She looks like she can heal you if you get into any trouble. The elf and I will stay here."

Sinque heads back to where Uldumastie took the woman.

"Uldumastie. Stick with them. They need you where they're going more than we need you here. Be safe, and keep them alive."

Female Human (Taldoran) Rogue (Chameleon)/1

Well if we're going to go talk with Wilnan then I better change into something a bit more noble and pretend to be one of his brother's girls.", Georgette says as she pulls out a square of cloth from her bag and begins to unfold it. Inside is a beautiful red silk dress and a gold necklace that has her family crest on it."Being a nobleman's kid always was a pain in the ass but now I guess it could help us out. Caeradan can you help me out at all with some extra armor? Cause once I play "dress-up" I stand no chance if I get attacked."

Georgette heads back to the Inn to change into the dress. She leaves her bow and rapier with Sinque and Caeradan. She places a dagger in the garter on her left leg and her thief's tools in a garter on her right leg.

My AC is now 12 when I take my armor off. Disguise Check to see if I pass off as one of Arroway's women. 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Male Half Orc Bard 1

"... Your dagger is sticking out."

Georgette Theadoux wrote:
Caeradan can you help me out at all with some extra armor? Cause once I play "dress-up" I stand no chance if I get attacked."

"I can, but then I will be at your mercy the rest of the day, as I will not have the spell for myself. Also, be aware it will only last for one hour. Before I cast the spell, are you certain you will be there and done in that time?"

While this conversation is taking place, Caeradan attempts to assist Georgette with her disguise. Disguise 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20 (Use as Aid Another or as a separate attempt, whichever you feel is more appropriate in the circumstance.

Sovereign Court

Male Human

I'll let Georgette use that roll.
Here is what Caeradan can gather: The Arroways are one of the smaller Noble families in Selsey, yet they have great influence within the town. The death of one of their members will surely impact them.
When villagers need Wilnan (the Ranger) they travel East of the village gates across two-to-three miles of open fields along a path marked by small wooden signs.

Female Human (Taldoran) Rogue (Chameleon)/1

Know that she only gets an hour Georgette will take her chances.

"Thank-you Caeradan but with the distance we have to travel I do not know if the spell will last the whole time. I will take my chances. I have Cilda and Uldamatie with me. I'll be ok."Georgette fixes her garters to hide the dagger and tools. As she starts off towards Wilnan's house, Georgette turns and says, "Caeradan I'll take an arrow for you any day. Better me than you, I've grown used to being shot at and beaten up." Georgette remembers all the fights she used to have with Quintyn and Liard growing up as she turns around.

A small tear forms in the corner of her eye as she misses her brother and friends dearly.Guess that's what I get for running off and not being forced to marry that ass. Georgette thinks to herself.

Male Half Orc Bard 1

How is the woman doing? Is she beginning to calm down?

Sovereign Court

Male Human

She has calmed down enough for you to talk to her.

Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype

I guess myself, Uldumastie, and Georgette will be on our way then. Unless Caeradan is coming too.

Cilda impatiently motions for Georgette to hurry up. "Let's go, alright? Hopefully we might be able to finish this whole thing fast enough to get some sort of...compensation for our hard work."

Connor McGinnis wrote:
Here is what Caeradan can gather: The Arroways are one of the smaller Noble families in Selsey, yet they have great influence within the town. The death of one of their members will surely impact them. When villagers need Wilnan (the Ranger) they travel East of the village gates across two-to-three miles of open fields along a path marked by small wooden signs.

Caeradan relays what he knows to the rest, then joins Sinque in helping the woman to her feet and into the inn where they can ask her what she knows about the attack.

Are any local guards coming? We do have a dead body that needs to be dealt with.

Female Human (Taldoran) Rogue (Chameleon)/1

"Cilda I'm ready to go now that Caeradan has helped me hid the gear., Georgette says as she adjusts her dagger,"Lets get this 3 mile hike over with and see what Master Arroway knows."

Sovereign Court

Male Human

No local guards can be seen in the area. That is when you realize that you haven't seen any the entire time at the dockside village.

I'm afraid Uldumastie is lost to us. She hasn't responded to a private message I sent her days ago to start posting again. We will continue on as we have, just without her.

I'll let Caeradan use a wand of cure light wounds (50 charges for free) for now. The party does need some sort of healing for combat situations.

Female Human (Taldoran) Rogue (Chameleon)/1

Perception check to see if I recognize anything out of the usual as Cilda and Georgette walk to Wilnan Arroway's house 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Male Half Orc Bard 1

Let it be known that as a bard I have Cure Light Wounds on my list of spells. I'm even willing to be the band-aid. *Rimshot*

Female Human (Kellid ethnicity) Barbarian 1, Scarred Rager Archetype
Sinque wrote:
Let it be known that as a bard I have Cure Light Wounds on my list of spells. I'm even willing to be the band-aid. *Rimshot*

Ow. Ow, I think I need to roll a will save against that pun. OW.

As Cilda and Georgette walk to Wilnan's, Cilda starts to feel more comfortable as they move away from the crowded city streets and into the open fields. Less of a chance for someone to try and jump them.

"Alright then, Georgette. So, how do think we should approach this guy? You want to most of the talking, or should I try to ask the questions?"

Perception check for any possible hostiles 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Edit: OH, so NOW I get the natural 20's.....would have been more helpful with those arrow shots earlier!

Female Gnome Empyreal Knight (paladin) 1

Uldumastie allows the woman to lean on her while they go back into the tavern.

"I am sure that that the villain will be caught again soon. Those people seem to know what they are doing." The nearest seat available will do as Uldumastie does what she can to help calm the woman's nerves further.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Sorry, everyone! My internet connection died. I was cut off from the planet! Kinda scary if you think about it, especially since I couldn't access any of my financial stuff.

Sovereign Court

Male Human

Thanks for getting back in on this Uldu!
Nothing unusual, and there seem to be no hostiles as you journey to Wilnan's house.
Uldu: The woman explains that she saw a brown cloaked figure jump down from the roof of a 1-floor building before he attacked her and Graneiros. She thinks the figure was a Ranger, although he did not carry the customary standard issue longbow.

Female Gnome Empyreal Knight (paladin) 1

Uldu considers the woman's story. Does she know anything about the Rangers? And if longbows are standard issued, did the Rangers work for the army? If so, why are they attacking people? She doesn't ask these out loud, just trying to determine if she knows anything about it already.

Knowledge (local)
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Hearing that the figure jumped down from the roof, Caeradan steps back through the door and sends Ozymandious to scout the rooftop for any signs the assailant might have left behind. Owl perception:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

At the same time, the elf mutters, "जादू का पता लगाने," and slowly turns in a circle with his eyes half closed. Detect magic, looking for any residual evidence of any magic that might have been used.

Sovereign Court

Male Human

The Rangers are a quiet and mysterious group of people who are supposed to defend "the people" from behind the scenes, so attacking them is out of character for a Ranger. They do work hand-in-hand with armies and militia units.

There are a few muddy footprints on the rooftop coming from behind the building.
There is very faint evidence of magic. Whatever was used in the attack is barely magical.

Female Gnome Empyreal Knight (paladin) 1

Uldumastie pauses as she recalls the nature of the Rangers.

"Why would they attack one they are charged to defend?"

She is quiet again as she does not wish to alarm the woman any further.

Female Human (Taldoran) Rogue (Chameleon)/1

Cilda I say we play nice and diplomatic and if that doesn't work then I'll use my friend Dagger here to loosen his tounge Georgette answers.

Are the footprints trackable at all, or is it just a few random prints visible on the roof?

"I would imagine that either we have a group of ruffians who wish to cause the populace to lose their faith in the Rangers, or simply are using the Rangers as a foil to cast their blame onto. I would be very surprised to find that the Rangers as a group have turned on the people."

He turns as Ozymandious returns on lands on his shoulder. "There are a few prints on the roof from where the assailant dropped, and a faint residue of some magic, though not enough to tell anything useful from."

Male Half Orc Bard 1

After hearing what the woman had to say, Sinque followed Caeradan outside. "Thats very interesting. How do you think he got up there? By the way, I never got your name. I'm Sinque. And you called your Owl... Donny?"

[ooc]Perception to see if there are any ladders nearby 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

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