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Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time. Real life drama, classes, and net issues have made it difficult. I'm working to organize everything and hope to get a decent posted rate going for all my games. If I need to be removed or botted I understand ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Ciaran gladly follows the order the fall back but gets ready to dodge in case of a counter attack, if she could draw some attention she might be able to help the injured get away. "I'll try and cover the escape." She would try to toss a few rocks towards the creatures general direction to draw it's attention to her. Intimidate, taunt?: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 total defense for 24 ac and a move action back the way we came ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() "In hopes of a misunderstanding. Fear can cause bad choices and if we both make the wrong choice it may lead to unnecessary bloodshed." She offered to Cygnus. When Pastersnack offered to join her on scouting she would give him a slightly worried look. "But it also becomes much harder with more people." ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Once the people had vanished from sight Ciaran instant went to go check on Cygnus's injury, she was afraid Pasternacks show boating might still be heard and cause problems later on but did everything she could not to react to it like she was taught to do. "Should we wait here for them to come back or is it too dangerous?"
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Goblin:
"Stop! We're not here to attack anyone, we are just exploring the area." Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 10 + 3 = 28 Ciaran would step infront of where Cygnus was out of instinct after failing to protect him already. Goblin: "Please don't attack, we aren't here to fight." ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 "A logging camp gathering supplies does sound like exactly what we should be investigating, we may want to get a scroll ready for after words just in case we find something." ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 Ciaran visible shrinks as the venture further into the woods her head focused down but here eyes darting at all times, she already missed her place back home but she wanted to put on a strong face for her unit. "A warm place to rest would be nice." She agreed despite preferring colder weather, at least having light might be of come comfort. Survival: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17 ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() I think I got this right: Unless anyone wants to borrow her heir loom Ciaran will be returning the armor and pick to her 'family' and the bow to the office she'll keep the armored kilt and the scythe, if possible she'll have the scythe made +1 +1 Scythe - 2318G
The idea of getting rid of all her heirlooms was kind of disappointing but I can't really use them very well so i'm going to have her return them with the thinking that she doesn't want anything to be lost if she dies but would it be ok for me to spend some gold on a trinket and say that was gift like a 'to remember home' thing? That leaves 441 gold ( Not counting trinket ) left over and she'd offer it to the party fund, sorry it's not more but I'm greedy about shiny weapons. ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() "The latter." She informed him quietly as he guessed her race."Is it possible to upgrade what we already have like enchanting our current weapons?" She asked quickly trying to change her topic as she went back to searching amount the smaller items. ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Sorry about the lack of posting I've been tied up with Christmas and classes, I'll try to get back on a normal posting schedule Ciaran looked a little disappointed at the idea of keeping the secret then conflicted about if she should tell her or not but it was a conflict for later. She doesn't adjust well to the new home but does manage some form of sleep, the next morning she welcomes the new guide with a bow. "A pleasure." Once they had been lead to the store she would look around if allowed but stay near the group."Do these tunnels connect to other hideouts or checkpoints?" ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Ciaran felt bad about Pasternack being over looked but she had a feeling it was for the best. "The mountains will be hard to traverse, the forest in the south is our best path." She agreed. "Will our family know or will they think we are becoming hunters as well?" ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Ciaran wasn't sure how she felt about giving one of the people send spend the past few years with quite literal control over everyone else but was positive she didn't want the position. "I wouldn't able to lead properly, the others are a better choice." ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() After the small coaxing from her team and some time to alone to think Ciaran joined like the others, knowing if she didn't now and they got hurt she wouldn't be able to shoulder the guilt; of their fall or the cities even it might cost her life. She shrinks, into her chair and a bit literally, during the debriefing but she stays true to her choice to stay. "When will we be sent out on our first mission?" ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() "And if our failure is the cause of Kotelia's fall, history will mark us as worthless forever. It's a very large jump in responsibility from what we have now maybe we just aren't ready for it and they should find someone better suited for the task." ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Ciaran was taken back by how quickly the others promised themselves to an unknown cause and of course she wanted to serve the city as well but switching from the rather tame job of a regular guard to this secret assignment was quite a jump. "She'd want me to help the city in anyway I can." She said to herself with a nod. "I'd still like the time to think." She'd inform as she headed to the indicated room, for a moment alone with her thoughts. ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Can't make the dc for SM so skipping Ciaran follows the instructions given and quietly sits at the new table as her eyes wander the room, the clutter was a bit annoying but she didn't comment on it for now. She turns her attention to the map and takes a moment to appreciate how much work must have gone into marking and sorting everything. Int: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
"Have the other treats been dealt with or are they just being ignored for now?" She commented about the fresh map being blank. ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Ciaran had spent most of her free time roaming the parts of the city she was allowed in, exploring it without a uniform to get a new perspective on the area as she did a few odd jobs here and there for coin or favor. Once the summon was time she'd head to the first districts, each checkpoint seemed to make her more suspicious but that seemed to dissipate when she finally entered the district. She would arrive a bit late to the meeting, having spent a while watching the people of the area and when she arrived and was offered refreshments would glance over at the others before settling on water as she took her seat near Kincaid and sat surprisingly still compared to her normal demeanor. ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() With all the different reactions going on Ciaran wasn't quite sure how to act but accepting the meeting seemed to be the universal vote so she would agree to go with them. "Should we tell the higher ups about this?" ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Ciaran watches the entire interaction of the strange drow group then the box and the group not really sure how to react to the situation, she seems embarrassed to not know what Rozzev claims is an important person but pays close attention to his explanation before reaching to touch the box and get her own ID Chip. "So what would he want with us?" She asked the group but was clearly focused on Rozzev as he seemed to be the most informed person. ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Ciaran draws her scythe as she runs towards the kobold hoping to stop the young dragon before it attacks but she isn't able to reach them in time as the area floods with lightning. Reflex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 She manages to avoid taking the blow full force as she continues to move toward the kobold, stopping at his feet and taking a defense stance to draw attention away from him. Total defense +4 Dodge AC giving her 24 Total ac ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() As of right now Ciaran doesn't have much in the way of abilities outside of shape change but later on she will become a celestial sorcerer but spells are still up in the air so her role can change atm. I think mdt and I got her story fixed so things should start cleaning up sorry for the delay ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() If there was any panic or confusion among the civilians Ciaran would focus on them in an attempt to calm the masses. "All civilians please proceed calm to safety, we are working to control the situation." Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21 If they were already under control however she would focus her attention on the threat looking for the best way to defend against it. ![]()
Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4
![]() Ciaran stands at attention copying the soldiers around her almost perfectly as they patiently await orders before bowing lightly after they'd been given. "Sir, yes sir." She mimics in a calm voice before making her way to their post. |