Christina Stiles's page
Contributor. Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1,471 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 2 wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.
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Sounds good. More witch love.
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We've added a 150 backers goal to release an Impassioned Talented Adventurer Rogue from Will Wells. We need your help in sharing the Book of Passion kickstarter on your social media groups to get the word out. We have 14 days to reach our stretch goals.
We appreciate all help! We want to make this the best book it can be!
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Will Wells previews the Sacred Prostitute archetype for the cleric on the KS. Art by Marc Curlee. This is an iconic, so there is a clothed and unclothed version of Desria with her character information.
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Moskau wrote: I can't pledge any more, but I am torn between passionate and beastly lover. I can't help you on that choice. :) It depends on what interests you the most.
You can always help us find 13 $1 backers, though, to open up Margherita's freebie! Jacob did a great job on drawing the witch's sex scene. He said the witch's bottom was one of his best-drawn butts. It's a damn sexy scene. :)
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Rysky wrote: Rysky wrote: Christina Stiles wrote: John Kretzer wrote: So if I upgrade to the Intriguing Lover...I get only one iconic Correct?
I got a couple of character/ ideas warring in my head... I'm going to add a God/Goddess of Love & Lust level that allows you to do more than one. It will give you the option of pitching something to us, as well. It will be like the $300 levels with MORE. Up to 4 prints, too. In addition, the book will be dedicated to you. WOOT! Pledge updated! I have a feeling I'm going to have a new writer in my bullpen soon. :)
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New Tier:
God or Goddess of Love and Lust
Print color book of The Book of Passion, plus PDF copies of the book and PDF copies of any stretch goals. Early access to the book's unedited files. Shipping extra.
For author credit, you can write multiple iconics or monsters or archetypes with our authors (any combination), and create an iconic with that archetype. If the Bestiary does not reach funding, this will be published in a later product. Receive four signed artist prints of your characters/monsters. Your entries will need to be approved by the project's developer.
Additionally, the Book of Passion will be dedicated to you. You may also pitch Christina something for this book that will be a paid freelance work if accepted.
A changed tier (limit 2):
Passion's Apprentice
All the rewards of the God/Goddess of Love and Lust. Plus, for a year from the ending date of the project, a Passion's Apprentice gains one-on-one email and Skype access to Christina Stiles and Robert H. Hudson, Jr. Please note that Christina teaches a class on writing tabletop roleplaying games at Winthrop University, where students pay almost $1800 for four-month access to her knowledge and feedback, so this is a bargain!
The two will teach you the ropes of writing gaming material. Give you and allow you to directly pitch material to us. Former apprentices like Rich Howard (best known for his 5e work) have gone on to start strong freelancing careers.
If we like your work, we'll also give you opportunities to write for our upcoming products, many of which will be kickstarted in the near future.
Shipping for any print products is included in this pledge.
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John Kretzer wrote: So if I upgrade to the Intriguing Lover...I get only one iconic Correct?
I got a couple of character/ ideas warring in my head...
I'm going to add a God/Goddess of Love & Lust level that allows you to do more than one. It will give you the option of pitching something to us, as well. It will be like the $300 levels with MORE. Up to 4 prints, too. In addition, the book will be dedicated to you.
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Moskau wrote: Christina Stiles wrote: You absolutely get credited! Thank you for the support. I look forward to hearing what you have in mind. I'm having fun as the publisher sneaking in art connections to my home campaign and to other products we've done, like Strange Brew and Bite Me! The witch iconics from Strange Brew are currently popping up in all kind of situations. One is actually on the front cover of The Book of Passion. I'm going to get my medusa witch in the book somewhere, too. As a backer at the iconic level, are unusual races welcome? Not otyugh unusual, but outside the core 7. I am kicking around a few ideas and want to know the approximate limit. Don't think I replied to this, but please do consider races outside the core ones. I want a wide representation.
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Rysky wrote: Will the Phantom Lover include the Exceptional Lover art rewards in addition to the Phantom ones? Yes! I'm so sorry that I forgot to add that part to the reward level. You get the prints, too. I can't change the wording at this point, but note that it is included.
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Rysky wrote: Has any thought been given for a reward tier inbetween Excetional Lover ($150) and Passion's Apprentice ($600)*, like suggest an archetype or additional art?
*Is very, very tempting, but I probably can't get away with it -_-
Yes, we were asking backers for tier suggestions.
What numbers do you have in mind? What would it be specifically? We are willing to listen. We want your money. :)
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John Kretzer wrote: Okay I have backed the kickstarter...and I will see if I can get others as well from my gaming group...
Oh...do you get credit for the Iconic if gets Published?
You absolutely get credited! Thank you for the support. I look forward to hearing what you have in mind. I'm having fun as the publisher sneaking in art connections to my home campaign and to other products we've done, like Strange Brew and Bite Me! The witch iconics from Strange Brew are currently popping up in all kind of situations. One is actually on the front cover of The Book of Passion. I'm going to get my medusa witch in the book somewhere, too.
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Alzrius wrote: Ah, darn. I refuse to use Facebook (I really don't like them, as a company) so it's a shame there's no way to see the preview artwork otherwise.
But at least I get to be surprised when the book comes out!
The non-erotic artwork will be previewed through updates. I just posted a beautiful picture that Peter Bradley did.
When we get to the files for commenting for those backers, we will have a locked down website and can post some things there to preview, as well.
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Ok, 100 backers get EVERY backer a free Impassioned Talented Adventurer exclusive from Margherita Tromontano! I'll have a Talented Adventurer line coming out with Rogue Genius Games that Will Wells and Margherita pulled together as authors and developers. The exclusive will take a sneak peek into the sex lives of the characters and use rules material from The Book of Passion. These versions will not be for sale elsewhere, though the normal ones will.
I've also added an Easy Lover level for those not wanting to spend more than $10 on a b&w version of the final book.
Please help us spread the word!
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Thanks for all the interest, folks. More news up today on something that we want to do as a stretch goal. Plus, a little something extra from Will and Margherita.
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GarnathFrostmantle wrote: Chemlak wrote: The problem is with the Pathfinder Compatibility License, rather than any OGL stuff, which is why they're very carefully not claiming it's Pathfinder compatible (though this forum thread is cutting it a bit fine, I suspect). PCL says no "adult themes" and this book is absolutely "adult themed", but I'm also pretty sure that being indirect about it is okay as long as they never (EVER) directly indicate Pathfinder Compatible or display the Pathfinder Compatibility logo. And I get that part.
But can a publisher use the rule set and not have the PFC licenses associated with the book (regardless of the theme)?
I'm curious how they are going to list the OGL. Yes, because the rules are OGL themselves. We can list in Section 15 what books we pulled from--we have to to be compliant with the OGL license. We just cannot claim compatibility or use the logo. We are very aware of what we cannot do. Thus OGL 3.75 is our claim for rules.
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Rysky wrote: Moskau wrote: Rysky wrote: Really liking the art so far. Me too, which is why I pledged for an iconic. Same ^w^
That Elf/Drow pick is absolutely GORGEOUS.
Also, in case you need some more artists if this does well I know of a couple :3 I'm happy to talk to other artists. Pm me with a link to your/their work. Peter Bradley did the Amazons and drow. He mainly works for Troll Lord Games. I'm licensing those pics. They are available as prints from his Ravenchilde.com site. He is doing new art for the project, too. He worked on Rogue Mage and Strange Brew with us.
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I just want to chime in that we have plenty of extra material in hand from the authors that we really want to include in the book. I want lots of beautiful art, too, so you will be proud to own the book. We could use your help in spreading the word. Above all, I want to see these authors' work come to beautiful fruition. They deserve that.
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As someone who loves writing adventures, I plan to add some to the mix, whether they are for Misfit Studios...or other companies who want me to write for them. Looking forward to this!
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Christina Stiles wrote: Mike, put Misfit Studios down for a winner a day of a Bite Me! PDF or Strange Brew one. Strange Brew: Book of Shadows is out very soon.
Additionally, I'm happy to throw in a softcover copy of Bite Me! The Gaming Guide to Lycanthropes as an ultimae prize (with PDF), too.
Adding a copy of Medusa's Guide for Gamer Girls: Gaming With Kids to every winner, too, from Christina Stiles Presents.
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Mike, put Misfit Studios down for a winner a day of a Bite Me! PDF or Strange Brew one. Strange Brew: Book of Shadows is out very soon.
Additionally, I'm happy to throw in a softcover copy of Bite Me! The Gaming Guide to Lycanthropes as an ultimae prize (with PDF), too.
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This is sad news in many ways, but I hope you go on to greater things. Best wishes, lady!
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Face it, RPGs are a tough market. Whenever companies upgrade to a new edition, they risk splintering their fan base. The fact that Paizo has managed to successfully grow in this market is a testament to Lisa Stevens's business savvy, the skills and knowledge of the company's other leaders, and the staff's ability to make interesting, quality product. With great customer service added to the mix, a phenomenal company has been built. Why risk losing that? There is plenty more to explore with the system as it is, so I don't see them changing things up at this time with a 2.0. If there comes a time when it makes business sense, it will happen.
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All Bite Me! Wererats are claimed. It should be out of layout within the next few days.
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Two Bite Me! Wererats left.
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Three of six Bite Me! Wererats claimed so far. The PDF is currently in layout.
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Mike, I think your wererats should be ready by the New Year. I'm happy to supply 6 winners with a copy when it becomes available.
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Yay, finally glad to see a review on this. Glad you liked "Truth Sunders." As you know, this project suffered Cthulhu's curse, so I am happy with the results. I think it is one of the more thought-provoking entries in the Freeport line.
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Kalindlara wrote: Is there any sort of werewasp, here or in any of your other products?
Also - longshot, I know, but do you offer any Hero Lab support?
We don't currently have a werewasp, but I love the idea! I will see if Robert is up for that. I will check on Hero Lab support.
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Thanks for the reviews, guys! I'm glad you enjoyed the book. We are working on releasing advanced races for the lycanthropes at this time. We have weremantises and werewolves out. Werebats is going into layout. Wererats and weretigers will be next. I have plenty of material in the works!
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Looking for reviewers for Endzeitgeist's Bite Me! Meat-That-Screams and Adam Meyers' Bite Me! Weremantises. Ping me with your rpgnow.com email addy if you are interested. These are products I published via Misfit Studios.
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These are some great minis.
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Veranthea is Mike Myler's kickstarter project. It will be released through Rogue Genius Games.
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I am SO happy for you, Amanda!!! Congratulations.
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Misfit Studios has a warlock coming in the next few weeks.
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Linda, I am already your fan because of this great accomplishment. Thank you for representing us women in this industry. I hope to meet you at PaizoCon.
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3pp material is perfectly fine at my table. I use a lot of Kobold Press material now--and things from the companies I'm involved with. LPJ, Rite, Purple Duck, Raging Swan, Legendary Games, Frog God, and many others produce excellent material. I will be adding things from them all to my campaign as I move forward.
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Sorry for the slow response. Family comes first during the holidays.
So, I've responded to everyone who inquired. I have confirmation on werecrocodiles and wereravens. I've sent requests for weretigers, wereboars, and werebears.
I may be interested in other possible were races, if folks want to pitch some.
I have weremantises and weresnakes in the works right now--in addition to werewolves, wererats, weresharks, and werbats.
I may have some SpirosBlaak writing opportunities available in early spring. Thanks for the responses!I look forward to working with you all.
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Hi, all:
I'm opening up the opportunity for a freelancer who is good at writing advanced class material, as per Paizo's Advanced Race Guide. Payment is 2 cents per word upon an accepted draft (meaning, after working with the developer and editor to fix any problems) for between 8-12K word count.
Writers must be familiar with Misfit Studios's Bite Me! Playing Lycanthropes to effectively write for this line.
I'm looking for writers for the following races:
Werecrocodile [Assigned]
Wereraven (a race from Misfit's SpirosBlaak setting, also available in PDF for 3.X--it's being updated for Pathfinder now)
Wereboar may possibly be another needed. I have the other "standard" lycan races covered. You may pitch me something new, though. It won't get the highest priority, however.
Ping me on the message boards if interested. Let me know what you've written before in the message and what kind of deadline you could meet. You have a better shot of getting the assignment if I am already familiar with you or your work. I'll decide on the authors by 12-30.
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Thilo is absolutely a community treasure. I very much appreciate the work that he does in getting all these products thoughtfully reviewed. I am in awe of what he does. Snakes (medusa joke)off to you, Thilo!
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The world surrounding Freeport would be a great project.
I'd like to see the Book of Fiends done, too.
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My candidate list would include Crystal Frasier (who has written Paizo adventures), Amber Scott (who has written Paizo adventures, but who likely would not leave her video-game job), Amanda Hamon-Kunz, Tracy Davis Hurley, and many of the women who formerly worked for Wotc. I'd throw in Jean Rabe, but she is happily writing novels.
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LazarX wrote:
Have you taken a look at who's sitting in the Big Chair? If you look at staff size, Paizo is pretty much a mom and pop shop compared to the average video game studio.
Yes, I know Lisa, and I know she sits in the big chair. That fact is BEYOND GREAT, certainly. I'm just saying I'd like to see at least *a* woman on the design team. Women gamers need role models on the gaming ground level, too. That's one of the reasons I do panels at cons specifically aimed at women in gaming: to let them know that women game designers exist, so they have someone to model as they move toward their own dreams.
Sometimes it takes active recruitment to make this happen. IT departments and colleges are doing it all over the US to ensure women and minorities get access to jobs they otherwise might not.
Again, my apologies to Paizo if I came off as calling them wrong, when my intent was to ask them to consider bringing in some women to the inner-workings of the game.
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Kolokotroni wrote:
I don't think anyone believes there is gender bias in the hiring practices. That isnt the point. The state of the gaming world, and the industry itself requires specific action to become more inclusive. As I mentioned, it isnt about hiring someone less qualified. It is about valuing the idea of diversity itself and deliberately seeking it out.
Yes, this.
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Hey, Paizo. You know I love you, but you have forgotten to represent us women gamers on your staff. You have zero women on your RPG design/dev team, so you are not even reaching the lowly three percent number of women designers in the video game industry. And your newest hire in editing, which is a field that women tend to dominate in general publishing, is a man. Please add some diversity in your staff. You are a leader in diversity in gaming in publishing, so please be a leader in diversity in hiring, as well.
We look to you to lead this industry against sexism.
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Not warrior women who make eunuchs?