So, I have a group of brave adventurers who tried to just waltz into the top floor of the Pinnacle to apparently have it out with Karzoug. I think they were surprised by the strength and array of the forces that responded to the alarm. As a side note, I created a document that details the order in which various forces respond to the incursion, including how many rounds after the general alarm they arrive, full state blocks for each of them (this is not provided in either the original or anniversary edition), their tactics upon arrival and a good deal of supplemental information about the NPC’s, including details about Khalib’s spells. If this would be of any use to anyone else, I would be happy to post it, I just don’t know where. It took me a couple of hours to put together. Anyway, after being beaten back, the PC’s have retreated to a Mage’s Magnificent Mansion about 50 yards down the stone ramp from the entrance hallway. At this point, they were fleeing the two Rune Giants and Khalib. We ended the session at that point as it had taken us 4 hours to get through 12 rounds of action. I imagine the PC’s plan is to either buff and heal for a few rounds and then pop out or to wait longer and fully rest to recharge their much diminished spell reserves. I have a couple of ideas for either instance but I thought it would be fun to get some input for other suggested surprised that I could set up once the PC’s emerge from the manse. Thanks!
Mike: Nice post. Speaking of organizing local conventions, I will be emailing you shortly with details of a convention we are putting together here in Madison, WI. We are hoping to get a bit of support from Paizo beyond the excellent work our Venture people will be doing in terms of organizing the actual PFS component of the convention.
Are you kidding me? Let me get this straight - Let's assume that a caster is able to overcome a pretty high SR, which is pretty easy to do at high levels. If the powerful opponent makes the save, it becomes immobilized for one round, again, after making the save? That is silly, especially for a 3rd level spell. They are better off failing and taking the nominal damage and then being able to act on their initiative. Consider one of the bad badies in the Pathfinder pantheon - Karzoug the Claimer. His SR is 24. His will save is so high, that saving against something like Terrible Remorse will happen lest he rolls a 1. So, if a PC with a brace of these spells won initiative, they could endlessly immobilize Karzoug, based on his making the save, allowing the other party members to pound away at will simply through the repeated use of a 3rd level bard spell??? That is simply nonsensical.
Michael Brock wrote:
As far as the star rating for GM’s piece of this discussion goes, I guess it comes down to the question of what is the purpose of that rating. Is it simply to indicate the number of PFS scenarios a given GM has run or is it to be a representation of the overall experience and potential quality of the GM? I ask this because it is beyond cavil that properly running an Adventure Path is much more demanding and involved than running a PFS scenario. A good GM can sit down and in an hour be ready to run a PFS scenario he or she had never seen before as it is simply an adventure vignette compared to the complexity of an AP. If Paizo really did want to attach a chevron indicating total overall experience of a GM, should not experience running their most demanding product be factored in? I want to make sure that these comments are not taken to be anyway demeaning to those who have accomplished a high star rating. I am constantly impressed by your dedication to the cause and this only works because of your volunteer efforts.
What I had thought was a one-time case of sniffles in God's Market Gamble has apparently broken out into a full on contagion - Chase Rules! Simply put, they are awful. If you want a sure way to grind a free flowing game to a halt, insert an encounter using these contrived and artificial rules. I just came back from GenCon and played the Runecarved Key special and Rise of the Goblin Guild. Both have chase scenes. Both chase encounters ruined the game. The GM's don’t like it and the player hate it. Look, I get how these things come about. In a vacuum, I am sure it sounded like a good idea. However, when actually playing, it is stultifying and lame. This is already a rule heavy game. There simply is no reason to create a separate set of rules for every conceivable situation. You have good GM’s and a great set of rules. Let these things get sorted out via role playing – the very point of the game! In games I run, I will not run the chase system. I will instead use words (imagine that!) to create a realistic chase wherein the PC’s can use whatever skills and abilities to their best to run down their quarry. Kill the chase rules before they kill season 4!
Is it now impossible to create a post about Paizo products generally? If it is, I was not smart enough to find where. Anyway, two separate thoughts: After wandering around GenCon all weekend and looking at all the different three dimension dungeon build out products available now, why doesn't Paizo partner with one of these outfits ala WizKids for figurines to create Adventure Path specific build outs that can be purchased and played? I mean, it would be great to have some of the highlights from the AP's rendered in three dimensions so that we can play them. You know who would buy those? Me. You know who would subscribe to something like that? Me. Along other lines, why only black tee shirts? I know you sell a lot of black tee shirts, but that is because that is the only color you offer. We have the technology to do other colors. Why not?!
I am about to launch a high level scenario. Our group's SOP when it comes to challenging encounters recently has been to summon a bunch of stuff, toss it in there and then go in to mop up the rest. Well, I am trying to get this practice under control. I will resort to arbitrary rulings if I have to, but would like to have some rule support first. Am I correct in my read that a summoner can only have one summoning active at a time? I have other casters in this group that have their own summon spells. Can anyone suggest any limitations, rule based, creative or otherwise? Thanks. |