His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad

Chief Rendwattle Gutwad, H.M.G.'s page

8 posts. Alias of JLeeBly.


"Licktoad heroes. Tribe has urgent need. Firework shortage have tribe morale low, and you know where last stash was. Must be more there. Must be. Go back to ship and find more. If none there, we make other plans."

"Second-best Licktoads! I very pleased with what you bring back. And that you bring back Licktoad relics too. Don't have to behead any goblins. Some days, that might upset me. Today, no beheadings!"

"I bestow honors on you! Great honors!"

"Poog of Zarongel! I heard of your fine works! Tonight, I proclaim you now Boss of Big Fires! You still Boss of Little Fires if want."

"Chuffy! You stab well, and stabbing necessary part of Goblin life. You now appointed Overseer of Village Stabbings. I ask you oversee stabbing of previous overseer. She not know yet."

"Reta! You tough, and we need tough gobos protecting village. You now Head Village Watcher. Chuffy may help with easing current Head Village Watched out of position."

"Mogmurch! I have something special for Mogmurch. You have booms and wit and... well, there been rumors. I present to you forced marriage to daughter, Gupy Wartbits-Gutwad! Lots of love, and if rumors true, you need every bit of it."

I should inspire these brave fellows to perform the great, risky deed of retrieving these mere trinkets. I ask much of them, and they have my thanks...

"Get fireworks and bring them here to me."

Yes... that inspiring...

Hmm... Poog do well. Zarongel venerable God, and I may do well to reward his favored son.

Chief Gutwad point at Poog and motion to come closer. As Poog approach, Chief Gutwad remove robe from shoulders.

Hmm... Mogmurch and Chuffy eat bag of bullslugs quick... Mogmurch's spread was more impressive, but Chuffy keep slugs down longer. I impressed with his gutteral fortitude!

Cider belch

Chief Gutwad rolls eyes, bored of meeting. "Slorb, give them fun map and away them." Gutwad closes eyes and rubs sides of head, waving all gobos from room.

Gutwad speak to all Licktoads in Moot House with boomvoice! "You all be heroes. Each of you. You are best Licktoads but for me. And maybe but for Slorb. That you aren’t fleeing in terror from mighty sound of my voice is all the proof you should need. Yet soon, all Licktoad goblins will know your might, for I have picked you for a dangerous mission.

“You know about fireworks and map we found in Scribbleface’s hut. Fireworks were fun. But map is more fun. It shows a route to a place near the coast where Scribbleface found fireworks. And it says there are more fireworks there!

“I want them for Licktoads. You all go get them tomorrow. Tonight we have big bonfire to burn bad luck away from you, and we play many games. Much fun. Tomorrow you fetch me fireworks. If you meet men, you make them dead. If you meet dogs, you make them dead. If you meet horses, you make them dead. If you meet Lotslegs Eat Goblin Babies Many, you maybe should run. And if you not find fireworks, you not come back or we feed you to Squealy Nord!”