Question on the Ki tattoo feat, the wording in the second paragraph is a little bit stilted- saying you gain the effects of a ki feat as if you always had one ki point then a new uncapitalized sentence saying you can use the feat for one less ki point and then another uncapitalized sentence that just states "always had one ki point in his pool". As it stands, that is incredibly confusing. Does it allow you permanent access as if you had one ki point and allow you to use one less point once per day if applicable? Also of note- this was in the portrait version of the pdf.
I'v posted this in a different thread but I thought people might see it more in it's own thread and might start a good discussion. While it is a Fighter archetype, I think with the addition of the very monk-like Ki pool (Grit), I'm of a mind to say that instead of just saying, "hey, you get these feats", meaning the two weapon line, what about giving them their own version of furry of blows called Rapid Fire. Rapid Fire (Ex) Starting at 1st level, a Gunslinger can make a Rapid Fire Attack as a full-attack action. When doing so he may make one additional attack using his firearm of choice (Either Musket or Dual pistols as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat or if Musket is chosen, choose extra gun oriented combat feats (even if the gunslinger does not meet the prerequisites for the feat). For the purpose of these attacks, the Gunslinger's base attack bonus is equal to his Gunslinger level. For all other purposes, such as qualifying for a feat or a prestige class, the Gunslinger uses his normal base attack bonus. At 8th level, the gunslinger can make two additional attacks when he uses Rapid Fire, as if using Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (even if the Gunslinger does not meet the prerequisites for the feat). At 15th level, the Gunslinger can make three additional attacks using Rapid Fire, as if using Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (even if the Gunslinger does not meet the prerequisites for the feat). A Gunslinger may substitute disarm, sunder as part of a Rapid Fire. A Gunslinger cannot use any weapon other than his chosen firearm as part of a Rapid Fire. A Gunslinger with natural weapons cannot use such weapons as part of a Rapid fire, nor can he make natural attacks in addition to his Rapid Fire. Rapid Fire Attack Bonus Pistol Damage Musket Damage 1st –1/–1 1d8 1d12
Alright, hear me out. yes, I took most of it from an srd and changed every "monk" go "gunslinger", as well as brought over the monk increase in damage. Many people have stated that they thought that the Gunslinger was pretty sub par on damage, so as he levels, why shouldn't his gunslinging skills make him better able to damage vital organs much like a monk? I started off with the base damage of the guns given in the playtest and attempted to keep to a similar damage progression. What I was thinking is that because you choose to specialize so much in such a weapon, the main BAB of the class sinks down to 3/4, just like a monk but when using your Rapidfire, you can shoot like a master, either gaining lots of shots and increasing damage of pistols, or you can take tons of firearm feats and do some hefty damage with a musket. Any comments? Am I waaaay out there on this? I'd like to know. Thanks.
I thought the exact same thing about all these feats and how things have been done with the class so far. It's a good concept, spinning things in an interesting way. While it is a Fighter archetype, I think with the addition of the very monk-like Ki pool (Grit), I'm of a mind to say that instead of just saying, "hey, you get these feats", meaning the two weapon line, what about giving them their own version of furry of blows, much like you suggested. Rapid Fire (Ex) Starting at 1st level, a Gunslinger can make a Rapid Fire Attack as a full-attack action. When doing so he may make one additional attack using his firearm of choice (Either Musket or Dual pistols as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat or if Musket is chosen, choose extra gun oriented combat feats (even if the gunslinger does not meet the prerequisites for the feat). For the purpose of these attacks, the Gunslinger's base attack bonus is equal to his Gunslinger level. For all other purposes, such as qualifying for a feat or a prestige class, the Gunslinger uses his normal base attack bonus. At 8th level, the gunslinger can make two additional attacks when he uses Rapid Fire, as if using Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (even if the Gunslinger does not meet the prerequisites for the feat). At 15th level, the Gunslinger can make three additional attacks using Rapid Fire, as if using Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (even if the Gunslinger does not meet the prerequisites for the feat). A Gunslinger may substitute disarm, sunder as part of a Rapid Fire. A Gunslinger cannot use any weapon other than his chosen firearm as part of a Rapid Fire. A Gunslinger with natural weapons cannot use such weapons as part of a Rapid fire, nor can he make natural attacks in addition to his Rapid Fire. Rapid Fire Attack Bonus Pistol Damage Musket Damage 1st –1/–1 1d8 1d12
Alright, hear me out. yes, I took most of it from an srd and changed every "monk" go "gunslinger", as well as brought over the monk increase in damage. Many people have stated that they thought that the Gunslinger was pretty sub par on damage, so as he levels, why shouldn't his gunslinging skills make him better able to damage vital organs much like a monk? I started off with the base damage of the guns given in the playtest and attempted to keep to a similar damage progression. What I was thinking is that because you choose to specialize so much in such a weapon, the main BAB of the class sinks down to 3/4, just like a monk but when using your Rapidfire, you can shoot like a master, either gaining lots of shots and increasing damage of pistols, or you can take tons of firearm feats and do some hefty damage with a musket. Any comments? Am I waaaay out there on this? I'd like to know. Thanks.
Ok, i'v posted some rants in other threads but this is more of a proposal idea. I had thought how similar the Gunslinger's choice of choosing a musket or two pistols was quite similar to the ranger choosing a combat style, wo why not give it to him? Combat Style Feat (Ex) At 1st level, a gunslinger must select one of two combat styles to pursue: Musket or dual pistols. The gunslinger's expertise manifests in the form of bonus feats at 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level. He can choose feats from his selected combat style, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites. If the gunslinger selects Musket, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Rapid Shot. At 6th level, he adds Improved Precise Shot and Manyshot to the list. At 10th level, he adds Pinpoint Targeting and Shot on the Run to the list. If the ranger selects two-weapon combat, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Double Slice, , Quick Draw, and Two-Weapon Fighting. At 6th level, he adds Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Two-Weapon Defense to the list. At 10th level, he adds Greater Two-Weapon Fighting and Two-Weapon Rend to the list. The benefits of the Gunslinger's chosen style feats apply only when he wears light, medium, or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style feats when wearing heavy armor. Once a Gunslinger selects a combat style, it cannot be changed. Obviously I mostly copy and pasted from srd and switched out gunslinger with ranger, didn't really change any of the feat selection. that, my friends, I leave open to what you guys think should be in there. obviously there are feats that can go in both but what do you think? Give the guy some bonus feats (he is a fighter after all) but he pretty much focuses on a single should he get some nifty stuff for it? I think so.
Ok, I finally feel like jumping in on this one. None of these guys have magic, right? Most get up close and personal? Yep, that sounds like combat to me and even if they are Asian (Culturally themed doesn't matter to me), they fit. Gunslinger and Samurai are fighters and the ninja's a rogue type, all three are combat specialists. I have my qualms with them but that's besides the point. It's when people jab at the *idea* of something rather than the way it's executed. if it get's your goat that Paizo is including guns or a guy in a mask with a smoke bomb, then either don't include it or don't buy the book. For curiosity's sake I look forward to seeing what else they put out. I will admit, I pretty much include all paizo and all almost all third party books...but it's OGl...creativity, I thought that's what roleplaying was about...make your world how you want it.
That is an excellent point...but then what is the point of having a playtest if you cannot test it properly? They should have given at least four or maybe five different types to give some options. Until then, i'd probably just play the class with two light repeating crossbows instead of guns or just the Heavy repeating crossbow instead of the musket.
I liked the idea of the class as it seemed (at least to me) to be very similar to the idea of Roland of Gilead from the Dark Tower series. I love the series but this class...I gotta agree with the OP. They kinda made it a little wonky, not that I don't like it just that I feel some things could have been better. My main curiosity is about the guns...they only hold one round and it takes a standard action to reload? The "Capacity" is how many rounds they hold..but the only firearms they give have a capacity of 1...which means it's a crossbow...or a sling. you're going to fire both on the first round and then spend the next two rounds reloading? Combat is probably done by then...or at least someone has closed in on the gunslinger by then. My two cents are to make them six shooters. Granted, the rules state that they can be shot as many times as BAB allows for extra attacks..but that won't happen because you will immediately need to reload. Now, on to the real quirk for me. No where that I saw said that they have two weapon fighting or any class feature that allows them to use both guns without taking penalties. Ok, there is rapidshot...don't you think the classes so iconic enough to actually give you two free guns at first level should actually be able to use them effectively without shelling out your only first level feat? (Not counting if you're human) The Archer fighter Archetype from APG get's a nifty ability at 17th level called Volley where he can attack all enemies within 15 feat. That is HUGE, granted it's at 17th level but still...that is absolutely something I could see a gunslinger being able to do. "Oh no, you'v surrounded me" ..and he proceeds to shoot them all in a single six second round...
I'v been looking over other posts and other threads and have thought of some stuff to add to all this. I posted elsewhere as well but I figure since so many have put forth here I would do the same. To be honest, I thought that Spellstrike and Spell Combat were rather repetitive. The first is essentially Channel touch spell that i'v been seeing in a lot of other classes lately- which is fine. I rather like the ability but Spell Combat makes it obsolete to be able to do a full attack plus a spell. Both aren't needed though I could see it being an option to have one or the other. As far as the Spell combat- since the class gives up a bit of spell casting for combat prowess, and this acts similarly to two weapon fighting I would say drop the concentration and because the whole weapon/spell combo attack thing has been done so much, what if it could be changed to attacking with a touch spell for every attack you would get via BAB. Ie, when you get to +6/+1, you now have two touch spells in a round with those modifiers. Just the same when you get up to +11/+6/+1, you now have a third one in a round. I do realize that this could lead to some really nasty combos, trust me, i'm good at coming up with game breaking combos, but it really does give it a unique ability that even surpasses a full caster's abilities to use quickened spell. Lets not forget that casting three spells in a round you'll quickly run out of it kinda evens out. You get some hefty power, at the cost of endurance. As for the spell list issue, it really does feel like a wizard with a shorter list, granted I know this is the first playtest and more spells will get updated...but would I actually be crazy if I suggested that as a way of broadening the class's ability to use spells in close combat, any spell on his list could be casted as a touch spell. In effect, this will make that spell (regardless of the wizard/sorc versions) down into a single target spell. The Touch attack replaces any saving throw the spell previously had. Of course we gotta keep those utility spells, but I would say that any spell cast as its usual listed range (close, medium and long), well you only get one of those per round. Sorry, either you get to B slap someone in a nasty way multiple times, or you can fireball that group of kobolds. One or the other, not both in the same round though quickened spell is always an option. Since he prepares spells, you'll have to think about the metamagic ahead of time but when you choose to use a spell for teh spell combat, that should overwrite it back to its usual level for the touch attack. Well, i'll leave the metamagic thing up for debate since I don't have any good ideas on it. I hope i'v put out some good ideas.
To be honest, I thought that Spellstrike and Spell Combat were rather repetitive. The first is essentially Channel touch spell that i'v been seeing in a lot of other classes lately- which is fine. I rather like the ability but Spell Combat makes it obsolete to be able to do a full attack plus a spell. Both aren't needed though I could see it being an option to have one or the other. As far as the Spell combat- since the class gives up a bit of spell casting for combat prowess, and this acts similarly to two weapon fighting I would say drop the concentration and because the whole weapon/spell combo attack thing has been done so much, what if it could be changed to attacking with a touch spell for every attack you would get via BAB. Ie, when you get to +6/+1, you now have two touch spells in a round with those modifiers. Just the same when you get up to +11/+6/+1, you now have a third one in a round. I do realize that this could lead to some really nasty combos, trust me, i'm good at coming up with game breaking combos, but it really does give it a unique ability that even surpasses a full caster's abilities to use quickened spell. Lets not forget that casting three spells in a round you'll quickly run out of it kinda evens out. You get some hefty power, at the cost of endurance. As for the spell list issue, it really does feel like a wizard with a shorter list, granted I know this is the first playtest and more spells will get updated...but would I actually be crazy if I suggested that as a way of broadening the class's ability to use spells in close combat, any spell on his list could be casted as a touch spell. In effect, this will make that spell (regardless of the wizard/sorc versions) down into a single target spell. The Touch attack replaces any saving throw the spell previously had. Of course we gotta keep those utility spells, but I would say that any spell cast as its usual listed range (close, medium and long), well you only get one of those per round. Sorry, either you get to B slap someone in a nasty way multiple times, or you can fireball that group of kobolds. One or the other, not both in the same round though quickened spell is always an option. Since he prepares spells, you'll have to think about the metamagic ahead of time but when you choose to use a spell for teh spell combat, that should overwrite it back to its usual level for the touch attack. Well, i'll leave the metamagic thing up for debate since I don't have any good ideas on it. I hope i'v put out some good ideas. |