Sanvil Trett

Ceirn's page

319 posts. Alias of Malinor..


I just took over a Kingmaker campaign and we are looking for one more character. I hope to keep the recruitment open for a week since there is only one spot left. The game was built using some unique character creation rules (located below) and we will be following them.

Also please include a brief history of how you came to the area and why you would be looking for potential allies. I am not looking for novels, just a reason to be there and care.

Current Campaign Info:
The current group includes a Cavalier, Swashbuckler/Magus, Oracle, Sorcerer, and Alchemist/Investigator. They cover most needs already so there are no preferences on classes.

This has been a pretty slow moving campaign. I hope to get it moving at a more reasonable clip moving forward so that we can see the story unfold.

The group is still in book 1. They have defeated the Stag King, but there are some areas to explore. While the recruitment runs I am going to review what is left and then we will plan to hit the key scenes before moving to Book 2.

Character Creation:
We are using the original character creation rules.

Characters begin at level 4.

Abilities. Use the following array: 15, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12.
Traits: 3 traits, one must be a Kingmaker campaign trait. No drawbacks.

Races: This is a tough one, I don't want to limit this too much. I had a great time playing a suli. Monster races are out of course. No goblins, no kobolds, no strix, no full-blood orcs, etc. Your kingdom will be mostly populated by humans, so races that can pass as human are best, but races that are allies to humans should be fine.

Alignment: I place minimal emphasis on alignment. However, I'm not at all interested in running an evil campaign, so no evil alignments. Your character should be a good team player, regardless of alignment.

PS: The current group leans towards chaotic, but as long as you can get along with the group and are non-evil it should not be an issue.

Background skills in play.

Starting wealth is 6000 GP.

About Me:
I have a few decades of GMing in person and a few years now running synchronous online games. This is my first crack at a PBP. My general philosophy is that it is good for players to have their toys and to use them as long as it doesn't prevent others from having their fun and it falls neatly into how the rules work.

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

Chapter 1- The Beast

The group was hired to go deep into the ruins of Karak Azgul and scout the area as word had reached the Dwarf Holds that a growing power was rising in the ruins of the once great dwarven city, which now lies in ruins. As the group began to explore the ancient halls, they found them filled with all manner of foul beasts. The adventurers were quickly overwhelmed and trapped by the greenskin forces led by the Goblin Warlord Ugrul Headsticaka.

At first, all seemed lost for the brave adventures, but the Goblin Warlord had the party dragged before him after several days in the dank, dark ruins. ”Ah wan’ some entertainin’.” the Goblin spat out at you, ”You’s has a chance to save yer skin. Ah goin’ ta haz’ the boyz let ya go at the beginin’ of a tunnel and if you’s manage to fight yer way through to the fightin’ pit an beyond then you’s can get out. If not, then you’s corpses will make mighty fine eatin’. Whad yous say? Yous wanna play mah game or jus' die now?” The Goblin Warlord lets out a shrill maniacal laugh as it looks you over with a cunning glint in its eyes.

Each of us have had our weapons, armor and equipment stripped from us, but we are otherwise unhurt.

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

Apparently, I did goof up the last Gameplay, so I am starting over.

I apparently goofed stuff up, so lets try this again.


I am starting up my first campaign on here and it won't let me post to Gameplay. I am not sure the Gameplay is attached to the rest of the boards because when I go into edit the campaign there is a link that if the Discussion and Recruitment are the wrong threads, but not one for Gameplay.

Any advice on how to fix this? The campaign is here.

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

I have created a new Avatar to run with. So lets do this!

Things to Know.

Death and Dying
At 0 wounds your character is unconscious. You do not go past 0.

If a character is at 0 at the end of the turn. They die.

Almost all healing in the game is instantaneous and can be done at any point. Unless stated otherwise, healing requires you to be adjacent to the Hero you want to heal.

So if a character is dropped in the Monster Phase, an adjacent character could use a potion or bandage to get them back up. Or magical means of healing a Hero/everyone on the Tile can be used to get Hero’s back up regardless of where the two characters are located on the tile.

Generally, if you die you are out of the dungeon until the party goes to town and recruits a new guy, assuming the party can not raise the dead. As a pbp, this would not be effective or fun. Instead a new character(s) can join as soon as the battle is completed. The portion of the Loot/Healing GP and any treasures given to the character or that would have been given to the character are packed up to give to the next of kin and the new character can join up as a lost adventurer in the dungeon as we continue on.


I plan to make liberal use of the Spoilers just to keep the gameplay screen looking clean and in town I recommend everyone use Spoilers for the same reason. With that being said, feel free to read all the items behind Spoilers if you want to. Some of them should be pretty funny and it will let you track what is happening. I just don’t want to clog the boards constantly with 20 monsters attacking. In a normal table, I would generally have you roll the attacks against you. But to keep things running smoothly, I will handle the Monster Phase as quickly as I can after the last player posts, or 48 hours have gone by.

Vote on Events and Doors

In the base game you only get monsters or events in rooms, not corridors. I like to pull for any door that is open, but this can make the dungeon more dangerous as you face more monsters. Do we want to get events at every door or just the room doors?

Treasure Cards

I will be placing treasure cards on the second slide of the Dungeon and Treasure Cards link. Whoever carries the Lantern, currently it looks like I will start as the Lantern Bearer, will distribute them evenly among the party. So all four players must get 1 treasure before anyone can get a second treasure. Everyone will have the opportunity to be the Lantern Bearer to keep this fair and even.

We can, of course, discuss who should get treasure, and there are some classes that can override the will of the Lantern Bearer. But whoever is carrying the Lantern makes the final decision on distributions.

Tracking Resources

I have played in many games and I have found the GM tracking HPs makes things smooth. So I will track all of the Wounds in the post for the Monsters Phase. This way we are all aware of where people are as we go into the end of the turn in case we need to do some emergency healing.

I am not infallible though. So if you have questions about my math or my attack distribution, please ask.

Tracked resources like a Wizards innate stored magic, the Witch Hunters charges on his amulets, etc. will be tracked by the players. Please try and update your count as soon as you use it and have it in the character line so we can see it as we play.

Dark Archive

I am interested in running a campaign for Warhammer Quest. I will be playing one of the characters in the campaign.

Warhammer Quest creates random dungeons that a group of Heroes of the Old World explore to reach the Dungeon Room and complete the primary objective of the dungeon. They then take the perilous trip back to civilization where they face the dangers of urban life in the Empire before fleeing back to the next monster filled dungeon. During all three stages events can occur which we will roleplay. This game is a d6 game that uses the combat system from Warhammer Fantasy.

The party normally has 4 members, but I can update the maps to allow up to 6 players. Character choices will mainly be first come, first serve and character choices will largely be decided once the table is together so you do not need to plan a character until we get the table together.

Home Rules:

I will be using some home rules when I run this campaign:

- Only one of a given Hero type can be in a given group. No full group of wizards.

- Max Hit Points, Max Magic Points at 1st level. Roll from level 2 on, but you can reroll a 1 once each time you roll Hit points or Magic points.

- All gold from Healing and Slain monsters will be added together by the GM and then divided evenly among the party. Any Events, Treasures, and non-Healing class skills that generate gold will go only to the single character.

- Lantern Bearer- The Lantern Bearer will change each dungeon and all players (included myself) will have the chance to be the Lantern Bearer. We will go in order of Initiative and then roll off to determine who gets the Lantern, unless the Barbarian is in the party. If there is a Barbarian he will always have the option to be the first Lantern Bearer. The Lantern Bearer must have a free hand to carry the Lantern and is responsible for exploring the next dungeon room, which means they open the door. A Hero is not required to carry the Lantern if they do not wish to. It will simply fall to the next character in order. The Lantern Bearer will, usually, be responsible for determining who gets the treasure we find in the Dungeon.

- The Lantern Bearer cannot willingly assassinate other characters. The Lantern lights up one room in either direction of the Lantern Bearer. If a character is left on a room that loses light they are lost forever in the dark dungeon. Although events in the battle may force the Lantern Bearer to move, they can never willingly leave someone to die in the shadows. Generally speaking, its important for all characters to try and be in the same room.

- Since this will be an ongoing campaign, treasure totals will cross dungeons. In the base game you have to divide normal treasure evenly in the dungeon, but we will continue this so that if there are characters who received one extra treasure in comparison to other Heroes they will start the next dungeon as having their first treasure choice. This is also true of Dungeon Room treasure. Everyone must get one before a character can get another.

- Trading or selling items between group members is perfectly acceptable as long as both players agree. Loaning money in towns is also acceptable.

- Death happens. If a Hero dies or the player wishes to restart their character for any reason they can as soon as the group reaches a settlement. The limit of one per Hero type will remain in effect and the new character will always start at level 1 with no treasure cards. But don't worry. New characters level up fast, or die tragically, when in higher level groups.

- When rolling for Skills or Spells characters can roll twice and take the option they prefer. If both Skill options have already been learned by the Hero, then the player can re-roll one of the Skill rolls. If they still hit a skill they already have then the player gains d6 hit dice instead of the skill.
- Characters can have a maximum of 10 non-potion or scroll magic items when they leave town. If a character cannot get to a place to sell their items then they can "store" any items above their maximum until they manage to get into town.

There are a few other ideas I am kicking around. If we get a group together we can discuss them.


There are a variety of classes that were produced by GW. The following classes are allowed into the game. Some are listed as recommended, and some are not. If the class is not listed, it will probably not be allowed.

Bounty Hunter
Bretonnian Knight
Dwarf Warrior
Dwarf Slayer
Elf Ranger (I am claiming this class)
Elf Wardancer
Imperial Noble
Pit Fighter
Warrior Priest
Witch Hunter
Wizard [The Wizard can choose Cure Small Wounds (Spell Level 1) in place of one their rolled spells if they wish]

Not Recommended but Allowed
Chaos Knight
Druid of Albion [The Druid of Albion can choose Cure Small Wounds (Spell Level 1) in place of one their rolled spells if they wish]
Dwarf Brewmaster
Ex-Blood Bowl Player
Halfling Thief
Ogre [The whole group must agree on traveling with an Ogre. The Ogre cannot take a turn carrying the lantern]

Player Expectations- This is a dungeon crawl and if we are not careful it will start to drag. I plan for this to move pretty quickly so that it keeps going. The expectation is for each player to post once a day. If a player does not post within 48 hours, I will roll for you based on your common actions. Players will be encouraged to specify general orders that they would try and accomplish. We will have 7 real life days to do everything you want in a city before returning to the dungeon.

Once we start we can play with these timelines some after we see how it works. But we do want to make sure that we don't loose momentum if possible.