GM_Coreyllon |

I just took over a Kingmaker campaign and we are looking for one more character. I hope to keep the recruitment open for a week since there is only one spot left. The game was built using some unique character creation rules (located below) and we will be following them.
Also please include a brief history of how you came to the area and why you would be looking for potential allies. I am not looking for novels, just a reason to be there and care.
This has been a pretty slow moving campaign. I hope to get it moving at a more reasonable clip moving forward so that we can see the story unfold.
The group is still in book 1. They have defeated the Stag King, but there are some areas to explore. While the recruitment runs I am going to review what is left and then we will plan to hit the key scenes before moving to Book 2.
Characters begin at level 4.
Abilities. Use the following array: 15, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12.
Traits: 3 traits, one must be a Kingmaker campaign trait. No drawbacks.
Races: This is a tough one, I don't want to limit this too much. I had a great time playing a suli. Monster races are out of course. No goblins, no kobolds, no strix, no full-blood orcs, etc. Your kingdom will be mostly populated by humans, so races that can pass as human are best, but races that are allies to humans should be fine.
Alignment: I place minimal emphasis on alignment. However, I'm not at all interested in running an evil campaign, so no evil alignments. Your character should be a good team player, regardless of alignment.
PS: The current group leans towards chaotic, but as long as you can get along with the group and are non-evil it should not be an issue.
Background skills in play.
Starting wealth is 6000 GP.